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Purpose Of Hormone Replacement Therapy In Burbank And Beverly Hills
Remaining hale and hearty throughout one’s life is definitely coveted. Unfortunately, not many individuals are blessed with a robust constitution and a perfect immune system. Visiting a doctor at different points of their lives becomes imperative in order to obtain specific treatments. However, the conventional form of medicine focuses more eliminating the symptoms instead of regarding the entire body as a single unit. The eastern systems have understood the implication of treating the whole body thereby aiding prevention and have been highly successful in curing certain ailments as a result. The Western world has now woken up to the fact with instances of visiting the top naturopathic doctor in Burbank and Beverly Hills becoming highly popular at present.
It would not do to dismiss this type of treatment as ‘old wives’ tale’ though. One can have a healthy respect for it and resort to this tried and tested cures instead. Statistics have revealed the fact that naturopathy can go a long way in treating a variety of conditions, both acute as well as chronic effectively too. The list of patients thus grows longer by the minute when conventional prescription drugs fail to do the needful.
Why Should One Visit a Naturopath?
· Prevention of Diseases- This form of holistic medicine does not strive to obliterate the symptoms. Instead it follows a path of treatment where the underlying cause of the disease is addressed by boosting the innate healing mechanism of the human body. The patient is usually advised by a practicing naturopath about following a healthy lifestyle thus empowering their own body to banish the allergens and toxins from it.
· Health Management- Naturopathy is known to manage the existing health conditions of people by providing relief from pain and reducing the symptoms to a great degree. Diabetes, Cardio Vascular health, aging, sleep disorders and fertility problems can be dealt naturally without any need for consuming chemical based drugs that result in severe side effects. Skin diseases and degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis and memory loss can also be managed by means of naturopathy.
· Completely Natural Treatment- This form of treatment does not involve any kind of chemical formulation that may be harmful for the body. On the contrary, a naturopath looks closely at the concerned individual and advises life style changes in order to improve both the physical as well as mental health. Superfoods and organic products are highly recommended by the professionals who only prescribe certain tried and tested practitioner products only when needed.
Naturopaths are not opposed to the traditional Western medicines either. In fact, both the types of treatment can go hand in hand in order to enhance the health of the patient. Aging is certainly not a problem; in fact it is a natural process that everybody has to go through. However, the discomfort and aches associated with old age can be managed best by opting for hormone replacement therapy in Burbank and Beverly Hills and elsewhere.
#hormone replacement therapy in Burbank and Beverly Hills#naturopathic doctor in Burbank and Beverly Hills
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Effective Alternative Treatments For Ibs In Encino and Burbank CA
Experiencing a rumbling tummy, frequent bouts of constipation and diarrhea as well as occasional abdominal pain is sure to keep one distracted and worried. Visiting a physician may not always prove to be beneficial either Traditional medicine will try to find the cause of the problem by questioning and checking the patient extensively and often resorting to painful, invasive diagnostic tools. This is certainly not the best way to seek a solution either.
A number of patients have vociferously rooted for alternative forms of treatment to manage irritable bowel syndrome better known as IBS in Encino and Burbank CA effectively. Sure, the non-traditional methods are not always recognized or appreciated but the patients have found them to produce results making holistic healing along with several Eastern forms of treatment extremely popular in America today.
Types of IBS Treatments Worth a Shot
Acupuncture- While this ancient Chinese therapy has many takers when it comes to eliminating pain, its effect on IBS is often taken with a pinch of salt. However, statistics reveal that acupuncture in Studio City and Burbank CA can help in reducing abdominal bloating as well as several other symptoms often associated with IBS. The studies have not been exhaustive though. However, this certainly does not negate the effect of the healing process that employs multiple needles thereby allowing the innate healing system of the body to take over.
Herbs- There are a number of herbs deemed to be helpful in overcoming IBS. Peppermint may be used for controlling the irritated muscles of the colon thereby providing relief to the patient. Medical professionals, however, advice caution as this particular herb has also been known for aggravating heart burn. Experts recommend visiting an experienced and certified herbalist for best results.
Probiotics- Research studies have shown that probiotics may be able to control the symptoms of IBS hugely. The tiny bacteria that reside within the gut normally can help to keep the digestive system functioning properly, say the doctors. The disorders may arise when there is a drop in the number of ‘good’ bacteria within the gut necessitating probiotic treatment. The outcome has been encouraging with the patients reporting fewer side effects and considerable improvement of the condition leading to a better quality of life.
Hypnosis- It is the mind that controls the body. This theory has been established time and again by making use of hypnotherapy on patients with long standing chronic conditions. Even complaints about IBS have been found to be sharply reduced when treated in this manner. Statistics indicate that as many as 60% to 70% patients with IBS have found the therapy to be emotionally beneficial with the physical symptoms lessening substantially as well.
However, most of the practitioners of alternative medicines recommend using a combination of herbs, oils and supplements in order to calm the gut. Stress managing techniques and diet control can actually work wonders for keeping IBS at bay.
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Reasons For The Popularity of Acupuncture In Beverly Hills And Encino CA
Human beings are not perfect creatures, especially the modern man who is plagued by a host of health conditions throughout the extent of life. Sure, the medical professionals can help to ease the pain and suffering at times but expensive and invasive procedures often do more harm than good, unfortunately. The benefits of Western Medicine have paled somewhat with side effects and drug abuse becoming rampant with every passing year. No wonder, there are a number of people who are skeptic about the efficacy of such medicines that tries to address the symptoms and not the cause.
The healers of today have tried to unite the age old therapies of the East effectively with the diagnostic tools of the West thus arriving at a solution that has been highly successful to date. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease that is exceedingly difficult to treat as it happens to be a psychosomatic manifestation. Resorting to naturalistic treatments of IBS in Burbank and Beverly Hills CA has proved to be highly efficient with many patients swearing by the natural solutions that provide quick relief.
Benefits of Acupunture
However, there are many factors that need to be addressed conclusively while trying to treat a patient. The Chinese form of medicine has generated much popularity at present with acupuncture in Beverly Hills and Encino CA endorsed by both the patients and therapists. It is used to treat a number of ailments of the body in a holistic manner. The patient is thus rejuvenated and feels like a completely new person with the health issues disappearing rapidly. Although it is a traditional form of treatment discovered and employed by the practitioners of traditional Chinese Medicine, the US along with a number of Western countries have adopted the practice eagerly due to its effectiveness.
Statistics reveal that an astounding 3.1 million people across America have been treated by acupuncture in the recent years. Sure, it is a therapy that treats patients by utilizing thin needles but the procedure happens to be pain free. Surprisingly, it is ‘The U.S Department of Health and Human Services’ that has advocated acupuncture to be beneficial in treating the effects caused by chemotherapy and dental pain occurring post a surgical procedure. Addiction, migraine as well as symptoms associated with menopause and multiple aches & pains have been addressed successfully via acupuncture across the world.
Safety Concerns
The thought of having needles stuck into one’s body is enough to make the person run for cover. Many individuals refuse to undergo the therapy due to the needles that is almost always associated with pain.
‘The National Institute of Health,’ however, considers it to be a safe practice as long as it is done by a knowledgeable and experienced therapist who is trained to use the needles perfectly. The condition of the needles is of importance too and needs to be sterile in order to avoid the spread of infection.
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Effects Of Ozone Therapy In Burbank And Encino
Every individual passes through multiple phases in life and may require medical intervention for remaining healthy more often than not. Sadly, Western medicine is overrated with not all of them working perfectly. There are side effects and toxicity to contend with afterwards too making the treatment ineffective many a time. The Eastern cultures believed in treating the body as a whole though. This theory has gained ground of late with many therapists bringing the East & West together to heal the body successfully.
One of the more basic healing processes involves using ozone, the ubiquitous gas that is actually found all around. Ozone therapy in Burbank and Encino has proved to be highly popular as its healing powers came to the forefront. There is not much publicity about this gas though simply because it cannot be patented due to its omnipresence. That does not mean that the advantages can remain hidden for long, however. The amazing effect O3 is out now with the therapists explaining how the extra oxygen atom in the gas can stabilize the free radicals of the body thereby preventing damage due to oxidation.
Benefits of Ozone On The Body
Strengthens Immunity- It regulates the immune system of the body calming it down. The hyperactivity caused due to the presence of auto immune diseases are thus controlled. The suppressed immunity of the body caused by chronic infections can be stimulated by ozone too thereby increasing the healing process.
Eliminates Microbial Infections– Studies have revealed that ozone can successfully attack bacteria causing its destruction. The viruses are a trifle more problematic to deal with, however. Ozone can get at them too by getting to the RNA of the virus and damaging it once and for all. The health issues occurring due to the tiny pathogens causing Lyme disease in North Hollywood and Sherman Oaks can thus be successfully controlled.
Detoxification– Introducing ozone into the body by way of the skin (transdermally) helps in removing the toxins accumulated within. The intense sweating eliminates the toxins as more oxygen gets into the body thereby ensuring health.
Reduces Inflammation– Oxygenation of the body due to ozone is enhanced leading to stimulation of the auto immune system. This hastens the healing process with the inflammation coming down slowly but surely.
Anti Carcinogenic– Ozone causes an excess of oxygen to enter the body that enables the health cells to function properly. However, the cancerous cells do not have the required enzymes to protect them from being oxidized and are destroyed in the process.
Age Delaying– The amount of oxygen present in the blood is directly proportional to one’s wellbeing. Ozone therapy helps by adding more oxygen to the body and enhancing the life of the cells thereby preventing aging to an extent.
Additional oxygen in the body helps in the breathing process as well. Both inhalation and exhalation of oxygen slows down with age causing the concerned individual to pant and feel exhausted within a short time. Introduction of ozone, however, rejuvenates the body and restores the respiration thereby energizing the body too.
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Benefits That Acupuncture in North Hollywood and Sherman Oaks Offers
Acupuncture also referred to as the traditional practice of Chinese medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicinal practice that is quite popular even today. The popularity of acupuncture has spread all through the world, and is accepted as an effectual and reliable method of treatment. The main purpose of acupuncture is to correct the imbalances of energy in the body and to thwart, diagnose and treat disease, in addition to improve the overall health.
Acupuncture is a method of alternative medicine that includes piercing the skin of the body using fine needles to lessen pain and to take care of a number of mental, physical and psychological conditions. In the recent times, a large number of researches have been carried out on acupuncture which confirms it certainly offers a number of health benefits like the following:
Helps to reduce chronic pain: As per a recent survey it has been found that acupuncture can help to reduce pain by up to 15%. Moreover it can help to manage chronic back pain caused due to poor sleeping habits, physical stress and old injuries. Even acupuncture is believed to reduce knee pain caused because of aging and osteoarthritis.
Helps to treat anxiety: Acupuncture can help to reduce anxiety to a great extent. Unlike the anti-anxiety drugs, acupuncture does not cause side-effects such as nausea, mood swings, and anxiety.
Assists in reducing insomnia: As per a recent survey it has been proven that acupuncture can help to decrease the frequency of insomnia. Acupuncture increases the oozing of night-time melatonin, which is a substance that supports and induces sleep. Moreover, unlike the sleeping pills, acupuncture does not cause any side-effects to the individuals.
Prevents Nausea & Vomiting: Acupuncture can help to prevent nausea and vomiting quite effectively. As per the naturopathic doctor in Beverly Hills and Burbank, there is a specific acupuncture pressure point on the bottom of the forearm, close to the wrist, that when stimulated can reduce the feeling of nausea that can induce vomiting.
Reduces headaches and migraine: It has been proven that acupuncture along with western medical treatments and pain relieving drugs, can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraine in many patients.
Enhances the reproductive system: Acupuncture in certain cases has proven to enhance reproductive system by stimulating blood flow and egg production in women. It has been found that women who get acupuncture treatments to treat conditions that can get in the way with getting pregnant have higher chances of pregnancy and births. It is said that acupuncture used with Traditional Chinese Medicine can help to address autoimmune conditions as well as infertility.
These are some of the most common benefits that acupuncture treatment offers.
Acupuncture is more and more accepted by Western medicine as an effectual alternative treatment available. In fact there are a number of clinics that offer acupuncture in North Hollywood and Sherman Oaks but one should choose a clinic meticulously to ensure that they receive the best of treatments.
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Holistic Cures For IBS In Beverly Hills And Encino
Visiting a doctor for health issues happens to be a common activity across the world. Sure, the treatments differ vastly with Western medicine claiming superiority in most cases. However, the age old practices of the East cannot be ignored totally either. It is also essential to consider the body as a whole unit and not continue to treat specific symptoms as the modern day medical professionals are wont to.
Aging is a natural occurrence and no individual can reverse the process completely. True there are number of physical and mental problems to contend with as one begins to age slowly but surely. However, common complaints such as thinning of hair, hot flushes and PMS in women along with dry skin and tiredness can be combated effectively by balancing the hormonal levels in the body.
The synthesized bioidentical compounds that mimic the natural hormones have found to be effective in addressing a number of age related issues. Traditional hormone replacement therapy in Burbank and Studio City has helped hugely as well.
There are a number of patients complaining of IBS in Beverly Hills and Encino who have found relief in naturopathy too. The ‘irritable bowel syndrome’ can occur due to a number of reasons with the treatment varying significantly. Multiple patients swear by the natural treatment processes and will simply not consider taking medications for curing it. There is scant evidence in support of one or the other methods of treating this condition though.
Tips to cure IBS naturally
Probiotics – Many patients have found the consumption of probiotic food to be really effective for IBS. However, there is no concrete evidence to consider yogurt or fermented food as totally safe when one is suffering from IBS. It would be wise to speak to a qualified medico about the potential risks and benefits of probiotics before incorporating them into the diet.
Fiber – Food containing a lot of fiber can certainly make a difference to a patient who is constipated. Yet the beans, whole fruits and wheat bran may result in bloating for many patients as well. It is advisable to try a fiber filled meal to ease the condition. However, excesses must be avoided lest it leads to complications.
Oil of Peppermint – This product is believed to promising as it is supported by clinical trials that have been conducted way back in 1972. The oil is anti spasmodic and can certainly ease the pain associated with IBS.
Enzymes – There are several supplements available in the market that contains digestive enzymes. Doctors do not have any issues with their patients consuming these products as they are considered to be low risk. Results have been more or less encouraging for IBS with the condition improving for the ones suffering from diarrhea associated bowel syndrome.
IBS has been described as a stress related condition. Patients are often advised by their doctors to try and lessen their anxiety and stress by opting for yoga, regular exercise or medication therapies. The ultimate goal is to reduce the stressed out patient thereby facilitating bowel movement.
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How to Help People With Fibromyalgia in Beverly Hills and Burbank
If a dear one is suffering from Fibromyalgia, it’s absolutely required to learn how to help that person. When it comes to Fibromyalgia, getting professional medical help is optimally important. Besides, getting help and support from the family or the loved ones would work even better and faster to treat the condition. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that associates a bunch of other symptoms.
Proper medical treatment is inevitable for treating the condition. The supportive attitude of close friends and family members work the best to help them combat Fibromyalgia. Here are some extremely useful tips on becoming a compassionate caregiver to provide emotional support and practical help to a dear one struggling with the life changing condition.
Listening to them– Being a good listener is the key to start the mission. Let them speak out. Let them share their struggle with pain. It would help them not to feel alone, especially when the listener is someone very close. Positive thoughts should be transmitted into them; this may impact the disease in a positive way while coloring daily life experiences.
Finding balance– Fibromyalgia is unpredictable. A patient may feel absolutely hale and hearty to execute daily chores while on the next day, the same person finds it difficult to get out of bed. Understanding how much and what to do at any particular time is the most intricate part of being in close connection with someone suffering from Fibromyalgia in Beverly Hills and Burbank. All a caregiver has to have is good and positive approach to maintain a balance between favorable and adverse health conditions. Encouraging them to do their job as much possible would persuade them to do things on own instead of depending on others. Go with the flow and stay flexible. Don’t compel them to do something.
Getting professional help– Personal touch from the loved one may make their daily living easy, but people with Fibromyalgia needs professional help as well. Usually the conditions get treated using pain relievers, antidepressants and anti-seizure medications. Besides, occupational therapy, physical therapy and even acupuncture in Encino and Sherman Oaks are applied to soothe the pain and discomfort. Alternative approaches may also be considered if the doctor suggests. Medical help (both physical and psychological) should be sought on an urgent basis in the following situations:
When the person has extreme pain and/or tiredness
When the person remains depressed most of the time
When the person is having contraindication to certain medications
People suffering from Fibromyalgia, like others suffering from other life-changing diseases tend to become isolated if not disabled. The condition is extremely painful and debilitating, but it’s not life threatening. With continuous support and encouragement from friends and family members, they can stay emotionally in a better side. Taking proper medication, practicing gentle physical exercises and making lifestyle changes (proper diet, enough sleep and activities) help them manage physical symptoms efficiently.
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Here’s How Integrative Medicine Or Holistic Medicine In Beverly Hills And Van Nuys Can Help To Treat Cancer
Integrative Medicine or IM is basically a holistic treatment that takes account of not only the symptoms or the illness that the person is suffering from but considers the person as a whole. This includes all aspects of lifestyle. Integrative medicine can be used to treat a varied range of diseases that may range from the simple one to the more complicated one like cancer.
Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer often do not realize the toll that conventional cancer treatment such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy can take on the physical and the emotional well-being of the person. On the other hand an integrative approach to cancer care does not only treat cancer through therapies and surgery but also offers physical and emotional support all through the treatment.
Mentioned below are some of the objectives of integrative treatment for cancer prevention in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood:
Reducing side effects of treatment and enhancing the quality of life
Enhancing the effectiveness of conventional care
Enhancing immune function, with the aim to decrease infection risk and combat cancer cells
Integrative Cancer Treatment may include the below mentioned components:
IV therapy: Certain intravenous nutrients have been shown to be useful for treating cancer. High dose vitamin C is usually administered by IV therapy wherein vitamin C acts as an oxidant, and not an antioxidant. This helps in killing cancer cells. As a result of which vitamin C helps to prevent the growth of tumor. In addition to this, high dose vitamin C IV therapy can help to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. It also helps to improve the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapies. Other IV treatments for cancer include DCA, artesunate, Poly-MVA, curcumin, and glutathione.
Dietary therapies: Integrative Cancer Treatment focuses on the patient’s lifestyle as well and thus it offers dietary therapies which help to improve immune status, decrease tumor growth, and maintain body weight. The emphasis is mostly given on the ketogenic diet, which has proven to be effective for treating a variety of cancers.
Supplements and Herbs: Integrative Cancer Treatment uses a number of supplements and herbs in order to damage tumor growth and metastasis, improve immune function, improve the quality of life and reduce side effects of conventional treatment of the patient.
All these above mentioned holistic medicine in Beverly Hills and Van Nuys treatments focus on the disease and manage side effects as well such as:
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Thus, this approach to cancer treatment can help relieve side effects, boost the physical strength, and support the patient and the family of the patient cancer diagnosis.
#Holistic Medicine In Beverly Hills And Van Nuys#Cancer Treatment For Cancer Prevention In Beverly Hills And North Hollywood
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Tips To Choose The Best Naturopathic Doctor In Beverly Hills And Burbank
Alternative healthcare has become very popular in the recent years and it is due to the fact that alternative medicine and treatments have minimum side effects. For instance, acupuncture in Beverly Hills and Encino uses very thin needles that are inserted at specific points in the body to help patients get relief from a variety of health related problems. Similarly, naturopathic medicine uses dietary counseling and therapies, supplements, hydrotherapy, and herbal medicines to cure various health problems. However, one needs to find the right naturopathic doctor in Beverly Hills and Burbank or in their respective areas to ensure the best care.
Here are a few tips that will help people find the right naturopathic doctor and get relief from the various health conditions:
Know About Naturopathy
Naturopathy has still not become a mainstream method of treating patients, so not many people know about it. It is therefore important for people to know about naturopathy before they start looking for a naturopathic doctor. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks. This will also help one decide whether naturopathy would be the best for the specific condition or not.
Once a person is convinced that naturopathy is the best recourse, he must make a list of all naturopathy doctors available in his area. Once done, look at their qualifications. Naturopathic doctors need to hold be graduates of accredited Naturopathic Schools of Medicine and must have been trained conventional & alternative modalities. They must also be certified by organizations such as American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, etc.
Identify the specific needs and then fix an interview with the doctors to discuss the problems. The most suitable doctor will listen to the problems and talk about all the probable treatment methods. Remember, naturopathic doctors specialize in different areas of medicine, so one needs to find a doctor who is specialized in treating specific conditions. Ask about previous patients and how they have benefited from the treatments.
Reputation matters a lot. After short listing the doctors, perform an in-depth research to know the doctor’s reputation. Talk to people who have taken naturopathy as the main method of treatment and ask about the doctor’s reputation. Look at the patient testimonials and check out online reviews as well. talking to past patients can also help.
Proper Communication
Just as any other mainstream doctor, a naturopathic doctor should be available whenever required. The doctor must be available to provide help whenever the patient is in need. Ask about the most suitable form of communication – whether over the ph, through email, etc. Avoid working with a doctor who leaves his patients guessing about his whereabouts and fails to communicate properly.
Remember, alternative treatment can work wonders but only if you work with the right doctor. Therefore, identify the specific needs and then look for a doctor who is specialized in treating the specific condition(s). A doctor is the primary caregiver, so people must exercise a lot of carefulness when choosing one. Keep the above tips in mind and find the best naturopathic doctor.
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Holistic Forms Of Hormone Replacement Therapy In Beverly Hills And Studio City
Being subjected to a host of digestive problems is fairly common. However, simply popping pills is not likely to help matters either. True, it requires the intervention of a qualified medical professional to treat IBS in Van Nuys and Beverly Hills. However, resorting to chemical drugs at the drop of a hat will not solve the issue permanently. Instead, it may result in multiple side effects that warrant more drugs and the necessity keeps increasing forming a vicious circle with no respite in sight.
The best way to overcome it is to opt for a natural cure therefore. It is not the disease itself but the symptoms that need to be addressed, however. Sure, you are welcome to take the help of a specialist in the said area if your condition happens to be severe. Do not fail to lead a healthy life style though and keep a track of your diet at the same time. The tried and tested convention of resorting to holistic measures is sure to revive the failing digestive system within no time at all.
Every individual has to deal with the lemons that life throws up at times and trying to recover from ailments is one of them. Sadly, women have to face more problems than their male counterparts. Going through menopause that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life is definitely a time that can be described as particularly troublesome.
The hormonal levels vary sharply taking a toll on the mental makeup of the concerned woman who is likely to be overcome with anxious ridden moments. Most doctors advise going for a hormone replacement therapy in Beverly Hills and Studio City therefore. Unfortunately, having the normal hormones replaced with synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone may be seem to be an ideal solution at first but the long term side effects cannot totally be ruled out either.
Almost all doctors recommend incorporating a few basic food items in the diet post menopause in order to restore the balance of hormones in the body thereby getting rid of a number of worrisome symptoms that come with advanced age.
HRT Alternatives
Vitamin E – Health research has revealed the efficacy of consuming Vitamin E regularly after menopause. Effects such as dryness of vagina and hot flushes are definite to lessen once the diet is spruced up with nut, oil seeds, and leafy veggies that are high in vitamin E. Adding a supplement can also be effective if it is not possible to source natural ingredients every day.
Omega-3-Fatty Acid – Consuming fish rich in natural oils will help to combat an itchy skin, dryness and fatigue along with reviving the pain in joints. It may help to opt for a supplement when fish is not a preferred food. The vegetarians can also get the required benefits by consuming chia and flax seeds along with a vegetarian form of omega 3 acid supplement
It might help to get in touch with a qualified nutritionist in order to find the right foods and supplements needed to balance the hormonal levels in the body after going through menopause.
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Importance Of IV Drip In Beverly Hills And Sherman Oaks
Cancer, the dreaded C word is rife. There is no escaping it as the world gets assailed with pollutants and people are increasingly adopting a faulty lifestyle. However, being diagnosed with cancer and then trying to cure it often leaves one disillusioned about the consequences. Yes, the condition can be cured totally especially when the patient has been diagnosed early on. Medical professionals often recommend following the age old adage of prevention being better than cure. However, the conventional medicines wreck havoc in the body and the ailing individual often gets transformed into a zombie, pumped full of antibiotics, steroids and other harmful chemicals.
It makes sense to turn the gaze East wards for a moment and look at the momentous progress that had been made in China, India and other nations that had the advantage of seeking holistic methods for keeping down the risks to their lives. Medicine has changed in America too and the naturopaths have begun combining the best of the Western & Eastern medicines successfully. Cancer prevention in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood is not dependent on painful and discomforting procedures any more now. The risks can be avoided effectively by employing a number of unique tools including the use of IV drip in Beverly Hills and Sherman Oaks. It also helps to take advantage of a few time tested solutions in order to adopt a healthier life style, however.
How to minimize the risks of cancer
Vitamin D – Sure, the vitamin is essential for the body and gets to be absorbed directly via sunlight. Enjoying the warmth of the sun on the body is an excellent way of preventing cancer. Individuals residing in areas that seldom see bright sunny days can use a tanning bed instead. Consuming supplements in the form of D3 will also help to minimize the risk of 15 different types of cancer. This has been proven by a number of research studies.
Protein – It is advisable not to depend over much on protein. Sure, this macro nutrient is essential for repairing the muscles and energizing the body. Yet bulking up the body unnecessarily is likely to result in unwanted effects. Naturopaths recommend limiting the protein intake to 100 gms per day except when the concerned person is training for a competitive event or happens to be pregnant.
Raw & Living Food – Adding a few sprouts to the diet everyday works wonders. The body also remains healthy when it is nourished with a regular supply of raw veggies and fruits such as berries. Yogurt happens to be a probiotic product that can get rid of the toxins thus protecting the body.
Spice – It helps to spice up one’s life. No wonder the Indians love their curries. From turmeric to chilies as well as coriander and cumin the spices can create magic when brought together in the form of a delicious dish. The immune system gets a boost thereby thwarting the risk of cancer.
It is also advisable to drink safe and uncontaminated water and ditch microwaving the readymade meals that come in plastic containers. Taking a little care goes a long way in preventing cancer therefore.
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Treatment Offered By a Naturopathic Doctor In Beverly Hills And North Hollywood CA
Healing the body has always remained a prime concern and various therapeutic procedures head back to the dawn of civilization. Yet the Western medicines have an over reaching effect with almost everyone opting for swallowing pills and expensive surgical procedures. However, there are many techniques, more prevalent in the East specifically China that remain highly effective to date.
The Western world is slowly becoming aware of the advantages now too. It is possible to locate an experienced naturopathic doctor in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood CA therefore. Unfortunately, there has been much hype created of late with many individuals trying to encash the opportunity by posing as therapists. It is better to be equipped with the facts though especially before choosing to have a session of acupuncture in Encino and Studio City.
It is a form of Eastern treatment that utilizes thin needles for treating a variety of health issues. Well, the aforementioned statement is the truth but the actual procedure is definitely more complex than simply sticking needles and healing the patient. It is certainly not magic but a tried and tested form of treatment advocated by the old medicine experts of China.
Facts to keep in mind before going for acupuncture
1. Pain – Sure, the process can relieve various kinds of pain but it is also as effective in getting rid of viruses and treating stress related disorders. Child birth related issues and a host of nerve disorders can be addressed by implementing this method too. The ‘World Health Organization’ endorses acupuncture as one of the best therapeutic processes.
2. Food – It is important to snack or have a full meal before heading for a session of acupuncture. The professionals warn that it might lead to dizziness and even bouts of fainting if there is no energy left in the body. It also reduces the effects of the treatment.
3. Clothing – The professional acupuncturists advise wearing loose garments for the session so that part of the clothing can be rolled up or unbuttoned for accessing certain nerves / pressure points of the body. Fortunately, there is no need to undress contrary to a massage session.
4. Needles – The needles are very thin and akin to two or three strands of hair. They do not induce any pain on insertion and can be left inside for a few minutes without discomforting the patient in any way. They are manufactured out of surgical grade stainless steel and used on a single patient only. Thus there is absolutely no chance of contracting diseases via contaminated needles.
5. Tools – Acupuncture is not limited to use of needles though. In fact, the professional also makes use of acupressure and other forms of treatment including but not limited to Tuina, a form of massage & Guasha, a term for skin scraping and cupping of certain areas. Several Chinese herbs for replenishing the lost energy are utilized for effectively treating a condition as well.
Acupuncture may also be included in an insurance plan and it is always wise to request a bill for the services rendered in order to get it reimbursed.
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Naturopathy Can Cure IBS In Van Nuys And Beverly Hills
Health is wealth, goes the age old saying. Indeed it is, confirm the modern day medicos. Sadly, human kind today suffers from all sorts of complex maladies that warrant equally complex treatment procedures. The medicines for curing such ailments create even more problems for the patient that require another kind of treatment and more medicines and the cycle goes on and on. The Western doctors have now started looking for holistic measures that prevents a number of diseases sure to become fatal if diagnosed late.
It is not too hard to find a professional who endorses naturopathy for getting rid of IBS in Van Nuys and Beverly Hills. There are also a host of holistic solutions available for preventing diabetes and overcoming infertility as well as other lifestyle conditions that occur from deep seated psycho-somatic issues. Even the deadly carcinoma can be thwarted via natural means of cancer prevention in Beverly Hills and Van Nuys.
Sure, there are number of factors involved in the body cells becoming cancerous. While it might not be possible to beat heredity, doctors practicing alternative medicine focus on diet and recommend giving up all the food products that can increase the risk of developing cancer considerably.
5 Foods That Fight Cancer
1. Resistant Starches – Green bananas and white beans together with rolled oats have the capacity to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
2. Brazil Nuts – It is advisable to go nuts! Not literally but by consuming the selenium rich Brazil nuts every single day. The nuts destroy the carcinogenic cells and help to repair the DNA thus preventing cancer. Sure, selenium is the hero here but taking it as a supplement just won’t work. It must be consumed as a food.
3. Garlic – Yes, it is pungent but the innate allyl sulfur compounds that go a long way in beating cancer by stirring up the immune system of the body.
4. Cruciferous Veggies – Cabbage, Broccoli, cauliflower, and Bok Choy are the wizards that lower the possibility of kidney cancer when eaten at least one day in a week.
5. Artichokes – The antioxidant silymarin is the one fighting skin cancer by slowing the growth of cancer cells gradually.
Lifestyle Tips to Follow
Stand Up – This is not a punishment but a way of preventing cancer. Studies prove that individuals who keep sitting for hours together are at a risk for developing colon cancer and endometriosis. It might be time to invest in a standing desk or leave the chair to move around every hour.
Bask in the Sun – Vitamin D is essential for many reasons and its deficiency can increase the risks of a number of cancers. The best way to add it to the body is to spend at least 15 minutes in sun everyday instead of swallowing pills and depending on supplements.
Put out the lights. Please! – Doctors recommend sleeping in the dark as exposure to bright light is believed to enhance the possibility of breast and ovarian cancer in women.
Walking for 30 mins a day keeps cancer away. This is true for women who have been known to reduce breast cancer via simple activities such as walking and jogging.
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Top Benefits Of Acupuncture In Studio City And Encino
Getting rid of serious ailments or injuries is rather simple nowadays with thousands of specialized health care professionals as well as doctors willing to treat the patient. However, the problem arises when an individual has to address the niggling aches and pains and ensure his well being without piling his body with prescription drugs that may prove to be toxic for the body in the long run. Thankfully, the Chinese have found a way out and educated the world with its wide variety of treatments that have been very effective in curing almost every ailment known to mankind. Visiting a clinic offering holistic medicine in Beverly Hills and Van Nuys happens to be an eye opener therefore.
Learning about the ancient Chinese technique of acupuncture in Studio City and Encino is indeed helpful. The age old practice is hugely popular all over the world even today and its benefits are numerous too. There is absolutely no cause for concern either. While special needles are used for acupuncture, there is no associated pain. It is a completely holistic form of treatment that is totally free of side effects as there are no drugs or medicines to be consumed.
Advantages of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with other pain management methods namely physiotherapy and healthy diet and exercises. This holistic treatment also has a positive role to play in relieving the troublesome symptoms within a short period.
Headache & Migraine – Multiple research studies and surveys have led to the belief that it is a valuable technique to get rid of severe chronic headaches. Clinical trials carried out also substantiate the claim where the patient experiences relief with both the intensity of the pain lessening along with the frequency of the headaches. It has been found to be particularly useful for treating migraine that is caused by stress and has no cure at all.
Muscular / Joint Pain - Acupuncture has been hugely successful in combating all sorts of chronic pain including arthritis and severe back pain. A study conducted by the, ‘Memorial Sloan-Kettering’ in 2012 proves conclusively the efficacy of acupuncture in reducing chronic muscular pain of the neck, back, and shoulders along with osteoarthritis and gout. Medical professionals of Western medicine often recommend it as well.
Insomnia- Sleep disorders are the curse of the modern world. While there are thousands of treatments for overcoming insomnia, nothing works better than acupuncture say the experts. It has been found to help patients who are able to sleep properly after a few sessions of acupuncture. It is also totally devoid of side effects unlike sleeping pills and herbal medicines.
Chemotherapy- It is normal for patients to undergo chemotherapy in order to fight against cancer. Sadly, the therapy comes with its share of side effects that include pain, hair fall, and nausea. An acupuncture treatment following chemotherapy has been found to work wonders as it boosts up the immunity of the patient as well as protects the healthy cells of the body.
Acupuncture is considered to be a safe and helpful therapy by,"The National Institute of Health" as long as it is performed under sterile conditions and by an experienced and qualified practitioner.
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Get The Best Treatment For Cancer Prevention in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood
When it comes to getting the treatment your body needs, it is a good idea to choose one that suits you and your specific requirements. For example, if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, your treatment for IBS in Beverley Hills and Van Nuys should be dependent on your lifestyle. The best way to go about any form of treatment is to find out what the root cause of the disease is and then set about curing it.
The good thing is that modern medicine has made it possible for people to choose from a variety of different treatment methods. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Naturopathy, there is no one size that fits all and therefore your treatment method may be completely different from the one that is right for your friend. Here’s why you should ask your doctor to help you choose the right treatment plan for yourself.
1. Balance the body: The perfect treatment plan will not only treat your condition, it will also balance the body. For example, if one needs cancer prevention in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood, a good idea would be to choose something based on their lifestyle. Cancer prevention is not only about taking the right dose of drugs at the appropriate time, it is also about making dietary and lifestyle improvements. All of this will lead to the body being balanced more. 2. Ability to choose from different ancient therapies: The truth is that sometimes old is gold. Many times, it has been found that patients with chronic diseases do a lot better with ancient medicine therapies than they do with modern drugs. Chinese medicine and Naturopathy are two treatments whose popularity has seen a rise in the recent years because of their efficacy. 3. Your body is unique: As your body is unique and very different from others, your treatment will also be different. That is why it is important that your doctor find out what caused your disease and then set about solving it. You can choose from traditional therapies or futuristic ones. 4. Save money: When you decide to go for cancer prevention in Beverly Hills and North Hollywood because you have a predisposition for it due to hereditary reasons, then you are saving yourself a lot of money and heartbreak. Why? Because when you work at preventing the dreaded disease, chances of you being afflicted with it becomes a lot lesser. As such, you save yourself money and worrying about it later.
When treating IBS in Beverley Hills and Van Nuys or another disease is based on individualized plans, it becomes a lot more effective. This ensures that patients enjoy a better level of healthcare and save themselves money in the long run. An individualized treatment plan for your problem is what you need and that is why it is a good idea to find a doctor who believes in it.
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Why Is Acupuncture In Burbank & Beverly Hills Ca So Popular
Acupuncture is a traditional medical treatment that helps to cure many health issues and reduce chronic pains from the body. According to western belief, it is not a system of inserting needles in the body and relieving pain rather it is a holistic medical treatment that focuses on maintaining energy levels, fix body imbalance problems, treat diseases and general health issues. This therapy comes with a lot of advantages which are mentioned below:
Kick Away Depression Rate:
Acupuncture is a perfect medical protocol for those who are going thorough depression. The therapy helps you combat the anxieties and make you positive which ultimately reduce stress and let you feel healthy and delighted.
Cure Migraine Problem:
Modern medical study suggests that migraine can be permanently treated through this medical therapy. The basic reason behind this problem is a tension which is reduced through this medical protocol and it also gives relief from the migraine problem.
Treat Headaches:
Headaches should not be neglected as they gradually convert into a harsh problem if left untreated. Usually, people suffering from headaches take tablets to get relief for a while. However, acupuncture in Burbank & Beverly Hills CA not just permanently cures headaches but also stimulates your nervous system as a whole.
Encourage Fertility in Women:
This therapy highly benefits the barren women. Using this medical protocol increases the fertility rate in women by at least 50%. Additionally, it helps increase the effects, therefore, will be a perfect choice.
An Aid to Chronic Back Pains:
Almost 80% people today suffer from back pains. Recent study suggests that acupuncture can be highly effective in treating back pains permanently. It also stimulates the nervous system, which results in chemical release into the muscles, brain, and spinal cord. These chemicals discharge energy and cure the back problems.
Assist in Reducing Weight:
Obesity or extra fat is a common health condition among many in America. Bloated belly or extra flab around the waistline may lead to further complex if not treated on time. Acupuncture is one such medical treatment that increases the metabolism rate, which is essential for maintaining body weight. This medical treatment helps reduce weight by stimulating your system as a whole. You ultimately manage to control your appetite and choose healthy food options. The healthy body also feels like exercising and maintains the body weight or reduce it as desired.
Acupuncture for Digestive Problems:
In modern days, digestive problems are quite common. This is precisely because of the poor lifestyle and consumption of unhygienic food items. These problems can be permanently healed with acupuncture therapy. Targeting certain points, this therapy boosts up the digestive system and improve the metabolism rate.
This is how acupuncture can be effectively used to many health problems and helps one recover from the chronic pains permanently. This integrative medicine may be employed for a vast variety of health concerns. For more effective treatment, consider having hcg diet in Beverly Hills and Burbank CA. So, do not waste time. Find the best health care center and schedule an appointment and consult with the best doctor who can prescribe what kin of treatment you need by examining your health condition.
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Naturopathic Doctor in Beverly Hills Offering Treatment for Stress
In the world of rapid competition and typical time constraint, almost everyone in some way or the other is experiencing some level of stress. Given the point, it is a part of the natural process of life, one has to find the right course to alleviate such stress. For your mind and body react to both positive and negative that triggers for stress, finding the right technique to alleviate such burden is extremely important.
Benefits and Detriments of Stress:
Proper holistic medicine and acupuncture in Beverly Hills and Burbank prepares your body to respond to stress in the short-term, helping you come out of the difficult situations. Your body releases hormones, raises your heart rate, and increases your breathing. As a result, your brain gets more oxygen, which gives you a definite advantage in dealing with the source of your stress. Sometimes, momentary stress is beneficial for the body and mind for its helps you function better later on. However, you have to take care if you are suffering from continued and chronic stress that proves to be detrimental to the overall health condition.
Alleviating Stress:
For ages, people have been considering things like long hot baths, warm oil massages, cozy catnaps, meditation, or a large glass of wine to alleviate stress. However, in recent times, acupuncture has become popular among the folk for it treats anxiety, pain, stress, and other forms of discomfort and disease in the body. This unique treatment technique has been around for thousands of years and is still used by many, even many high-profile people in the world.
Acupuncture for Stress Relief:
Acupuncture is the hub of traditional Chinese medicine. This unique form of treatment has been around there for centuries to cure various kinds of ailments, specifically in pain management. This technique uses thousands of needles that are to be inserted into the skin. Thus it proves to be real stress buster in itself. Special acupuncture needles are placed into the energy nodes of body help relieve the blockages that interfere with the flow of qi or the life force. Many well-known actors, athletes, politicians, singers, and models find acupuncture extremely effective and comfortable in treating their numerous health condition.
Latest study shows that acupuncture positively impacts the human body. Recent studies have found stress hormone levels get considerably diminished in laboratory animals that are provided acupuncture treatments. The expert naturopathic doctor in Beverly Hills and Burbank CA has researched on this unique treatment and found that the practice of acupuncture can remarkably combat stress and anxiety in those patients who are suffering from it for long. Additionally, it also supports their general health and well-being.
Today, a number of health centers, rehabilitation clinics, and mental health care units offer acupuncture as part of their treatment options. This option might be covered by your insurance. In coming days, acupuncture is supposed to become even more and more popular among people, allowing them to deal with many stressors of the modern age. So, if you are having such health issues, be sure to find the right health center that provides quality acupuncture treatment at reasonable cost.
#Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture in Beverly Hills and Burbank#naturopathic doctor in Beverly Hills and Burbank CA
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