veenvss · 12 days
rick riordan
14/9/24 - 15/9/24
notes :
i finally found this book after almost two years of searching yet looking back at it, i could've just bought it online :((
some thoughts :
nico looked back at will when they went down the door of orpheus ...
i wish tartarus was more horrific. i understand that this is a children's book which is why this is toned down and maybe it's my fault for going from the poppy war to percy jackson. i would've LOVED this to be a horror book and it could've so easily been. im so used to dark percy fics that i do forget that this is a children's book series.
i like how they didnt actually defeat the big bad evil and instead were helped and escaped. obviously, because nyx is a protogenos and theres no way that nico and will (especially will) couldve defeated her, realistically.
and small bob is such a cutie i want one
next i just have to find the senior year adventures
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veenvss · 26 days
in the nice summer after my a levels , i an incredibly bored so why not create my own clans for warrior cats and maybe possibly a super longwinded plot line that will never amount to anything other than a discontinued story on wattpad because i am NOT cursing my ao3 with this .
CURRENT CLAN ! and ages (in moons)
LEADER : LILYSTAR (88) DEPUTY : FERNSTRIPE (61) MEDICINE : CLEARSONG (73) . MARSHBARK (21) WARRIORS : SNOWFUR (79) . DAWNBREEZE (73) . RUNNINGSTREAM (59) . apprentice fawnpaw . DARKCLAW (55) . apprentice volepaw . RAVENFUR (50) . WILLOWNOSE (48) . apprentice sparrowpaw . CEDARLEAP (46) . apprentice rootpaw . FEATHERNOSE (36) . SQUIRRELTAIL (24) . MOUSENOSE (24) . YEWTAIL (19) . SUNWATCHER (17) . apprentice nightpaw . MOONCLOUD (17) . apprentice sweetpaw . HOLLYBERRY (13) . BEEWING (13) APPRENTICES : ROOTPAW (9) . SPARROWPAW (9) . VOLEPAW (9) . FAWNPAW (6) . NIGHTPAW (6) . SWEETPAW (6) QUEENS : FOXFUR (21) ELDERS : BRISTLEHEART (103) . NETTLELEAF (92) . PETALFEATHER (88) . FLOWERFALL (88)
in the weird story that i've made , sunwatcher and mooncloud are the main cats from thunderclan so i do have clan allegiances for thunderclan from when they were kits to the current clan . i also have a list of all cats that are dead and a soon to be detailed family tree . essentially , what i have discovered from this is do not leave me alone with notion . . .
yes . the original files of this aren't saved to my laptop , it's saved in a notion wiki that i've made.
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veenvss · 4 months
google's celebrating the accordion today so i would just like to take a little time to imagine eris playing the accordion while walking around his grounds of his secret house in autumn while his dogs follow him with their little tails wagging like the piper and his rats.
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veenvss · 4 months
winter court
geography 7/7
The west of the court is covered by tundra forests. The trees and the ground are covered in moss and lichen and deer and moose wander about mostly undisturbed.
The east is a vast taiga forest, a combination of larch, fir and pine trees. Fox holes line the ground and the rivers are filled with fish during the warmer seasons.
In the mountains on the south, nea the border with Autumn, great lakes are almost always covered in ice, running deep to the bed. Glaciers and ice caverns make the mountains dangerous, and uninhabitable.
The days are short lives, with dark empty night taking over most of the hours.
geography is finished but i might revisit the last few of these once my exams are over to maybe make them more .. extensive
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veenvss · 4 months
summer court
geography 6/7
The Summer Court, the land of water, has minimal land on Prythian. Most of it's landmass is spread out across islands.
The larger islands contain narrow, coastal plains with volcanic mountains in the centre, the creation of all life. The mountains are rocky and rugged and covered in bright greenery.
The smaller islands, scattered across the coasts, are old defunct volcanoes. The home of luscious coral reefs and colourful fish and all sorts of marine life.
The days are long and bright. The sun is constantly warm and the sky is almost always cloudless, until the wet season starts.
6 posts in one day but i feel like the quality is getting worse just i'm like majorly focused on the sound of the keyboard when i type instead of making this actually read nice
spring 5/7 winter 7/7
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veenvss · 4 months
spring court
geography 5/7
The south of the Spring Court is covered in thick dense forests, filled with stumpy roots and badger holes. Rivers and pools run throughout, creating a soft ambience.
The western edge of the court is covered in tall hills and deep valleys that used to hold rivers that have long since dried out. Farms run across the hills, and sheep spend their days grazing along the hedges.
The eastern court contains the fertile lowlands and the crops. This is where the majority of fae live, in their small villages across the fields.
The days are just the right edge of warm and the breeze is gentle. The days are just slightly longer than the clear nights.
the things that procrastination does to me. this is like the 5th post I've made and posted today instead of revising for english language tomorrow
night, 4/7 summer, 6/7
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veenvss · 4 months
night court
geography 4/7
Four-fifths of the Night Court is mountainous, the most out of every court in Prythian.
The northern section of the court is the Illyrian homeland, ninety percent of the land it once used to be before fae colonisation. they are geographically blocked off by the Amacus Mountains, harsh and tall, a natural boundary between the two groups.
The most dangerous mountains in Prythian, the Petsiri Mountains, create a natural divide between the Night Court and the rest of Prythian. Known as the Myrmydions inside the court, no one knows what happens inside those boundaries and no one wants to find out. Despite being a border between the Night and the Day Court, the mountains themselves are courtless, as no one wants to claim anything that lives inside.
On the headland in the southwest, there is a vast expanse of plains and forests, mostly inhabited by farming communities.
The coastline is vast and dangerous. The rivers are winding and rushing and require expert navigation.
The Night Court spends its days in a state of midnight. Sunrises and sunsets don't show the sun, only a lighter shade of blue than usual, and sometimes an orange glow along the horizon. New moons in the Night Court create complete darkness, even during the day, but it's like the residents seem to have night vision.
"the illyrian steppes" they're not steppes if they're mountainous sarah it's a basic google search you're rich you can easily do it.
scotland forever !! (im from the west midlands)
day, 3/7 spring , 5/7
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veenvss · 4 months
blaise zabini,
headcannons :
• he was born in london, despite being raised in Italy. he was premature and was born suddenly while his parents were on holiday. he was actually raised in rome and spent his holidays in his mother's hometown of cagliari in sardinia
• despite popular belief, his mother, ninfa, didn't murder her husbands . . . most of them.her family is cursed to have men fall in love with them and die. she just found a nice loophole that gave her endless money, is it really her fault?
• his father, otello, was the best chaser the Italian quidditch team had seen in centuries. until a freak accident during practise led to his demise.
• his name is to honour his father's childhood best friend. they made a pact to name their first child after one another. the original blaise passed away from an sudden illness and despite his mother's protests, he was named blaise.
• despite his name being french, everyone still called him biagio growing up. so much so that he thought it was his name until he started nursery at 4
• his has two younger brothers from his mother's marriages, francisco and ludovic. he's such a good big brother, and a massive pushover as well. he'll let them do anything to him and will let them get away with anything.
• he's not really a cat person. he is, however, a sucker for big dogs. old english sheep dogs? he will squat down and fluff them up so much. sighthounds? he will send them running down the fields and then pass out with them on the sofa. he LOVES big dogs.
• he knows everyone, even if he doesn't speak to them. he is very good at putting names to faces. he can hear their name once and he'll remember them forever.
• he loves drama. its one of the only reasons why he still hangs out with draco and his gang. they get into so much drama and he lives for it.
i have so many qualms with this fandom that i literally cannot put aside anymore. why is theo the italian one? it's literally in blaise's name!!
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veenvss · 4 months
day court,
geography 3/7
Running from northwest to southeast, a river split the court in two.
East of the river contains low mountains and fertile valleys. This is where the majority of the population lives and is the main agricultural hub for the court.
West of the river is coated in a vast, dry desert. Like the deserts in Dawn, there are minimal settlements in the deserts. There are underground water sources and lush oases filled with dates, olives, figs, and citrus fruits among other common oasis crops, which get sent across the court and across the closest trade associates in Prythian.
The darkest the court ever gets most days is a light sunset, a darker blue across the sky with a low orange sun hanging just above the horizon.
if you haven't guessed, i'm making the solar courts be an eternal state of dawn/day/night because it just makes more sense.
dawn, 2/7 night, 4/7
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veenvss · 4 months
dawn court
geography , 2/7
the stuff i do in my free time.
The northeastern mountain border, a natural divider between Dawn and Day, is the third largest in Prythian. The Rafiprar Mountains contain lush forests with steep mountain paths that lead to the rich agricultural plains that feed the majority of the court.
The eastern coastline is riddled with exotic plants and the shallow shelf of the sea is coated in bright reefs and marine life, visible from the shore, however, the safety of the corals impacts the trading routes.
The northwestern section of the court is infiltrated by the southern Day Court deserts. There is only one river in the entire region, which houses all of the minor, and bigger, settlements. Extreme temperature changes between the seasons make it one of the most, questionable places to live in Prythian.
The day cycle almost doesn't exist. The sky is eternally set in a beautiful morning dawn. Sure, the sky gets lighter during the day, and darker at night but nothing extraordinary. It remains the consistent purples and golds, occasionally a deep red, but a red morning hasn't been seen in almost two thousand years. They're just myths.
autumn , 1/7 day , 3/7
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veenvss · 4 months
r.f.kuang 15/05/24-17/05/24
some thoughts :
The way that Baji and Ramsa bantered it was very easy for me to forget that Ramsa is near enough the same age as Kesegi. I think Rin forgot that herself, the way that she still thought of Kesegi as a child and Ramsa as... Ramsa. The first round missed him and he was still laughing :( he was just a child.
the Cike in general was devastating. All of them but Altan started the book and then Chaghan and Rin were the only ones who were left. We never even learn what happened to Unegen and Enki. However, the implications from Chapter 11... Chaghan has some explaining to do. Feylen still trying to get through during his fight with Rin is so sad. He never wanted his fate. I hope his death brought him peace.
the treatment of Venka and the entire interaction in Chapter 28 is so sad. "It's happened before."
the treatment of the refugees as well. They were the victims of everything and yet they were treated like scrounging animals. The victims of a rich man's war fr.
Chen Kitay. he is his own point.
It's gonna be a while until I read The Burning God because it means going to town and I don't have the time with exams to do that :(( maybe tuesday? but that doesn't give a hint as to when I'll finally finish this series.
maybe one day i'll do an in-depth talk-through of this book but i spent half the morning going through and tabbing every death in the book so I need a break from it for a while. i'm also only posting this to stop it from clogging my drafts because i have so much stuff in there it's getting deadly.
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veenvss · 5 months
autumn court
geography , 1/7
This is more topography than geography but i don't care.
Now, I originally wanted to make these stay the same as the UK just with special colours but East Anglia is quite flat and that's not what I imagined the Autumn Court to be hills forever!! so I am once again changing stuff around. So, I'm pulling all of this out of my ass once again. If i could make fantasy maps, I would love to but I am incredibly unartistic so I'm going to have to make do.
The south-west of Autumn is rather flat, however. Any hills that there are are quite small. A couple rivers are flowing around, and quite a few streams. It's common to see the shallow pools filled with faeries, resting in the water or washing their bodies and clothes. Most of this area is filled with loosely placed villages and miles and miles of farmland.
The further east you go, the more the court gets filled with tall hills, deep valleys and temperate rainforests. Endless hills covered in moss and rocks with a low canopy of trees. Rivers rush through in all directions, some even underground in deep cave systems.
On the eastern coast lies the fourth tallest mountain range in Prythian, the Vellfeld Mountains. They provide natural protection for the Autumn Court, blocking any attackers from the mainland.
The Autumn Court is famous for its gorgeous golden sunsets. They're highly celebrated within the court, as they're the last minutes of light before the long nights that bring a violent chill and frost, especially along the northeastern border.
dawn , 2/7
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veenvss · 8 months
acotar worldbuilding masterlist
sjm has a habit for not naming characters or making weird (to me) decisions with her worldbuilding so i decided to fill it in for my own sake
everything here is just for fun and there's no need to be mean if you're going to be <3
main masterlist !!
the family : autumn dawn day night spring summer winter mortal lands (feyre/jurian)
geography : autumn dawn day night spring summer winter
animals : coming soon . . .
festivals and celebrations : coming soon . . .
history : coming soon . . .
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veenvss · 8 months
quick navigation page for everything i've done !!
as this is my pinned post, i do just wanna say :
i don't support sjm and i won't buy her books again <3
free palestine !
topics :
reviews : the dragon republic, brief the sun and the star, brief
fandoms :
acotar : worldbuilding
harry potter : headcannons : blaise zabini
warrior cats: oc allegiances : thunderclan
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veenvss · 8 months
mortal lands
the family , 8/8
7 , winter
I was originally only going to do the courts but the mortal lands are such an important part of the series so I couldn't just ignore them. These mortal lands will just be the one on Prythian because I am a student and I do not have as much time as I want.
We don't know much about the mortal lands. We only know a handful of people:
Elain- "fawn" Welsh
Feyre- I literally have nothing I think Sarah made this up ngl sounds cool tho
Graysen- "son of the steward" English
Isaac- "he will laugh, he will rejoice" Hebrew
Nesta- "chaste" Welsh diminutive of Agnes
Nolan- "famous, loud" English? originally an Irish surname
Tomas- "twin" Swedish variant this is without any accents
So who we do know is quite varied. Doesn't matter to me, I'm gonna pull something out of my ass and use it because I do not care. Graysen is an English name, Isaac and Thomas are used in England and Nolan is about a quarter of the way there so I'm gonna use English names for this. But Medieval English just to be interesting. So this is just gonna be biblical names with unusual nicknames, I can already feel it.
FIRMIN ARCHERON- "firm" The dad. Canonically, I don't really like him, I know he's disabled and all but it's not my fault he was just really boring. I like to think that before everything happened, he was a good dad. He cared a lot, and he liked to take walks with his daughters. He would gladly sit down and listen to Elain ramble about some rare flower in this book he had found the last time he actually went with his ships. He would comfort Nesta when she was upset, in their own private way.
AMPHELISE ARCHERON- meaning unknown She was strict, rude and uptight. She was incredibly snobby and she cared a lot about appearances, more than her own family. I don't understand how a woman can birth three daughters and not care about any of them. She lacked all emotion until a servant spilt some wine on her dress. That was the only time her daughters ever saw anything other than disgust on her face.
ETHELDRED YOXALL- "noble strength" Amphelise had to get it from somewhere. You could never say that one was worse than the other, they were both as bad as each other. Despite their relations, they constantly tried to one-up each other. Who was richer? Who was wearing the nicer dress? No one got an answer, but she ensured her nails were as sharp as possible before another ball.
Now, I just missed the bus to get to college so I'm going to quickly do Jurian and his family before I do more revision and stroke my dogs.
With yet another quick google search, Jurian is a 'medieval' Low German variant of George. Now, we already have German (Autumn) and I am not one for repetition but I still wanna have it be Germanic because I want it that way, which is why I went with Dutch as the Netherlands speaks Low German and my name website says that it has some variant of Jurian and I'm lazy.
LIEVIN VAN DALEN- "dear friend" "from the valley" Like his name suggests, Jurian's father was a dear friend to many. It was impossible to hate him unless, of course, you were a slave owner with an inbuilt incapacity to appreciate humans and their livelihoods.
MADELEIF VAN DALEN- "daisy" "from the valley" Despite their situation, his parents gave Jurian a brilliant example of love. It's a such shame how he was forced to use it to be able to let their descendants live freely. He knew that no matter what, his mother would be proud of all he sacrificed.
CORINE VAN DALEN- "maiden" "from the valley" Jurian's sweet younger sister, she was one of the first people to give birth after the war, starting the new generation of free humans. Unfortunately, over 500 years, her line of the family have slowly forgotten their connection to their glorified ancestor, but their defiance still remains.
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veenvss · 8 months
winter court
the family , 7/8
6 , summer 8 , mortal lands
The courts have always fascinated me but while reading and looking at the map I always thought that the worldbuilding was too rushed or too simplistic. So, I have decided to reimagine the courts in a way that makes more sense to me.
Now this is where I have a bigger issue. Kallias is a Greek name, but, I already have a court being Greeky and I'm aiming to make each court as unique as possible. However, Viviane is French and yes, I know Latin (Summer) and French are slightly similar but they are also quite different so I am going to be using it.
Now, Winter is the last court alphabetically, and it also was the last court that rebelled against Amarantha. So, in my perspective, Kallias was never intended to be High Lord, yet he still held some form of power before the rebellion.
In my little au, Kallias' mother was the child of a Winter Court noble and a marriage between a Day Court noble, and as a result, Kallias' name is an honour name, as he was never intended to rule the court. Kallias is the tie to his mother's culture that she never got to take part in, and a reminder to be proud of his heritage despite all the teasing her got growing up.
ELIANE DELACROIX- "sun" "of the cross"
Kallias' mother. Her name is the closest her own mother was able to get to her home in Winter. In the iciness glaciers, she was indeed a sun. Everyone felt warm around her. Fortunately for her, she passed peacefully in her sleep from an illness before Amarantha's reign.
HERCULE DELACROIX- "glory of hera" "of the cross"
Kallias' father. A lord that lived on the Autumn border. He was a strict father but he cared deeply about his family and often took Kallias on trips out with him along the border.
TIPHAINE PROULX- "manifestation of god" "valiant"
Viviane's mother. A royal animal worker, she trained the animals that fought in the army.
TELESPHORE PROULX- "bearing fruit" "valiant"
Viviane's father. He was a knight in the army, who protected the royal family. He fell in love with Tiphaine from afar, admiring her skill with the animals.
ZENAIDE DELACROIX - "sky" "of the cross"
The newly born daughter of Winter. Not much is known about her, other than she was born smoothly on Summer Solstice, creating a sweet new holiday within her borders.
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veenvss · 8 months
summer court
the family , 6/8
5 , spring 7 , winter
The courts have always fascinated me but while reading and looking at the map I always thought that the worldbuilding was too rushed or too simplistic. So, I have decided to reimagine the courts in a way that makes more sense to me.
Now the next court is the Summer Court. This one is more difficult for me. In the books, they have light hair but dark skin which makes me immediately think of that group of people in Oceania who have blonde hair that grows darker when they get older. But there are like no naming records for them, which is annoying because I'm a very nosy person.
Tarquin as a name is Latin, most famously as two of the seven kings of Rome, Tarquin the Elder and Tarquin the Proud. Varian, however, with an annoyingly 'deeper' google search i actually had to leave my naming website is French. Cresseida also required more digging which sent me through Shakespeare and the Iliad, but it's Greek looking back I should've seen that. Nostrus and Brutius are both Latin as well so due to overwhelming numbers, I'm basing these lot on Latin names, annoyingly.
So In the Summer Court, we have five people, all of which are cousins and two are brother and sister. Summer was a part of the courts which rebelled against Amarantha, causing Nostrus' death and Tarquin's ascension. I'm going to base this on the big three's parents..
ANTONINA CORVUS- unknown Orphaned as a young girl, she was raised by her aunt and uncle, becoming incredibly close with her cousin, Nostrus. An unfortunate side effect of their closeness was her refusal to leave her 'brother', at his execution, resulting in her own. Loyalty pays its price. She was given a choice, her brother or her son. Amarantha made it for her.
FAUSTUS CORVUS- "lucky" Tarquin's father. As punishment for his wife's indecisiveness, he was executed alongside her, being forced to watch as the executioner delivered the death blow.
TULLIA SANNA- unknown , "fang" Family is incredibly important in Summer, I suppose it's bittersweet that Amarantha took that to the next level. Not entirely, leaving two children orphaned as the sole inheritors of her lands wasn't the nicest decision made. After the terms of her cousin's execution, it most definitely wasn't the worst.
VINICIUS SANNA- "wine" "fang" All he ever did was own a business and be a loving family man. And marry into the wrong family, of course, but decisions cannot be taken back, no matter how much his daughter begged.
As a result of the lack of cannon, I am a big cannon non-compliant believer. Nostrus was the same age as Antonina and Tullia, Brutius was in the middle between them and Cresseida, Varian and Tarquin.
I've also decided to include the mortal lands in between this post and Spring, only because Jurian is one of my favourites and I need more of him. If i can't get it, I'll make it myself.
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