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                                      THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS.
No running this weekend as I was up in Edinburgh for the Wales game, I have managed to get 8 miles in today to make up for it and have a full week of running planned for this week. It was really lovely to have one last weekend off running before the marathon with only 54 days left to go, it’s getting really serious!
This blog post is a massive thank you to the ladies you can see in the group picture, my fundraising squad. At points through the weekend we looked like Del Boy but we did a brilliant job!!! My mum made the sheep head bands you can see in the picture above and we sold them to fellow Welsh fans. I was so shocked by the kindness of strangers, everyone we spoke to on the first night wanted to buy one or donate money to the charity. One gentleman even sold his headband on and brought us his takings, I met people whose family members had been affected by MS and they rounded up their mates and made them donate to our fundraising!
Then on match day we had dragon face paint, we asked people to give a donation to the charity and in return they got a dragon on their face. At one point we had a queue going all the way around our table. Every time one of us went to the bar or the toilet people would ask us where we got our face painted and we would point them in the direction of our table, I couldn't believe how kind complete strangers were giving a £1 or £2 and wishing me luck!
The grand total of our fundraising was £165.57 (there is ALWAYS that random penny amount isn't there??!) which is amazing!!!!!!!!!!
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On Sunday I managed to run a half marathon. 13.1 miles and all finished before 10am on a Sunday I'm a changed woman pre marathon training I would have been nursing a hangover from hell still in my PJs (like any sensible person on a Sunday). The first four miles were a disaster for the first time in my training I desperately needed a wee a mile away from home and with it being a Sunday morning nothing was open, so i had to detour my run to find a public toilet!! Then miles 3 and 4 reminded me of being back in P.E in school stopping every 5 minutes with an excuse "my trainers are undone" "my trainers are too tight". When I had finally sorted out the new trainer drama I was all set to go. I run as far as Euston and then turned back home, it was actually a really enjoyable run and at mile 10 I found Dr Who's Tardis, I thought I was seeing things as I trudged down Camden road but there it was!! Training is getting much tougher, I'm running longer runs and I'm still training on my own so I have to really push myself and I REALLY have to stop myself jumping on the bus home sometimes. I'm not going to lie I normally have a bit of a cry on the longer runs but on Sunday I actually managed to smile the whole way round, mainly because I was so impressed that I survived!! Thank you so much for all of your support and donations so far, this weekend I am off to Edinburgh for the rugby and we are hoping to do a bit of fundraising while we are there my mam has made hats to sell I'll post a picture next week and share our fundraising total. If you would like to donate and haven't I would be so grateful, I really want to raise as much money I can for the MS Society in memory of my gran. If you want to know more about MS then please see my previous posts!!
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Over Christmas I fitted in as many runs as I could, Christmas week I did shorter runs ending with an 8 mile run on Christmas Eve. I had a running partner in the shape of my brother Evan; he was a trooper and ran the whole 8 miles with me. It’s safe to say we were both suffering a little bit on Christmas Day, but it was good relax and not have to think about running.
Then on Boxing Day I flew to NEW YORK! I decided not to take my trainers as I was only there for a couple of days, but ended up doing plenty of walking (miles and miles) and even some cardio pushing my mam up the hills in her wheelchair.  We had the most amazing time and it was nice to have a couple of days not thinking about the Marathon and all the training I have left to do.
I’m back in London now and the Marathon countdown has begun, while I write this there are currently 96 days left until the marathon and training is in full flow. At the moment I am running 3 miles on a Monday and running home from work (6.7 miles) twice a week, I’m using the shorter runs to build on my speed – which is still currently snail pace. I am trying to beat my time home on each run, this week I beat my 1 hour 30 minute record by 3 minutes and felt like I’d just beaten Paula Radcliffe and won the gold medal at the Olympics.
My longest run to date was 11 miles which I did last Sunday, it was a bit of a nightmare as I set off a bit later than I wanted too and everyone and their dog was out for a walk. Dodging dogs as you run has to be the most difficult thing!! This Sunday I run 8 miles as my shins have been playing me up, and buy playing me up I mean they are so bloody sore I actually cried as I run! It was also really difficult to differentiate between sweat, tears and rain as it was absolutely pouring down the whole run. But once it was over and I’d had a proper stretch I felt so glad that I had carried on and not given up at mile 4. When I’m out on the longer runs I go through a range of different thoughts and emotions. It goes something like this:
MILE ONE: “Oh everything aches a little bit I don’t think I’ll make the whole run.” MILE TWO: (as someone runs passed me) “How do they run so fast/ I wonder where they bought their hat/ top/ leggings?” MILE THREE: “Why do the first three miles take me so long?” MILE FOUR : (after the running app has told me I am 37 seconds behind pace) “Oh get lost!” MILE 5: “How am I getting faster?” MILE 6: “What can I have to eat when I get in?” MILE 7: “I should have downloaded better music/ podcast!” MILE 8+: is all still a bit of a blur…
THANK YOU Firstly thank you everyone for reading my blog, for your likes on Facebook and your kind words of encouragement it really does keep me going. The biggest thanks has to go to everyone who has sponsored me recently. So thank you too: Angharad Gmac Sian You’ve all got me a little bit closer to my goal, thank you so much!  
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A bit of a stumbling block..... I've had a bit of a cold which turned out to be laryngitis and then I got the winter sickness bug.... so the running has been a bit sparse over the past three weeks. I did however manage to fit in some fun things and some fun runs, I went away for the weekend to centre parcs for a well deserved girly weekend. We had spa treatments including a much needed massage and spent the morning in the pool where I practically ran a marathon in the water rapids (girls you'll surely agree). I also had the pleasure of being joined on the run by my lovely friend Gemma while Angharad and Terri stayed home and made breakfast. It was bitter cold and there were a lot of hills but we had a lovely jog round centre parcs. The girls also took one for the team and helped me as I practiced carb loading - pizza is an effective way of carb loading right? I went to the MS Society training day, I couldn't join the run because of the laryngitis but it was so nice to meet fellow marathon runners and to hear other people's concerns and training plans. It was also brilliant way to see where all the money we raise will go. The MS Society has a brilliant plan for research with belief that the cure for MS is in their reach, if you would like to know more follow the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjrApKZXwoU I'm sure you will have seen in the news this week that newly published results of phase 3 ocrelizumab trials have shown positive results - stopping symptoms and slowing the progression of MS. It is the first treatment that can slow the advancement of primary progressive MS but it can also treat relapsing MS. This is amazing news and just shows how important raising more funds for the society is!! I was back to running as normal last week and even managed to go the gym - shock horror!! I also took in some extra miles by trying to see every Christmas tree and light central London had to offer!! I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, in years gone by Christmas Eve normally means eating my own body weight in food and drinking far too much wine, this year however I will be going for a TEN mile run.... wish me luck!!
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Running more miles Sorry for the lack of blog over the last couple of weeks! Two weekends ago I went away for the weekend for my Aunty Bev and Deb's FINAL birthday celebrations and so in anticipation of a hangover I crammed all my runs into the week. This turned out to be a bit of a mad idea, as it was half term and that meant spending ALL DAY outside with what felt like 345 children (in reality it was 70). Anyway I did it - apart from one day, after 4.5 miles my lungs, legs and brain had enough and so I stopped and did what any sensible person would do... bought a tonne of food and got the bus home! I got some looks on the bus as I sat there in my running gear eating the biggest bag of crisps! Apart from that one hiccough it was an alright week and meant I didn't have to run with a hangover. Last week normal training resumed and my week ended with a 7.4 mile run on Sunday ( the furthest I've EVER gone). I run from my house towards Hampstead Heath, stopping at Kenwood House to use the loo. I was so tempted to sit down for a slice of cake and a cup of tea too, I resisted though and felt AMAZING! Running the last mile home I felt like Rocky when he climbs the steps... a very slow Rocky! The route to Hampstead Heath took me down Bishops Avenue and I got so distracted by the MASSIVE MANSION houses that I almost forgot the pain my legs were in, almost. Things I have learnt while training this week: * Leaves are slippy * People texting and walking are dangerous (I've managed to run into about 4 people this week) * Knowing where the loos are on longer runs is a very clever thing * people open their car doors without looking - been nearly knocked out by a few doors * running in the freezing cold is exhilarating I've also literally been learning as I run, I couldn't run with music in my ears as it was making my pacing mad so I started to download podcasts and decided that I might as well take the opportunity to learn something while I run for hours by myself. These past few weeks I've learnt about the American Electoral System, Marie Curie, Richard Branson's view on disruptors in the workplace, hygge, and the economy - I might be a genius by the time the marathon comes around!! Sponsorship shout out!! A massive thank you to Kay, Kelly and Helen, two anonymous donors and my very generous brother Evan! Your donations really spur me on!!!
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Hello!! I'm back!!!! So in my last post I mentioned injuring my foot (while completely sober) I had to stop running for a little while for it to heal. So instead of running I had to head to the gym to keep my cardio up... now as much I try I just cannot get on with the gym, I don't know what it is - the rows of machines? The mirrors? Oh the mirrors!! I did a week at the gym while I got physio and then I was delighted to be allowed to run again! I'm officially a changed woman! I also used that week as a chance to chat to people about the marathon and went for dinner with my lovely friend Anna (and bump) who completed the marathon a couple of years ago and put my mind at ease about the course!! Last weekend I was at home so had the chance to run up even more hills - oh the absolute joy!! I ran a lap of Llanharan and Brynna with my brother Evan... it was slow and hard and hurt like hell, who knew brynna was so hilly?! But my ankle held out which is good news! It also gave me the chance to try out my new kit, because if you aren't marathon ready you might as well look the part right? The next day I went for a walk with my Grampa Phil and we spent the whole time talking about how many pubs he could find in the time it took me to run a marathon. The answer being - a LOT! This week I have mainly been running home from work. Seven miles on Tuesday and the same on Wednesday with added arsenal fans for difficulty! I'm blaming them for my slower time rather than my tired legs!! The best bit about upping my training? I get to eat more food - absolute bonus!!! Tomorrow is my birthday and the day after happens to be the anniversary of our second year without Gran. So I will be running tomorrow rather than the day after my birthday. I'm hoping for some birthday donations! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. My superstar sponsor shout out for this week goes to the lovely Amy B!! Thanks lovely!!!!
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Week Six: Sick & injured It's that time of the week again a round up of my weeks training and I'm sorry to say I'm a bit of let down this week. After last Sunday's successful run, I felt really run down when it came to Tuesday's run so decided to give it a miss and head to bed early. The next day I was supposed to run 4.5 miles but with no buses coming past my work I thought I'd give the whole route home a go, 7 miles in total. It started well I got to Upper Street and all was well, I turned the corner at Highbury & Islington and discovered why I'd been waiting so long for a bus - Arsenal were playing!! I took a big breath in and tried my best to run the street dodging excited fans (I feel like it's good preparation for the marathon). I got home in one piece and everything was going well until Thursday and Friday I managed to twist my ankle on Thursday and thought nothing of it until I fell over TWICE on Friday in work - much embarrassment! So I've had to miss two more runs this week 3 miles on Friday and 4.5 miles today as my ankle is still too sore. I'm hoping resting this week means I'll feel much better next week. I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually disappointed I couldn't run!! I have to just say thank you to my mam because I came home on Friday feeling really sorry for myself and she had sent me two (yes that's right two) cards which really cheered me up :) And an even bigger thank you to my Sponsorship Superstars : Michael (more posts to follow as promised), Jane, Steve & family - thank you so much and to my anonymous donor thank you whoever you are. I'm at 10% of my fundraising target so far which is amazing!!! Hopefully next week will be a bit more successful for me!!!
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Week Five: what if I can't do it?? I struggled this week, it was bound to come you can't go from not being able to run to 3 miles in 4 weeks and then carry on sailing through. I was thinking about how hard 3 miles was and started to panic at the thought of having to add an extra 23.2 miles, so this week people's support has meant everything!! I have a few people to thank for helping me out this week: my best girls (Becky, Gemma, Terri and Angharad) from back home who have all text me through the week to check on my progress it meant a lot, my bestie Tiffany who set me up with a new playlist ("thank you for the music") which helped A LOT and the following Super Stars for their very kind donations: Nicky and Mike James (a big thank you for the blog love too), Eirwin (thank you so much), Becky and James (big love) and my Grampa Danny. When I'm feeling the pain from running, the donations from everyone really make the difference! It reminds me of the wonderful charity I'm raising money for and it really pushes me on. After dealing with the total panic of thinking I wasn't going to be able to do it, there was only one way to combat the fear and that was to keep training!! This weeks runs have been 3 miles and I have started a new approach to my training this week as running in the morning before work just wasn't working out for me so I decided to start running home from work. My work is exactly 6.5 miles away from my house so this week I've been jumping on the tube and running from Archway to Muswell Hill. Anyone who knows that route will know just how filled with hills it is, anyone who doesn't google map archway road - worst thing ever! After the initial embarrassment of getting on the tube in my running kit (my mam bought me an illuminous orange top) I actually really enjoyed it. It works much better for me to be heading somewhere rather than aimlessly running until my app says I'm half way then turning round to go home plus no more scary woods!! Today I had to run 4.5 miles and after getting a bit lost in the middle I actually ended up doing 5 miles!!!!!!!!!! The furthest I have ever run!!!! I will admit though when the 43 went past me on Archway road I was tempted to hop on!! So I'm approaching week six with a "can do" attitude because with the wonderful team of people I have behind me there's no way I'm not going to finish!!! For anyone who wants to sponsor me here is the link: http://www.justgiving.com/Jordan-James8
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Week Four: training with my dad! So as I mentioned in my earlier posts my running capability was basically zero when I started this journey and I quickly got up to being able to run 2 miles comfortably... I think writing the blog helped spur me on! I'm about to start week 5 which sees me pushing myself even more so I'm glad I got sent to the Hugh James School of Endurance Training this week! At the start of last week I went away for a couple of days to Cyprus, I managed to do two runs while I was away. I run with my dad and boy of boy did I feel it!! We had the beach as our backdrop and my dad as Mr Motivator. My dad is much, much fitter than me and so the pace was much faster than I'm used to... and the air was much hotter than I'm used to... and it hurt like hell!! It felt great afterwards but during the run I was literally ready to give up (so thanks dad for the gentle shove in my back to finish the last few steps). When I got home I missed a run so ended up doing it last night, my dad had told me I would find my run back home easier after being away and he was right!!! I'd been in work since 9:30 doing manual labour (moving wood, digging holes - you know your average day in work) so I was dreading the run, but it felt great (mainly because I got to run a bit slower) and I could breathe (always a bonus). My fundraising shout out for this week go to: Sue (thank you so much) Mr and Mrs Reed (love this), Dr Rossiter and Uncle Dave! Thank you so much you wonderful, wonderful people.
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Happy birthday Gran & running without stopping!! Today would have been my Grans 71st birthday, last year we threw a party in her honour and this year I went for an early morning run - more about that later! I am now on week three of my training and found the runs particularly punishing this week. I live in Muswell Hill and true to its name I live at the bottom of a mountain (well really and honestly it's a hill but it feels like a mountain when I run up it!!!) Tuesday's and Wednesday's runs were slow and there was a lot of swearing involved as I trurdged up the hill! I had to delay Friday's run until Saturday and so yesterday I decided to cheat and run the other way. This was a big mistake as I had no clue where I was going. I then decided to take what I thought was a shortcut, another mistake and ended up in a scary woods (the sort you see in horror movies) and then it started to pour down with rain while I was still FOUR miles from home! Lesson learnt - don't try to cheat out of hills! Today however I ran 2.5 miles up hill and back down WITHOUT STOPPING. Now I know what you're thinking, that 2.5 miles is nowhere near the 26.2 I have to run. But three weeks ago I couldn't run more than 30 seconds without having to stop and walk and today I feel like a champion!!! My sponsorship shout outs for this week go to Louise and Mrs George - thank you ladies your support really made the difference when I went out this morning!! P.s. The crazy running hair is getting worse!!
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Hungover running and my new trainers. So as I mentioned in my last post this weekend I was at home for my Aunty Bev's birthday (I won't mention how old she is but it was a special birthday) and so we had a party on Saturday which obviously involved alcohol. So Sunday mornings run wasn't the nicest of things... In fact it is going down as the worst run to date. It started well I managed to convince my brother Evan and his lovely girlfriend Holly to come along and we even managed to bring Sid the dog along and I got to try out my new trainers. We chose the route (it was pretty muddy - which kind of made me sad for my brand new trainers) and off we went... It all went well a 5 minute warm up walk and then onto the running and that's where the hangovers kicked in. We struggled our way through thankful of the mud puddles (which we had to stop to navigate our way round) and only stopped to walk twice (once because there was a genuine possibility I was going to be sick!) When we finally got home, we were sweaty hungover messes but felt like warriors for actually going out to run! I think it's safe to say I won't be drinking before a Sunday run ever again!! My new trainers however are amazing, after a recommendation from two people I went with Asics and they didn't disappoint! The lady in the shop was very helpful and sorted me out with a pair of trainers that would support my flat feet! I am in love with them, the first run with them was like running on a cloud (slight exaggeration but the gel really did make a massive difference), I also got an early birthday present in the shape of some running socks and a new pair of shorts and a top (thanks Ev) so at least I look the part. I'm hoping tomorrow's run on the flat ground of London will be a doddle compared to the two runs in Wales!! Also a massive shout out to Lorraine Olds and Deborah Doherty for my first two donations!!!
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I'm at home in Wales this weekend and so today I had a plenty of available training partners nobody wanted to get up at 6am though so I had to settle for my dog Sid!! It was quite a tough run as there were a LOT of hills and Sid tripped me up a few times, but we just about survived. I'm off to buy myself some new running trainers and some kit today because currently I look like I'm in year 9 doing PE when I train! I've been told to go and buy Asics (I'm using their training app too) so I'll let you all know how I get on!
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“Jordan the best way to tackle the marathon is to put one foot in front of the other”
Wise words from my dad. I’m not a natural runner, it’s not something that I find easy but over the past few weeks as I start my training I’ve found that I’m actually enjoying myself! Seriously. I actually enjoy getting up at 6 and going for a run (who knew you could fit so much more into your day when you get up early), I enjoy the quietness of the streets - although I’m sure this will change when winter arrives and everything is super creepy, I enjoy the new parks I’m finding. The thing I’ve been enjoying the most though has to be finishing the run without my lungs exploding or my legs falling off!
I’m not going to lie each run has been slow and I’m finding pacing myself really tricky, I’m either running as fast as Usain Bolt or going at snail pace but I’m getting there! This weekend at a family party I’ll be catching up with some marathon experts (my uncle ran it last year in 3:30 and also my cousin who has run two marathons and just happens to be a physio too @One2OneTherapy - check her out) so I should have all the training tips I need to help me out over the next couple of weeks.
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The reason I'm running for the MS Society. Hello and welcome, I have set up this blog to show my journey from slowest runner in the world to completing my first ever marathon! I hope the blog keeps you entertained, makes you laugh and more importantly I hope it makes you open up your wallets, dig down the back of the sofa for loose change and donate to my chosen charity - the MS Society (I'll be setting up a just giving page soon and posting a link on here as well as other social media platforms - be warned Facebook friends). What is MS I hear you ask? Well here's some facts taken from the MS Society's website to better explain what Multiple Sclerosis is: "More than 100,000 people in the UK have MS. Symptoms usually start in your 20s and 30s and it affects almost three times as many women as men. In MS, your immune system, which normally helps to fight off infections, mistakes myelin for a foreign body and attacks it. This damages the myelin and strips it off the nerve fibres, either partially or completely, leaving scars known as lesions or plaques. This damage disrupts messages travelling along nerve fibres – they can slow down, become distorted, or not get through at all. As well as myelin loss, there can also sometimes be damage to the actual nerve fibres. It is this nerve damage that causes the increase in disability that can occur over time." I chose to run for the MS Society in memory of my lovely Granny Ann who sadly passed away two years ago. I can't decide if she would be as proud as punch that I was doing it or if she would call me "completely bonkers" but one things for sure she would have found a way to get out of the house and help me train, probably forcing my Grampa to drive alongside me so she could cheer me on. My Gran had MS but never let that stop her enjoying time with her grandchildren. I have fond memories of walks across beach fronts with her and my grandad, trekking up hills to get to local historical sites and even convincing her to get on a roller coaster or two. She was a mightily courageous women who would never let her pain show to us as children, obviously as I got older I started to understand just how difficult everyday tasks could sometimes be. So as I train I will take my memories of her with me to help me when I am in my own personal pain and know that if my Gran could still get up and jive (and be thrown around the dance floor by my dad) then I can definitely complete the 26.2 miles. I don't promise to be the fastest runner ever, but I will try my very best to get a decent time otherwise my family will be wasted by the time I finish!! I hope you can all join me on this journey, any training tips (or training buddies) are welcome!! Jordan xx
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