Archive for TTCC's Taskline Text
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This is mostly for a friend, but I thought putting it somewhere public would be really helpful for people. I'll try to add a few quests a day, but writing these down takes a lot of time. Enjoy!
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watchtowersbane · 1 year ago
TTC: Jokey Jam
Mata Hairy:
Wow! Look at the muscles on you, {name}!
No, really! I'm not joking... a whole lot.
Either way, thank you for helping us get our gym in order. Toons everywhere will now be able to get in shape to handle tossing all those pies!
Now, onto your next task.
Professor Guffaw has been working tirelessly to teach Toons how to laugh effectively, causing the Cogs to laugh as well.
Cogs simply cannot take a joke!
However, her jokes and lessons have been spiraling downards lately, as her material is running thin.
You will be assigned to this task to see if you have what it takes to get her classes back in order!
Head on over to Professor Guffaw at Laughing Lessons on Silly Street and see what you can do to help.
Good luck, I know you can do it!
<You go to Professor Guffaw at Laughing Lessons on Silly Street.>
Professor Guffaw:
Ah yes, welcome! I presume you're here to learn how to laugh properly, correct? Oh, hush hush, let me jump right into it. I am a professional, after all. It starts from the diaphragm. First, you breathe in deeply. Then, upon hearing the funniest joke, you bellow out in laughter! Let's put it into practice. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the road was too long to go around! Haha! ... ...Huh? You... you didn't laugh. I guess it really is true, the quality of my jokes has really been dropping lately... But! There IS one way to make them better again! Laughing gas! Yes, we'll supply every Toon with laughing gas so that every joke will be funny! It's foolproof. There's a small issue though. I'm all out of laughing gas! Some Cogs came in and stole it while I was practicing my latest knee-slapper! They didn't even laugh... You don't think they were deaf, do you? You're not surprised, you say? Well, anyway! Could you go and see if you can recover my laughing gas for me? Please?
<You recover Some Laughing Gas from the Cogs and return it to Professor Guffaw.>
Professor Guffaw:
Awesome! You got the tanks of laughing gas back! But... there's hardly any left! How will I ever manage to get this place back in order... Joy buzzers? No... too shocking. One-liners? No, they're even shorter lived... Ah-hah! I've got just the thing in mind. There just might be one Toon out there that could help me fix my problems! Jesse! I need you to run over to Jesse right away! His shop's here on Silly Street as well! It's called Jesse's Joke Repair! Please hurry! I have a class coming in a few hours, and they're all as funny as a pie gone cold!
<You go to Jesse Jester at Jesse's Joke Repair on Silly Street.>
Jesse Jester:
Welcome, young grasshopper. I assume you are here to learn the ancient ways of mending jokes, forgotten by most of toonkind. I do indeed have the tools you seek. Or, at least, had the tools. Now the Cogs have the tools. Regardless, there are tools. And this punchline to this is that the Cogs have taken the tools. What I'm trying to say is that, if you want my assistance in repairing jokes... All you need to do is find these tools and use them to your advantage. The Cogs may have taken them, but you possess the ability to create laughter. Laughter that can overtake those who themselves have taken. May you be strong in your journey, young Toon. I will guide you from this desk that I stand behind, while you do all of the work. Good luck, {name}.
<After recovering Joke Repair Tools from the Cogs, you return to Jesse Jester.>
Jesse Jester:
Exactly as I expected. You have risen above and beyond and found my tools. But here's the punchline. YOU are the tools. It's been within you all along. You have the ability to fix any joke you desire. ...Just kidding! In all honesty, these are actual joke repair tools. Though, I did have them all along. I just wanted you to bring back my toilet plunger and my back scratcher. It just wasn't the same, living without those two. I will now entrust you with these tools. Onwards, grasshopper! Fix the jokes, bring out the laughter, take down the Cogs. I will be here if you ever need more assistance. I bid you well, {name}. Until next time.
<You deliver the Joke Repair Tools to Professor Guffaw at Laughing Lessons on Silly Street.>
Professor Guffaw:
Joke repair tools? Perfect! Why, I can feel them working already! In fact, let's give it another shot. What does a clock do when it's hungry? It goes back four seconds! Isn't that hilarious? This is perfect! Thank you, {name}! I'll let you head back to the Toon Headquarters now. You've helped me out so much, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with Lowden. Now my students will be able to spread laughter far and wide! I can picture it now, groups of Toons hanging around in the Toontown Central playground... All of them so funny, enjoying each other's presence and jokes! Thanks again, {name}.
<You return to Mata Hairy at the Toon Headquarters, ending this quest and starting Big Bumpin'.>
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watchtowersbane · 1 year ago
TTC: Zit’s Time to Pump Iron
Franz Neckvein:
Oh, are you zat new Resistance recruit? Velcome to my gym. I train all Toons to grow big, strong muscles.
Zat iz, if I had my equipment. I have a bit of a problem, you zee.
My squat rocks and heavy weights have been lifted by ze Cogs.
I need you to go find zem and bring zem back to me so I can continue training Toons.
And try not to struggle too much lifting zem with your leetle scrawny muscles. Remember to use ze legs, not ze back.
<You fight some Cogs to recover the stolen exercise equipment before returning to Franz.>
Franz Neckvein:
Ah, perfect! Zese supplies look as immaculate as my form when squaating a zouzand pound weight.
I zank you for returning zese, but I zink you vill need more training. Go find three Cogs and terminate them. I am sure you vill be back in no time.
<You terminate three Cogs and return to the gym.>
Franz Neckvein:
Bravo! You are a truly zpecial zpecimen.
You must ztop by again to train with me even more. Your form was impeccable.
You are free to go leetle Toon, zank you for your azziztance.
Run! Go! Get to the Toon Headquarters!
<You run, go, and get to the Toon Headquarters, where you speak with Mata Hairy - ending this quest, and starting Jokey Jam.>
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watchtowersbane · 1 year ago
TTC: A Hairy Introduction
Mata Hairy:
Welcome to the Toon Resistance, {name}! I'm glad to see you start out on your very own journey alongside us.
Alright, let's get started. You'll find that each of us are tackling our own issues at the moment. That's where you come in. As part of the Resistance, youll be aiding in solving these problems.
Right now, we're making an effort to set up an efficient system to train Toons just like you.
Franz Neckvein is our resident gym coach. Unfortunately, he's run into problems of his own lately, and as such, we need you to assist him.
Help him in getting his gym back in order so we can get new Toon recruits in here, pronto!
You'll find Franz in the Punch Line Gym on Punchline Place. Remember to use your street map right above the Shtickerbook if you need directions. We're counting on you, {name}! Prove us right!
<You go to meet Franz Neckvein in his gym on Punchline Lane, ending this quest and starting Zit's Time to Pump Iron.>
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watchtowersbane · 2 years ago
TTC: Time for First Impressions
Lord Lowden Clear:
Hey again {name}! Glad to see you're getting settled in so nicely. With how well you did in training, I'd say you'll be ready for some real tasking in no time. But first, a formal welcome to the team. As you know, I'm Lord Lowden Clear - head of the Toon Resistance. We're the top-of-the-line team that's been established to strategize and fight against the Cogs. Here stands some of the most experienced and trusted Resistance memebers in all of Toontown. Mata Hairy - Head of strategy and banana collection. Bumpy Bumblebehr - Head of stealth tactics and round objects alike. Good ol' Gil Giggles - Head of disguises and ordering our catering. And me, leader of the Toon Resistance itself. When the Cogs first invaded, Toontown needed someone to help organize our retaliation. That's where I came in. Since then, we've had all kinds of Toons come in and rise through the ranks, eventually becoming Resistance Rangers. There's dozens of us in Toontown now, and we're hoping you'll join those numbers someday. We need as many Resistance Rangers as we can get taking down these Cogs and taking back Toontown, once and for all. We'll start you out simple, don't you worry, {name}. First things first, you'll need some Gags. And that means earning some Jellybeans to buy them! There's a few ways to earn some around town, one of them is riding the Trolley and playing some games. Hop on there on your own, or with up to 3 friends! The Trolley takes you to the Gag Shop after each game, so make sure you stock up before heading back. Go on, give it a try!
<You play some Trolley games and buy Gags before returning to Lord Lowden Clear.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Great job! Now that you're all stocked up, you're ready to take down some Cogs. We've managed to keep the playgrounds safe for now, but you can still find Cogs roaming the streets. You can go through any of the tunnels in the playground to reach the streets. Try not to wander too far, as streets beyond Toontown Central's harbor more dangerous Cogs! Defeat 2 Cogs, then come back and let me know you're finished. Stay safe out there.
<You go and defeat 2 Cogs and return to the HQ.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Nice work on taking down those Cogs! As you may have noticed, Cogs come in all different shapes, suits and sizes. Each Cog comes from a specific department. From what we know, there are five departments: Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, Bossbot, and Boardbot. You'll learn more about this as you train more and become stronger. You may even want to check out the Cog Gallery page in your Schtickerbook from time to time, if you're curious! Now, let's try defeating Cogs from a specific department. Check your ToonTasks, and follow what it says.
<You defeat 3 Sellbot Cogs and return to Lord Lowden Clear.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Back already? With turnaround times like that, I think you're ready to take on some real Resistance work. Go ahead and talk to my colleague next to me, Mata Hairy, for some more assignments! And, once again, welcome! At this pace, I'm sure you'll become a Resistance Ranger in no time!
<You go to speak with Mata Hairy, ending this quest and starting A Hairy Introduction.>
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watchtowersbane · 2 years ago
TTC: Welcome to Toontown!
Greetings, {name}! I see you made it out of training alright. With all that out of the way, I'd like to formally welcome you to our humble home of Toontown! I'm the town's mayor, Flippy. We're all incredibly glad to have you here, we need all the help we can get! Those Cogs that Lord Lowden Clear mentioned have been on our doorstep for a while now. Invading our streets, taking over our shops, setting up headquarters, and disrupting our Toony ways of life! It's only gotten worse as of late... However, as our numbers grow, so too does our chance at putting an end to this! Toons just like you form all over the world are joining our forces to help us take a stand. Lowden mentioned that you showed exceptional promise, due to picking up on things so quickly. I have no doubts in my mind that you will do incredible things during your time here. Now then, Lowden is ready for you - he's stationed at Toon HQ here in the playground. I hope that, in spite of everything, you enjoy your stay here in Toontown, {name}. I won't keep you any longer. Good luck out there!
<You go to Toontown Central's HQ to meet with Lord Lowden Clear, ending Welcome to Toontown and starting the next quest - Time for First Impressions.>
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watchtowersbane · 2 years ago
TTCC Toontorial Text:
Lord Lowden Clear:
Hey, Professor Pete! Here's that Toon I was talking about earlier-- mind showing them the ropes?
Professor Pete:
Sure thing, Lord Lowden Clear! Could you set things up in the training room? Lord Lowden Clear: Roger! I'll see you shortly, rookie.
Professor Pete:
Hey there, friend! Let's get the simple stuff out of the way. You can move your Toon with MOVEMENT keys! The default buttons are W, A, S, and D. Alright, now try JUMPING! The default button is SPACE BAR! Looking good! Speaking of looking, you can rotate your camera by holding RIGHT CLICK. You can even combine it with movement! To really get moving, try SPRINTING! The default button for it is SHIFT! Mess around as much as you want, then come up to me when you're ready to continue. Great job! Welcome to Toontown, a place full of laughter and fun! Well... that's the idea at least. Lowden will be able to explain our situation better than I can, though. Speaking of, he should be ready for you by now! Go ahead and check out the training room!
<You enter the training room to meet with Lord Lowden Clear.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Welcome to the training room, rookie! Let's get you prepared! First thing's first: you need a Laff Meter! Now where is it...
<You receive a Laff Meter, making you mortal.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Ah, there it is! Your Laff Meter signifies how h appy you are at any point in time! However, if your Laff hits 0... You'll become sad and will be sent back to the nearest playground! Luckily, when in the playground, you can find treasures! These will heal you back up quickly. Why would your Laff hit 0, you may ask? Well, you see,  currently we are under an invasion. An invasion conducted by robots. We call them Cogs. These no fun robots can't take a joke. Thankfully, jokes are our specialty! Gags are used to battle the Cogs around town, and I'm going to teach you how to use them! Let's get started! Approach that Cog dummy over there! Get that Desk Jockey!
<You approach the Desk Jockey to start the battle.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Ready to train? First thing's first, the battle interface! At the bottom, each Toon has a panel that includes their Laff Meter and what they're planning to do. Cogs have their own panels, located at the top. This shows their health and level. But most importantly, we have your inventory of Gags smack dab in the middle! Each row represents a Gag Track. I'll be walking you through the uses of each one. Something to remember is that Gags are used in Track order, from top to bottom. Now let's get to using some! Here's a SQUIRT Gag for you to use on that Desk Jockey! Click on it to attack!
<You use the SQUIRT Gag on the Desk Jockey, leaving them with the SOAKED debuff.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Great shot! As you might have noticed, it took some DAMAGE shown by the number that popped up! Also, they became SOAKED! SOAKED is something we call a Status Effect, which you can see is slotted into that Cog's panel. Hovering over a Status Effect will give you a brief description of what it does. It's good to always be aware of the situation!
<Mousing over the SOAKED icon in the Cog's status panel, you can see the details of any buffs/debuffs applied to them:> [SOAKED: Soaked Cogs have -10% dodge chance and are vulnerable to ZAP Gags. Removed if this cog is hit by ZAP gags.]
Lord Lowden Clear:
One of the benefits of SOAKED is that the Cog is less likely to dodge our gags. This is a great time to use DROP! It's a very powerful type of Gag, but has low accuracy.
<You use your DROP gag on the Desk Jockey - as does Lord Lowden Clear, giving the Cog a horrible migraine. The Desk Jockey then uses LIGHTS-ON INITIATIVE, summoning more dummies to the fight.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Nice, we both hit it! Because of that, we dealt bonus COMBO damage! SQUIRT, THROW, and DROP Gags deal COMBO damage when used with other Gags of their track. However, they used an ability that summoned another Cog! Fortunately, we have ways of dealing with multiple Cogs at once. ZAP Gags can only affect SOAKED Cogs, but their electricity can jump to other SOAKED targets. How about you use ZAP while I use SQUIRT to SOAK both of them?
<Lord Lowden Clear uses a SQUIRT Gag to SOAK both Cogs, and you use your ZAP gag on the Desk Jockeys - destroying one of them.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Good teamwork! We even managed to destroy one of them. Hopefully Pete won't be mad about that... Notice how the Cog isn't SOAKED anymore? ZAP dries off all the Cogs it hits! Also, when I SOAKED the Cog next to the one I targeted, it dealt a little bit of SPLASH damage. Anyways, let's move on. Go ahead and use a LURE Gag now.
<You LURE the Desk Jockey.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Guess our friend found that quite alluring! LURED is a Status Effect just like SOAKED, so you can hover over it for info as well!
<Mousing over the LURED icon in the Cog's status panel, you can see the details of any buffs/debuffs applied to them:> [LURED: LURED Cogs cannot attack and take +2 more damage from each THROW or SQUIRT Gag that's used.]
Lord Lowden Clear:
LURED guarantees that our SQUIRT, THROW and SOUND Gags will hit.
[NOTE: Lord Lowden Clear is lying on the internet. I’ve seen SOUND miss on LURED Cogs plenty of times when fighting WH.]
Lord Lowden Clear:
Let's take advantage of it by using THROW Gags! Oof! That sure was a splat fest! See how it was KNOCKED BACK and isn't LURED anymore? Both THROW and SQUIRT Gags deal bonus damage equal to the KNOCKBACK value of the LURED effect. Other sources of damage will still UNLURE the Cog but will not gain the KNOCKBACK damage, so be careful! In addition, DROP Gags cannot hit LURED Cogs. The next track I'll have you use is TRAP. Go ahead and throw down a banana peel!
<You throw down a banana peel in front of the Desk Jockey, who hits Lord Lowden Clear and summons three more dummies to the battle.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Ouch! I wasn't expecting that... Pete's been messing with the script, I guess. When you start fighting actual Cogs, they will attack every turn after the Toons finish using their Gags. Ugh! Anyway, you can see that the TRAP hasn't done anything yet. Cogs must be LURED into TRAPS for them to work. This many Cogs isn't a good situation... I'm going to LURE them all with my magnet so that they can't attack. Could you give me a TOON-UP to help me shake off that hit I took earlier? It will also help my accuracy! That fall's gotten them dazed and confused now! Similar to SOAKED, DAZED makes the Cog less likely to dodge our attacks. Now then, I've had about enough of these Desk Jockeys! Time for the last track, SOUND! It hits all the Cogs in battle! SOUND off, rookie!
<You and Lowden Clear both use SOUND, defeating 3 Desk Jockeys - the remaining one uses CLIP ON TIE, dealing damage to you. The tie isn't your color, unfortunately.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Are you OK, rookie? This Desk Jockey is a tough one... Using SOUND gives you the ENCORE effect, which makes your next gag stronger!
<Mousing over the ENCORE icon in your Toon's status panel, you can see the details of any buffs/debuffs applied to you:> [ENCORE: All Gags have a +10% effectiveness boost. By using SOUND again, you'll become Winded.]
Lord Lowden Clear:
If you use SOUND when you have ENCORE, however, you'll become WINDED, which makes your SOUND Gags weaker for a few turns. And that should be everything you need to know about fighting Cogs! I'll give you a TOON-UP to get you back to full laff. Choose a Gag to finish this fight!
<Lord Lowden Clear gives you a TOON-UP, and you use THROW, SQUIRT, SOUND, or DROP to finish off the Desk Jockey.>
Lord Lowden Clear:
Great job, rookie! I think you're ready to take on the Cogs! You now have a very tough decision to make. Which two Gag Tracks will you start with? Once you've decided, head back to the classroom. Pete will want to talk with you.
<After picking your two starting Gags, you head back to the main room of the Schoolhouse to speak with Professor Pete.>
Professor Pete:
Welcome back! I take it that training went well? Well, I have a few welcome gifts for you! They do require some explanation, though. This is your Schtickerbook! It contains all sorts of handy tools to help you around Toontown. Go ahead and open it! This is the Districts page. Each District is a copy of Toontown. If you want to meet up with friends, make sure you're in the same District! Let's continue to the next page, shall we? This is the Map page, where you can view the entirety of Toontown! Some parts of town are covered by clouds, but they will become visible once you've visited them! The 'Go Home' button will take you to your own Toon estate, while the 'Minigames' button will take you to the Minigames area! The 'Playground' button takes you to the nearest playground. That's everything for the Map page, let's continue to the next one. This is your ToonTasks page. Here, you can see everything you're assigned to do around Toontown! Oh look, you have one right now! Looks like Mayor Flippy wants to see you in the Toon Hall after this. Let's hurry onto the next page then! This is the Items and Codes section, here is where you can customize your Toon! Let's continue to the Clothing tab of the page. This is your Toon's wardrobe! It's pretty empty right now since you just got here, but there are many ways to expand your fashion! You look Toontastic right now regardless! Let's continue to the next page. Now, this is your Cog Gallery. We don't have much information on the Cogs right now, so you'll have to fill this out as you encounter them. Go ahead and close the Schtickerbook now. Has everything I said made sense? Cat got your tongue? Oh, you must not know how to speak with SpeedChat yet! Click the SpeedChat button on the far left to say something to me! Great job! By the way, you aren't locked to just these phrases. You can expand the Chat Panel to freely type what you'd like and see what others are saying. Oh, and one more thing... Here you go! This is the Experi-o-Meter, where the experience you earn from doing activities around town goes! Your level will increase as you gain more experience. This unlocks all kinds of cool things, like Training Points, increased Gag storage, and increased Laff! That's all from me! Flippy wants to see you in Toon Hall, so head there first!
<You leave the Schoolhouse and go to Toontown Central's main playground.>
Say, I heard you graduated training! Congradulations! Welcome to Toontown Central, let me show you around some of the most important landmarks. This is a Toon Headquarters, or Toon HQ. Outposts like these are set up all over Toontown! Each one has HQ Officers inside to help Toons. This one happens to be where some of our best Resistance Rangers are stationed, like Lord Lowden Clear! You'll visit the Rangers soon, so let's move on. Here's Toontown Central's Gag Shop! You can buy Gags inside, but that requires Jellybeans! You can earn Jellybeans through battles, completing quests, fishing, playing table games, and trolley games! Speaking of which... The trolley! Hop on with some Toons or by yourself to play some Toontastic minigames while earning Jellybeans! Now, I think those are the most important playground buildings... Oh yes! How could I forget! I'm here in the Toon Hall! Please, come inside so I can give you a proper Toontown welcome!
[This is the end of the Toontorial - starting your very first quest, Welcome to Toontown!]
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watchtowersbane · 2 years ago
random text post to make tags
(I’ll eventually start posting the quests hopefully. this will take a while!)
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