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CCLab Week5
Using a potentiometer to control the servo indicating global warming. Two stepper motors separating two pieces of paper representing the condition of ice drifting in Arctic which results in the extinction of polar bears.
#include <Stepper.h> #include <Servo.h> const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;
Stepper stepper1(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 10, 9, 11); Stepper stepper2(stepsPerRevolution, 2, 5, 4, 7); Servo servo;
int steps = 3600; int servoPin = 12;
int val; int servoVal; int broken = 0; int back = 0;
void setup(){
stepper1.setSpeed(60); stepper2.setSpeed(60);
servo.attach(servoPin); Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop(){ val = analogRead(0);
servoVal = map(val, 0, 1023, 140, 0); servo.write(servoVal); delay(15);
if(servoVal == 6){ stepper1.step(steps); stepper2.step(steps); }
Serial.println(servoVal); }
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Ideas in Form 4D
Memories would not be so reliable as it once was when time passed by. What if people keep thinking a certain memory, how real would it be at the end?
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Ideas in Form 3D
Certain areas of brains are triggered by yearning for return to a past period.
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Ideas in Form 2D
When people are eager to go back to and retrieving a certain memory, the memory couldn’t be separated into space and time.
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CCLab Week2
Using a gas sensor(MQ5) to control an LED imitating the blowing of the candles on birthday cake. Pressing the button to reset.
int gasVal; int gasOriVal; int gasMapVal;
int ledPin = 6; int ledVal;
int buttonPin = 4; int old_buttonVal = 0; int buttonVal;
int fire;
int state = 0;
void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() { gasOriVal = analogRead(A0); if(state == 0){ gasVal = gasOriVal + 20; state = 1; fire = 0; }
if(gasOriVal > gasVal){ fire = 1; }
gasMapVal = map(gasVal, 0, 1024, 255, 0); if(fire == 1){ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }else{ analogWrite(ledPin, gasMapVal); }
buttonVal = digitalRead(buttonPin); if(buttonVal == HIGH && old_buttonVal == LOW){ state = 1 - state; delay(100); }
old_buttonVal = buttonVal;
Serial.println(gasOriVal); Serial.println(state); delay(10);
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Ideas in Form 1D
In 1D, based on the domain research, we need to select 40-50 single words and list them out. Then, from these 40 or 50, choose my favorite 5. For each of these five, write a short paragraph describing what that word means to me and why. Finally, write a story of maximum one page in length that utilizes the five words in some creative way. This story should be a fiction and relate in some way to domains that interest me.
Music could be one of the most precious present from my mother besides my birth and raising me up. I learned playing the piano from 6 to 16 for ten years. I can also play the flute, drums which I learned in rock club in high school, and the Tin Whistle which I learned in Ireland when I had my exchange student life there. It seems there’s an instrument, a specific sound could connect with every different period I experienced. My mom loves singing. That’s why she wanted me to learn some instruments. She influenced me much. We sang songs together when we were driving on the road. Playing music was the first time when I was aware of my creating things. I also felt satisfied with the moments when people were listening to my music with smiles on their face. Because of the familiarity with music, the sound around me affects me as well. I care about my auditory experience wherever I am.
I was not meant to study psychology in college at first. I always assumed I would learn computer science or engineer in undergraduate degree. With the fail on my exam and the passion to live in capital city which is Taipei, I started my journey in psychology. It totally changed my life eventually. Even I am not studying or doing on it now. Psychology led me to notice the existence of myself and to understand who I was. In different courses, such as perceptual psychology, abnormal psychology and social psychology, etc, I got to know myself deeper from different aspect. Possessing these knowings, I was aware of my motivations and by which I made every decision properly for myself. I could control myself and was not angry at everything I saw without reasons. That changed my life a lot and the relationship between others and my as well. Psychology is much more than just knowledge to me.
I chose this word as one of my favorite 5 was because I sometimes felt strange to this word. I am a person who keeps leaving home. I never studied in the same towns or cities from elementary to graduate school. I would attribute it to my family background. It seems it’s my curiosity or enthusiasm on pursuing novelty making me keep going away from those places. However, I know I still care and seek for the sense of safety. I lived in my hometown only until 16. While people first asked me if I had feeling of nostalgia, I felt weird. It’s not because I didn’t have. It’s because I’d even never thought about that. I would say I messed my mom. I would say Taipei was not my home. But I wouldn’t say I missed my hometown. Maybe after living in New York for half a year, I would say I missed Taiwan. I am not sure. So, I am trying to figure out what nostalgia is to most people, and what it could be for me in the end.
I am watching Flash recently to release some pressure coming from the abundance of assignments. It reminded me of my interests in parallel universes, time traveling, and wormhole, etc. From this sci-fi view on “spatiotemporal”, sometimes I imagine and hope one of another me exists and has a quite different life. But here, I would relate it to music more. During different periods, I stuck to different songs, playlists, and albums. Every time I accidentally heard one of the songs, it reminded me of that specific period, and also, the spatiotemporal details. I started to remember what I did, what I saw, what I smelled, and what I felt then. Under the technology limit nowadays, it never happened again. All the things about that space in that time as the only one existence. And that means a lot to me. I felt upset about those memories even which full of happiness. I felt depressed because I could never experience those memories again. So, that only capability of thinking about those spatiotemporal details is the reason for which I selected this word.
I loved to read biographies of famous people when I was a child. I always hope one day I could have my own biography. However, if I want to read it before I die and convey what I was actually thinking then, I need to write down my autobiography. I am not good at writing though, no matter in which language. Finally, I found I could convey my ideas through other ways like art installations, photography and music. That really excited me. Everything I mad could contain my feelings and thoughts. They are all about myself. I also don’t want the existence of any possibilities of misunderstanding. I enjoyed the moments when I was creating autobiographical installations describing myself with my own language.
There is an old cabinet in the corner in this house. Grandma said it’s left by grandpa. I never wanted to open it just like it is hard to open my mind again to this house. This is a house filled with sorrow and anger to me. That’s why I chose psychology as my major even that dad always dreamed we could have debates on physics someday. I am not a person who always thinks negatively. I just don’t know what to be happy with. Without doubts, I tried to use psychology knowledge to “save” myself but as you know, it didn’t work. Maybe just because I don’t want to be cured.
Oh, so yes, there is some treasure in the cabinet: a book which looks like a biography of someone and several pieces of music sheet. I had no idea why they were here. I called Nick. I told him what I found. He wanted to see them.
Nick and I met in a piano studio in my university. I liked people from school of music. They looked really cool. Nick asked for the sheet at first. It took him a while to read it. Then, he took out some sheet from his worn bag and exchanged it with part of mine. He requested me to play the one he just gave me. “No mistake,” he said. I read the sheet for five minutes. I have not played the piano since I left that house. I was nervous because his attitude was so solid.
I played the piano. And the room was spinning with me as the center.
“No mistake, just like you said.” I said. Without saying any words, Nick just went outside. We did not talk until we met my classmate, Suzanne. She was supposed to be in the hospital because of the car accident yesterday. She looked me surprisingly too.
“She’s not supposed to be here,” I said.“Just like you,” Nick said.“I don’t understand.”“The music was for spatiotemporal transferring. The sheet I gave you was for parallel moving; the other one you didn’t exchange with me was for horizontal moving in your universe,” he explained.
I didn’t talk to “her” here, but I followed her back home. I wanted to know if she had a lovely family here. There was a kit with child doodle just hung on the wall in that house which I felt sick at.
I played “Nostalgia,” the same song back. And the room was spinning again as it was while I came.
I opened the book found in the cabinet. It was grandpa’s autobiography for me, only for me, just like that kite.
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CCLab Week1
Using a button and a potentiometer to control an LED on Arduino.
//potentiometer int sensorPin = 0; int sensorVal; int sensorValMap;
//button int buttonPin = 2; int buttonVal;
//LED int ledPin = 11; int ledState = 0;
void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() { sensorVal = analogRead(sensorPin); //map the range of the potentiometer to the range of the LED sensorValMap = map(sensorVal, 0, 1024, 0, 255);
//turn on/off the LED by button buttonVal = digitalRead(buttonPin); if(buttonVal == HIGH){ if(ledState == 0){ ledState = 1; delay(100); }else if(ledState == 1){ ledState = 0; delay(100); } }
//if the LED is turned on, change the value of LED by the value of the potentiometer if(ledState == 0){ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }else if(ledState == 1){ analogWrite(ledPin, sensorValMap); //delay(50); }
//check if the LED is turned on or off Serial.println(ledState); delay(100);
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5 in 5 Day5
I am afraid of cockroaches. There are two ways to conquer a person's fear in behaviorism in psychology. One is systematic desensitization which is also known as graduated exposure therapy; the other is flooding. On the contrary to systematic desensitization, flooding would present people’s fear to the most extreme condition at the beginning. When I was in that class, the professor took cockroaches as an example to explain these two different theories. I was wondering if it worked and also what if the character became the things a person likes, would the person become afraid of it?
I was trying to make a motion graphic filled with cockroaches and the cartoon characters I like to do an experiment. But I couldn’t. I could stand so many cockroaches on the screen, so I’d like to it with Processing. At least, I could focus more on codes instead of the image and the motion movements of cockroaches.
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D4TC Week2
When people started talking about A.I., what came to my mind first was that many people who studied in computer science nowadays put lots of effort on letting computers think more like human beings. So, I have never really investigated what the definition of A.I. is, or what the forms of A.I. could be. In my old memories, the ultimate goal of A.I. is to be exactly like a person. I would like to discuss A.I. to the most basic phase that why we need A.I. If we take Siri as an example, people would like Siri to act like one of our friends or just respond a correct answer more. If A.I. could do all the things perfectly, it's probably not a "person."
"Worse than being seen as enemy is not being seen at all”
- Outing A.I.: Beyond the Turing Test by BENJAMIN H. BRATTON
There's a big misunderstanding of A.I. among most people, just like me at first. We consider A.I. as a human being. However, we want A.I. to "do the right things." People have lots of discussion and debates in many domains such as sociology, politics, literature, etc. There are no categorical answers to most questions in the world. What if A.I. thought people are harmful to the earth and wanted to kill us all, it would be a weapon more likely. Because A.I. wouldn’t have any ambiguity and the most important, A.I. doesn’t care about humans at all.
“There are many ways that an A.I. might harm us that that have nothing to do with its malevolence toward us, and chief among these is exactly following our well-meaning instructions to an idiotic and catastrophic extreme.”
- Outing A.I.: Beyond the Turing Test by BENJAMIN H. BRATTONI
The algorithm behind A.I. was written by people. The rules are also made by people. Would A.I. become a high-level weapon in the end?
“Airplanes don’t fly like birds fly, and we certainly don’t try to trick birds into thinking that airplanes are birds in order to test whether those planes “really” are flying machines.“
- Outing A.I.: Beyond the Turing Test by BENJAMIN H. BRATTONI
This idea from the author inspired me much. He used an easy way to make me clearly understand the whole page. Depending on this sentence, I think we should rethink why we want A.I. and what we want it to do exactly, Maybe what people need is just a clever friend!
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5 in 5 Day4
During the Bootcamp this summer, we had not only classes from 9 am to 6 pm every day but also much homework. When I was doing the final, the night felt shorter than usual but I felt more lonely than usual. While people are busy or struggling with things, it’s very hard to believe everything is gonna be okay.
The part of the girl falling down inspired me much. Although it’s hard to believe everything is gonna be okay, as time passed, everything would be fine.
I’d like to make a short motion graphic. When we fall, we think that we’re gonna die. However, there’s always a pad on the ground to catch us which symbolizes that “everything is gonna be okay”.
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5 in 5 Day3
Due to many assignments which I’ve got last week, I was tired every day and had difficulties getting up. I always got up at the last minute and rushed on brushing teeth, changing clothes, and making lunch, etc.
I could wear a vest with robotic arms which can help me brush teeth and wash face so I could make lunch at the same time. But moving around among my room, the bathroom, and the kitchen still takes much time.
I also had an idea that robotic arms could help us change clothes, brush teeth and wash face when we were still lying in the bed. But that could only save us a little time, and still, we need to walk to the bathroom and kitchen.
I’d like to build a system which would calculate the distance between the rooms such as bedroom - bathroom, bedroom - kitchen, and bathroom - kitchen. People input anything they should do before they go to work/school tomorrow morning. Then, the system would provide a best solution for them to get all the things done in a most efficient way.
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5 in 5 Day2
I was watching Flash recently. I have lots of interest in time traveling, parallel universes, multiverse, and wormhole. In college, I already used the idea of parallel universes in my thesis. In reality, what people can do now is to store time capsules or fortune telling. This reminds me of the way of storing memories in the movie Inside Out.
In my opinion, why people would like to do time traveling or imagine there are parallel universes is because people want to experience another’s life or they are regretting now.
First, to experience more, people now share their life, ideas through many ways, like social media, blogs, etc. While people are interested in others life, they would attend a speech to listen to others’ experiences. But, the constraint is that we can’t really change our personality, so mostly, we just absorb it like listening to a fairy tale.
Second, for whom would like to escape from the reality, it’s probably much harder. If it’s easy to run away from the reality or go back to the past, people wouldn’t feel regretful.
I’d like to build a website or an APP where people could store their “one day” and others could randomly choose a day to experience. For those who would like to experience others’ lives, they can really join that day, pretend they have totally different personality and make decisions under that personality. On the other hand, for those who want to escape from the reality, this is perfect for them not to think about the reality. They just need to follow the description of that “one day” and enjoy the day.
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5 in 5 Day1
5 in 5 is my first assignment of the major studio in MFADT. Over the next five days, I need to create one project a day.
People need to communicate every day and we indeed do it a lot in our life. However, having an effective communication is much more difficult. Sometimes I found I always had fights on the same issue or the same problems against the same person. I thought I had a really rational talking, but logic might not be the point here.
As we can see in the communication process, we need an appropriate communication channel, a successful encoding of a message and a successful decoding of a message to create an effective communication.
Therefore, the problem between my friend and I might be the encoding and decoding error. We couldn’t catch the main idea of each other. Though we have talked about the problem many times, every time, we actually didn’t discuss on it completely.
That reminds me of Siri. Siri collected people’s data, analyzed and tried to give an answer which is what people would like to know. So, I’d like to make an APP or a software that could analyze people’s talking and figure out the main idea of the conversation.
People could record what they said to the system and the system would give them several options to choose. They could choose the answer which is more fitting to what they think. The system would analyze their talking style and learn to extract the main idea. Then, depending on people’s talking style, the system would encode the message to what the person whom people want to communicate with could totally understand and get the right point from.
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