voodoo-lavoo · 1 month
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I got a new mouse today and decided I was going to start a new world in Minecraft and call it Velaris and try to recreate the city of starlight. I started looking at some reference images and honestly, I have never in my life wanted to be in a fictional world so much. I was honestly just nearly brought to tears because I am so in love with the idea of this world. The magic, beauty, happiness, adventure, the city made to be seen under the stars. When I die, if there is some version of “heaven” that exists, I want to be able to live the lives of characters I have read in books, to throw myself into a different reality, trials and tribulations with it. id fight the middengard worm, id shoot a shapeshifting wolf in the face to feed my family. If I got to live in a world of magic, I would do it. I did think, well would you know that it was a different reality and you had to play along? Or could you be born into the world, then occasionally when you sleep in this reality, your pulled out and asked whether or not you would like to continue, having all of your memories of the reality you are in, and the understanding of your decision to enter that reality, you basically know your dead and this is heaven, ya get me? Honestly, if that existed, or If I knew that would happen when I die, oof. You would have to hold me back from cliff edges and sharp knives. I fucking love fantasy worlds. Get me to Velaris and while you’re at it, let me on the Enterprise. I want to be in fucking space too.
also this is a staged photo i took called Reverie, because i always dream with my eyes open.
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voodoo-lavoo · 1 month
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I am in two halves. What should be an apple to a pie, the straw to a berry, is unfortunately a magnet to a piece of wood. My consciousness cries while my subconscious wanders in other worlds that do not exist. The piece of string that holds us withers, and I feel lost and incomplete.
Feelings are so dramatic.
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voodoo-lavoo · 10 months
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If I were stranded in a frozen desert in nothing but my bare self, the mere thought of your warming essence around me would save me from frost. How can I continue without ever knowing what it feels to have your hands explore the crevices I have hidden from the world. How can I exist without knowing the sensation of your breath caress my offered neck. Or to have my heart beat in such rapid motion because of your nearness, that humming birds cross foreign territory toward a familiar call. I may not have you in this life, but I will defy Gods wishes to have you in the next. I will condemn my eternal existence, just to know that my name, parting from your lips, sounds as symphonic as I imagined.
So I ask You once again, he loves me? He loves me not?
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voodoo-lavoo · 1 year
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I stepped towards loneliness with open arms, as pleasant company forfeit its charm. I crushed my lips to its muted face, entwined my palms through placid space. But like a hand I met twelve again, and I yearned to seek out my ardent friend.
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voodoo-lavoo · 1 year
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And so she flew and flew and flew, away from all she thought and knew. From the comfort, stability and ease, to darker skies and rougher seas. Towards the chaos and uncharted lands. Towards unforseen circumstance. She was not running or hiding from, a life she did not love or want. It was the call from deep in she, that something lay beyond her reach. Her soul cries out to follow its song, until she finds where she belongs.
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voodoo-lavoo · 1 year
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I've decided to make a change. This is where I will now post my photography and maybe some little words drawn from my experience to accompany them. No one knows I'm here. No one knows me here. Your judgement will go unnoticed, your compliments disregarded. I'm joking, I will read them and weep. This here is an image I took on film in Portland OR, where I studied for five months. I've been home for six months so far. I keep getting overwhelming feelings of sadness that my life is no longer there. I am happy that those memories will forever be folded away in the draws of my cluttered mind. But, to experience the independence, the anonymity, the power to be whoever and whatever I pleased, has gripped me to my core. Now I am back, and I am once again the Phoebe that they knew. Now with just a few more folded memories.
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voodoo-lavoo · 2 years
It's just very important to me that you know prairie-style gardens exist.
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Ok. Thank you. Carry on.
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voodoo-lavoo · 2 years
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have you ever seen a tweet that just knocks you the fuck out
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voodoo-lavoo · 2 years
ive just come back to tumblr after 5 years. guys i havnt laughed this much in too long. glad to see youre all still hilareous
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
when u step on a leaf and it doesn’t crunch
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
me providing entertainment in the nuclear bunker when WW3 starts.
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voodoo-lavoo · 5 years
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by Sam Heimer
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