willamisqueen · 1 year
Mama didn't raise a bitch, but my older sister sure did.
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willamisqueen · 3 years
Narcissistic parents have to make you look bad to justify how bad they're treating you.
Everyone else says im the nicest person they know
You go out of your way to tell me im a aweful child, that you never met anyone more distespectful.
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willamisqueen · 5 years
I purposely put myself into relationships that I know wont work out, because I was raised to believe that I am unlovable.
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willamisqueen · 5 years
What your mom didnt kick down your door and scream at you till you had an panic attack because you forgot to wash a fork? She didnt get in your face and tell you, you were being dramatic and you could control your panic attack if you wanted to? She didnt ground you and take away your electronics 6 months because you couldn't stop the panic attack?
What? You didn’t…
Imagine you’re talking to someone who did not have abusive parents and finish the sentence with an abusive thing that happened to you.
When my mom needed something done around the house, she would just trump up a charge and ground me and doing whatever she needed was my punishment. So my sentence is:
What? You didn’t have to spend a week digging a 3-foot deep trench for a new pipeline when you were 13 because your mom didn’t want to pay a professional to do it?
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willamisqueen · 5 years
My kink is death
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willamisqueen · 5 years
You would tell me if you were getting bored of me, you wouldn’t just leave right?
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willamisqueen · 6 years
none of you are nearly as bad as your parents make you out to be
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willamisqueen · 6 years
I either have no one hitting me up or too many people hitting me up. It's about as unbalanced as my personality disorder.
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willamisqueen · 6 years
Death just seems like the best way out atm
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willamisqueen · 6 years
You ever wanna tell someone something they did triggered you but you don't want them to feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you??? Same.
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willamisqueen · 6 years
I had a dream about you
When I woke up I really wanted to tell you about it but then I remembered we don't talk anymore
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willamisqueen · 6 years
I thought you would of cared if i stopped talking to you, turns out you was just waiting for me to leave
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willamisqueen · 6 years
6 more months, i honestly can't believe I've made it. Like if you would of asked 14 year old me, i would of doubt i could get this far.
The fact that i still have to live in this house for another year makes my heart drop
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willamisqueen · 6 years
You say I'm ''hard to love''
I'm sorry, I'm really trying here
When your own parents don't love you it's hard to believe anyone could
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willamisqueen · 7 years
Me: i’m happy
Me to me: I think they’re buying it
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willamisqueen · 7 years
This was me my entire childhood, and this post means alot.
Kids who sought out sexual/romantic interactions with adults…
because they were lonely and needed human interaction/attention
or had emotional needs not being met
because they thought it was the price of being treated with care
or because it was a way to understand/reenact/overwrite/escape previous trauma
because they thought it was normal
or because they had picked up the message that this was how to be daring and cool and sexy/mature
or because they didn’t really understand how it would affect them
because they felt like they deserved it
or because they thought there wasn’t a big difference and “age is just a number”
or because being sexual around adults was the only time people said nice things to them or seemed to like them or notice them
or for any other reason
… still did not deserve the abuse they suffered.
Kids who initiate flirtation with adults still don’t deserve abuse.
Adults who aren’t abusers will not take advantage of a kid’s crush or advances. It’s the adult’s responsibility to set clear boundaries and enforce them. It’s an adult’s responsibility to not become sexually or romantically involved with a child. Adults who do are abusers.
Children did not cause those adults to become abusers. Children cannot tempt nonabusers into becoming abusers. Children are never responsible for adults deciding to abuse.
Even if you feel like you made it really easy for them to abuse you, being vulnerable to abuse around a nonabuser doesn’t result in abuse. Your vulnerability wasn’t the cause of the abuse. Their choices were.
It’s not your fault, it was never your fault.
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willamisqueen · 7 years
Dont worry im sick of me too
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