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; 현재. the dog days are over. ♡
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wellitseugi · 19 days ago
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wellitseugi · 19 days ago
Okay, yk what? It sounds like something that Razor would say to you at night during watching the moon...
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Just imagine—you two had a long walk to Stormbearer mountains, during which you talked a lot while he listened carefully, his expression unreadable. Razor led you the whole way, and only when both of you sat comfortably on the blanket did he give you a lovely glare and barely noticeable smile. Then, he said, "The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections."
“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”
— Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me
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wellitseugi · 20 days ago
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
— Walt Disney
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wellitseugi · 20 days ago
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
I just saw Matthew Gray Gubler with a doggy 🥹 it's so cute... I mean, LOOK. AT. HIMMMMMM.
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
So, it's spring...
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
pretty eyes — sirius o. black
summary; you know when he wants to be alone with you.
wc; 0.4k
warnings/notes; none.
series; for my lover, a kiss – footsprints.
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‘shall we get out of here?’ he asked with his gaze.
you were hearing words from a friend of your group at your side, smiling at an unfunny joke when you raised your head, bumping into his grey eyes across the room.
he was drinking a bit from his glass, you doubted what it was, though perhaps –and most certainly– pumpkin juice.
it was fun, you had to admit. to be so close and yet not. to know what the other was thinking and that no one understood the exchange of thoughts as well as you could.
perhaps brief glances in the corridors or at mealtimes were knowledgeable to observant people or your friends, but the obvious connection you two had was something else.
something else.
‘to what?’ you questioned, smiling at him and lowering your head, with an air of shyness. go out where? explore the school or get out of the castle?
‘i want to get some air.’ he waved his hand, guiding it to his nose, indicating the need to have a moment between just the two of you and you smiled, pretending it was the conversation you were having with the gryffindor group next to you.
you noticed that his friend to the side –james potter, easy to identify by his glasses– stopped talking, noticing that sirius wasn't responding to his words and was quick to look around, searching for the black-haired boy's interest, to which you ducked your head again, scratching your cheek briefly to add a couple of thoughts to elias.
when he didn't find anyone and kept talking, you looked up.
‘come on,’ insisted sirius, who had never ceased to look at you. you would never tell him, but you thanked his mother for giving him such a good attribute.
──and how could you refuse those pretty eyes?
you rose from the sofa with a yawn, gave a little laugh to your group and said a brief goodbye, without making it too clear where you were going.
after a few minutes of leaving the common room, you heard sirius speak before he finally appeared and calmly intertwined your hand with his.
"what did you make up this time?" you asked as you both walked in the direction of the stairs. sirius jumped up before the stairs changed and grabbed your arm so you wouldn't fall.
he shrugged with his eyes glistening.
"i didn't make it up. i want to pee. come with me." he snickered and you grimaced.
from his eyes, it was obvious he wasn't lying.
"but you'll do it in the bathroom—i don't want to see you pee in the trees again."
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taglist; [ @jaeviii ; @hisparentsgallerryy ]
a/n; would you like me to take requests?
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
My hear me out is feedback on my posts. I'M LITERALLY BLUSHING WHEN I READ IT, OKAY???
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
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via pitkeeper on ig
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wellitseugi · 21 days ago
Atsumu dreams about having a daughter. He would be ready to do literally everything for his princess. In fact, he would watch every single Barbie film with her all night during the weekends. Because, c'mon, he didn't get to spend a lot of time with his beautiful, enchanted, amazing daughter during a week, so now he has to catch up.
Once, when Suna decides to visit his old friend, he will find the following scene: Atsumu, with a pink tiara on his head and his little daughter in his arms, sleeping while Barbie film plays in the background. Suna will record it and share it on Twitter. In the end, the post will go viral, and all Atsumu's fans will remind him about it 'till the end of his life. Moreover, Suna will tell Osamu about it, and they both will start calling him 'Barbie Dad'
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wellitseugi · 23 days ago
◟𖥻 the smell of snow : remus lupin
▰▰ pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader.
When she suddenly gets a familiar smell while sleeping, she wakes Remus to enjoy the first day of snow.
totally inspired by lorelai and luke from gilmore girls, this scene especifically.
mari talks! i want to make a lorelai!reader x remus series so bad help me.
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She has become used to falling asleep on Remus' bed, the only moment of the day where her energy starts lacking is when the moon hangs high in the sky and her boyfriend's arms wrap around her. In contrast to her usually cheerful way to be, she's peaceful and quiet when she's sleeping.
Ninety nine percent of the time, anyways, because that one percent is about to make its first appearance of the year.
At first, she only takes a deep breath as she rolls around in the mattress. But then, realization hits her— the air smells different. Her eyes immediately open and she starts sniffing, wanting to be sure before she turns to Remus.
He's peacefully sleeping too, at least until she rolls on top of him and starts shaking his arm. "Rem." she calls him, at least somewhat softly through her sudden desperation. "Come on, wake up."
He grunts and tries to roll from under her, still deep in his slumber. "Rem, we're missing it." she tries again, this time shaking his shoulder with a little more strength
"Sleep? yes, i'm aware." he mumbles, his voice rough and tired.
He makes a big mistake by replying to her, because she only grows even more relentless, now she stands up and pulls her boyfriend's arm. Remus might be stronger than her usually, but right now she's on a mission.
One last tug, and he's almost falling out of the bed, his eyes finally opening because he's accepted his girlfriend is not going to stop until she gets whatever she wants right now. Accepting his fate, he finally stands from the bed, once again almost falling since the sheets were all tangled in his legs.
He barely manages to put on his shoes before she's dragging him out of the room, as they pass his fellow marauders, he's a little envious of the way they're still peacefully sleeping.
"Where are we going?" he mumbles, slurring his words, his feet stumbling over the stairs.
Her lack of answer would be concerning for Remus if he wasn't half-asleep and busy mumbling grumpily under his breath. Yet, he still follows her or more like allows her to drag him out of the gryffindor tower.
Thankfully, it's far too late for any professor to be patrolling around the halls so they walk through the castle without any problem except for the angry paintings complaining about being awaken. Remus can understand them completely.
"Almost there." she tells him, finally speaking as she runs out of the castle, pulling him with her into the quidditch field.
Remus must still be sleeping, or he's simply confused, because she suddenly stops and looks around in wonder but he can't see anything different about the quidditch field. He even blinks and rubs his eyes, but there’s nothing.
"I'm freezing" he says, wrapping his free arm around his body, how is she not feeling cold? she didn’t even took the time to put on a jumper. "why are we out here?"
"Smell the air." she tells him suddenly, taking a deep breath herself and smiling brightly.
Remus blinks at her, confused, but he still sniffs skeptically. "smells like... air?"
"No, silly!" She laughs, as if Remus just told her a really good joke. "Smells like snow is coming."
Yes, his girlfriend has gone mad. He expected he would have a long time before he had to get her admitted into St. Mungo's. Was it the ball Sirius threw at her head yesterday? Godric, Remus had told them both it wasn't safe to be playing like that, and did they listen to him? of course not.
"What? You can't possibly know that" he tells her, already making up his mind to go and wake Sirius up so he would see the damage he has done. "Forecast said there would not be snow this winter."
"I smell snow." she tells him again, looking up at the sky as if she's actually expecting snow to start falling. And then, the rambling starts. "I love snow, we can make a snow-man or even better a snow-woman! with painted lips and a cute scarf. I love snowy days in with a cup of hot cocoa, and I love winter outfits! oh, we can go sledding and ice skating!"
As grumpy as Remus is, she always finds a way to ease into him. Of course she does. "That sounds great, sweetheart." he replies, not daring to tell her that he hates snow. "But there’s no snow coming, in the Daily Prophet they said—"
Remus' sentence is cut short when snow actually starts falling, flakes falling from the sky slowly covering the quidditch field. "Fuck the Daily Prophet anyways." he says.
it's not like she's paying him any attention, because she's already smiling and giggling as the snow fall all around them. "Welcome, friends." She mumbles, tilting her head back so the snowflakes fall into her face.
Remus is freezing, like already trembling, but she doesn’t look bothered by the cold at all. And she looks beautiful, that one Remus has to admit. She looks so happy, her smile almost glowing under the dark of the night as she spins around the quidditch field.
"Let's make snow angels!" And that's what pulls Remus out of his trance, before she can drop to the ground, he takes her hand and pulls her in.
He raises his eyebrow at her. "Absolutely not. You're in your pyjamas, time to go inside." He tells her, matter of factly, his serious gaze not even wavering when she gives him a puppy eye look in return— yes, she's cute, but Remus cares more about her safety right now.
"You're no fun, Rem." She pouts at him when she knows he won't budge, but just like the way she brought him here, she allows him to pull her inside the castle.
Now she has started shivering, and Remus notices as he pulls her close to his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm, which is not very useful considering he's also cold.
He presses a kiss against her temple as they walk through the hallways, once again bothering the paintings around them. "We have a full snow day tomorrow, when we're properly dressed up for the cold, deal?"
She nods, and with the way the smile goes back to her face, Remus thinks that maybe he doesn’t hate the snow that much after all.
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
Can we write songs that are not about sex, drugs, guns, abuse, racism, sexism? Like pleaseeee can we have some innocent songs?
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
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Harry in his cupboard with one of Dudley’s broken toys
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
operation: does tsukki like (y/n)?
hinata never meant to hit you in the face. it just... happened. you were walking into the gym holding a bag of clean uniforms when one of his spikes when extremely out of hand and instead of aiming for tsukishima's block, the ball landed on your face with a loud "smack!".
the ball ricocheted off your face with a thud and you stumbled backwards, your hands clutching your nose.
"oh my, (y/n)!" hinata panicked, running over to your side, but before he could even reach you, a large hand grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away.
"move," hinata stopped at the sight of tsukishima crouched beside you, his hands grabbing the back of your neck to check any possible injures with a look of actual concern, deep frown of his brows and eyes looking all over your face. "does it hurt anywhere? let me see your nose."
everybody in the gym blinked. even the first years who were scared of tsukishima were whispering about it: about the fact that he, the oh so stoic and angry tsukishima kei was softly checking on you, the sweet and lovely manager. tsukishima never talked to people like... that. he barely looked like he cared about anything or anyone but there he was, touching your face like you were made of the most precious material of the world.
hinata turned around, walking outside the gym as if he had just discovered the most scandalous secret.
tsukishima likes (y/n).
does he? well, he doesn’t know for sure! but that was something!
and so, the operation: does tsukki like (y/n)? was born. well, after a few text messages to a group he made without you or tsukki of course, texting everything to his three other friends that had missed practice today because of math tutoring.
step one: gather reinforcements.
that same night, an emergency meeting was scheduled in kageyama's house with kageyama, yamaguchi and yachi.
"i need to find out if tsukki actually likes her," hinata stated, hands on his hips as he tried to find ways to possibly catch the couple together.
"i mean... is that really necessary?" kageyama added, looking at a youtube video on his phone. "i don't think they are dating."
"(y/n) is too sweet and tsukishima, well... he's my friend but..."
"hey!" yachi said. "tsukishima is great. he's smart and tall, i'm sure a lot of girls want to date him."
"yeah, but... (y/n)? i don't know..."
"he was acting sooooo weird when she got hit," hinata explained, trying to reenact tsukishima's worried face, which mostly looked like a bad impression of a wild animal. "and! i keep seeing them together!"
"they go to the same class, they have been friends for years and they live in the same neighborhood."
"i don't know, hinata..." yamaguchi talked for the first time. "i don't know, tsukki has always taken care of us in his own special way... he cares about us equally i think."
"maybe the best thing wse could do is ask?"
"yeah, no." hinata shook his head. "i would rather die than suffer the anger of tsukishima."
"what about (y/n), yachi?" yamaguchi turned to look at the girl. "you are best friends after all."
"we never talk about that so asking about it would be weird."
"the best thing we can do is to let it go, maybe you're just exaggerating, hinata." kageyama said, leaving his phone behind and grabbing a ball from the floor. "up for some practice outside?"
step tw- wait, there is no step two.
a few days after the incident, hinata had already forgotten about it and did not bother the others with the topic again.
after practice that friday, kageyama had one simple goal: grab his english notebook from the volleyball club room and go home to watch a match on tv.
easy, right?
as he approach the club room, he heard voices from inside. he barely paid attention at first—there were other clubs having activities on the rooms next to theirs, but when he reached the door and pushed it open, he froze.
because his mind was about to explode.
there, standing in the middle of the room were two of his friends—way too close for just friends.
tsukishima had one hand resting on (y/n)’s waist, his other arm loosely wrapped around her back. and you? you were even worse! one of your hands was buried in tsukishima’s hair while the other one was… UNDER HIS SHIRT? WHILE KISSING HIM??????
kageyama’s soul left his body, he needed to leave and try to erase the mental image of his friends kissing but instead—
you yelped, jumping away from tsukishima and hiding yourself in a corner of the room.
tsukishima, on the other hand, was livid. “are you serious?”
kageyama was in shock, his arms flailed like a malfunctioning robot as he pointed at them. “W-WHAT—YOU—”
you were still trying to calm yourself “kageyama, calm down—”
tsukishima sighed aggressively, rubbing his temples. “use your brain, dumbass. what does it look like?”
kageyama’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. his eyes darted between them, his face growing redder by the second.
“OH MY GOD,” he finally blurted out, shoving his hands into his hair like he was personally betrayed. “THIS IS WORSE THAN I THOUGHT.”
you rolled your eyes. “It’s really not that big of a deal—”
“NOT A BIG DEAL?!” kageyama practically threw himself out of the club room, tripping over his own feet as he ran out like the room was on fire. “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO TELL HINATA HE WAS, INDEED, RIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS WHOLE LIFE.”
“what?” you both called after him.
within minutes, hinata’s scream could be heard through the school.
operation: does tsukki like (y/n)? complete. conclusions: they are in love.
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
Kageyama has cold hands and feet. Always. So, one of his love languages is literally putting his hands under your t-shirt and chuckle from your reaction, or rubbing his absolutely ice-cold feet against your warm ones
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wellitseugi · 26 days ago
Ok, yk what? This is a photo of the cat, that James and Sirius spent about 2 hours trying to take during the summer holidays because James wanted to send something unusual to Lily. They decided that a cat with lilies was kinda symbolic, yk. He even took one photo with the cat so she would know that he was the author of the photo.
I'm sure that it was the first time Lily actually thought about James as her potential boyfriend.
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