random thoughts floating in the void
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Robin || she/they || star wars acc: @potat-oh-no
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vibin-in-the-void · 26 minutes ago
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im in actual disbelief that this just happened while i was writing down this joke to remember later
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vibin-in-the-void · 5 hours ago
Enough of the trope where memory loss undoes the damage or the corruption or whatever. More content where removing memories just removes the context.
The tragedy of needing to grieve and not knowing what or who you lost or why. The angst of having trauma and being denied the awareness that it's trauma. The suspense of being different somehow and left to wonder how and when. The tension of knowing that something is off and you can't find where it hurts. The Adventure Zone gets it. Kingdom Hearts gets it.
There is an aching inside you and you don't know how it got there.
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vibin-in-the-void · 9 hours ago
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In my folk art era ✨ Some last unicorn art ✨
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vibin-in-the-void · 1 day ago
I’ve been following you for I don’t know how long and I’ve only just now learned that you have books… plural… Like… multible books written and published and on sale for me to buy right now 🤯
Me: I better not reblog my work too often or people will get annoyed and think I'm bragging or pushing it on them 🥴
Followers: You wrote a book???
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vibin-in-the-void · 1 day ago
today my bf and i were talking about visiting my home for the holidays and i was (sadly) wondering aloud if i should cut my hair and our kid was like "why would you cut your hair??? your hair is cool" and not knowing how to explain it to him i said "my family doesnt think boys should have long hair" to which he went silent, wordlessly pulled out his phone and then swiftly held it out with a picture of keeanu reeves on his phone
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vibin-in-the-void · 1 day ago
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hooked rugs, c. 1860.
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vibin-in-the-void · 1 day ago
the need to clarify my intentions and reasoning for everything vs no thoughts head empty walk away before I say something dumb
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
Door seller person: hi I'm here about [I can't remember], are you the homeowner here?
Me in pyjamas and a dressing gown at noon: no I'm seventeen
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
I know this sounds like the deranged ramblings of a senile old man but I swear it used to be possible to look up information on the internet
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
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I woke up out of a dead sleep to make this and then immediately passed back out
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
One thing my AuDHD fucks me over with is planning.
Like, say I wanna go to a youth group in my city.
My autism will have to make a plan;
° What am I going to wear? Is a hoodie and sweatpants enough?
° How do I get there?
° What are we gonna do?
° If no one asks for a board game, does that mean no one wants to play, or are everyone there scared to ask as well?
° Will there be food, or should I eat before I go?
° Am I allowed to ask about food?
° Do I sit quietly and follow everyone else, or should I test my anxiety and make a request?
° Wait, did I shower two days ago, or two weeks ago?
Just for good measure, I probably find out it's been too long since last shower and decide to do it, testing my fibromylgia as well.
And then my ADHD swoops in;
Absolutely not. The more "plan" is created, the more anxious I'll get.
Let's just not eat, I can survive for a few hours if they don't serve anything, and just hop on a bus and go. Fuck people there, I have music.
Board games? Scared? Nah dude, just live your life and regret it later.
So I go from feeling good about leaving to go somewhere, worried if I get something wrong, annoyed at myself, feeling sick about not being prepared, getting prepared and exhausting myself, and eventually wind up not going anywhere because I spent absolutely all my energy fighting with myself.
And then there's my logic as well, calmly telling everyone to shut the fuck up in the background as Anxiety is all up in ADHD's face screaming about iF I DON'T EAT, I'LL MAKE WEIRD NOISES AND EVERYONE WILL STARE AT ME and Autism is rocking back and forth in the corner with its thumb in its mouth, desperately trying to lull itself. And fibromylgia is currently in bed, snoring so loudly the walls are shaking, freaking everyone out.
I remember when I was like 4 my dad was sleeping on the couch and I dreamt that a massive tractor came charging at me, you know like those from Cars, the red "cows" they tip and eventually trigger the Big Tractor.
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
App idea: A chore/habit/symptom tracker but instead of putting in things every day it's just 'When Did I Last Do X', and all you have to do is tap in when you do the thing and then if you're sat there wondering 'hey when did I last water my house plants?' or 'when did I last have a migraine?' or even 'when did I last eat real food' the app has you covered.
I don't wanna have to schedule in for future me to do things I just wanna know what past me was up to bc I don't fuckin remember
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
A lot of very interesting questions have been asked, most regarding hextech, others... not.
But I believe they are all forgetting the most important question of all...
Can I eat it?
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I also don’t want any lawsuits on my hand for… food safety malpractice?? Just… don’t eat the Hextech.
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
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vibin-in-the-void · 2 days ago
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