I'm trying not to be delusional but I need daisy to be on s10 so bad😭!!!
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TUA's writers writing for Five's plotline in S4:
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love it when writers don’t even remember details from their own show
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wandacallsbucky-james · 2 months
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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wandacallsbucky-james · 3 months
this analysis>>> you captured their dynamic and feelings towards each other so well! they're genuinely one of the best ships to come out of tns, canon or not!
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You guys are well aware of how obsessed I am with this ship. Them not being canon sometimes haunts me at night. I don't think I'll ever be ready to let them go. They were the only thing I took away from Season 8b besides from Clude and Kenzie.
After rewatching their scenes for the umpteenth time and feelings of revulsion towards the off screen and only like 3 on screen "romantic" scenes between Pascale and Heath, I felt the need to disect their feelings towards each other.
"Ew. Respectfully." - Daisy, Season 8 Episode 15
From those 2 words alone, I'm already intruiged in their dynamic, although very hostile from Daisy, but this only elevates them. Heath does everything in his power to come across as likeable to Daisy, which is ultimately (and temporarily) useless as Daisy believes Heath is still the mole. Heath's humble nature heavily contrasts with Daisy's pride and stubborness. Anyway, they work through their troubles and are made the Nationals duet partners which guarantees more screentime (as much as you can get when you're still sharing screentime with ex A-Troupe members). They both noticeably wear green in their outfits, highlighting their predetermined connection.
"I've done a lot of duets and I really like this one." - Heath, Season 8 Episode 18
Kingston comes in to help with duet, and both Daisy and Heath feel the pressure of being critiqued. The duet partners, after some time, decide to confide in each other about their feelings of doubt. If it wasn't obvious in Episode 15, it's crystal clear that these two are going to fall for each other. Even the TNS writers were onto this, evidently shown through their "moment" before Kingston interrupted them. He even states in his talking head, "I feel like maybe I'm interrupting something. I don't know what, but... something."
"As much as you think you're the one who's hurting right now, you hurt me a lot worse." - Heath, Season 8 Episode 21
I personally believe that this episode showcases Daisy's crush on Heath. I would also like to bring in the trope - A fell first, but B fell harder. Daisy IS B. Do you not see her using the excuse of more rehearsal time just to spend more time with Heath and her several questions about whoever Heath is meeting up with? Anyway, Daisy catches Heath meeting up with Lucien and Grace, and *angsty miscommunication* ensues. Now, I'm a hater for the miscommunication trope, BUT it is used so effectively here that I can't complain. Daisy does damage control on her feelings by reverting back to her former self and antagonising Heath. This obviously breaks Heath's heart because Daisy no longer trusts, temporarily breaking their connection.
"When we dance together, I know you won't let me down, and I need you to know that I won't let you down either." - Daisy, Season 8 Episode 25
It's the day of the Nationals duet, and Daisy and Heath are on bad terms. To rekindle their relationship, Daisy "kidnaps" Heath and forces him to clean mirrors with her while they talk about their feelings. Ignoring the logistics of time, their shenanigans are endearing and entertaining. Ships have different factors that help elevate them, and Haisy's banter, which is filled with humour, makes them all the more loveable. Daisy gives Heath a heartfelt apology, allowing them to make up and perform well in the duet round. ALSO, when it's announced that TNS have won Nationals, Daisy and Heath hug each other instinctively. Just thought that should be mentioned.
"Now it's just because I think you're really great Daisy and I want you to know that." - Heath Season 9 Episode 1
They're back and better than ever! Their chemistry and banter are off the charts alongside their newly established colour scheme of green and purple. Daisy wants to give Heath a present, but Heath inexplicably refuses it, causing Daisy to walk off. Ethan suggests to Heath that he should just get her a present so the two of them can exchange. Unfortunately, tickets to Daisy's favourite band are too expensive, so they can't go together, but Heath still buys Daisy a ticket regardless just because he knows it'll make her happy. THEY'RE SO IN LOVE I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF.
"I'll never have another duet partner like you." - Heath, Season 9 Episode 4
Ariana and Grace steal Daisy's bowstaff, preventing her from making A-Troupe, but as karma (and the power Daisy holds), Grace is unable to make it onto A-Troupe Daisy and Heath walk into a darkly lit Studio A as Heath rambles on about taking Grace down. However, Daisy has accepted her fate and reminds him that she wasn't prepared. Heath disagrees, claiming, "Daisy, I don't know if I can move on from this." This equating to everything they have together, duh! They have an emotional goodbye duet and hug for an eternity before finally letting go. The second that Daisy walks out the door, the remaining lights turn off, symbolising how lost Heath feels now: "I don't know what I'm going to do without Daisy." I bawled my eyes out when I first watched this, and a little bit of my heart aches every time I rewatch it.
In conclusion, Haisy remains an un-canon ship, which is baffling to some extent but also a relief as the writers couldn't break them up in a ridiculous fashion and have them never talk to each other again following the break up. Regardless, they were the highlight of Season 8 and showcased the writers' ability of character dynamics and drama relating to those characters which strengthens the relationship instead of being its detriment. (Thank you Kenzie for pairing them together, your service as dance captain is truly appreciated.)
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wandacallsbucky-james · 4 months
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RINACENTRAL — EVENT 1: FAVOURITES ↳ my top 3 rina episodes in every season
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wandacallsbucky-james · 4 months
I need someone to take one for the team and write heathdaisy fanfiction! I keep rewatching their scenes and imagining scenarios😭
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
yes, I am still recovering from the haisy goodbye duet, and yes, I never will.
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
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tns when I catch you!!!! the withdrawals I'm having are something serious😭
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
here is my heath x daisy playlist 🌼💕
thanks to anyone who listens!! ♡♡♡
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
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leo dooley from disney xd sitcom lab rats
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
heathdaisy I will avenge you!
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wandacallsbucky-james · 5 months
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wandacallsbucky-james · 6 months
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wandacallsbucky-james · 6 months
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Book 2 au with Zuko and Katara Lee and Huamei
Katara is separated from her friends, and so she's left to travel the earth kingdom on her own. She stumbles across Zuko, who is similarly travelling on his own. They decide that pairing up and travelling together would be best
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wandacallsbucky-james · 6 months
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the night they pretended they didn't know the face behind the mask.
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wandacallsbucky-james · 6 months
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Old drawing I originally made for @matereya :) Poem is by @rufiozuko
*re-uploaded by request.
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