Kidgemas Spirit, Y'all
238 posts
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wifetron · 2 years ago
anyways fuck proshippers 💅😘
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wifetron · 3 years ago
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wifetron · 6 years ago
I dunno how long ago this was last reblogged, but I’ll add to it.
Well, I haven’t been active in the Voltron fandom for a while, but I’ll try to get back into it. Plus I have school and deleted my previous account that I met my Wifetron peeps on(it was Arandombloggingperson) A little self promotion here but go follow my main account @manaruby. I don’t really post Voltron there but I do post Assassination Classroom so... Yeah follow me.
-Admin Shiro
#bringbackwifetron lmao where are all my fav queens? where is everyone? have y'all left (if you have i wish you the best from this hell site)
Hey there anon! So far I believe a lot of the others are still busy with the last stretch of school if I’m not mistaken but here’s your sign that we’re still lurking around! 
-Mod Allura
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wifetron · 6 years ago
will there ever be more screencap redraws (namely post s4) of the wives™
OH!!! A I DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE WOULD WANT ANY!!!! Uh, actually if the rest of the wives would be cool with it I'd love to. We don't talk a lot as of late actually, I really miss them. If everyone else is on board, do you have any specific screen cap suggestions? I will definitely try to if you guys send and suggest specific screencaps and who to draw them as! (And idk if you guys know @eternashire but I'm making her an honorary member so you can suggest her too) and I do have a tablet now so I can color them!
- Admin Hunk
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Me, eating my own, stale, motivational gratitude cookies from that eyepatch-Keith Kidge future au I sent in forever ago: I'm doing it. I'm writing the fic. It'll be a billion years before I finish it because school, but it's gonna happen.
YO GOOD LUCK!!! just make sure to have fun and no pressure, yeah? 
- Mod Allura 
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Hey guys how's the Kidgemas project coming along? Hope all of you are having a great summer!
It’s…coming along, you could say? And have a lovely summer as well, dude!
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wifetron · 7 years ago
IDK where the best place to share this is, but I thought you guys would find it cool. I was dress shopping & stumbled across a dress that screamed Allura. Google image search "ombre glitter long dress" & it should be the third result... sortof a mauve & grey sparkly, transparent dress. If someone wanted to draw her in that, well... that'd be pretty cool.
I would totally do it but like…I can’t draw lmao. Maybe someone else can take this up? I know I can’t (but it’s a pretty great idea!).
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Yeah school has been eating up all my time and it fuckin sucks, I do reblog stuff quite a bit on my main tho when I have time. Imma try to revive wifetron once school ends for summer. Also, I'm going to a con at the end of the month, would you guys be interested in pics? I'm gonna be doing Keith, Pidge, and Maybe fem!Lance?
- Mod Hunk
#bringbackwifetron lmao where are all my fav queens? where is everyone? have y'all left (if you have i wish you the best from this hell site)
Hey there anon! So far I believe a lot of the others are still busy with the last stretch of school if I’m not mistaken but here’s your sign that we’re still lurking around! 
-Mod Allura
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wifetron · 7 years ago
#bringbackwifetron lmao where are all my fav queens? where is everyone? have y'all left (if you have i wish you the best from this hell site)
Hey there anon! So far I believe a lot of the others are still busy with the last stretch of school if I’m not mistaken but here’s your sign that we’re still lurking around! 
-Mod Allura
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wifetron · 7 years ago
I second and wholeheartedly agree with this
(Watch me fucking draw this shit tho, any of y'all ok with kissy drawings cause I'll fuckin do that if y'all are alright with it)
-Admin Hunk
We've been blind all along to the true ot5: rebel x maria x leaves x cati x eterna
I wholeheartedly agree with this??
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wifetron · 7 years ago
We've been blind all along to the true ot5: rebel x maria x leaves x cati x eterna
I wholeheartedly agree with this??
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Screencap Edit Anon: Oh, um, well, if you actually do want to see I have the first one up on my shiny new Voltron sideblog, you can find it under @spacecasekitsune (I know that won't do a link but hopefully you can find it anyway? >_>;;) and I'd be honored if anyone actually wanted to take a look, seriously I'm a huge fan of all y'all.
Oh I'm Definatly looking that up 👀👀👀- Admin Hunk
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Idk why, but I feel the need to tell someone about this: I've started doing screencap edits and they're really super duper fun? And voltron screencaps just feel so easy to work with, especially considering that I'm using a mouse? So far I've only done one and a half and they take me *HOURS* to do (first one clocked at about 10hrs and I haven't tried to time the second) and they're just simple-ish OC edits but I'm loving it. About to try and turn King Alfor into Older!Lance, wish me luck!
Hey that's absolutely wonderful! You should be proud of yourself for finding something you love to do, man. Also no need to feel weird if you wanna hit us up. We're all open armed here at wifetron! Good luck! Hope to see your works ;) - Admin Allura
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wifetron · 7 years ago
if we're talking otps maria and leaves and rebel are ot3, cati x eterna, and then jay is #momgoals
jaytet is ultimate mom squad the ultimate wives of wifetron (not because they’re older than all of us no totally not why *sweats*)
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Hey now I'm actually fucking crying, I'm like really shaken???
Maybel, EternaRoyals, and Jayter really are the highest god teir ships, and I'm love our growing rarepair AlteanPanda lol
Idk if you'd want my autograph with my shitty handwriting, but I could like take a picture of it with a short note if you'd like? And maybe I could Drag Maria, Cati, Eterna, Jay, Carter (when she's feeling better), and Musako into doing it too lmao. Honestly it still shocks me that people are fans of our little blog/friend group??? Let alone that we inspire them???? But it's like so cool omg, I love you anon?? Anyways I'm BABASHOOK bye
Also Eterna, babe, you're an honorary member of wifetron, so your basically official ;)
-Admin Hunk
Hi eternaroyals is God Tier otp with mabels but who do you guys ship merrykidgemas and jc-drawings with? The second question is it possible to get your autographs? Mee and my 2 friends are big fans of wifetron you inspire us to make our own art and fics 😊😀❤
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This ask made me loose my shit and then some omg-
i’m not even a part of wifetron really asdfghjkl but i cri thank
But yes EternaRoyals and Mabel are in fact god-tier otps. The beautiful Jay and our flirty sharpshooter Carter @voltronxpaladin (she’s away for right now) make up the ultimate god-tier ship that is Jayter.
And lovely Musako is shipped with Cati as well (AlteanPanda if I remember correctly???)
@wifetron look at this please
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wifetron · 7 years ago
Kidge "15 Years of Pursuing a Cute Biy" themed AU. :3c
You have my attention 👀- Admin Hunk
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wifetron · 7 years ago
I wholeheartedly approve of Pidge's scars too. Someone PLEASE make this a thing, I will provide motivational cookies of gratitude!
Yes! I would pay DW to do this, all of my 15$.
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