Independent RP blog for RED from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. Crossover-oriented, easygoing!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
How RED might work in: HSR (Honkai: Star Rail)
Path: The Hunt
Damage Type: Physical
Basic ATK (Swift Strike): Deals Physical Damage equal to 100% of RED's ATK to a single target enemy. If a "Betrothed" in on the field, deals an additional instance of that damage for 2 extra times to that same target.
Skill (Amusement Waltz): Deals 4 instances of Physical Damage equal to 72% of RED's ATK to a single target enemy. If 3 or more of those were Critical Hits, immediately launch her talent's "Full Swing" follow-up attack.
Talent (I'll Protect my Wifey with my Lifey!): The first female ally that casts their Ultimate will become RED's "Betrothed" if they're not already. If a "Betrothed" causes damage to any enemies on their turn, RED will launch a follow-up attack based on the Path of that "Betrothed". Each of these attacks can only be triggered once per turn:
◉ Destruction, The Hunt, Erudition: "Full Swing", deals Physical Damage equal to 170% of RED's ATK to one of the targets of the attack that triggered this.
◉ Nihility, Harmony: "Sandbag", deals Physical Damage equal to 70% of RED's ATK to one of the targets of the attack that triggered this, also increase the Toughness Reduction of this instance of damage by 50%.
◉ Preservation, Abundance: "Throwing Disk", deals Physical Damage equal to 50% of RED's ATK to all targets of the attack that triggered this, then RED's next action is Advanced Forward by 25%.
Ultimate (R.E.D.): Deals Physical Damage equal to 650% of RED's ATK to a single target enemy. For every "Betrothed" on the field, this attack gains 8% Crit Rate, 25% Crit DMG and 120% more of RED's ATK added to the base damage.
Trace 1 (Sweet Stuff): When using Swift Strike, any "Betrothed" restores HP equal to 24% of RED'S ATK plus 320, and their next action with be Advanced Forward by 25%. This can only trigger once per turn.
Trace 2 (Ancient Stuff): If there is a "Betrothed" on the field, RED and any "Betrothed" deal 16% more damage.
Trace 3 (Star-Crossed Lovers): At the beginning of the battle, a random female ally (except RED) regenerates 30 energy. If the party consists of only female allies, a random female ally (except RED) regenerates 40 energy instead.
Eidolon 1 (Fall in Love, Maidens): At the beginning of the battle, the female ally closest to RED (or to her immediate left in the team lineup, if tied) becomes RED's "Betrothed". Additionally, Star-Crossed Lovers' energy regeneration will prioritize that character if they're not at full energy.
Eidolon 2 (So Long, My Love): Amusement Waltz and R.E.D. deal 2 extra instances of their damage. Additionally, follow-up attacks from RED's talent are triggered even by attacks that happen without it being the turn of the "Betrothed". They can also each trigger twice per turn instead of just once.
Eidolon 3 (Paris Music Hall): Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Eidolon 4 (Thou Shalt Not Die): When attacking, RED and any "Betrothed" now ignore 15% of the enemy's DEF. Additionally, if a "Betrothed" were to be mortally wounded by an attack which doesn't also target RED, RED takes the damage instead of that ally.
Eidolon 5 (In Hot Blood): Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Eidolon 6 (The Gorgeous Blooming Cherry Blossoms): Any female ally that uses their Ultimate now becomes RED's "Betrothed". When attacking, RED and any "Betrothed" now use the highest value between them in order to calculate damage: ATK, Crit Rate, Crit DMG, Break Effect. Additionally, follow-up attacks from RED's talent no longer have a limit of triggers per turn.
#☰out-of-wifeys☰#☴It's-Red!☴#µVerse...Divergenceµ#((I thought about this at random at different points#though I might as well put it in a post))#☰Off-Rambling☰
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Personality Traits
Name: RED
Nickname: Red
Title: Wifey Hunter (given by most people that ever saw her in action once)
» bold: applicable
» italics: somewhat or conditionally applicable
» strikethrough: … goes to great lengths to hide it
⪩ open up my heart ⪨
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
⪩ page break thingy but I pretend it’s pretty ⪨
Tagged by: @iceiclehorned (thank you!!)
Tagging: @divinityunleashed , @hxroic-wxlls-fxrever , @ask-dark-monita , @celestialprayer and anyone else that feels like they wanna partake. Most of y'all are multi-muse, but feel free to choose which one to do this for!
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( X )
I think you could do an excellent Noire! Though to be honest I would be recommending the rest of the Nep cast, I'm that lonely in the tiny RPC :(
((Aw, thank you! Hearing Noire is actually really intriguing, too- Maybe I come off as far too formal even in friendly settings, which- I mean, I DO. It's a problem. I only played Noire once in private, and if I recall, I felt like I was being mean to the person I played her to. But sometimes that's just Noire.
I like a lot of the Neptunia characters and I think I could pull them off reasonably, but I have very little direction with most of them. I've played Neptune and Uni in the past too, and aside from Red, those are the ones I had the most fun with. And, of course, there's my sideblog with the Oracles, which are fun to play in their own right, but I didn't have a mission to play out with them yet...))
((Having been part of the RPC when it was much more active, I totally understand it feeling lonely now... I hope we get a further spark of activity at some point. I don't know what'd trigger it, and I don't think it'll ever be as big as before... but it'd be very fun to interact with more people that know the franchise or are part of the older guard of the RPC. I still remember and follow a lot of those blogs...))
((Thank you very much for answering, by the way! I appreciate it a lot! And maybe someday I'll muster the energy to get something like a duo muse blog that's still Neptunia-related... Noire and Neptune would be funny to mesh in the same space, heh...))
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“ I can respect a girl who’s THIS devoted to their wifeys… You truly are a hero, you know? “
She’s of similar interests, needless to say.
"Heh heh, I know~! Fighting to save the world and taking care of my wifeys at the same time is tough work, but it's satisfying!"
"Sometimes it takes one to know one, though! You're really cute, and know your way around a sword! What if you're a hero with your own wifey aspirations? A kindred spirit, perhaps!"
"Whether that's the case or not, caaaaan I have your number~?"
#hxroic wxlls fxrever#☲darling-messages!☲#((Godspeed to Soleil#I'm rooting for her own wifey hunting adventures#even if no one else ends up doing that lol))
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Based off my blog, what other characters could you see me Roleplay as?
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How does Red feel about getting a kiss from her wife Lily?
((Well, let's see. A pertinent question. I'm sure there are a lot of factors to consider. Survey says...))
"Why is it even a question? Of course I'd love that! Gimme gimme!! Where is she? She's OK, isn't she? If she's lonely, I can fix that!"
She'd reach up making grabby hands, like a child wanting uppies.
((Ah yes, I should have expected that...))
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Sounds like you really want to have that harem intact without anything bad happening, RED.
"Of course! Who would want to have something bad happening to their wifeys? My wifeys are hard workers as it is, they don't need anything going wrong in their time off!"
"That way, they also get to spend more time with me, too~!"
#divinityunleashed#☲darling-messages!☲#((She's a simple woman of simple pleasures#I mean I say that#but I suppose she's not against any kind of pleasures))
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((... Y'know, you don't have to choose "Marry" on every option available. I know it's accurate, but if you wanted something else even more, you're not betraying your lifelong mission by saying so.))
"Nonsense! I must speak my truth! This is what polls are for!"
"Can't risk any bad endings either! I must follow all routes with all my heart!"
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"... What are you looking up there?"
On the search bar: Is voting to kill a celestial a sin?
((... Nothing. Just curious.))
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"Welcome back, RED~! I missed ya!~"
Nep goes to offer her a hug, and a hug for the mun too!
Red absolutely takes it, with plenty of enthusiasm. The kind that leads to her almost spinning around the person offering the hug after embracing them.
"Thank you!! I missed you too~! Ahh, sharing an embrace with one of my wifeys... Nothing beats that!"
((I appreciate the hug offer too! I will totally take it once Red is done. ... Not that she's going to let go anytime soon, huh... ))
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"What if they kissed?" For Nia and Red~
Red suppressed a yawn with her hand, shifting where she laid just enough to get Nia in sight. Though both of them spent most of their time out there, with plenty of adventure, it was inevitable that at some point, they would try to get together and relax in a shared environment.
But as it happened, their preferred schedules were quite opposite. On most days, Red was at her best during daytime, and settled down rather early to rest unless she had some mission to partake in, or if the late gaming hours went much longer than she ever intended. Nia, however, seemed to be more of a night owl, since Red had to stop playing a game they had been playing together for hours as night settled in, and though Red languished on the couch half-asleep, Nia didn't seem fatigued at all. Seemed like Nia might be able to go the entire night, if not stopped.
And that'd be OK. Quiet time with a wifey she didn't get as much of a chance to hang out with had been, so far, really comforting. And she could definitely sleep despite the game's sound being loud and clear. But it didn't feel right to let the hang out end so abruptly. She could say "good night", but that wouldn't convey much either.
Reaching a decision, Red lifted herself up to sit on the couch again, and scooted over, closer to Nia. She'd let herself lean against Nia, even if her shoulder was a bit too high up for Red to properly lay her head on.
"Don't mind me," she'd say, in a drowzy voice. "I'm just eepy... and it's kinda cold. ... But you're warm."
She reached up, first to place a hand by Nia's head, and then to gently run fingers across the blonde hair which she could reach. The more sensible part of her realized she didn't know Nia's full response to a variety of different intimacies that Red might try. Best not to push the envelope. However, she was pretty close, and she didn't want it to end too abruptly.
"I should hit the hay, but-- pause for a bit, there's something I meant to say before I do..."
She'd wait for the cue. And then, very simply, she'd use the hand already by Nia's head to hold onto her shoulder, and then move upwards with her whole body to get their faces close to each other, until their lips met.
It wasn't much more than a single peck at first, making sure the lips were there and reachable before she planted a firmer kiss, lasting mere seconds. After all, she still wasn't sure of what the reaction would be. But she wanted to convey the feelings in a more active way, now that this rare opportunity had been there.
"I love you!" She explained herself afterwards, with a dumb, wide smile.
#lunarlitmuses#☷general-rping☷#((Thanks for that! It took forever but I hope it's still neat for you#I do like the drabble making process a fair bit))
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Hi Red, how are you doing? Hope you're doing well. Same goes for the mun, hope you're also doing great too
((Hi, thank you so much! I've been reasonably fine, and I swear I'm not dead- well, at least not as much as I have been last time. I had a really big high off of playing RED here once again and then I crashed for various reasons, my bad. But I don't want to leave it at that or anything...))
((New Year is coming, and I wanted to hop in to try and get on the mindset that I do want to stay here more consistently. But also because I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, too! It's not happened on my end yet, but it soon will, and I'm sure a lot of people are already going through it.))
((Wish everyone that can read this a wonderful New Year! Hope your resolutions are in order, that your motivation lasts much longer than you could even hope for, and that whether this past year was good or bad, the next one will be much better! Thanks for doing what you're doing here and connecting with others in a very human way, and I hope to both partake of that, and offer my little RED to bring out smiles to the people that interact with her!))
"Jeez, don't hog the WHOLE question! They asked about me too, y'know!!"
"And I'm super-duper fine, thanks for askin'! I'd be better if I was seeing more of my lovelies and someone here decided to collaborate, but still! I'll also throw my best wishes for everyone! Treat yourselves well, best of luck in the future, and remember to give your loved ones lots of affection! Especially if they're me!"
#☰out-of-wifeys☰#((Happy New Year for real#And I also hope the holidays were good for y'all#See you on the other side!))
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What if they kissed for elen and red
((Here we go!))
Only when Red sat down by the fire did she feel how tired her legs were. They had spent a good deal of time walking, and still there had been no sign of their mark. Perhaps Red shouldn't have taken this mission in particular. It didn't even pay well and it was proving to be more trouble than it was worth.
But it wasn't a boring trek. Elen had come along, and having any companion for the ride was a much better deal than venturing out alone. Especially in cold nights like these, but the fire was raging strong enough that she felt no discomfort.
"If we keep going north, we're gonna crash right into Lowee! This is why it's getting a bit colder, but don'tcha worry! Red is always Red-dy for all things travel-related!"
Reaching deep onto her backpack, she got a thick transparent plastic packaging, inside which was a neatly-folded thick comforter in black and white. She'd place it next to Elen.
"With this, you won't be cold at all! I usually just carry one, but you can keep it while we're here."
She might have left it at that, but at a tug on the arm from the other, Red stared, head tilting in questioning. She wasn't sure what sparked the idea or the current feeling, but it sounded like a request.
"Hm? You want to warm up before... Oh, wait, I get it!"
She was still getting used to Elen's straightforwardness, but as she thought of before, it wasn't unpleasant. Red just shifted to sit next to her, holding onto the hand that tugged hers, and rubbing it between her own to get it warmer.
"You're such a spoiled wifey! Next you're gonna tell me that you had plenty of women back in your world to take care of you like this!"
She did mean it as a joke, but the tidbits she heard about Elen's position might have given him some impressions. Nonetheless, she kept it up, rubbing from the hands to her arm, from the arms to her shoulders. And as she got more involved in the warming, she did shift closer and in front of Elen.
"Do you want a kiss too~? Warm you up a liiiittle bit inside?" She was still horrid at selling the sultry fantasy- perhaps she was just too wild and upbeat otherwise. But from her estimations, Elen didn't seem to mind. Perceiving the OK, Red inched forward to press her lips against hers.
She was playful about it. Pressure here, pressure there, stealing some distance away before going in again. Perhaps it was a test to see how much effort Elen put on keeping the connection going, or how long would it take until they pried each other's mouths open so that they tongues could meet. But it happened eventually, and it was at a point where Red too felt worked up enough to search for the warmth herself. She tasted her, through quick breaths and a pleased moan, and when the contact ended, she found herself having to suppress a giggle.
"Warm enough for you? Don't get greedy now~ We can do more in town, where it's more comfortable. For now, we should get ready to sleep~ Go into the tent, I'll be right with you!"
And saying that, feeling well refreshed, Red stood up straight, stretched, and skipped towards the other side of the camping site, presumably to get a bit more firewood.
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“What if they kissed?” — Red & Acheron (She is a wifey collector. She can have my girls!)
((Your tribute is greatly appreciated! Enjoy the drabble!))
For how many hours did she stare into that abyss?
The ball of darkness that seemed etched at the very edge of reality had grown so big. Landmarks she had known all her life were consumed as it grew, and disappeared into nothingness, into silence, leaving her memories to fill in the blanks. It took more, lazily but surely, deforming the landscape to such a degree that she felt the entire island was warping, and slanting to one side.
Red had cried at some point, but the tears had dried up. Rain had been falling for a long time, and she would have been thoroughly soaked at this point, had it not been for a taller, stoic figure standing by her, a red umbrella open overhead, shielding both from the elements.
RED barely spoke, and her partner only answered her gaze by meeting it with her own.
The maker thought the emanator's eyes were so distant, and yet they followed her. RED could never truly get them. Something in the back of her mind regarded them as creepy. And yet, she couldn't stop looking at them. She could almost get it. The fixed gaze, a slight tilt to the head: surely that had been a question. The most obvious one.
"I-I'll be fine. Your alert got everyone out of the zone, and when you mentioned what THEY were, the goddesses were sure to respond. I'm sure they're in there, fighting it back! I... I'm sure..."
There was no being sure of anything, except how cold it was. She shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself as she took another look at the dark horizon. The sight was not inviting, and it just served to make her more paranoid.
"... I just wish I could be useful again. All my wifeys are fighting for everyone else, and you're going there soon! It doesn't feel RIGHT! I can fight too! Even if.... Even if I'm just human. I want to do something...!"
Her hand clutched nothing, and her gesturing went from wild to defeated. She couldn't just be consumed by emotion in front of Acheron, though. That would just be childish.
And yet, perhaps it had been those displays of emotion, so freely shown and acted upon when the two met, that motivated the emanator to make a suggestion.
The Nihility deprived her of much. Her sense of self waned, her understanding of her own past remained only at its strongest, most defining points, and her empathy was shown in actions more often than stirring in what was left of her emotions. But she had remained stoic to others before, as a beacon, even at times where she could spare no motivation for anything but killing THEM.
Channel your will to help onto me, and I will let it guide my blade.
RED turned entirely towards the other, hands still balled into fists, and tension boiling through her body. Channel it? She had already expressed it. She had already resigned of this will. What was left? She looked up to Acheron, whose pose had barely changed. RED shook her head.
She might be sad, angry, frustrated, hopeless, but she didn't want to express any of those things. And as the surface emotions cleared out, only that overwhelming need for someone couldn't be staved off, the same emotion that moved her ever forward in search of a wifey.
She looked up again, hand reaching to Acheron's own. And when they met, she pulled on it gently, urging Acheron to lean in. She kissed her as soon as she was within reach.
It was cold. Both lips met awkwardly, but RED made sure to spend time caressing each lip with both of her own, to warm them up with attention and love, to guide them in following her movement so that they could share their warmth. For a fleeting moment, RED was aware of how sudden that had been, but Acheron not doing anything against it bolstered her resolve.
Only after she started to feel them warmer did she make way for their tongues to meet, in a much more deliberate, passionate display of caring and affection. RED had never let go of the hand she seized at first, but now her other hand moved up, arm wrapping around Acheron, urging them to stay close and enjoy this moment of intense warmth in the middle of an otherwise cold, dark environment.
She loved everyone from her world so much. As wild and promiscuous as she might be considered, times like these meant the world to her. And she hoped she could convey it all, when their lips finally parted, and both took a moment to catch their breath.
For a moment, RED could swear that Acheron's eyes had a different spark to them. No longer did they seem distant and unfocused, or focused on something beyond the maker's own vision: they seemed like they really were looking at her.
And yet, in the next moment, she was sure she had imagined it, and nothing but a longer breath and slight flush in her features looked different.
There was a nod, and their hands also parted, with Acheron's now resting on the hilt of the blade. And finally, she offered RED her umbrella. When it was taken, Acheron moved forward: not in any hurry, still, but with what RED imagined were more decisive steps than she had seen before.
Now, she could only wait. And hope that her will counted for something.
#iceiclehorned#☷general-rping☷#☲darling-messages!☲#((There you go! That was fun to write#I should have these more often#then again I do write too much in these))
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Send "What if they kissed?"
and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"
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✍ — Favourite thing about writing the muse?
pssspssp, you’re doing an amazing job by the way ❤️
((And you're doing amazing too, y'know! ❤️
But yeah, my favorite thing about it is that even without plotting, it's very easy for RED to approach anyone of her own volition and with positive intentions. So starting an interaction is never a problem! At most, the hurdles come when people are reacting to her, but I always feel like I can handle that. Most of my old RP experience was in throwing the most random people in the most different, crossover-like scenarios, so I'm confident enough in that. If I could make a medieval warrior from an eroge plausibly grow to understand and respect Dr. Robotnik to the point of apprenticing under him a bit, I think I can write my way into most shenanigans lol
But a close second thing is that RED has a lot of positive energy in general and that can be contagious to a point it drives me to do things I normally wouldn't. Personally, I'm a very passive person with not much drive, so it affects me a fair bit to envision and write down the kind of stuff RED usually does. And it is more fun that way!))
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Mun talks about the Muse
Send one of the following to ask the mun… (please specify muse for multis)
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse? 👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance? 🌌Favorite alternate version of the muse? 💕Favorite ship for the muse? 💔Least favorite ship for the muse? 💢Something about the muse that annoys you? 😈Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse? 😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse? 💡 What inspires you to write the muse? 📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse? 📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory? 📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore? 🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future? 🔥 Unpopular opinion about your muse? 💭 Favorite memory of the muse? 😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse? ⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse? 🎭 How similar are you and the muse?
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