whitewolf4189 · 5 years
Short video story I had to make for my studies. Not my usual style of content but thought I would post anyway. 
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whitewolf4189 · 5 years
They were ugly creatures with their giant lanky forms and their hideous squishy skin. There was no beauty in their faces and they hid behind the skins of other creatures. It was especially strange that they had no chitin exoskeleton to reflect the world in its beautiful iridescence, but the thing that caused me to despise them, even more, was their darkness. Not a single spark of light could be seen in them as the night enveloped them into nothingness. We are creatures endowed with the blessing of light, to give freely of the light that we alone can supply and to meet a creature completely devoid of light and hope is the most dreadful thing that a being of light can encounter.
I remember the first time that I saw them, cowering in the shadows in fear that the darkness of the earth was greater than their own. Their demeanor while fearful was full of desperation as they destroyed everything they came in contact with, desperately searching for the light they could not have. We knew that as the beacons of that light, we had a responsibility to share our blessed gift, but we too hid in fear. We hid our light from the ones that needed it the most because we feared that they would corrupt its purity, and we would be lost to their darkness. And so, we watched from a distance, hiding against the stars, knowing that they would soon be lost to the night.
We never expected the consequences of our actions. It was so unexpected that all we could do was look on and pray that our fear wasn’t our undoing. First, it was just an accident. Just two small stones, but it filled us with terror as the creature saw a tiny flash of light for the first time. We thought “How bad could it be?” After all, it was just a flash. Our horror grew as we observed the creature replicate the accident and create another flash. As time went on, that flash became larger and larger, and for the first time, we saw light created from pain. Our light was pure, bright, and soft which could never hurt anything and yet we witnessed the rage of the light that the creatures called fire. We saw them create beauty and hope but trembled at the thought that it had been sourced by destruction. They became unstoppable as they gathered their light together into beacons of light that we could not even dream of rivaling. As a last resort, we decided that we would reveal ourselves to the creatures, but in our hearts, we knew that our light was now hopeless.
We learned that they called themselves humans and even though we listened to them, they continued in their infatuation in their light. The name “Fire” was overheard, and we sorrowed as we saw the word used to inflict pain. There was nothing that could hold these humans back, and they began to spread their fire throughout the entire world. Where the glow from our pure light was to be displayed, there was only the dark light of “Fire.” It wasn’t enough that they brightened up their surroundings but they began to spread their light into the air and used their “fire” to create new stars lifted by pillars of light. It was the mountainous burst of light that made us realize what we had done. Their light had begun to burn the earth and we lamented our decision not to share our gift. We now knew that all would be lost to an everlasting darkness because we allowed the humans to create their own light.
Now the earth is dying and we fear will be lost to eternal darkness, all because of our fear. We learned that the humans call us Fireflies and this we accept as the symbol of our punishment. Our light is innocent but we are not. And so, my children, I tell you this so that you may all understand that Light is nothing unless you share it. My hope is that the humans will forgive us for our ignorance. As I welcome the darkness, I plead with you to share the little light that we still possess, if only to give hope to those that have none. We are Fireflies. The ones that failed.
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whitewolf4189 · 6 years
You are a space traveler from Earth. One day you land on a seemingly advanced planet where the aliens are friendly. You decide to live there and learn their language, and with their technology it takes barely a day. However, you soon offend the wrong person by accident and become arrested. It is decided that your punishment is death, and you are brought a vial of liquid that you are told is of the deadliest kind. Terrified, you drink it only to find out it’s water. Turns out that the very substance keeping you alive is deadly to these creatures. Write what happens following this discovery.
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whitewolf4189 · 6 years
Locked In
The young astronaut gazed through the hatch window into the dark void that lay before him. Subtle sounds emanated from the space station equipment behind him while the silence of space crawled through the glass trying to trap him. Even though he enjoyed being an astronaut, he had always found space to be the most frightening thing that he had ever had to endure. It was unusual for someone so young to be the commander of a mission to the ISS, but he had earned his position through constant diligence, hard work, and the unending support from his friends. Deep within the station, he could hear the drone of the artificial hibernation pods that suspended the crew of the ISS in a deep sleep until his crew could upgrade the oxygen systems of the station. The sound handed him a thought of fear of what would happen if he failed his mission. A shimmer of light glimpsed through the window as the edge of the turquoise globe drifted into sight. Never before had Earth looked so beautiful. With a new hope shining within him, he assured himself that his fears were completely unfounded. After all, his crew was there to assist him, and he knew that they would not fail him. The upgrades would be completed soon and the transport from SpaceX would arrive, bringing a peace and relief that he would be on solid ground once more surrounded by those that sheltered him with a dome of peace and safety.
Mission Commander’s Log Entry 13: 7/3/2032.
The oxygen system upgrades have begun to slow a little. It seems as though my crew is not working as hard anymore and are leaving most of the work for me to do. Perhaps if I give them a task to do that is more challenging they might put more effort into the mission. I might allow one of them to do an EVA and repair the external cooling system for the oxygen reclaimer if they do well tomorrow. The incentive of a spacewalk should improve their efficiency. Crewman Daniels has been the most productive worker of my crew and I think that he would appreciate the change of scenery. The other two workers are not as experienced and I don’t trust them as much. Some of their behaviour is strange and sometimes even seems impossible. I swear I saw one of them walk through a wall this morning, and I’m sure that I could see right through the other one into the endless void as if she was fading out of existence. The sight of it filled me with an unknown dread that I could not explain. A lonely chill seems to be setting in on the station that has deeply affected me. I find myself looking back to earth more and more, trying to feel some form of companionship. The desire to return home is becoming so overwhelming that it takes my attention and steals my thoughts.”
A deep sense of foreboding slowed the commander’s movements as he prepared Daniels for the spacewalk. One by one the pieces of the spacesuit were fitted and with each piece, the commander’s fear grew heavier as if the pieces were being placed on his own shoulders. The other crewmen seemed to be nonexistent as he placed the helmet on Daniels’ head. The visor closed and hid Daniels’ face from the commander which only filled his heart with a feeling of emptiness and loneliness that terrified him. With one final caution, the commander opened the airlock door for Daniels and sunk into a void of desperation as Daniels drifted out of sight. How could he feel so lonely when his friend was only a few meters away from him? The walls of the station seemed paper thin as the emptiness of space seeped deeper into the cabin. A sudden repeating thud shook the commander to attention. The commander turned to see the haunted face of crewman Daniels at the airlock door desperately trying to get back inside. As the commander reached for the door controls, a frigid voice whistled behind him. “Don’t let him in.” There stood Daniels with a painfully cold smile on his face looking at him with a lost, desperate stare. “Whatever you do, do not let him in.” With each word, the air became colder and colder. The commander’s fear only set deeper into his heart. What he was seeing was impossible. The Daniels that begged at the airlock window looked at the commander with eyes that bore holes right through his soul. The commander knew that he had an impossible choice before him. Who could he trust?” Companionship had been the one thing that he relied on and it had just failed him. With each second that ticked passed, the fear in his heart drained his confidence until he felt as cold as the air around him seemed. Despite the pleadings, the commander knew that he could never subject someone to a death in the horrifying endless expanse. As the commander reached for the airlock controls, the Daniels that was standing behind him screamed. “No!” The moment that his hand touched the controls, both Daniels vanished as if they had simply faded into the background. As he stood by the airlock door, the commander was painfully aware of the deathly silence. Each tiny sound seemed to be smothered in an essence of loneliness. With all that he held on to gone, the commander collapsed into the chair by the communication control. Perhaps there was one last chance for him to reunite with his friends and loved ones. Could the transport carry him to the safety net of home? With a fearful eye on the dropping g oxygen level, the commander put all his determination into one last desperate effort to regain hope and peace.
“This is Commander Marsh, calling Mission Control. I am on the International Space Station working on a repair mission. Oxygen levels are falling. Requesting immediate assistance. I don’t know what to do. I am alone. Please...”
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whitewolf4189 · 6 years
I do this thing where if i have to go to a family event where I will be expected to be a girl I pretend I am a SPY and I am IN DISGUISE AS A TEEN GIRL and my mission is to EXTRACT INFORMATION FROM MY GRANDPARENTS without giving away my real identity. works every time.
your dress and makeup is now a DISGUISE
your ‘birth name’ is now an ALIAS
getting told by your parents to be nice and not yell at anyone being racist is MISSION BRIEFING
your entire extended family are now FOREIGN DIGNITARIES and you gotta make it thru the evening without being discovered as a RADICAL SPY
carrying a small water pistol and one of those fake-lipstick pens in your purse helps to get in the zone. the best part of being a spy is the nifty gadgets everyone knows that.
BONUS if you have to bring a friend of another gender with you to pretend to be your boyfriend. you are both PARTNER SPIES and one of you has to be the cranky but soft-hearted veteran and the other has to be the endearingly-assholeish rookie. 
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
id wreak mayhem for a really good scifi where sight was considered as exotic and numinous as telepathy by the protag species
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
“Humans are average in everything basically and you are saying that we shouldn’t invade them. You are kidding, right?” The alien king looked at the prophet. “They might not have shown anything special thus far, until you decide to go and wage war.”
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
A random idea for a ‘Humans are Space Orcs’ post
What would we look like to an alien race down the line. We, as a species, describe ourselves as scientific and logical, yet emotional and brutish. We can copy anything, but we also invent new things. We rush through ideas to make them work, but also stay with them until we’ve mastered them. We are peaceful and loving, but also hateful and war-like. We’ve created a thousand ways to peace, and a thousand ways to war. What would the aliens think?
The humans were the second largest intelligent species we’d ever encountered, and they were sitting inside of what our First Contact Unit referred to as a ‘missile with life support’. They were somehow at the far side of their ‘Asteroid belt’ yet were still burning explosive materials as a means of propulsion.
They were also likely the most dangerous species any race had ever encountered. With no natural defences, they’d somehow become the dominant species of their planet. None could understand it. They even had species on their planet that seemed almost designed to kill them… and they had adopted them as pets! Monsters on their planets called ‘bears’ and ‘tigers’ that the humans enjoyed looking at IN THE WILD with NO PROTECTION ON!
Their biology is possibly more terrifying than their planet, which houses every biome known and hundreds, if not thousands, of species that can kill with a single bite, sting, or even touch. Yet the humans are masters there. They can heal from wounds that would prove fatal to anything else, can set broken bones to heal in a fraction of the time anything else would, assuming it can at all, and can even have organs damaged or removed without it always being a death sentence. They have adapted to survive in almost any situation our scientists have tested them with. Many regard them with fear for this reason alone.
The beings themselves varied wildly as well, both in appearance and preference. Some liked it hot, others cold. Some preferred to be in groups, while some only seemed happy when left alone. To say their species were living paradoxes was to not give them enough credit.
In just fifty of their years however, we truly understood how these species had become so dangerous and dominant on their planet. My race had taken over two hundred of their years just too master intergalactic space-flight. Other races we’d met shared similar stories, explaining how it took them hundreds of Earth years to journey to the stars, but humans? They simply looked at what we had… just looked! We gave them no design specifications, no blue-prints, no clues as to how our engines worked. The only question they asked was what material worked for the engines fuel, which was not classified as every species used the same energy conversion process. Only three years after looking at our engines, the humans had created their own versions that, though rushed, still operated at 82% efficiency compared to our own. Our earliest design had taken a hundred years just to become operational!
When asked, the humans simply smiled and stated they’d tested them in a Mars base to ensure safety for the scientists while they ‘backwards engineered’ our entire engine core FROM MEMORY.
Within five years of copying our engine designs, they’d surpassed even the most brilliant of our galactic neighbours. Any ship that met them peacefully was welcomed by their fleets for trade… while any ship that dared attack was either destroyed, or salvaged and added to their already impressive fleet size. The humans were like walking mirrors, copying everything they saw and touched, creating their own versions in a fraction of the time it took other species and then exceeding our own.
It took years to discover how this was possible. A humans version of imagination allows them to somehow think beyond reality. They don’t spend decades removing every flaw like other species, instead relying on ingenuity to solve problems as they appear. They rush forward into technology they don’t understand, accepting all possible risks as ‘learning’, and then continue to move forward with the technology even after it has been proven operational, making it ‘perfect’ as they say.
In just fifty years, they’d used this ability of theirs to spread across almost a fifth of the galaxy, establishing colonies and growing in population at an impressive rate. On top of that, although they were clearly a dangerous race, they were also amazingly peaceful. They helped us go from many governments working in conjunction to a central group, where all races met with their designated leaders and discussed things under one goal: Unity. They claimed that this was an ancient idea of theirs that stemmed from a place known as ‘The United Nations’.
Not only that, but once you were accepted into the United Galaxy and proved your intentions, they promoted resource and information sharing, something that had never been done before.
On the other hand… none wanted to risk fighting the humans. They promoted peace and equality, but they also carried behind them a military that was so colossal in size that even we, their first allies, didn’t know its full extent… though we do know that, during a war they dubbed ‘Galactic War One’, their home world was attacked. Though the loss of life was minimal, they said it was beyond forgiving, and in their anger they launched a full scale attack. The species that attacked them? Extinct.
Nobody really knows if the humans will always be true to their words of peace, but one thing is certain… nobody wants to find out how angry they can truly get
Just a rough idea. Feel free to take it and run with it!
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
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i know its the mets, but this is the coolest shit i’ve ever seen a human being do
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
This is awesome
the universe: okay, you’re a human. I gave you free will and a conscious mind, so you’re free to do whatever you want. So what do you wanna do?
human: GO FAST
the universe: well, you’re a perfect pursuit predator but if that’s the way you want to evolve, go ahead.
human, climbing on a horse: GO FAST
the universe: wait what
human, inventing the carriage, the car and the bullet train: GO FASTER
the universe: I IMPLORE YOU TO STOP
human, trying to figure out lightspeed travel: FAS T ER
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
I’m a space orc!!
Humans wanted
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A new treat came in the mail today, and i thought id share it with all of you, i found out about this book through a thread on one of my reblogs, and immediately decided i wanted it. It can be baught on amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Humans-Wanted-Jody-Lynn-Nye/dp/0692900039
Now something else important is like to say is that my second accaunt (which i thought would became my main accaunt, but fortunately i didnt have to) just hit four digits, and this blog hit 2000 today! im now running two accounts with well over a thousand followers, and id like to say thank you, so im going to be giving away a brand new edition of Humans wanted, free of charge and shipped internationally, or locally!
If you’d like a chance to win just reblog this post with the words “im a space orc!” and on december 1st ill pick a winner and contact you! Remember theirs only one winner and you’ve gotta be in it it to win it
A few conditions on the giveaway:
You must be following either @inspacewereallaustralians @we-are-all-australian-in-space
You must have the words “I’m a space orc!” in your reblog
Must enter before december first!
good luck to all of you!
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
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We must look SO WEIRD to animals sometimes. [@jakelikesonions]
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
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Starting my first attempt at digital artwork. Took me about two and a half hours to get this far but I’m learning quickly.
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
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Just found this and I think it fits perfectly
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
This is awesome. I think that this might be one of the most accurate descriptions of what would happen if this were to happen.
Do not mess with Terran kids
 Okay so i’m  not a writer but i had this dream yesterday, that i can`t get out of my mind, and i thought i mind as well share it.
So it started with a group of alien scientists kidnapping 20 kids kids from earth for an experiment, the oldest child was 16 and the youngest was 4.
The aliens stuck them on this planet called Cycloptia–for some random reason.
Anyway Cycloptia was a little bigger than earths moon and had  three moons  and three seasons spring,summer and fall.
The landscape consisted of a lot of fields,hills, and a couple mountains, also a shit ton of ponds, lakes and streams though rivers were rarer. Also everything except the plants were pastel colored. 
Cycloptia actually had humanoid people living there, the adulds  were around 6`8 on average and had one eye, they had similar vocal cords as humans but had never developed a spoken language, instead they developed telepathic abilities and communicated mostly with feelings and thoughts. despite being completely  physically evolved, they lacked any kind of social structures and after reaching adulthood they wandered around alone, they survived solely by eating easily picked plants and dead animals, they had no concept of hunting,farming,building or well anything, at all.
Back to the children.
After a couple hours of panicking, Nebula, a 10 year old Australian girl, was the first to find her cool,and quickly put her Lyanna Mormont level badassness to use.
Luckily the aliens had gathered a fairly diverse group of kids together–who all spoke English,because of course they did
A daughter of a teacher and a policeman from Greenland, a son of a politician from New York, a pair of Swedish twins  whose parents were collage professors  in history, a teen from Nigeria whose mother was a therapist and Nebula herself who came from a large tight knit family filled with scientists, doctors,astronauts   and lawyers and a couple of astronomers.
The kids using random facts from their parents large field of jobs, stuff they saw from Tv and just otherwise random things they read that seemed smart,and started to formulate a plan for survival.
And surprisingly  they didn’t all die,it actually worked fairly well, withing a month they had built a couple of shelters, had a small list of things they knew to be edible and were building tools, one kid had pitched the idea of persistence hunting– its a hunting technique in which hunters, who may be slower than their prey over short distances, use a combination of running, walking and tracking to pursue prey until its exhausted– and effectively solved the issue of how to get food while exploring the planet.
Three moths in, they had a miniature village, all the children had clear jobs to keep them all alive,–hunting,farming,gathering,building etc- and some of the kids had started making random animals into pets, the kids that came from farms, found local animals that reminded them of  livestock and started domesticating them and started planting crops, meanwhile the Alien scientists were starting to worry–the children colonizing Cycloptia hadn't been in the realm of possibilities.
Five moths in, a child Cycloptian got lost and was then effectively adopted to the group of Terran kids, the Alien scientist had a collective freak out as the kids taught the Cycloptian how to –among other things- speak and write English,the basics of earth culture and how to preform a certain job–building.
A year in, the village had transformed into a large town, as more and more Cycloptians got `adopted` by the Terran kids.
The alien scientists   were freaking the fuck out, because the experiment had gotten waaay out of hand, the kids had effectively created a government and they were surely going to start to consider space travel next–in the eyes of the aliens humans developed space travel ridiculously fast, and they assumed that the Terran kid would be ladidadi-ing around space within 5 years.
Aaand that's  when i woke up. XD
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
This is one of Australia's most embarrassing moments in history. We like to think pretend that it never happened.
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The disastrous Australian Emu War.
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whitewolf4189 · 7 years
The word theoretically. I don’t think it would take very long for aliens to realise that if a human starts a conversation with, “So theoretically….” Run. There are three options of what they are going to say.
One - propose an improbable situation followed by an improbable solution that makes you question their sanity.
Two - seemingly wonder out loud whether what anyone else would label a life-threatening activity would kill them, (often followed by doing said activity).
Or three - make you question your very existence.
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