will-blooms · 5 years
OOC; Hey pals. Message the main already but wanted to let everyone know that I’m on a hiatus/semi-hiatus until November 8th. I’ve been working every day and am on the verge of burning out so I need to take a step back and regroup. I’ll still be around the dash, messages, etc, but just not as often. <3 Cheers!
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will-blooms · 5 years
texts: will
Josephine: too bad you guys didn't have a camera. sounds like it would have made for a great porno.
Josephine: hm, i'll accept this title.
Will: it would have, but i'm hardly the type to kiss and tell, let alone film it for the whole world. i can't even believe i told you all that, we must really be best friends forever, huh?
Will: good, i'm glad you do. who does that make me, xan, and kori then?
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will-blooms · 5 years
Xander: dude, all you feel up is ice cream.
Xander: it is earth shattering news.
Xander: wait lila davenport? the one from high school?
Xander: damn you aimed high with this one.
Will: that is incorrect. i get plenty, i just don't kiss and tell. and i'm not a hoe like you. ;P
Will: haha, yep. the one and only.
Will: i know. it wasn't intentional... it just happened.
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will-blooms · 5 years
Alden was good at pretending to be offended. But then again, he was used to being gently bullied due to his age. He crossed his arms over his chest in false offense. “Very clever,” he nodded, letting out a small laugh at both of his little quips. “It’s no problem at all, man. And yep, we definitely do. I’m just glad I’ve got my garage to store it in during the winter so I don’t have to go so hard on it,” he added with a shrug, lifting his frozen haul so he could get going before it melted. “I better get this home before it has time to melt and re-freeze. Never as good if you let that happen.”
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Will shrugged, laughing loudly. “Thank you, thank you; I’ll be here all week.” He teased, nodding. “For sure, gotta treat that puppy right with a heated garage. But for real, thanks, man. I’ll bring it by to your shop this week. You’re a gentleman and a scholar.” He complimented, glad Alden was willing to help him give his truck a much needed tune up. Alden was a wizard with cars of all kind, and they bonded many years ago over their love of vintage cars and trucks. He nodded, waving towards him, “Definitely. Catch ya later, man, enjoy the ice cream!”
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will-blooms · 5 years
texts: will
Josephine: note to self, seduce fisher winters in the back stacks of look inna book.
Josephine: mixing business with pleasure huh?
Josephine: hm...who's nicole richie?
Will: it was hot. 10/10 would recommend.
Will: haha, not intentionally. it wasn't the plan, it just.. happened. and then we were naked and then there was whipped cream involved and.. it just happened. it was wild.
Will: idk... you? ;P
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will-blooms · 5 years
Xander: 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Xander: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Xander: 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
Xander: 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Xander: MY MAN!
Xander: FINALLY.
Xander: who???
Will: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Will: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Will: it's not like, earth shattering news, man.
Will: her name is lila davenport.
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will-blooms · 5 years
texts: will
Josephine: do you have anything pumpkin? tis' the season.
Josephine: explain.
Will: sure do. we have pumpkin spice as a season flavour!
Will: well uh... a girl from high school, lila davenport aka paris hilton of derry came into the creamery looking for a job last week and i hired her.
Will: ....and then we fucked in the staff room....
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will-blooms · 5 years
Xander: anything for you, scrub.
Xander: idek if we can be friends anymore. all you do is give us ice cream. enough.
Xander: but not really. bring ice cream.
Xander: did you get laid???
Will: love ya long time, buster.
Will: when have you ever turned down free ice cream? or free food of any kind? riddle me that, dude.
Will: mhm, i will.
Will: and yes. i sure did.
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will-blooms · 5 years
texts: will
Josephine: oh please. like i ever ask too, too much of you, william.
Josephine: are you bringing anyone with you?
Will: well then you get what you get and you don't get upset! haha. but if you have a certain flavour in mind, you know i'll bring it for you, jo.
Will: uhhh... maybe. that's.. complicated. idk.
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will-blooms · 5 years
texts: will
Josephine: will. bring a UNIQUE ice cream flavor. i don't care what.
Will: since when did you become so hard to please? don't look a gift horse in the mouth, jojo. ;)
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will-blooms · 5 years
Xander: next saturday, let's say 6.
Xander: well damn, i wanted you to bring cake.
Xander: i can't help myself though. she handed me this joke on a plate and i can't stop.
Will: sounds good to me, i'll be there, man! thanks for hosting.
Will: ice cream cake is about as close to that as i can get, my dude, sorry to disappoint.
Will: i know, i know, but she's sensitive and you don't wanna upset kori because you keep picking on her, ja feel?
Will: also i have an update for you.
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will-blooms · 5 years
@willblooms: y'all... mindhunter season two is fucked up. anyone else watching it? i need to decompress with someone.
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will-blooms · 5 years
Kori: did you tell them that?
Kori: you're an honorary parker in my eyes, xander.
Xander: i'm done telling them anything tbh. just gonna enjoy the time we spend together and that's it.
Xander: if they need me, i'll be there. but aside from that, i think we've reached a point where everyone has to focus on their own life. myself included.
Xander: warms my heart.
Will: if xander gets to be an honourary parker, so do i- sorry kori, i don't make the rules.
Will: i was sleeping, sorry i didn't reply til now but saturday night works for me. i'll bring dessert- ice cream, surprise surprise.
Will: i'll get my dad to cover for me at the shop. what time do you want us to come over xandy?
Will: also xander be nice to alice. don't wanna cause a rift in the family and make kori have to pay child support. #mommyissues
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will-blooms · 5 years
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“Oh my gosh! I’m honored, really,” Alden informed the other with a wide smile, looking back and forth in confusion trying to think of who he meant, as he was shocked. He then glared at the other jokingly as he made his comment. “I’m not that old! I mean, old enough not to know whatever that’s from, but young enough to remember the original Transformers series. I’m still technically a Millenial,” he informed. He was of the opinion that the classics were far better than the newer content they were releasing now. He widened his eyes. “Damn it, how could I forget that truck? It’s both older and more impressive than mine, the old F100 from 1970 that my dad fixed up before he retired.”
He chuckled, “It’s a high honour, so you should be.” He joked. Furrowing his brows together, he nodded slowly, “Sure you’re not, gramps.” He teased in retort, clicking his tongue and trying to think of another dig. “The original Transformers? Surprised they even had those back in your day, given that cars weren’t even invented yet.” Shaking his head, he added, “Pretty sure you fall into ‘baby boomer’ category, but I digress.” He grabbed his keys from behind the counter, twirling them around his finger. “You’re too kind, man, thank you. It’s my pride and joy, after all. But I think it’s safe to say we have the two best rides in Derry.”
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will-blooms · 5 years
Text -- ALICE
Alice: you woke me up with your text message. all i want to do is sleep, will. but i guess i won't let you stranded.
Will: well then you should thank me for bringing you back to the land of the living, al. sleep is for the weak.
Will: plssss. thank youu. i'm in the parking lot at the shop.
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will-blooms · 5 years
Text -- Jo & Xander
Will: jam session/band practice at my place tomorrow night. you fools in?
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will-blooms · 5 years
They all had their cross to bear and their own issues to deal with. But, Xander knew what he had went through was nothing compared to Will’s situation. It didn’t even deserve to be in the same conversation. He was a friendly guy, someone people could easily approach. Still, there was this sadness that often creeped out at the surface and reminded Xander just how much Will had suffered. He had taken it upon himself to be a source of support even if it was most of the time unspoken. It was all about making sure he was a positive influence in his life.  
The twerking he witnessed was his undoing. A spurt of laughter escaped him, almost, if not as loud, as the music that filled the parking lot they were at and Xander shook his head at the other male – chastising himself for not capturing the moment with his phone. Blackmail between friends was a must after all. Will was constantly doing shit that could be used against him though, so it was just a matter of being patient. Still, he knew the twerking in question was going to invade his mind for a while. Would have been a YouTube sensation. 
“Damn, aren’t you just high maintenance.” he joked right back, pulling up the handbrake and pressing the hood release before making his way out of the car; the music still blaring through the speakers. If there was one thing Will could be sure of, is that Xander always did his best to come through when needed. “Don’t mention it, dude. We both know you’d do the same. Y’know… when you’re not too busy twerking for a living.” Feeling for the safety catch, Xander released it and raised the hood of his vehicle, securing it with the prop. He turned back toward Will and rubbed his hands together with a grin. “Okay, let’s bring your baby back to life. ”
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Will offered a shrug, tossing a teasing glance over to Xander. “Not high maintenance, per se, just a classy broad. I know what I’m worth.” He huffed, puffing out his chest and jokingly tossing his hair to one side. As he parked the car and joined him on the pavement, Will went over to his own driver door and opened it quickly, hands finding the latch and popping his trunk as well. Once it was released, he walked to the front of his car and opened it the rest of the way, resting it on the guard and securing it before turning back to face Xander.
“Of course I’d do the same. You’re my best friend, I always have your back.” He reminded him earnestly, a warm smile spreading to his features. “Dare I say... you even come before twerking. But I’d deny it if you ever brought it up.” Will added with a loud chuckle, wiping off the grease from his hands onto the sides of his worn jeans. Quickly, he ran around to the passenger side, opening the door and leaning into the back of his truck to fish out his jumper cables. He always had them on hand for moments like these- as beautiful as his truck was, the vehicle was far from reliable. Though, it was made in the 50s, so it came with the territory.
Returning to where Xander was standing, he offered him one end and kept the other two sides in his hand. “What have you been up to tonight, man? Hopefully I didn’t pull you away from something... or someone.” He teased with a wink, securing his ends carefully to the battery posts before wiping off his hands again and giving Xander his full attention.
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