Hey, honey, you could be my drug, you could be my new prescription. Too much could be an overdose- all this trash talk make me itchin'... Oh my, my, everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks too much. 18 | Honor Roll | Addict | Northlake RP
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“go and walk past a few drunk guys and i’m sure someone will ask.” she said with a chuckle.
“I think I’ll pass,” she said and handed Rosie a shot. “here you are.”
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“honestly i’ve had that question so many times – being a redhead is hard.” she said with a chuckle.
Willa laughed like she understood, but then realized she wasn’t acting like herself. “You know, I’ve never gotten that question,” she said with a chuckle. “Weird, right?”
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Willa glanced up and grimaced at Rosie’s bad experiences. “Uh, you got it,” Willa said, grabbing a shot glass and the nearest bottle of vodka. “That sucks about the drunk idiots.”
“i’ve had about four drunk idiots tonight ask me if they could check to see if the carpet matches the drapes – so yes pour me like eight shots please.”
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Willa glanced in her direction, weighing that response. It might not matter to Lucy, but for Willa it was everything. She decided to skip past that and chuckled. “That’s pretty smart,” she said with a smile, going back to her notes. She was good at multitasking. “I’m not really like that.”
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Willa pursed her lips, but that was a good point. “Yeah, I guess so. Alright, fine. What’s next, Captain?”
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“Oh my god,” Willa groaned, leaning her head back. “That’s just what I need.” She sighed, looking up at Teagan again. “How do you destress? I’m terrible at it. I just get distracted by other more stressful things I have to do.”
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She liked that look of surprise in his eyes. The last thing she ever wanted to be was boring and recently she’d felt like that was it for her. But this was exciting. She hopped on behind him and answered, “Evercrest, up on the hill.”
Willa tilted her head, considering it. “I don’t know, actually.” Her mouth twisted slightly until it turned into a full-on grin. “Let’s find out, huh?” She put on the helmet and smiled broadly at him. “And thank you for the ride.”
Liam was a little surprised that the girl was so prepared to take on her parents like that, but he chuckled and turned on the bike. “No problem,” he chuckled, revving up the engine. “Tell me how to get there?”
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Willa almost laughed and took the water, shaking her head. “I’m not a little kid, I’m just a little stressed,” she murmured.
Willa blew air out of her cheeks, wishing she could do just that. But it wasn’t easy, especially when she’d popped another Adderall only half an hour ago. “Thanks, T. I don’t mean to be so… Overbearing.”
“Hey, no problem.” Teagan held out a bottle of water for her, “You just care about your grades, nothing wrong with that, but I want you to take care of yourself too.”
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“Maybe that’s because they agree with me, and that’s why they haven’t bothered to speak up to say otherwise,” he said. The boy leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look as resolute as possible.
“If that’s the case, they should be backing you up, since I’m going to win this argument otherwise. Right? Right,” she said with finality, putting down her pen. “I’m not going to get lazy just because I have good grades. And you shouldn’t be lazy if yours aren’t good either.”
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He looked at the redhead as she tensed up and her lips thinned, clearly unhappy with him and what he was saying. “You really ought to loosen up,” he told her, despite the fact she was willing to compromise, “because you’re likely to get stuck that way if you keep it up.” It was a wives tale, but it made his point. “Why don’t you just go with the majority of what the group wants, just this once? It’s not gonna kill you. And I highly doubt it’ll impact your grade.”
“You’re just so funny,” Willa muttered sarcastically. She was miffed that he couldn’t just agree with a compromise, and besides, if the rest of the group wanted to speak up, they could. So far, he seemed to be talking over all of them. She glanced at the rest of the group. “They seem content to let you speak for them.”
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“Don’t apologize bud,” Teagan put an arm around Willa, “just sit down and focus on your breathing a little?” T understood the stress that Willa was under but she didn’t want her friend to lose their hair over one assignment.
Willa blew air out of her cheeks, wishing she could do just that. But it wasn’t easy, especially when she’d popped another Adderall only half an hour ago. “Thanks, T. I don’t mean to be so... Overbearing.”
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At Willa’s words Lucy cracked a smile. Willa had a point. It wasn’t necessarily fear she was lacking, but rather an abundance of apathy. Luckily presenting definitely seemed like the winner in terms of easiness. “I’m good with it. Talking out of my ass is sort of my speciality. Just tell me what you want me to say.”
Lucy smiled and Willa started to relax. “Okay, perfect. Good.” She opened up her laptop and started to get to work on research. Her brain was all over the road, though. “I wish public speaking didn’t scare me so much. How are you so casual about it?”
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“Something that shows what’s happening in that part of the cell. It would help us get the idea across better. I was thinking about animations but they could also be physical-though that will probably be more expensive.” Nicola looked around at their other group members with a silly grin on their face. “There will be no slackers on this ship as long as I’m captain.”
Willa nodded along, and finally shrugged. “Okay. Let’s do it.” She raised an eyebrow at the last comment. “Who says you’re captain?” She was only half-teasing.
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“Yeah, you would because you’re a teacher’s pet,” Scott shot back, “but not all of us feel like we have to outline 30 detailed pages just to prove we learned something we’ll never use again.” Truth be told, he was being lazy and didn’t want to do all the work she was suggesting. He thought they could get a passing grade and do a whole lot less while they were at it, too. If the others were too afraid to say so, he’d do it. “Why do you have to micromanage every little thing? Just write down the main points and we’re done.”
Willa bristled slightly at being called a teacher’s pet, but she had to admit that he wasn’t exactly wrong. She wasn’t a suck-up, she was just... An overachiever. “Well, excuse me if mediocre is not up to my standards,” she retorted, pursing her lips. “Let’s compromise. You work out the basics and I’ll do the detailed stuff. That way I’m only micromanaging me. Sound good?”
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“Willa, Honey.” Teagan said with a pen close to her lips, “I’m not even in your group and I think you should relax a little. Look at them- they’re all like vegetables.” She gestured for Willa to see what she was dealing with. “5 days is a long time to get this done. Wanna take 5? You need it.”
Willa looked up at Teagan, biting her lip. She was right. They were practically comatose. She drummed her fingers no her noteboook, wondering if she was really that restless and paranoid. And more importantly, why she was acting this way. “Yeah. Maybe. Sorry...” she sighed.
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“I’d be willing to boycott everything else along with you. You’d think more people would feel the same, especially considering there’s hardly anytime to binge watch, let alone agonizing boring episodes.”
“I don’t know how anyone finds the time for that,” she agreed, chuckling. “Then again,” she suggested, raising an eyebrow, “Maybe it’s just that we work harder than everybody else.”
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“Nah, I’m good honestly… Talking about my mother too much puts a bad taste in my mouth, but if you wanna rant, I’d be more than happy to listen to you. I could do with a change of topic.”
Willa chuckled a little, but she wasn’t expecting the change of subject. “Oh, no, I mean... My parents mean well. They just don’t really know how to be nice about it. But really, it’s not that bad. At all.” And... that was too much. Way to go, Willa, she scolded herself mentally.
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