waynepire · 7 hours
what do we think
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waynepire · 9 hours
faith is a gift that i have yet to receive. — from naomi!
There were some benefits to having someone who was ex - CIA helping him — they had the training that, despite the intense routine Bruce undertook in his late teens and early twenties, he did not get. The resources he had, extensive as they may be, did not replace government crime training. He was pretty good at bullshitting it, though.
The cowl’s computers readjust as he looks at Naomi, squinting behind the mask. “ I’ve learned not to rely on faith. I only believe in what I can see. ” Faith did a whole lot of nothing, especially for his city. Prayers wouldn’t stop Joker, only he could. “ Now, what are the facts telling you? ”
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waynepire · 13 hours
there's been a development. (from emily)
He was more involved in the deal and the setup of his tech than he was expecting, not that he minded. Bruce Wayne should be above this — but it was completely Batman’s thing to dive headfirst into making sure his tech was working. Bruce knows everyone here finds it odd that he’s so invested — but frankly, he doesn’t care. On the outside, he’s seen as helping with a giant sale for a company with its fingers in nearly everything in the country. And he’s spending time with a woman — keeping up the casual playboy persona while he does. He actually really likes Emily. She’s intelligent and bright, though he’s never shared as much.
“ A development of what kind? ” Bruce asks, glancing up at her from over his laptop as he almost too eagerly awaits for what she says. He knows all that goes on — he’s even reading it on a laptop he snuck from the batcave, though he hides it — but he’s curious to see how she’ll spin it. “ Is it with that one sniper guy you were telling me about? The one who got that new scope. Sebastian, or something? ”
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waynepire · 14 hours
ANGELS & DEMONS (2009) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
do you believe in god, sir?
i'm an academic.
faith is a gift that i have yet to receive.
be delicate with our treasures.
religion is flawed. but only because man is flawed.
you guys don't even read your own history, do you?
may god forgive you for what you've done.
if god has issues, they won't be with what i've done. they will be with what i'm about to do.
i need access.
i don't think this is the appropriate moment.
this has nothing to do with my work.
were it up to me, it would not be this way.
it's a sin to kill without reason.
oh, by all means, let's talk it over.
where did you get that paper?
are you insane?
it would surprise the hell out of me.
we thought we could change the world. so naive.
that's not a crime.
i'm not so sure.
go back to work. change the world.
do you smoke?
you better sit down before you keel over.
i beg your pardon?
i'm anti-vandalism.
i've had several chances to eliminate you tonight.
you're still alive because you have no weapon.
they didn't ask me to kill you.
we are under attack from an old enemy.
they have struck us from within.
open the doors.
have you come to make me a martyr?
we are at war!
we're weak when we should be strong!
it scares the hell out of me.
i urge you to guard your tone here.
was he mocking you?
don't look so anxious. we're supposed to be married.
maybe we're not getting along today.
hold my hand. but don't crush it.
it's in english.
that's right, you don't have one.
i need a map. i could use it now.
here. translate all of this for me.
the battle is well underway.
we must defend ourselves.
there's been a development.
it has to be here!
see if you can find a flashlight.
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waynepire · 15 hours
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waynepire · 1 day
welcome to my blog
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waynepire · 1 day
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Blythe's Bruce Wayne, found at waynepire.tumblr.com. A private and selective interpretation of Bruce Wayne as he is found in various films, video games, and comics. Please read my rules below the cut. Prompts, which can be sent at any time, can be found here. Icon border found here, psd found here, pinned post template found here. If you are a non - roleplay blog, please do not interact.
I  am  mutually  exclusive  and  will  only  interact  with  those  who  I  follow  and  follow  me  back. People  who  violate  this  will  be  hardblocked,  no  exceptions. I  will  not  follow  anyone  who  exhibits  genuinely  problematic  behaviors,  aka  those  who  are  -ists  or  -phobes,  aging  up  minors  to  write  smut,  those  who  write  out  rape/non-con  scenes,  or  those  who  feature  ships  with  incest. I  will  not  follow  solo  blogs  in  the  glee,  eternals,  harry  potter  or  stranger  things  fandoms,  historical  rp  blogs,  or  those  who  write  heavily  with  them. Solo blogs  that  attempt  to  follow  me  from  these  fandoms  will  be  blocked  on  sight. Multis  are  exempt  from  this,  but  at  my  discretion. I  will  not  follow  Billy  Hargrove,  Nick  Goode,  Kylo  Ren,  Homelander,  The  Deep,  Stormfront,  Soldier  Boy,  or  Tate  Langdon  blogs  or  those  they  write  with  those  characters. Multis  are  not  exempt  from  this  rule. I  will  not  follow  blogs  that  use  dead  fcs  or  people  that  use  Johnny  Depp,  Gina  Carano,  Rosario  Dawson,  Adam  Driver,  Amber  Heard,  any  problematic  actor,  or  any  actor  that  has  asked  not  to  be  used  in  roleplay. I  will  not  follow  blogs  that  depict  real  people  or  blogs  that  use  athlete  fcs. Due  to  some  past  experiences  in  the  rpc,  I  have  a  private  dni  that  I  will  only  share  upon  request  with  mutuals. If  your  name/alias  or  age  is  not  listed  anywhere  on  your  blog/carrd/doc,  I  will  not  follow. Please  do  not  follow  me  if  you're  under  21.
I  hardblock/softblock  quite  liberally.  I  want  my  dash  to  be  a  comfortable  place  to  be  and  I  will  curate  it  in  the  way  that  I  want  to  in  order  to  make  this  happen.  In  that  same  vein,  if  you  want  to  hardblock/softblock  me  to  make  your  dash  more  comfortable,  then  do  it.  I  won't  message  you  asking  why  or  vague  you  for  it.  I want  your  dash  to  be  comfortable  too.
Sexual content ( mostly headcanons ) may be written on this blog due to Bruce being of age. It will be tagged properly if it is. I prefer to write explicit smut on discord with friends. I will not be forced or manipulated into writing smut. I will hardblock for this behavior.
I  practice  having  mains,  exclusives,  and  affiliates.  I will  accept  two  versions  of  each  character  as  a  main,  but  only  one  version  of  each  character  as  an  exclusive  and  affiliate.  I  also  practice  ship  exclusivity.  Ship  exclusivity  and  normal  exclusivity  do  not  go  hand  in  hand.  Exclusivity  does  not  automatically  equal  affiliation,  but  affiliation  automatically  equals  exclusivity  to  me.  My  affiliates  are  an  integral  part  of  my  canon  and  cannot  be  replaced.  All  three  categories  receive  priority  plotting.  Becoming  exclusives  and  affiliates  require  extensive  plotting  and  writing  in  order  for  me  to  form  these  connections,  whether  that  writing  take  place  on  dash  or  on  discord.
I  love  shipping.  I  only  ask  that,  before  it  is  done,  we  have  plotted  sufficiently  and  that  we  have  written  some  before  shipping.  Any  force  shipping  or  seeking  me  out  specifically  because  of  my  character  or  faceclaim  will  result  in  a  hard  block.  No  exceptions.  I  have  had  too  many  experiences  with  this  and  have  an  extremely  low  tolerance  for  it.
I  normally  don't  post  starter  calls,  I  post  plotting  calls  and  reblog  memes.  I  don't  like  that  mandatory  interest  tracker  thing  and  likely  won't  fill  them  out  unless  we're  already  friends.  However,  if  no  attempt  to  interact  is  made  within  two  weeks  of  following,  whether  that  be  liking  my  plotting  calls  or  sending  in  memes,  I  will  softblock.  I  don't  want  to  collect  followers,  I  want  to  have  a  collaborative  writing  space  here  and  will  do  my  part  in  liking  other  people's  calls  and  sending  memes.
Hi,  I'm  blythe.  outside  of  tumblr,  I'm  a  healthcare  worker  so  this  blog  is  nowhere  near  my  highest  priority.  I  have  a  multi  at  @eueclid  and  a  solo  blog  for  geto  suguru  at  @soijutsu.  I  have  discord  available  upon  request  for  mutuals  and  I  look  forward  to  writing  with  you!
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