ENFP. Asian. Former TV Assistant Producer turned Hotelier. A KRU, NKOTB, Ben Affleck, Milo Ventimiglia, Batman, Henry Cavill, Superbat, H50, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Matthew Gray Gubler & Jared Leto fan. Identifies as a Blockhead. #TeamDC #TeamBatman
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Almost a year now. Always missed, forever loved. . Please remember my dearest sister in your prayers, especially this weekend. . #rememberingYun — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2UCMEfz
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Signing out for the last time. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2GekMZg
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My heart. 💕 . In a few hours' time I'd be in recovery ready to start a new chapter of my life. . #family #love — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HJebqC
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Clark: Honey don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?
Bruce, standing on a balcony lit by five different spot lights, the wind blowing in his hair, a flurry of black rose petals swirling around him, a murder of crows take flight as he hurls a wine glass filled with cranberry juice to the ground: NO!
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Because I just tried to scratch my back with my metal ruler…
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Homemade Chocolate Digestive Biscuits
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Why nobody did this before?
The pictures belong to @qwellcrist (via twitter)
#superbat#clark kent#bruce wayne#triple frontier#batman#superman#henry cavill#ben affleck#dceu#dc comics#mission impossible 6#mi6#benry#benry caffleck#caffleck
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Prayers, thoughts and positivity are welcomed. Tq. I love all of you. 😘 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2FmvkoL
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Now in Borneo Medical Center getting treatment for my intestine blockage which has made me unable to keep any food or water down. Tube is to drain all the bile from my stomach coz I've been vomiting all night. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TbIJU9
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The reality after being sick for more than 2 months… 6 hospitalizations, 31 days hospitalized, 1 night in A&E (ER), over 100 needle pricks, drips & injections, 6 ECG tests, 3 CT scans, 4 ultrasounds, 1 endoscopy, 2 pints red pack cells transfused, dozens of saline drips, dozens of pills, about 40 times vomiting and more than 10kg lost. And this is as of today. I still can't take any food or drink any liquid, it will cause stomach pain and vomiting. I could do with more prayers and positive thoughts. And hopefully a solution to my health issues. #selfie #me #portalveinthrombosis #gastristis #vomiting #acuteabdominalpain — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2XYYJwn
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Day 31/68… 6th hospitalization. For a different issue but still my digestive system. This time I cant even eat or drink coz I'd be in pain and start vomiting. I'm so tired of being so ill and being in so much pain. #hospitalized #hospitalization #sosickofbeingsick #prayforhealing #prayforhealth — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SUtC15
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Day 30/67 in the hospital. Second evening in MCMC. Feeling much better after all the medication. Underwent an endoscopy test and CT scan this morning. Still fasting. Only time I was allowed to drink was 3 cups of contrast and a cup of water for the CT scan. How waiting for the doctor the same by two explain the test results and give the diagnosis. #selfie #me #hospitalized #hospitalization — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TDQgPP
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I should be in Singapore to see @benaffleck promoting @triplefrontier tomorrow but damn it, got hospitalized tonight. 5th time this year. Why oh why am I still ill? This is day 29/66 in the hospital. #ijustwannabehealthy #iwannaseeBenAffleck #ilovebenafflecklikeilovecoffee #benaffleck #triplefrontier #wishiaminsingapore — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2H6cMen
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When the office people like it freezing cold but you're recovering from illness, it's layers upon layers. Double layer top, sweater, hoodie, scarf and blanket. But my makeup is definitely still flawless. #selfie #me #work — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/cffba885933f2614382fd691fd0bcae4/5D1883F7/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/52571393_421759261890723_3721233039479576870_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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Woke up in the middle of the night, felt something wasn't right. Went on twitter to find out that Luke Perry, one of my childhood hearttrobs, had passed away. 💔 Such a gloomy and somber day as part of my childhood is gone forever. Rest in peace, Luke. Heaven gained another angel. 😭 #riplukeperry #riplukeperry🙏👼🏼🙏 #luperry #dylanmckay #restinpeace — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2ISS6IF
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