voiceofsolace · 2 years
>Scars of survival<
I feel so alone, I don't know what to do
So I take it out on myself, with a blade or two
I feel I deserve it, my life's a mess
I'm not sure how to cope, how to handle this stress
The blade on my skin, it's a way to cope
It's a way to express, when I can't find the words to elope
I'm so scared and confused, I don't know what to do
So I take it out on myself, and it's how I get through
I'm not sure what I'll do if I can't stop this trend
But I'm so desperate, so I just pretend
That this is the only way that I can cope
But I know it's wrong, I know it's not hope
So I'll take a deep breath and try to stay strong
And hope that one day, I can move on
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voiceofsolace · 2 years
I feel so much pain
That I can't explain
So I take it out on myself
With a blade and a shelf
It's an escape from the darkness
A way to fight back
But it's also a way in
To an endless attack
I'm so full of emotion
That I can't control
So I take it out on my skin
A way to make it whole
But these cuts won't heal
For they are too deep
And the pain never subsides
It's too hard to keep
So I try to break away
But the urge is too strong
And I know that my scars
Will never be gone
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