teacakes1799 · 11 months
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mean lil twilek sith for RATBOYY
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youresimpxtico · 9 years
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The ratboy gig was so soo good!! I didn't get any pictures apart from two outside of the venue when Jordan was getting asked if he wanted pizza from some fan girl ahaha
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ratboyy ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
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     Hilbert licked his lips. I promise it won’t hurt. Not one bit! His teeth, which glinted ominously beneath the dull street lights, hovered above Nezumi’s neck. But... are y’sure? About all this, and, well... everythin’ else?
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whitewasped-blog · 9 years
     Shion opened the door quietly. It was rather late, and he was just getting home from work. “I’m home.” He whispered, closing the door behind him. He lightly dropped the things he was carrying on the floor.
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     Nezumi’s probably already gone to bed. Shion yawned, shuffling towards the bedroom. He slowly opened the door, and blinked so his eyes would adjust to the darkness. Seeing Nezumi’s sleeping figure made him smile softly. Wow, Shion, you sure are gay aren’t you? He snickered at himself. He carefully made his way towards the bed, being careful to make the least amount of noise he could. He tried to sneak into the bed without waking Nezumi, getting close to his boyfriend.
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drill-peck-blog · 9 years
ratboyy *
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     “That’s a pretty hefty mask you have there. Why don’t      you try taking it off for a while? I think that’d make      you feel better.”
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whitewasped-blog · 9 years
     When Shion opened his eyes, it took him a tad bit of time to see Nezumi was missing. As soon as he realized Nezumi wasn’t there, he felt terror shoot through his entire body. He knew what was coming next if he couldn’t find a note or something from Nezumi.
     He shakily got out of bed and checked the entire room. He nervously opened each drawer, looking for something that would tell him where Nezumi went. When he couldn’t find anything, he felt terror overcome him even more, as well as tears filling his eyes.
     Shion stumbled to the next room, scratching at his arms, warm tears running down his face. He was terrified as he upturned everything, searching. The room was an absolute mess. He walked into the kitchen, practically knowing he wouldn’t find anything at this point. He kept scratching at his arms, trying to keep himself from screaming, the dragging of his nails along his skin keeping the words from similarly scratching their way out of his throat.
     After tearing the kitchen apart, Shion couldn’t hold it back anymore. He put his back against an open space between the cabinets and slid down. When he hit the ground, he pulled his knees to his chest, clamped his hands in his hair, and started to break down, completely. He started to hyperventilate, and with tears streaming down his face, he went into a full-blown panic attack. He left and he won’t come back he left and he won’t come back he left and he won’t come back, repeated in his mind over and over again, and it was the only thing in his mind.
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