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I just finished Hazbin Hotel here’s a tier list I made for the characters.
#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel#hazbin lucifer#hazbin vox#hazbin angel dust#hazbin charlie#hazbin husk#hazbin adam#tier list
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Seeing Marinette and Adrien as parents would be amazing. I just saw an episode where Plagg sneaks out and Adrien isn’t angry because he knows how it feels to be confined. He’s gonna be such a great dad
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Does anyone know if there's a follow-up fanfiction to the fanfiction Hindsight by elephreak? Like a fanfiction of the fanfiction where Peter is just dealing with the trauma and Tony’s helping.
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I just cae up with the perfect Irondad Spiderson fanfiction idea. Everyone writes fanfictions where Peter is the one to get jealous over Harley, but what if it was the other way around. Like what if Harley saw that Peter was Tony’s personal assistant and he got jealous because he also is just a poor kid with a single guardian raising him. But instead of Tony choosing to mentor him, he chose some kid from Queens. And if Harley went on a jealous rage and during that rage found out Peter was Spider-Man. That would be perfect super villain torture fic potential.
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What Your Favorite MLP Character Says About You
As a disclaimer, everything I say is to be taken as a joke. If you get offended or upset, I’m sorry.
If Twilight is your favorite character, you are the very basic “I’m not like other girls” person. You like dark academia, tumblr, and probably hang fairy lights around your room. You like to believe that you’re the main character and you also often brag about your artistic talent, but then get annoyed when other people do it. You are also probably “the mom friend” in your friendship group and always try to resolve problems your friends have. You will carry a book with you everywhere and proceed to complain about cell phones, while at the same time spending all night on Tumblr posting art you make.
If Pinkie Pie is your favorite character, you probably have some sort of ADHD. You are one of the few people who still reads stories on Wattpad past middle school, but you really only read the crack fics. You still watch Vines on Youtube like Vine is still popular and you like trolling people on the internet. You have a separate meme account on every social media platform you use and all your friends will often use the phrase “you need to chill” whenever you literally say or do anything.
If Rainbow Dash is your favorite character, you haven’t grown past your teenage phase, but you don’t want to admit it. You like the aesthetic of being a sporty person, but the only time you’ve ever done something close to sports was in your high school gym class. Your go to app on your phone is Twitter and you keep downloading health apps, then deleting them the next day because you can’t keep up with routine. You keep all your emotions locked inside and because of that you have major breakdowns out of nowhere. You jump in and out of the My Little Pony fandom like a bi-polar person handles their emotions. And let’s be honest, you’re a cat person.
If Applejack is your favorite character, you are one of the few, possibly only person you know who can actually listen to country music and enjoy it. You either live or grew up on a farm. Or you just like the aesthetic. You work really hard with whatever you do and you like to start arguments because it’s fun. You probably use Youtube on your phone the most and will tell people it’s only to learn new things, when in reality you secretly watch something like ASMR or Mukbang videos.
If Rarity is your favorite character, you are most definitely associated with theatre in some way or another. You use Instagram religiously and you care very much about what you look like. You are also probably extremely dramatic, to the point where it annoys people. You are also one of those people who make it a big deal if you take a picture of them without them knowing beforehand.
If Fluttershy is your favorite character, you are probably known as the “innocent” one in your friend group. You like using Pinterest and know the whole dictionary of aesthetics. You still watch Disney movies well into your adult life and you like cabincore the most. You probably make jewelry or wear excessive amounts of it. You also have a weird obsession with mushrooms and frogs.
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How Did You Get Fanfiction Troupe Ideas?
I’ll start.
A lot of my fanfiction ideas for Irondad Spiderson usually either come from the tv show House and I’ll base something Peter is going through on something a patient in the show is going through. Another way I’ll get ideas are from horror movies. Like whenever I write torture fics, I always use elements from The Black Phone. I’ll also get ideas from just scenes in the movies. Like for example, the scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming when he gets crushed by the building and he makes it out fine. I write fanfictions based off of that scene, like what if Peter never got out, what if he sustained more worse injuries, what if he had trauma and nightmares from that event.
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My Least And Most Favorite Irondad Spiderson Tropes
Favorite Irondad Spiderson Fanfiction Tropes
Anorexic Peter/Peter with an eating disorder- I read this really cool one, I don’t remember the name or the author, but inside of it, Peter was purging himself and he wouldn’t eat anything with bread for some reason. Tony finds out because Peter passes out while going on a run.
Abusive partner/Guardian- My absolute two favorites of these fics are “Please Understand” by Jipseebree and “Hindsight,” by elphreak they are masterpieces. I originally read those like five years ago, and I recently read them again. I really recommend them if they also like that trope.
Caring for the other person after a bad fight- I don’t really have any recommendations for this one, but I do really like this trope. It’s always so heartwarming.
Sickfic- I love this one. Especially when Tony gets called to Peter’s school to pick him up.
Cuddles- Literally what I live for. It’s so cute, especially if they’re watching movies together.
Intoxicated Peter/Tony- I read one of these where Peter gets intoxicated on a roof and tries to jump off it, but Tony stops him.
Peter being scared and confused in hospital- I don’t know any good ones for this one either, but I’ve read so many of these and they’re so good. I remember reading one a while back where Peter ends up ripping the IV’s out of himself while trying to run away.
Concussions- There aren’t many of these and I wish there were more. I love this one, especially when Peter confuses Tony with his Uncle Ben and he has a breakdown.
One of Tony’s suits gets hacked- I read one, I think it was called “Taxi” where Tony’s suit gets hacked and Tony has to watch the suit beat up Peter.
Peter staying at the lakehouse with the Stark family to deal with something traumatic (ex. After Far From Home, After May dies, Bad time settling in college ect.)- I also love these. I read one where Peter comes to stay with Tony after Far From Home and Tony has to remind Peter every few minutes that he’s not in an illusion or else Peter has a breakdown.
Torture fics- I’m reading this one called “Someday (I’ll make it out of here)” by the-color-pomegranet. It is literally the best torture fic I’ve read. It’s like forty something chapters, but I promise it’s worth it.
The Avengers make fun of Peter and Tony gets angry at them- I read one of these where they make fun of Peter for not knowing how to shave and so Peter tries to shave on his own. He ends up cutting himself and so Tony steps in and shows him how to shave.
Least Favorite Troupes
Baby Peter- I would like them if they all weren’t written similar with Peter doing something that normal Peter does all the time, but Tony is scared about bc he’s a baby, like Peter crawling on the ceiling and Tony trying to get him down in fear of him getting hurt
Field Trip/Peter’s friends meeting Tony- I used to like this trope, but I feel like it’s been a bit overdone. I also honestly think if Peter actually visited the Tower/Compound with his class or friends, Tony and the other Avengers would just treat Peter like another kid visiting the tower/compound in fear of giving away his identity.
Movie Night with Avengers- I also feel like this trope has also been overdone and they all are similar. It’s just the Avengers cooing over Peter or telling Tony he’s such a dad and in these fics in particular, Tony always ends up having custom made pajamas for him and Peter that are Spider-Man or Iron Man onesies.
Harley and Peter being siblings- I honestly don’t know why I don’t like this one. I have a similar opinion on the fics with Nebula or Wanda being his older sisters. I think it’s just bc I feel like those characters wouldn’t get along with Peter’s bubbly additude. Harley is usually written as a grudge emo boy, Nebula is really cold, and Wanda is always in a sad depressed mood in the most recent movies. Like I could see Peter and Morgan getting along bc they have similar bubbly personalities.
Fics that take place during olden times- I don’t really like these ones, like the medieval, old wild west, and just writing them in the past. I feel like it takes away from their characters. Especially with Tony since his whole personality is based around him being a genius with futuristic technology.
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How I Feel About The Characters In Bojack Horseman (SPOILERS)
Bojack Horseman- When I watched the first season I used to relate to him and would have the same belief he did that everyone in the tv show was just wronging him. It wasn’t until the second season that I lost this belief and realized how much of a not very good person he was. Now I find him one of the characters in the show that annoyingly remind me of myself and I have trouble really even liking his character at all.
Todd Chavez- One of my favorite characters. I met a boy in my high school who acted just like him and it was nuts. He is so nice and so forgiving to everyone. He even forgives Bojack in the end, which is a boss move. And as someone who is asexual and as someone who has dated people who were also asexual, I really like how they depicted Todd. They didn’t make him super standoffish and unable to show any love or support to anyone. But I also like how they really showed how it’s like being ace and hard it is explaining to people who aren’t really ace.
Diane Nguyen- I can relate to her as a writer and being raised in a household of boys and constantly being ridiculed or called dumb for having emotions, even though I’m the only person in my household who’s graduated. Her character really resinated with me on a personal and emotional level. I really like her evolution throughout the series and other than Bojack, I honestly feel like she has been one of the characters with the most things changing about her from the very beginning. It also is very nice to see her finally feel some what happy and it gives me hope that someday I could be happy like her too.
Mr. Peanutbutter- My older brother and my high school theatre teacher acted like Mr. Peanutbutter. He is the only character in a tv show that isn’t human that I’ve found myself attracted to. That sounds weird especially after I said he reminds me of my older brother and my high school theatre teacher. Just wanted to clarify that I am NOT attracted to my brother or my high school theatre teacher, they just have the same not wanting to deal with any type of conflict thing Mr. Peanutbutter has.
Sarah Lynn- Sarah Lynn was like how Mimi was to RENT as she is to Bojack Horseman. She was the character who was a victum of drugs. The only difference was that she didn’t have a man named Roger to sing her back to life when she OD in the planetarium. She was the marder of the show and I think the writers did an amazing job at showing how addiction to drugs effects people and their relationships with other people. I have had several family members who are much older than me to family members who are so much younger than me that have gone through addiction. And Bojack Horseman couldn’t have shown it more accuately than with Sarah Lynn.
Princess Caroline- I personally didn’t have many opinions about Princess Caroline. Most people that have also seen the show that I’ve talked to either really like her because she’s a symbol of a strong empowering single mother, which is why my older brother likes her. And other people say she’s a terrible person because she’s an agent who gets people famous and that it’s her fault for most of the character’s downfalls. I personally don’t have really any strong opinions about her. I do have family members who can’t have kids and adopted instead and I do like how Bojack Horseman showed how adoption works and really went into detail of how it’s like being a single mother. I also really like how at the end of the tv show it turned out Vanessa Gecko actually didn’t hate her at all and it was just one sided jealously from Princess Caroline.
Beatrice Horseman- I have very mixed feelings about Beatrice. As someone who grew up in a household and with a family full of child abusers and people who have histories of being abusive to their spouses, I really didn’t like that part of Beatrice. A lot of people disagree with me when I say I don’t like her character and they blame it on her past and her childhood. But like Todd said to Bojack, you can’t blame all your problems and your behavior on your past to make you feel better about yourself. And if you hold Bojack to that, you also have to hold Beatrice to that. Sure, Beatrice wasn’t planning on getting pregnant or marrying Bojack’s dad, but it still doesn’t justify her actions. I did like how at the end she kind of accepts what she did wrong. I really liked that about her character. I also really like her character before she got married or had Bojack. So I don’t entierly hate her character, just like how I don’t entierly hate Bojack’s behavior, but I do feel like she did do wrong and she can’t just cover it up with saying she had a bad childhood.
My absolute favorite characters are two sides characters. I really liked Kelsey, the lesbian director who got fired. I thought it was cool how they depicted a lesbian and again a single mother. I also really liked the episode where Diane has to watch Kelsey’s daughter and Diane gets annoyed with how feministic her daughter is even though she was just like that as a teenager too. I also liked Penny. I was in a situation when I was still in high school that was close to the situation she was in where I ended up going on a date with a creepy guy who was much older than me. It kind of messed me up even though we didn’t do anything too serious and I agreed to going on a date with him, it still was pretty traumatizing. I really liked how they showed how she dealt with it in a realistic way and not just from Bojack’s prospective of it.
Basically, Bojack Horseman is one of the better shows made by Netflix that talks about real world problems. Who would have thought that the company that made tv shows like 13 Reasons Why and Ginny and Georgia would come out with such a master piece. And I don’t mean to upset anyone who enjoys the tv shows 13 Reasons Why or Ginny and Georgia.
#netflix#bojack horseman#todd chavez#diane nguyen#mr. peanutbutter#sarah lynn#princess caroline#beatrice horseman
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How I Feel About Different Fanfiction Tropes
Emotional Hurt/Comfort: This one can either be good or bad, no in between. The ones I really don’t like in honestly any type of media is the misunderstanding ones, where character A thinks character B said something or did something when it was the total opposite. They just annoy me bc it’s like just talk to each other. The emotional hurt/comfort I really like though are the ones where character A slips up and says something hurtful to character B, either during a heated argument or just character A isn’t very good at saying the right things in conversation and they say something hurtful that they don’t realize is hurtful. From there character B internalizes it and character A finds out and they talk about it leading to some heartwarming cuddles or just a nice talk where character A just showers character B with praise and compliments.
Torturing One Character In Front Of The Other: Again, this trope can either be really good or really bad. Though I have read some that are a little in between. I really don’t like it when the stakes aren’t that high or when the characters don’t feel very threatened. I know that sounds bad. The ones I really like reading are like the ones where there’s an actual threat between the two. Like character A has so many days to give something to someone or character B gets hurt. Another one I’m a huge sucker for are the ones where character B gets told character A isn’t looking for them and doesn’t care about them, so character B kind of just gives up on escaping only for character A to rescue them. I also really like the ones that are acurate to how the characters would act after getting out of that situation. Like it actually shows the long period of time where they have to deal with their problems and get actual help. I really don’t like it when they have no counselors helping them and instead just get better by helping each other out. Unless one of the characters has a degree in counseling or is a counselor, it makes no sense as to how the characters can get better over time without any help. An example of how I like the characters being depicted after being tortured for however long is like character A can’t stop wanting to constantly be around character B bc they’re scared character B will get captured again. And character B is scared of people they don’t know because they now have trust issues. Sorry this one is very long, I just read a lot of fanfictions that just gloss over the stage where the characters are getting better and they just magically are over it within a couple weeks when in reality it would take months maybe years for them to get better.
I would like to say as a fanfiction writer myself, I’m not a very good writer. I make a lot of mistakes and it’s always good to take a step back from the fanfictions you don’t like and think about it in a more human way. Like maybe this is the first fanfiction this writer has written. Or maybe they haven’t written about this fandom before. Or maybe they’ve written a lot of fanfiction and they know they’re not good at it, but they’re trying to get better. I honestly don’t like reading fanfictions on Wattpad bc I personally just don’t think they’re very good and a lot of the writing styles on there just aren’t my thing. But I still like supporting the people on Wattpad bc that was where I first started writing fanfiction. It’s kind of a lot like the acting world. A common thing that actors are told to do and often do end up doing is to help out the underdogs. To take them under their wing and show them how to get better at acting. I feel like any type of writing is also like that. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and think about how you were when you first started and help out those writers who are struggling. That doesn’t mean you can’t critisize their work and correct them. But it also doesn’t mean you can be mean to them and just simply treat them differently bc their fanfictions aren’t as good as others you’ve read. In this post alone I’ve misspelt a lot of words and I’m willing to accept that. I’m not the best at spelling and I’m fine with people critizising that and telling me I need to work on it, because it is something I need to work on. But what wouldn’t help me get better at spelling was if someone just told me that my spelling sucked and that they weren’t going to read any more of my posts because they didn’t like my spelling. Sure, that would be perfectly reasonable and would be that person’s opinion, but it wouldn’t help me in the long run get better at spelling. If that person were to instead leave in the comments how to spell those words correctly, they could still voice their opinion openly about how they don’t like reading my posts. But at the same time would be helping me get better. Something I’ve learned in the theatre classes I’ve taken is that it’s good when correcting someone to not only point out their flaws, but also point out the things they did good. So the person you’re correcting can’t get both the flaws and the good things they did. And if that person decides to only look at the flaws or only look at the positives, that’s their choice. But at least you tried to help them and that’s what really matters. I know this is pretty annoying that I went on a giant rant about how to correct someone in a way that isn’t hurtful, but I honestly think it’s something that can really help people in both situations of being a fanfiction writer or reader. If you did read this whole post thank you.
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Irondad Spiderson Fanfiction Idea
Tony Stark and Peter Parker wake up in a dangerous city. They don't know where they are, they have no phones on them, they're out of money, and to make everything ten times worse a gang believes Tony is a pimp and is selling Peter. Will they survive?
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What the Avengers would bring for an everything but a backpack day in school.
Tony Stark- An Ironman helmet
Bruce Banner- A lab cart
Thor- A cloth bag
Steve Rogers- A duffel bag
Natasha Romanov- A suit case
Clint Barton- An arrow pouch
Peter Parker- A Hello Kitty children's suitcase
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Cute Irondad Spiderson Fanfiction Ideas
Peter falls asleep in Tony's lab. Several different people come in to talk to Tony only for Tony to tell them to leave/talk quieter since Peter is trying to sleep.
Peter's car breaks down and Tony stops everything he's doing to figure out what's wrong with it and fix the problem.
Peter is playing in a field or rolling down a hill when he gets stung by a bee. Peter doesn't mind it too much but Tony makes it a huge deal.
Peter goes into shock after falling off a ladder and not catching himself in time. Tony helps him calm down and breathe.
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Dark Irondad Spiderson Fanfiction Ideas
Peter Parker doesn’t know Tony Stark and is instead a homeless/foster kid with daddy issues. When he gets bit by the spider he uses his powers to stalk Tony and his family secretly. All the dad things Tony does for Morgan, Peter wishes Tony would do for him. The fic ends with Peter getting arrested or put into a mental institution after Tony finds out.
Aunt May dies but instead of Tony being allowed to adopt Peter, Peter is sent to a random foster home. After Peter’s new gaurdians find out about his and Tony’s relationship, they aren’t very happy about it. They end up putting a restraining order against Tony that he can’t fight against, when Peter goes to see him without their permission. Just overall sad.
Peter and Tony both survive the snap and instead of Natasha and Clint being sent to get the soul stone it’s them. Basically a fic of each of them trying to save the other but of course one of them dies and the other survives.
Peter starts abusing substances and goes crazy, while Tony is stuck trying to fix his kid who doesn’t want help.
Either Peter or Tony go through some kind of torture/brain washing that makes them attack the other.
Aunt May dies and Peter stays with Tony immediatly after the events of cival war. Tony slowly devolves into a raging alcoholic and Peter is stuck fending for himself.
(Sorry if some of these are too dark. I decided to switch things up a bit since I usually like to focus on the fluffier softer side of Irondad Spiderson fanfictions)
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How I Found The Irondad Spiderson Fandom
I came across Irondad Spiderson fanfictions when I was just scrolling on Youtube after I had recently gotten my first smart phone. It was late at night. At the time I was a HUGE Miraculous fan so I was honestly just looking for a good Ladynoir comic dub. But I came across this video called “Weirdest Stony Fanfiction Ever.” I had a cousin who introduced me to fanfiction when I was visiting her during Winter Break the year before. So I knew what fanfiction was. It had a thumbnail of fanart of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Being the thirteen year old that I was, I became very interested by this. Mostly because I had never actually seen a gay couple before because of the very conservative place I was raised. I clicked on the video and it was two guys reading a very “interesting” fanfiction about Stony. They mentioned that they were reading it off of So I googled the site on my phone and went through the Marvel section, reading every fanfiction I could find. Later that week, my dad took me to Infinity War, which I was very confused by because the only Marvel film I had seen was Age Of Ultron. Mostly because my parents being conservative, called the Marvel movies “guy movies” and assumed that I would be uninterested. But after watching Infinity War, I gained a love for Doctor Strange and how much smarter he was then everyone else. I’m not joking, I would have arguments with the people at my middle school about how Tony Stark was stupid and Doctor Strange was smarter than him. Boy, was I wrong. They put Doctor Strange on Netflix so I was finally able to see his orgin story. It was a video on Youtube talking about how the MCU Spider-Man sucked that gained my interest to watch the new Spider-Man movie. So I watched it on Youtube. After watching it, I started searching fanfictions on Fanfiction.Net about Spider-Man. I found this really graphic one that is still burnt in my brain where him and MJ were kidnapped and the only way they could escape was if Peter cut off his arm. But along that fanfiction, I came across one called “The Tales Of Irondad and his Spiderson.” And through that fanfiction I became an Irondad Spiderson fan. The End. (Sorry if this was super long)
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Zodiac Signs Either Cats Or Dogs
Aries- Dog
Taurus- Cat
Gemini- Dog
Cancer- Dog
Leo- Cat
Virgo- Cat
Libra- Dog
Scorpio- Cat
Sagittarius- Dog
Capricorn- Dog
Aquarius- Cat
Pisces- Dog
#Zodiac Signs#aries#taurus#Gemini#Cancer#leo#virgo#libra#scorpio#Sagitarius#Capricorn#Aquarius#Pisces#cats#dogs
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MCU Tony Stark VS Irondad Tony Stark
Basically, I really like Irondad Spiderson Fanfictions so I thought through a ton of classic Irondad Spiderson troupes and how the real MCU Tony Stark would deal with them vs the Irondad Tony Stark. I also put some of RDJ into MCU Tony Stark because as a thespian and theatre nerd, I know that actors really put themselves into their characters.
MCU Tony Stark- Sends Karen a video to show Peter how to do his own stitches and get blood out of carpeting, Doesn’t get close to Peter afterwards other than asking Friday his vitals to make sure he didn’t die
Irondad Tony Stark- Picks up Peter from where ever had had been stabbed, Stitches up Peter’s wound himself to make sure he doesn’t get an infection, Checks in with him constantly afterwards to make sure the wound heals nicely and to make sure he doesn’t do that again
MCU Tony Stark- Sends SHEILD or his large group of Iron Man suits to retrieve him, Meets him at an airport afterwards with Happy to make sure he made it back without any serious injuries then just goes back to whatever he was doing before
Irondad Tony Stark- Freaks out and sends whatever ransom money they want, Personally goes there himself to give the captors a piece of his mind, Reminds Peter that he doesn’t know what he’d do without him before preceding to tell a very dramatic story of when he was kidnapped
Staying The Night:
MCU Tony Stark- Unsure as to why Peter would be staying with Tony but let’s just say Peter recently got into trouble and so Aunt May doesn’t trust him by himself for a weekend while she goes on a trip to wherever, Tony has Peter sleep in one of the many guest bedrooms and honestly doesn’t care what he does, Really just treats him like any other Avenger that he lives with, In the morning he tells Peter where the poptarts and cereal is and to help himself
Irondad Tony Stark- Has a Star Wars marathon until ten which is Peter’s bedtime, If Peter’s already fallen asleep he carries him to bed and may even end up falling asleep next to him, In the morning he makes him pancakes
MCU Tony Stark- Tony Stark doesn’t usually just waltz into Peter’s life unless their is something big going on in the MCU, So he honestly wouldn’t really even know Peter is sick, To make it make more sense I’ll say he’s sick while on patrol, Tony would probably have Happy call him to remind him that it’s dangerous to operate as Spider-Man while sick and tell him he should probably just stay home for the night, If Peter didn’t listen in Peter fashion he’d send small reminders through Karen to go home, If Peter continued to just not listen he’d probably call Peter and threaten to take his suit if he didn’t go home
Irondad Tony Stark- Tony would have Peter stay with him as he took care of him, Giving him cute petnames as he violently threw up and was just grossly sick
Broken Bone:
MCU Tony Stark- Would send Happy to check it out, If it was serious he’d have Peter see Dr. Cho like he’d have any other Avenger see, After that he’d pay attention to his vitals to make sure he doesn’t die of infection, If he needed physical therapy he’d probably show up to Peter’s sessions but would hide out in the background
Irondad Tony Stark- Would immediately rush Peter to MedBay and would have him be X-Rayed several times, Would stay in the room as they set the bone, Then would help Peter through all his physical therapy sessions
Mental Health Problems (Ex. Depression, Anxiety):
MCU Tony Stark- Would stay out of those issues for the most part, If he did ever get involved it would be similar to the awkward speech he was trying to give on the ferry over the phone during Homecoming, Something like I’m not a therapist and I don’t trust myself to be one so I’m gonna hire you someone instead, He’d then probably have Happy escort him to the sessions but other than that would probably leave it up to May to deal with his mental health problems
Irondad Tony Stark- Would become a therapist that Peter could talk to all the time, Would have Bruce manufacture some sort of medication Peter could take to help cope with the problems, Would check in daily with him to make sure he’s okay
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Rating Teachers From Different Subjects On How Well They Deal With Students Having Panic Attacks
(A lot of these are my personal experience from two different high schools I went to, pls don’t get mad at me)
Math Teachers- Just pauses what they’re doing to watch it happen until it’s over then just goes back to whatever they were doing. 2/10
English Teachers- “Let’s step out into the hallway.” Stands and watches you intently in the hallway until it’s over. 4/10
History Teachers- “Step outside and come back in when you’re ready.” 7/10
Science Teachers- Stares at you from across the class then asks you about it casually the next day. 5/10
Gym Teachers- Super overdramatic and acts like you’re dying which doesn’t help AT ALL. -100/10
Theatre Teachers- Literal gods when dealing with panic attacks tho they can get a bit too into your personal space. 100/10
Music Teachers- Does the basic step by step way to stop a panic attack. 9/10
Dance Teachers- Ignores you or yells at you for having a panic attack. -1000/10
#panic attacks#teachers#math teachers#english teachers#history teachers#science teachers#gym teachers#art teachers#theatre teachers#music teachers#dance teachers
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