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How to Help People With Fibromyalgia in Beverly Hills and Burbank
If a dear one is suffering from Fibromyalgia, it’s absolutely required to learn how to help that person. When it comes to Fibromyalgia, getting professional medical help is optimally important. Besides, getting help and support from the family or the loved ones would work even better and faster to treat the condition. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that associates a bunch of other symptoms.
Proper medical treatment is inevitable for treating the condition. The supportive attitude of close friends and family members work the best to help them combat Fibromyalgia. Here are some extremely useful tips on becoming a compassionate caregiver to provide emotional support and practical help to a dear one struggling with the life changing condition.
Listening to them– Being a good listener is the key to start the mission. Let them speak out. Let them share their struggle with pain. It would help them not to feel alone, especially when the listener is someone very close. Positive thoughts should be transmitted into them; this may impact the disease in a positive way while coloring daily life experiences.
Finding balance– Fibromyalgia is unpredictable. A patient may feel absolutely hale and hearty to execute daily chores while on the next day, the same person finds it difficult to get out of bed. Understanding how much and what to do at any particular time is the most intricate part of being in close connection with someone suffering from Fibromyalgia in Beverly Hills and Burbank. All a caregiver has to have is good and positive approach to maintain a balance between favorable and adverse health conditions. Encouraging them to do their job as much possible would persuade them to do things on own instead of depending on others. Go with the flow and stay flexible. Don’t compel them to do something.
Getting professional help– Personal touch from the loved one may make their daily living easy, but people with Fibromyalgia needs professional help as well. Usually the conditions get treated using pain relievers, antidepressants and anti-seizure medications. Besides, occupational therapy, physical therapy and even acupuncture in Encino and Sherman Oaks are applied to soothe the pain and discomfort. Alternative approaches may also be considered if the doctor suggests. Medical help (both physical and psychological) should be sought on an urgent basis in the following situations:
When the person has extreme pain and/or tiredness
When the person remains depressed most of the time
When the person is having contraindication to certain medications
People suffering from Fibromyalgia, like others suffering from other life-changing diseases tend to become isolated if not disabled. The condition is extremely painful and debilitating, but it’s not life threatening. With continuous support and encouragement from friends and family members, they can stay emotionally in a better side. Taking proper medication, practicing gentle physical exercises and making lifestyle changes (proper diet, enough sleep and activities) help them manage physical symptoms efficiently.
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The Worst and Deadliest Weight Loss Trends You Should be on Your Guard Against
Given that we’re constantly reminded about how we should look, it’s easy to get carried away in our quest for attaining the ideal weight. Some people hopscotch through different diet trends, hoping something will work for them. However, most weight loss trends are just fads. They’re fleeting, as are their weight loss results.
If you really want to lose weight and feel healthy, you can opt for methods that are natural, wholesome and better suited to your body. Take for example acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine. Accompanied by a healthy diet, we’re positive it’s going to make you glow in no time!
Meanwhile, make sure to steer clear of these dangerous diet plans:
1. Herbal laxatives
The term ‘herbal’ here evokes positive connotations. It comes off as a natural remedy for weight loss but studies show these teas can be cancerous. Herbal laxatives can rob you of your body’s electrolyte composition. Constipation and blood in stool are common side-effects.
2. Cleansing solutions
Cleansing solutions and intense detoxifying liquids were quite commercial a few years ago. The lack of information about the ingredients used in these beverages meant a lot of people were unaware of its dire effects on the metabolism. It’s also believed to cause nutritional deficiencies with regular use.
3. Starvation
The stick-thin modelesque physique culture made starvation a popular option for many young, impressionable girls. The desire to lose weight can become so intense, we often forget about the damage we’re causing to our body and organs. Frankly, starvation is only destroying you from the inside and when you go back to eating you’ll put on weight faster than you could have before. There’s a whole science behind it.
4. Tapeworms
There are people in this world that think ingesting a parasite can be the ultimate solution to weight loss. We have nothing more to say but shake our heads in utter disappointment. Tapeworms can survive in the host’s body for 30 years! No weight loss objective is worth causing unending pain to yourself like this.
If you really want to lose weight without causing yourself any harm, get in touch with Noor Acupuncture and Wellness’ Encino, CA establishment. Spiritual psychologist Rana Mansour and her team will provide you with holistic options to deal with your weight loss situation. They also serve clients in Sherman Oaks, North Hollywood and the Woodland Hills area.
Stay safe, stay healthy!
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The Workaholy Trinity: Workaholism, Stress, and Burnout
Productivity—the only word starting with letter P that corporate culture admires more than profit.
The concept of productivity in modern workspaces is based on the number of hours dedicated to a task. That’s where quality, creativity and passion go out of the window because it’s more about churning out piles of paperwork as fast as you can.
Many of us may feel great pride in being identified as workaholics. However, workaholism can mask really problematic behavior. It serves as a form of escapism from the daily troubles of life, thereby adding to the individual’s stress and burnout.
Don’t see the link yet? Let us walk you through it.
What is workaholism?
Workaholism is a term used to explain the phenomenon where individuals are addicted to their work. This may mean that the person enjoys doing their work; however, in the regular use of the term, it’s considered a negative, compulsive act of gratification. Workaholism often includes neglecting other social spheres and areas of responsibility and feelings of guilt or anxiety when work is taken away from the individual.
Workaholics tend to experience more stress and burnout
Stress and burnout are common byproducts of workaholism. Numerous studies show that individuals who work for long hours are more likely to experience stress. Breaks and vacations are often given a bad name but without social activity our brains begin losing productivity.
One study showed that a third of all employees who ate lunch at their desk for the sake of not wasting time ended up losing focus and energy to complete their work. The end result is exhaustion and burnout.
How to manage stress and burnout
Sudden death is a common occurrence among workaholics. The sedentary lifestyle is a major cause for all the stress, mixed emotions and burnout.
If you’re looking to break free from this trinity of demise then you can seek help from Noor Acupuncture and Wellness. Based in Encino, CA the wellness establishment is run by a spiritual psychologist and timeline therapist, Rana Mansour. She provides all her clients with unique and holistic solutions to promote a healthy balance between their mind, body and soul.
At Noor Acupuncture and Wellness, you’ll be able to find acupuncture treatment to alleviate your stress, herbal medicine for pain relief, hypnotherapy for improved mental and physical health and Reiki therapy to keep the workaholic urges at bay!
Call now at 818-317-3086 to book your appointment with Rana Mansour today! She also caters to clients in North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks and Woodland Hills.
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