A piece of my brain...
2K posts
I always talk to strangers, I just don't eat their candies or get into their freakin' cars...
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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I don't get why people hate Charlie so much. Yes, disarming security system was a dumb thing to do, but he's a fine kid. Look at how Karma gets back at him. It was a good Karma nevertheless bloody, but good and not just a Karma Chameleon that come and go *somebody dance with me*
Quite worth to watch. Plus... Rhys Wakefield is a creepily cotton candy here.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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After a happy fanvid, now we're taking the road to another sad vid. So it's just like a roller coaster, up down up down sad happy sad happy.
Thanks to skypop8899 for recommending such a beautiful song, to my friends who brought me pile of horror DVDs and made me spend another sleepless night with a kitchen knife on my bed, also to Siwon's dimples for being so... deep. Have a great day, pretty people! ^0^
                             Wonkyu- You Made Me Impressed
You and I, were really happy back then
But I never knew how to show my fear,
so everything seemed fine.
Yes... it was always like that, since I started loving you.
The world to me, was a big fake sensation.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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After Thailand, now Indonesia. I'm beginning to feel that I'm starting another Asian horror movie festival in my room. Macabre/Rumah Dara is one of the predictable people-who-like-to-eat-people movies, but with cuter faces. If there's an actual award for the hottest cannibal dudes, I'm sure Adam will win the 2nd. First will always be Mr.Lecter.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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I can't believe I just watched this, I'm so late, I'm a belater. For a fan of the infamous Phobia's gang of four whose names so difficult I don't think even spelling bee winner could spell, I could watch this over and over. I hope Thailand can make the gang's own horror-comedy movie sometimes soon.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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*oh so happy right now* you dont know anything:(( i havnt acc in yt & tumblr so i cant put com for u..its like i was prisoner and cant speak with u.finally i could :'( * Tears of joy* ...della i debtor to you apology bcoze i translate your fic without your permission (just i couldnt put comment) sorry sorry sorry but i wrote your name in every part that i updated like this :
Le Nosfera Part 1 || DELLA - Trans Fic  ... every part. i hope you forgive me
Oh honey, no worries. I'm not the kind of person who would say, "give me the credit or I'm gonna turn you into a giant pink cocroach!" I'm happy when readers translate my fic into their language and share with others. For me, spreading Wonkyu love is more important than taking personal credit wow I speak like my Mom Anyway, you're officially allowed to translate any of my fic.
Now... since you're no longer a prisoner, let's spend time holding hands and eating beef jerky together in our imaginary place! *hugs you for 13 hours just for being such a sweet person* ^^
Thanks for the fanart submission! It's so wonderfully CUTE >.<
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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Those eyes, that smile... I shall nominate you as the worst feeling-hider ever, Mr.Cho Cho.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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Muffin, what is this? ✖╭╮✖ How am I supposed to concentrate doing anything when I have this on my Dash? I mean, look at those arms... I think I'm gonna build a camp here and just watch them all day long, wishing that somehow I can be reborn as his T-Shirt.
PS: You can send me Gaspard too now :p
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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                                         Wonkyu- It Was You
After few sad fanvids, now it's time for a happy one ´◡` Thanks to the awesome kyuchie0302 for recommending such a wowwie song and to the pretty aranelmalta for recommending a lovely pic. Dedicated to Wonkyu, their amazing shippers, gummy bears, Michael Jackson, Vint Cerf, and the dude who invented question mark.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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I wanna join the group, I really do. Along with Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. Also maybe a Puma, coz that would be maximum cooler.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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Don't worry, don't cry. Drink Vodka, and fly...
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
NOT because I'm bored...
How far away are you from the person you like?
Couple of blocks away.
Your last kiss probably meant nothing to you, right?
On the contrary... I feel like singing Disney the whole time.
Do you know anyone with such a terribly annoying voice that you can’t even stand?
My Aunt. She laughs while she talks.
Could you see yourself with someone forever?
I swear to God if that Lestat guy from Queen of The Damned jump out of the screen...
Who was the last person to give you a hug?
Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
If the phone ring, then yes...
Do you think you could live with your best friend?
Pillow fight, gossip, perfume exchange and dirty boyfriends talk? Hell yes.
Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a D?
Does cousin count? We did it once during truth or dare.
What do you currently hear right now?
John Mayer- Queen of California.
If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away?
Right now? Give away. Trip to House of The Wax, on the other hand...
When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Not a big fan. But after the Manhattan Sandy, I believe I went there to get free WIFI.
If you were to runaway, where would you go?
Salem. To catch witches. And make movies, of me, becoming a witch.
If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?
What else? 100 buckets of Pirate's golds.
How are you and your parents?
Parent more likely, only Mom. She's the kind of parent that when I got A+ in Math, she would say "Good. But you could've done better." But yeah... we're okay.
If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you kiss back?
Do you want someone dead?
Probably my Uncle. And my old Math teacher. And Tiffany's Mom. And the girl my x-boyfriend cheated with. And that pharmacist guy. I better make a list.
Do you believe love can last forever?
Between human and cat? Yes.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
Jebus! Bogul! I can't believe you're still kidnapping children and playing peekaboo. Grow a mouth.
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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I seriously miss these guys. If I ever won a lottery, I would totally make another series and titled it 'I Think I Kinda Know What You Did Last Summer Because You Would Probably Did The Same Shitty Thing You Did Every Summer.'
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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wabbit1111-blog · 12 years ago
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Dear Dominik, your forehead is as beautiful as those red strawberries which I'm allergic to but still carry in my lunch box just so I look cute. FYI.
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