voidmagejesse · 6 years
This Jesse gently pats Romeo on the shoulder in understanding.
“Don’t feel bad. I know from personal experience how hard it is to get used to one lifestyle after being flung into one completely different.
“After all, I never thought I had to cast my humanity aside for Vampirism to help my planet yet here we are.”
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It’s… odd. I can barely even remember ever being human before.
I’m still relearning how it works, of course, with the Order’s help.
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I have caught myself forgetting about my lack of powers a lot more than I’m willing to admit. I drop various items that I expect to levitate to my will, as example.
As for eating and sleeping… I do find myself neglecting to remember these basic necessities before, resulting in a few spills. Harmless.
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JESSE: “Only a few”? You pass out at least twice a week!
ROMEO: *Sigh*.
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
This sounds like something I would put on my personal blog, but honestly? Idc!
If you ever come in contact with some “TellTale Community” discord server, don’t join that shit, okay?
The members are mostly assholes, and if you’re a mcsm fan, really don’t join. They said they put a mcsm channel in it but it was mostly for meme material. They even turned it into a meme channel. With that being said, have a nice day, and be safe from the toxicity that is the “True TellTale Fans”
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
me playing any video game: *does not touch the block button at all throughout the game*
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
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“Okay, 1. You didnt have to hit me, that was uncalled for. 2. I wasn’t going to sell shit, do you know how long and expensive the focus and wand are to make? And finally, I was just trying to help since it seemed more effective against PR!Jesse than a bat.”
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“Shh. Wait a second.”
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“Use this instead.”
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
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“Shh. Wait a second.”
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“Use this instead.”
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
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“Hey guys! The Revamp is done and the Ask box is open so if any of you want to ask me something or interact with me, go ahead and use the ask box or tag me in something!”
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
Hi! This blog is currently going under a update of sorts. So some things about this Jesse here will change! Primarily bio and appearance. REVAMP! That’s the word I was looking for! Yes, this blog is getting Revamped! Especially with Season 2 at a close.
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voidmagejesse · 6 years
URL change!
To @voidmagejesse !!
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Message from Sithis:
“Most of you may not know this, but today is the day that the Mun was born. November 22.
“You guys don’t have to say anything. Dread Father, you can completely ignore this message. But chances are, a simple ‘Happy Birthday’ would make her day a whole lot brighter.
“And if it’s someone else’s birthday as well, tell them happy birthday, I’m sure they’ll appreciate more than you think.”
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Asterodea blinked and looked at the strange device for a second before being dragged by the soul from Jesse.
The duo soon absconded back the way they had came and though it took a few hours their time, they managed to get everything to hopefully help them study the Void. And sure enough, the duo had eventually ended up back in the spot they had met Frisk.
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
when the flirt option appears
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Send 🔪 to find my muse drenched in blood after they killed someone, or send 🔪🔪 for reverse.
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Timelines? Hmm. Asterodea would have to look into those again, if she could find her notebook that was.
“Great!” Jesse said, grinning proudly. “Then perhaps I’ll see you later? Aster and I have to head back to grab some equipment to help us study this place!”
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
“Interesting. But you have no idea why magic flows through here? Hmm...” Jesse thought for a moment. This was a tad discouraging, not even a local knew much about this place. Yet, this seemed to fill their shared soul with determination to find out more.
“Perhaps, if you’re curious, we could perhaps help each other? To find out more about this place and how it works. I’m sure even with Romeo it must get dull sometimes. So perhaps helping each other learn more about the Void and how it works could provide at least a bit of entertainment.”
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Jesse gave a nod. “Alright. That’s fair. Though could you tell us a bit about the Void? It’s easier to learn and get more accurate information from a person who actually knows the land better than a ‘tourist’ like myself.”
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
Aster simply gave a sigh, though did not speak. Even if you swear, he could keep his promise, but that didn’t mean he would use it to his advantage. Words were a double edge sword, and the ones most dangerous agreements, was when it was vague. A person could still do harm without actually doing it in the first place. A word here, a whisper there, a tiny action even. It was all to easy to plant the seed of discord and mistrust, even among the closest of people and their families. That was a lesson the ancestor herself learned the hard way.
Jesse spoke again. “Well you see,” she started. “My ancestor was helped mug me do research on the Void, I had gotten most of magic that she had learned mastered, so she wanted me to come to one of her sources of magic. She said that this place not only acts as a endless source of powerful and sometimes primal magic, but physically acts as a sort of crossroads between universes and timelines if one knew how to control it.”
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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voidmagejesse · 7 years
This time, Aster spoke up. “Are you sure that’s wise? He is cunning. And though he may not be an Admin anymore, even if none resided in your universe, he is closer to fae more than anything. Meaning, if he sees the opportunity, though he will not lie and keep to his agreement, he can twist the truth, and he could easily use your own deal against you if it was vague enough. Jesse learned that the hard way before I came into the picture.”
Jesse gave a nod, recalling the few ‘incidents’ that she had with her Romeo. “But,” Jesse spoke. “It’s great that you managed to help him see the errors of his ways, even if we could not. However...” Jesse had let out a nervous laugh. “You’re probably wondering what Aster and I are doing here in the Void, aren’t you.”
Hmmm. Interesting. Another Admin? Not one that either Jesse or her ancestor knew of. "Hi there," one of them said, "I'm Jesse, and this is my ancestor Asterodea. Who are you?" Aster meanwhile, was floating cautiously. The elder of the two remembered the void, technically she was linked directly to it. But she did not know these people. (@eldritchthaumagistreborn)
*Frisk smiles. *”Greetings, I am Frisk Dreemurr. I am the newest Admin of the ‘True Pacifism’ Timeline.” 
(If this is a RP prompt, please let me know so I can tag this as such.) 
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