whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     Nezumi smirked lazily and pulled Shion closer, burying his face into his boyfriend’s hair. Although he’d never admit it, he’d missed him. It wasn’t like he was trying too hard to hide it, though. “Nah,” he lied, “I was already awake.” 
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     “Sure you were,” Shion grinned, wrapping an arm around Nezumi. “You were definitely up at... what time is it?” He paused to think, and as he did, he scooted himself closer to his boyfriend. “Right! You were obviously up at almost 12 a.m.!” He scoffed, poking Nezumi’s stomach.
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
So guess what anime I re-watched this weekend! I hope you all like it! 
(also its transparent so drag it to see a hidden message)
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
Official art by imozuka (Satoshi Ishino, No. 6 animation director), edited.
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
     Nezumi was used to having to be alert, even in his sleep. No noise went unheard; even the slightest of sounds could wake him. So, the slight creak of the door and Shion’s footsteps startled him awake. But, he knew those footsteps; they did not startle him into a panic, as most others would. In fact, they did the exact opposite, and he relaxed. 
     The street rat had planned on not letting his boyfriend know that he was awake. But plans changed as Shion snuggled up against his back. Almost soundlessly, Nezumi rolled over, and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend’s waist. 
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     “…You���re late.”
     "Geh!?” Shion yelped as Nezumi rolled over and wrapped his arm around him. Shion blinked, staring at Nezumi. “I-I mean,” He stammered, fiddling with his hands. “I th-thought you were asleep! Did I wake you up?”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
     Shion opened the door quietly. It was rather late, and he was just getting home from work. “I’m home.” He whispered, closing the door behind him. He lightly dropped the things he was carrying on the floor.
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     Nezumi’s probably already gone to bed. Shion yawned, shuffling towards the bedroom. He slowly opened the door, and blinked so his eyes would adjust to the darkness. Seeing Nezumi’s sleeping figure made him smile softly. Wow, Shion, you sure are gay aren’t you? He snickered at himself. He carefully made his way towards the bed, being careful to make the least amount of noise he could. He tried to sneak into the bed without waking Nezumi, getting close to his boyfriend.
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     At Nezumi’s remark on Shion’s redness, Shion pouted. “Shut up.” he huffed, sticking his tongue out. He watched as Nezumi stood up, and looked at his boyfriend, still pouting, as he spoke. When a hand was held to Shion, he grabbed it slowly, and stood up. “Yeah,” he paused, still holding the other’s hand, and looked down. “...There should be other ways to get there.”
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     Nezumi laughed, poking Shion’s nose. “When am I not vague? And look at you, you’re all red. Like a beet! You’d think you’d be used to this by now. Jeez, what am I going to do with you?” And then he sighed, standing up from his spot beside Shion on the floor of the alleyway. “Come on. We have stuff to do, don’t we? We can’t just sit here for the rest of the day ‘til the crowd dies down, as much as I’d love to. Let’s just find another way to get where we’re going.” And then he held a hand down to help his boyfriend up. 
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     When Nezumi kissed his cheek, Shion felt his face heat up. “Well excuse me for having a boyfriend who’s being vague!” he huffed, puffing his cheeks out. As he listened to Nezumi speak, he pouted. “I don’t care if you’re ‘not nice enough’ or if I’m ‘too nice’. All that really matters to me is that you’re back”
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     Nezumi snickered, and pulled away from Shion only to kiss the scar on his cheek. “It was a rhetorical question, idiot.” He lifted his arms and wrapped them around his boyfriend’s shoulders. “This is you we’re talking about, not me, and I’m the only one sitting here who’s that much of a jerk. Like I said, again, you’re too nice. And I’m not nice enough. Did you forget that while I was gone?”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     Shion was silent. He didn’t know how to reply to Nezumi. “I... I don’t...” he stumbled with his words, pausing. “I can’t answer that right now.” He closed his eyes, furrowing his brow. “I honestly don’t know how to answer you.”
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     Nezumi sighed, and leaned into Shion as his boyfriend hugged him, but only a little. “Like I said. Too nice.” As Shion kissed his cheek, Nezumi frowned. “I forced you into things that made you uncomfortable. Why don’t I deserve the same? It’s only fair.”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     Shion turned to Nezumi, sighing. “Nezumi...” he whispered, leaning over and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “I’m not gonna force you to do things that make you uncomfortable. Ever.” He pulled back a bit, and kissed Nezumi’s cheek.
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     “Shion,” Nezumi said, his voice heavy and filling the alleyway. “You’re too nice.” Completely ignoring Shion’s suggestion, he scooted close to his boyfriend’s side. “Why don’t you just force me to go through it? To stop being such a wuss and just go?” He laughed, weakly, and sighed. “You’re just too nice. Come on, let’s just find another way. I’m tired of sitting here, acting like a big baby.” He did not, however, make a single move to get up.
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     “If you don’t want to go home, we could always try another route,” Shion suggested, using his free hand to reach over and touch Nezumi’s face. “I don’t want you to stress yourself out.” He looked at his boyfriend with worry, thinking of other ways to help him calm down. “Is there any way I could help you right now?”
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     “No fuckin’ crowd is going to best me,” Nezumi growled, but his resolve died off much too soon at the thought of getting up and going through that crowd. “Ah. On second thought,” he groaned, “maybe I should go back home.” Nezumi clenched his teeth. This is so stupid! But he allowed himself to cling to Shion’s hand with his own, fingers still curled tightly around his boyfriend’s as he tried to focus on anything, anything other than all those people…
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     “Mhm.” Shion hummed, kissing the top of Nezumi’s head. He closed his eyes as his boyfriend whispered. “If you don’t want to go out there, I could go by myself. I don’t want you to force yourself if it’s too much for you.” he whispered back, running his thumb against Nezumi’s hand.
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     “I never said that,” Nezumi replied, huffing, though Shion was, of course, right. As his boyfriend sat beside him, Nezumi leaned his head on Shion’s shoulder. He felt exhausted just from having looked at the crowd, and they hadn’t even gone in it. He did not acknowledge the offer of event-keeping, though he twined his fingers with Shion’s. “I don’t want to go out there again,” he whispered, still faintly able to hear the sounds of the gathered people. “It’s too much…”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
     "Ah!” Shion yelped as he was suddenly dragged by Nezumi. When they got to the alleyway, he looked at Nezumi. As he had watched him slide down the wall, Shion sighed.
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     “The crowd was bothering you, huh?” he spoke, and sat next to Nezumi. “If that’s it, I guess I should keep track of events... so this doesn’t happen again.” he continued, reaching for Nezumi’s hand.
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     Nezumi gritted his teeth. He looked to Shion, and then at the crowd, and then back to Shion. Then, without a word, he was moving, away from all the people and the noise and the crowd. He kept a tight hold on Shion’s hand as he heard his heartbeat thump in his ears. He mumbled, “If we’re not going through the damn crowd, then we’re getting away from it,” under his breath and, crazed with fear, he dragged Shion into an empty alleyway. Suddenly, he could breathe again, so he pressed up against one of the walls and sank to the ground. “Better…”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     “Nezumi.” Shion huffed, moving his hand from Nezumi’s face to his shoulder. “Seriously. You’re not acting normal,” he squeezed Nezumi’s hand, and stepped a bit closer. “What’s wrong?” he asked, staring directly into his boyfriend’s eyes. His gut was telling him something definitely  wasn’t right.
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     Nezumi had planned to just grin and bear it, but Shion was not letting him off of the hook. He was too nervous to fake being fine, and the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach was making him want to spill the issue. Conflicted, he bit his lip, and looked away from his boyfriend, at the crowd. “I’m fine.”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     Shion stared at Nezumi, as his actions were off. Shion brought himself closer, and stopped walking. “Are you sure, Nezumi? You’re acting a bit off.” he whispered to Nezumi, running his thumb along his boyfriend’s hand. Shion got in front of Nezumi, and with his free hand, touched Nezumi’s face. “If something is wrong, please tell me.”
     It was becoming hard to breathe. Nezumi’s eyes were a little too wide, just enough to warrant questioning, and his body was a little too tense as he walked side-by-side with Shion. He did not want to go into this crowd, no way, no how, but he had to keep up appearances, didn’t he?
     He wasn’t doing a very good job of that, though. At Shion’s small protest, Nezumi’s fingers loosened, only a little. He clenched his teeth, and felt his legs beginning to shake. He hadn’t seen a crowd this large in a long time.
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     Nezumi looked down. “No.”
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
     “Some crowd, huh?” Shion wondered aloud as they approached the crowd. “Wonder what it’s for... I haven’t really kept up with events since coming back.” he uttered, pouting a bit. He didn’t fancy having to navigate through crowds.
     When Nezumi started walking closer, Shion didn’t reigster it as Nezumi being nervous. But when Nezumi grabbed his hand, however, he felt as if something was off. “Ow.” He muttered as Nezumi’s grip tightened. He adjusted his hand to hold his boyfriend’s.
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     He looked over at Nezumi. “Is something wrong?”
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     Nezumi was never one to go to other people for support, in public or otherwise. But this…this was a special occasion. He and Shion had only gone out to get groceries, and Nezumi had not expected anything bad to happen on such a trip. But as a crowd began to loom before them, gathered together for some event or another, Nezumi could not help but lose his breath. His stomach twisted in knots
     When it became apparent that there was no way to get around this crowd without going through it, Nezumi bit his lip. Did he dare say something to Shion? No, it made him seem too weak. Instead, as they walked, Nezumi got closer to his boyfriend’s side, and, without a word, snatched his hand, gripping it hard.
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whitewasped-blog ¡ 9 years
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     Shion let out a very small whine when Nezumi kissed his neck. His face flushed red as well. “I, uh, I guess. I’ll try to sleep.” he tried not to stutter, adjusting his arms so he could avoid irritating them. “Goodnight...?” he whispered once more before nuzzling into Nezumi and closing his eyes.
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     Nezumi smirked a little, and he sighed. “I already told you, I’m not going anywhere again.” Then, he yawned. “Besides, I need sleep, too. I’ve been out all night.” And I had nightmares last time I slept… He leaned down to nuzzle gently against Shion’s neck, and veeeeery sneakily pressed a kiss there. “I’m not leaving, so…do you want to give it a shot?”
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