wehearwesay · 3 months
A scene worth a 1000 words
All night, rain had been drumming against the window, shaking the glass violently in its pane. No storm, no thunder, just the steady swish of tropical downpour
It helps me lie awake, but at the same time, doesn't keep me from falling asleep. The rain has also made it quite humid, not enough to break a sweat, no, but enough to feel it.
Perhaps that's what made the first few weeks of monsoon insufferable for few, the feeling of the temperature rising, even despite it raining.
Eventually, my body relaxed, senses nulling, and I fell asleep
The next time my eyes opened, the view was a scene worth a thousand words; I woke up, and could feel cold sweat on my forehead, taking a not so wild guess, the temperature had risen somewhere in the night, then dropped again. The rain hadn't settled, but only grew in force, along the rain came the roll of thunder which had woken me up, and outside the window, the morning mist was visible. 
The sun, inch by inch, rose above the ranks of buildings, and little by little, faint daylight washed over the city, most blocked by the heavy black clouds hanging up in the sky, making it so half the town was still covered in blue-black shadows.
The city was quiet, too, which was rather unusual, the mist blanketing the ground seemed to have brought along a carpet of silence, as no bird chirping, nothing, was audible. 
The skies were overcast, threatening to break apart, a melancholy deep slate gray, with hundreds if not thousands of raindrops . The direct dim light from the sun seemed to color the raindrops slightly, the parts of the sun, which were visible through the crevices of the dark clouds, shone indirect light like I had never seen before. The corners of the storm clouds were colored a pretty mix of sunrise colors, which dyed and faded the outlines. Light and shadow melt together and fused as one. It was similar to dropping pastel neons on a completely black and white canvas.
To me, this was a rare sight
Or maybe it was just I who didn't appreciate or experience nature's beauty enough.
People say the most beautiful things are experienced in the strangest of times, so pure that nature keeps it hidden away from the threat that is humankind. I can imagine, if the world was awake right now, there would only be a crowd of people photographing this sight, rather than appreciating it from their own eyes. Yes, pictures are a gateway to memories that might be forgotten, but seeing this, I found it hard to believe I could forget it. 
To say I feel ashamed is an understatement;
because soon, despite having this awe-filled sight right in front of my eyes, instead of memorizing it, looking at it, my eyelids felt heavy.
And despite myself, I fell asleep.
Beautiful things come and go, I guess
Despite being somewhat ashamed, after thinking it through, I think I am rather prideful that instead of staying awake long enough to remember that perfectly, and possibly take a photo of it, (hypocrisy, I am aware) I fell asleep. Because, the main reason I picked up my pen, and sat down, writing this, is due to the scene being fuzzy in my mind. The main reason I sat here, trying to imagine, challenging my memory, is because of the reason I fell asleep.
And I may be called selfish, but I am glad I didn't take a picture, and now, I get to keep this actual scene to myself. 
Like a little gift from nature to me,
The main goal for writers is to make the reader so invested, that they actually imagine themselves in the author's story, and I could have described the scene better, but I am quite selfish.
"Happy little mistakes"
  -Bob Ross
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wehearwesay · 4 months
"Did you know? Some people cope with humor. And it's pathetic, because people look at them nastily and say something along the lines of 'don't make everything a joke' or 'are you mentally sane?' or 'I knew it, you were fine, you're an attention seeker, stop worrying us' When all the person wants is for someone to look through their coping mechanism and see that they are not actually fine. That they are not as happy as they seem. But again, even if I want you to know, I won't tell you. And that's the thing with it, nobody actually does look through. They are either too naive, or just don't care enough to do so. I said I don't care, But I did And I still fucking do."
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