faye ☆
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a little blog for my thoughts about books ! (mostly anti acotar)
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veenvss · 28 days ago
i want to do an acotar rewrite where the fae are actually fae and they actually look different than humans other than long ears and big dicks so there's actually a reason for their racism towards humans other than "rabbit fucking losers"
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veenvss · 3 months ago
The Illyrians
History 1/?
main masterlist | worldbuilding masterlist
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ACOTAR to me has always had so much potential but it was just ruined by its execution. however, I am a grown woman (I'm 18) and I also have free time so I thought, "Huh, why not do it myself?"
This is a post on the Illyrians and their history.
Before the introduction of the Courts in Prythian, the Illyrians controlled most of what is modern-day Night Court. They lived as nomads across the Southern Steppe and the Illyrian Mountains, before the Fae turned them into the violent warfaring people that they are known as now.
The Illyrians in the Steppe emphasised nomadic pastoralism, breeding horses and cattle. They were well known for their horse riding, horse archery and cavalry, despite the wings that were on their backs. Their inventions, such as the chariot and wagons benefitted the people they traded with, in permanent settlements around the Steppe.
The women in these tribes were often married off to men from other tribes, which was a big way that the different tribes created alliances.
These groups favoured the young males in their tribes, and as a result they harshly treated their elders. Some groups withheld food from older people if it was scarce and a few tribes were even noted to have executed their elderly once they became to old to work.
The nomadic Illyrians of the step all shared common cosmological beliefs, which were centred around sky worship. Shamans were highly valued members of tribes and were believed to be able to interact with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness. This was to direct spirits or their energies into the physical world for the purpose of healing, divination or to aid human beings in some other way. In Illyrian antiquity, there have been reports of a third gender, men with more feminine characteristics. These transgender people wore female clothing and adopted their mannerisms. They were often highly esteemed due to the belief that they had better shamanistic abilities than the average Illyrian.
In the mountainous regions of Illyria, where pastoralism isn't as widely available due to the terrain, they were more likely to be hunter-gatherers, foraging for food in forests and streams. Coastal tribes were more likely to fish than hunt other animals. All groups also gathered nuts and berries and other food before hunting for meat. Many of these tribes centred on fish-rich environments, so they didn't have to travel around to find food throughout the year.
It's commonly believed between historians that the hunter-gatherers didn't have a set hierarchy or permanent leaders. Instead, it was believed that the person taking initiative depended on the task that was being performed.
Despite a large amount of their time being spent gathering food, there was also a large focus on gathering other resources, such as firewood, as well as preparing food that needed to be cooked. Despite modern people believing this was a woman's job, this has been shown to actually be their own bias. While women were less likely to hunt large game, they were often out hunting smaller game for children and as a form of social activity with other women.
Once the Fae became a large-scale force among most Pre-Court Prythian, they started driving the Steppe Illyrian north towards the Northern Mountains, taking the steppe for themselves. This created a large issue between the two separate groups, as it created less space for people to forage, and made resources less available due to high demand. This created a lot of inter-tribe violence as they fought for resources.
Eventually the rest of Prythian were split into their separate courts, but at this time Illyrians were still considered their own group of people and independent from the Night Court, which was then considerably smaller than its modern size.
Overtime the Fae continued to push into Illyrian territory, causing a string of battles and wars, known as the "Illyrian Wars" which lasted for 200 years. It ended with Fae control over Illyria, causing the Night Court to be the biggest court by landmass. The wars had destroyed most of the Illyrian land as the Fae preferred to use violent tactics to gain control, such as using the "scorched Earth" technique, spreading famine and disease through the surviving Illyrians.
Fae started to settle across the Night Court. However, the Illyrians were unwilling to give up the land they still had, so they became violent towards the settling Fae. This caused the High Lord and the government to give the Illyrians curfews and restrictions on where they could go. They punished the Illyrians who broke those rules harshly and rewarded the ones who followed their rules with supplies to help the Illyrians heal from the damage the Fae caused.
The Illyrians were forced to play into the Fae's hand to be able to recover from the wars. Illyrian tribes along the northern coast, further away from the Fae's southern control, tried to rally the Illyrians into a rebellion, to gain freedom from the Fae and recover their lost land. The rebellion was shortlived, not many Illyrian tribes joined together and the ones that did had differing views on how to fight the Fae. Once the Night Court government dispelled the revolution, they created a violent punishment, they clipped the wings of every female in Illyria, and for years afterwards, had Fae soldiers stationed in Illyria to clip the females once they reached maturity. It became a ceremony. All the Illyrians in the tribe were gathered and forced to watch as the Fae soldiers clipped the wings. It was used as a show of power, to show the Illyrians the extent of what the Fae could, and would, do to the Illyrians if they kept rebelling against them.
Over time, the Illyrians adopted the Fae punishments into their culture, as a way to keep the Night Court happy, which gave the Illyrians as much freedom as possible. With the adoption of things like wing clipping into their culture, the Night Court used it as a sort of propaganda against the Illyrians, in order to discourage other courts from possibly aiding the Illyrians in the future. They told the other courts that the Illyrians clipped the wings of others of their own choice and that they were brutal, in order to isolate Illyrians and keep them under control.
The War created issues among the army, as Illyrians were forced to fight for a group of people they had no connection with, purely because the Night Court told them to. The Illyrians had some of the biggest casualty counts of everyone, and they didn't receive the same post-war funding and help as other regions did either. Disease spread quickly through the camps and the Illyrians lost more people. This created more issues between the Night Court and Illyria, as the Fae refused to aid the Illyrians, claiming they had their own post-war efforts to deal with. Eventually, the Illyrians were able to recover but it created a larger gap between the Illyrians and the Night Court, as the Illyrians struggled to recover from the war despite the wealth of the Night Court because of their abandonment.
Once Amarantha gained control of the High Lords, the Illyrians, isolated from the rest of Prythian, saw their High Lord, who they were forced to follow, willingly follow Amarantha and her regime. Once again, in order to regain as much freedom as possible, they followed their High Lord and mirrored themselves to him in order to escape punishment, from Amarantha or Rhysand himself.
Amarantha was defeated, and the High Lords returned to full power, The entire time Rhysand was just acting in order to through Amarantha off his court, which only extended to the Fae. He murdered the Illyrians for allying with Amarantha, which they only did to please him and keep the limited freedom that they had gained since the war.
Between murdering them and then forcing them to fight in another war, where once again they suffered one of the highest mortality rates, the Night Court fell worse into favour with the Illyrians than before. This was only further amplified by the fact that two of the most important Illyrians in the Night Court preferred the Fae over their traditional culture and beliefs, which were still hidden among the Fae-influenced culture.
The threat of a new Illyrian rebellion looms near, as they recover from the diseases that spread after the war. The Illyrian distaste for the Fae rule that has plagued them for nearly a thousand years, and the "traitors" that rule over them a fuel for a deadly and violent revolution.
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i feel like i'm just writing gibberish at this point because i'm trying to focus on this and then also trying to focus on one piece at the same time
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veenvss · 3 months ago
au where at the end of the war the high lords refuse to bring back rhysand cause "if feyre got their powers what about him" and then he actually dies but because feyre was never chosen by the magic of the land she isn't the next high lady and instead it's actually mor's brother and the ic go mental cause they all lose their jobs and have to deal with the repercussions of their lack of action
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veenvss · 3 months ago
High Lords and Other Titles
main masterlist | worldbuilding masterlist
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ACOTAR to me has always had so much potential but it was just ruined by its execution. however, I am a grown woman (I'm 18) and I also have free time so I thought, "Huh, why not do it myself?"
This is a post on High Lords and other titles in Prythian.
The High Lords are the seven most powerful men in Prythian, each ruling over one of the courts of Prythian. In order to become a High Lord, the only criteria we know of is that the magic of Prythian chooses them. It seems to be that it runs in the family, but that's not explicitly stated as part of the criteria for a High Lord.
The High Lords are considered the epitome of power, there is no one more powerful than a High Lord, not even another High Lord. Sure, before they arise to power, they could be more powerful than each other, but they are nowhere near the power of a High Lord, and once they become a High Lord, they are all equal. There is no court with more magic than another, winter is no better than summer, and day is no better than night.
High Ladies do not exist in their own right, they haven't been chosen by the magic of the land. They may be called High Ladies, but they do not possess the same magic as their husbands. They may be called High Ladies, but that is purely out of respect, not out of power.
The people right below the High Lords are their sons, the apparent heirs to the throne. These are the First Lords, the first ones in the line. Quite often, these are considered the eldest sons, but a few times in history, they are the most powerful sons, in the case where the eldest isn't seen as the strongest. Despite the implications that the named First Lord will be the next High Lord, that isn't always the case, sometimes it could be a different son, or someone outside of the family completely.
First Ladies are the first daughters of High Lords. Many times in history, there haven't been any First Ladies for generations. The wife of a First Lord is simply called a Lady, as are any other daughters of a High Lord, similar to how any other son of a High Lord is simply called a Lord.
The Courts are often split into different regions, which are ruled over by Dukes, their wives as Duchesses. Historically, Dukes come from a brother to a High Lord, whose line was handed down. Quite often, if there is any infighting between a court, it comes from Lords and Dukes fighting for control of a Duchy.
Important and influential towns in a Duchy are often ruled over by a Baron who directly reports to the Duke of the Duchy. Their wives are Baronesses. In the Solar Courts, Barons are not automatically inherited and are instead chosen by the Duke, and the High Lord if the town is influential enough.
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if this doesn't make sense, let me know because i'm ngl i barely understand what i just wrote myself.
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veenvss · 4 months ago
how i want everyone to be reading my fics
Objectively speaking, the fanfic I’m reading is not good, but my goodness, it’s made my afternoon that much more enjoyable
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veenvss · 4 months ago
I don’t post very often, but I ask of you, please keep your eyes on Lebanon. My people are being slaughtered day after day after day. My family and friends’ lives are at risk, these last two weeks in particular have been devastating and exhausting. The south of Lebanon has been facing heavy bombardment since last October, and it has only continued to get worse and worse. Nearly 2,000 Lebanese have been martyred within the last two weeks. As you continue to keep your eyes on Palestine, PLEASE keep your eyes on Lebanon as well. PLEASE KEEP SHARING OUR NEWS SPREADING OUR VOICES.
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veenvss · 5 months ago
navigation page for everything that i've done !
as this is my pinned post all of my updates and notes will be given here <3
i don't support sjm and i won't buy her books again
free palestine !
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reviews : the dragon republic the sun and the star
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acotar : worldbuilding masterlist
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fic list : acotar : tamsand
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veenvss · 5 months ago
Magic in Solar Prythian
seasonal magic | main masterlist | worldbuilding masterlist
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ACOTAR to me has always had so much potential but it was just ruined by it's execution. however, I am a grown woman (I'm 18) and I also have free time so I though, "Huh, why not do it myself?"
This is a post on the Solar Courts and their magic.
Prythian is often split into two, Seasonal and Solar, with an area known as the Middle to geographically split them as well. The magic between the courts differs, yet they're also quite similar. Each court relies on each other in order to make their magic effective. Dawn is reliant on the Night in order to be able to bring its light, and Night is reliant on Day to bring the light to it can bring its shadows.
The Dawn Court is one of the courts that we see the least. It's the southernmost Solar Court, bordering the Middle and is mentioned by Feyre to be the court of healing. That is all we really learn about the powers of Dawn.
The power of healing is a powerful power, it could be used to heal yourself or others and we never get shown a full limit to what they could be able to heal. If someone were to have a large amount of magic power, would they be able to regenerate limbs or non-vital organs if need be? With healing, there is also the ability to "over-heal". A perfect example of what I'm talking about is in the anime Fairy Tail during the GMG arc. Wendy has the power of healing, however, she is only able to heal others and not herself, whereas her opponent, Sherria has the ability to heal others and herself. Wendy is at a major disadvantage, however, she heals Sherria, along with Sherria healing herself and as a result, boosts Sherria's magical energy to what she wasn't expecting, which resulted in her missing her attack due to the unprecedented level of magic. If tricks like that could be applied to Dawn's healing, then it could make their magic more powerful than before.
Sunrises are known for their spectacular colours. Dawn magic could have the ability to control light, or at least the visible light spectrum and colours. During a fight that could be a good way to disorientate your opponent by altering the colours that they see slightly, gaining a great advantage. Another way of disorientation is through the manipulation of their feelings. Dawn is commonly associated with the feeling of safety, as you're able to see clearly what's around you and any dangerous predators nearby.
Dawn is also often associated with fog and mists, from the water in the air condensing during the cool night, and the cold mornings. This could allow for a very minimal manipulation of water, clouds and precipitation.
People are not awake from the moment the sun rises, which could allow for Dawn to have control over sleep or the levels of someone's energy, as if someone is awake at dawn, they are most likely quite tired. The control of sleep could also allow for the manipulation of dreams or nightmares.
The Day Court is the only court in the ACOTAR series that we haven't been to, and we know very little about it. The High Lord is Helion, and we know it is the court of knowledge, light, and spells, but other than that we don't know much.
Day being the court of knowledge and 10,000 libraries gives a very broad scope of powers. We see in ACOWAR during the High Lord Meeting that Helion is able to multiply things, as he gives each High Lord a copy of the plans that Tamlin takes from Hybern, however, that could be a general High Lord ability and not one that's specific to Helion. It could allow for Day to instantly learn or memorise things simply by looking at them once. It could also allow for the ability to have an enhanced memory. Knowledge could also allow for Day to be able to sense things others couldn't, such as a form of clairvoyance, and even further than that, allow for a divination skill. It could allow for memory manipulation, which could make Day quite untrustworthy, a pleasant juxtaposition to the safety that comes with the daytime.
Helion's title is Spellcleaver, whether or not that is his title or a hereditary one that comes from his main title of High Lord is unknown. This title allows for us to know that the Day Court does have some ability to manipulate spells, obviously break them, as seen with Lucien in Hybern, when he breaks through Hybern's enchantments to reach Elain, but also possibly create intense spells. If spells in ACOTAR require intense work and drafting to create them, Day could possibly be able to create strong spells without the need for extra work or enchantments. It could allow for them to be less affected by spells, either naturally spells don't work as well on them, or they're able to destroy the spell's defences quicker, again, as seen by Lucien who was able to get through Hybern's defences, despite him not even knowing his true parentage.
The day brings along the sun, which allows for the Day Court to control light. Feyre mentions that it's Helion's ability that allows her to glow and radiate light. They could be able to manipulate light itself, be able to make things incredibly bright or even dark. With light comes the sight and being able to see. Light allows for objects to reflect different colours back at us, such as the green leaves or red nail polish. The ability to control light could allow them to manipulate how people see colour. It could also blind someone, such as when driving at night when someone forgets to dim their headlights, blinding someone with a flash of light could be disastrous, the same way looking at a solar eclipse is dangerous to the receptors in your eyes. The manipulation of light could force someone to become blind, and then at a later stage, also affect how they see and react to light once blind. Quite often, once blind, people are still able to see different reflections of light, which allows them to avoid objects or even see glitter. If someone were to manipulate that light, it would be difficult for someone to react to the objects around them.
Along with the sun bringing light, it also brings heat. As with Autumn and Summer in my seasonal magic post, the ability to manipulate heat could end in the results of droughts and wildfires and also possibly boiling people alive if they were to manipulate the inner body temperature. One thing I didn't mention in my last post, is heat exhaustion and fever dreams. With the increase in body temperature, instead of boiling the target could be forced to endure fevers and the hallucinations that could come along with them.
The Night Court is undoubtedly the court we know the most about. It's split into three separate regions, the Court of Dreamers or Velaris, the Court of Nightmares and Illyria. Its High Lord is Rhysand and its High Lady is Feyre Archeron, the main character of the series.
Despite how much we know about the Night Court, it's actually difficult to think about what is Night Court's powers and what is just Rhys' powers. Obviously, we can tell that the manipulation of the shadows is from the Night Court, but as far as I can tell, that's the only proper Night Court power we see. The manipulation of the shadows also comes with the ability to control people's sight. As people, we rely on light to be able to see objects or different colours. If they were to remove that ability, people would be unable to see
Rhys himself has mind control powers, but those are a separate thing, as we see them with Dagdan and Brannagh. However, one thing that people do the most during the night is sleep, which could allow for Night to have the ability to manipulate dreams and nightmares. It's not exactly mind control but it could be incredibly disorientating for people to experience. Along with the manipulation of dreams, it could also be the manipulation of sleep. With the ability to manipulate sleep also comes the ability to stop someone from sleeping, which is an incredibly dangerous form of torture, as it can affect people's mood and emotions, cognitive function and sleep deprivation can also cause psychosis. I want to think that Night can just manipulate someone's emotions in general. My own emotions go a bit out of tune during the nighttime, which I think would be a good basis for Night being able to induce madness or any unstable emotion naturally. With people's emotions, night often brings a sense of fear, mostly of the unknown, as I mentioned with the shadows or darkness, we can't see during the night, which is why a lot of people are afraid of the dark. It's not exactly the dark itself, it's what we can't see in the dark. I think Night would be able to manipulate and feed on that fear, especially with their control of someone's emotions and sleep.
Once the sun sets, the ground no longer gets its warmth emitting radiation, which is why the night is often colder than the day. With this, I think that Night would be able to control the temperature in a similar way to Winter, with that it would be able to make things colder, and with the colder weather, minimal control of water, as seen with Dawn, as the colder weather allows for the water vapour to condense and create fog at night and during dawn.
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i love extensive worldbuilding as fanfiction and not even for my own works. if you guys are ever reading a book like 50 years into the future and some magic seems familiar its cause its me using my acotar fanfic worldbuilding in a real book.
and i say 50 years because thats the minimum time my WIPs are gonna be done at this rate.
i also think that most of this magic is like only reserved for high lords, like the ability to manipulate someone's sleep and their emotions. feyre is insanely overpowered we've honestly got to start talking about that more because imagine if feyre had every single power i mention in this post AND the last??? omg
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veenvss · 5 months ago
Magic in Seasonal Prythian
solar magic | main masterlist | worldbuilding masterlist
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ACOTAR to me has always had so much potential but it was just ruined by it's execution. however, I am a grown woman (I'm 18) and I also have free time so I though, "Huh, why not do it myself?"
This is a post on the Seasonal Courts and their magic.
Prythian is often split into two, Seasonal and Solar, with an area known as the Middle to geographically split them as well. The magic between the courts differs, yet they're also quite similar. Each court relies on each other in order to make their magic effective. Summer is the start of the harvest, which allows for things to survive during winter. Autumn is where animals and plants retreat to save their strength for the minimal amount of nutrients in winter, so they come back and flourish in the spring.
The Autumn Court is one of the Seasonal Courts of Prythian, located south of the Middle, and it's currently run by its High Lord, Beron Vanserra.
In ACOTAR, the Autumn people are shown to have fire magic, they're able to control fire. The only real show of fire power we get is during Lucien and Feyre's escape in ACOWAR, where Eris and Feyre fight on the ice lakes in Winter. Eris manages to get Feyre to the ground and he has a tight grip on her. She is gagged by fire and she is bound by the ankles and wrists by fire. She mentions that it was hot, but not enough to burn unless Eris wills it, showing that they may be able to control the temperature of their flames. And that's it. That's all we get in the books about the magic of the Autumn Court.
The ability to create fire could be a limited power. Some may have the ability to create fire from thin air, however, others could rely on fire that already exists without the ability to create their own. Obviously, there are ways to go about this, such as in the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard, where Cal and Maven use bracelets that create sparks to be able to create fire when they need it.
As mentioned in ACOWAR, they could have the ability to manipulate the temperature, both as an effect of fire but also as an effect of autumn itself. They could change the temperatures of the air around them or maybe even specific things. There is a possibility of someone with the ability to control the temperature, heating water, even possibly controlling the temperature of a person and boiling them alive.
Autumn is quite often seen as storm season in many places across the earth. The warmth from summer and the coolness of autumn and winter meeting together. Storms can vary, from a little bit of rain and wind to full-blown hurricanes, as we saw a few weeks ago with Hurricane Helene and Milton. Autumn could mean the ability to manipulate the weather and create storms themselves, and also with that the minor manipulation of water or precipitation. Maybe even the control of flooding, I live in a flood-prone area and autumn is always the start of flood season around me.
With the manipulation of fire and storms could come with the manipulation of oxygen. Fire needs sustainable levels of oxygen to thrive, as well as the oxygen in the atmosphere present in storms. The ability of controlling the oxygen could boost the power of fires and also allow for the user to suffocate flames or even enemies.
Autumn is often associated with its brown leaves, which come as a result of the lack of sunlight needed for photosynthesis. Therefore, people could have the power to manipulate life, making it wither away to fit in with the season of autumn.
Coming with autumn, and the colder weather are negative feelings. Autumn is often the start of seasonal depression for many people, and as a result, it could manifest in Autumn being able to manipulate those feelings in others, creating overwhelming feelings of desperation and isolation.
The Spring Court is the southernmost court in Prythian and is currently run by its High Lord, Tamlin.
Despite the first book and a large portion of the next two books taking place in the Spring Court, we never discover much about the magic except for Tamlin's magic, which isn't reflective of the rest of the court due to his High Lord's status.
Tamlin's magic is often shown in his shapeshifting abilities. We see these abilities before we even meet Tamlin himself, as he transforms his guard Andras into a wolf who meets Feyre Archeron in the woods. We know his powers give him the ability to transform himself and others into different animals. There is also a possibility, with the traditional ideas of shapeshifting, of Tamlin being able to transform himself into different people.
Spring is often associated with life, as it's the start of trees turning green and the start of flowers blooming. Traditionally, spring goddesses have always been shown with powers of fertility. This means they have been able to manipulate how births can go and how much food and other resources are produced. This can also give the ability to produce famines and complete destruction of a society with the lack of food, which can cause chaos and breakdowns. Historically, civilisations have crashed due to famines and the lack of resources creating instability. Famines have also led to things such as cannibalism, especially out of necessity. Spring powers are also associated with plants, the blooming of flowers or trees, which can be linked to fertility. The production of fruits on trees or the reliance on nectar for animals such as bees and mice.
Spring also brings along "April showers", as the transition from winter can cause an unstable jetstream. In certain areas, such as the US and the West Pacific, disastrous tornadoes occur in spring, allowing for weather manipulation. High winds and torrential downpours from these storms also allow for minor water manipulation, through flooding and high water levels. Especially at the beginning of spring, the weather is still quite chilly, allowing for control over other forms of precipitation such as hail or snow.
As with Autumn and its ability to bring about feelings of isolation and despair, Spring could have the ability to bring about joy and peace. As again, with fertility, spring brings stability as things start to grow, allowing for them to manipulate these emotions within people.
The Summer Court is another Seasonal Court in Prythian, its current High Lord is Tarquin.
In ACOTAR, Summer is mentioned to have control over water. Feyre's water wolves that she summons during the Battle of Velaris are attested to Summer's control over water. This control is seen once again after a battle against Hybern in ACOWAR. Tarquin is seen drowning their enemies, even though they are miles inland from any sea.
The ability to control water gives a lot of variation in powers. The user could be able to summon waves, maybe even tsunami level waves with enough strength to completely level entire cities. The ability to control water could also result in the ability to control other forms of water, not just liquid, such as vapour or ice. However, as this water ability is connected to the season of summer, I would say that that ability is very minor.
Summer is quite often associated with heat, my reasoning for the lack of ice manipulation. As seen with autumn, the heat manipulation could provide the ability to boil things alive, an equal violent use as drowning someone alive. The heat could also provide an opposing force to ice manipulation, the ability to melt the ice. It could also bring about droughts, which would be devastating to populations if it disrupts the harvest that normally happens at the end of summer. Summer is also associated with the bright sun, which could give control over the light, as well as the heat just mentioned.
The heat and moisture of summer create the prime conditions for storms as well. These storms aren't usually as destructive as the hurricanes or tornadoes associated with autumn and spring, respectively, however, these storms are usually thunderstorms as the high pressure and the heat creates the thunder and lightning. I think this would allow for the control of electricity and energy. Lightning strikes are incredibly hot, and paired with the ability to control heat, I think it would be understandable for them to be able to have the ability to produce fire, yet I think it would be interesting for them to have the ability to produce fire yet not control it. Wildfires are known for being wild and out of control, as seen in wildfires internationally, which would reflect in Summer's inability to properly control the fires they make, as well as the idea that their main form of elemental magic is water, which would provide an opposition to the fire as well.
As with Autumn and Spring, Summer brings along a lot of emotions with it. We commonly associate summer with joy and happiness. We can go outside and celebrate the sun, as well as summer bringing along colours that contrast the gloom of winter and autumn. It would make sense to continue that idea with summer, with the ability to manipulate those emotions in people.
The Winter Court is the final Seasonal Court in Prythian. It's the northernmost one, bordered by the Middle to the north, which blocks it from the Solar Courts. Its current High Lord is Kallias, and his wife Viviane.
The Winter Court is able to manipulate ice, as shown by their "icy" complexions and the ice lakes we see in ACOWAR. This ability over would allow them to create ice, maybe to block an opponent's attack of water. It would also them to allow different forms of precipitation, such as hail or snow. The control of snow could allow for them to control snow storms and blizzards.
They could also have the ability to manipulate the temperature, in opposition to what we've seen before. They would be able to make the area around them freezing, maybe make someone's temperature so cold that they freeze to death, even in the dead of summer.
Winter is the time when the plants aren't receiving enough sunlight to thoroughly produce enough energy to keep themselves warm through the cold months. Similar to Autumn, I think this would allow them to wither plants, slowly kill them off by essentially blocking the plants' sunlight receivers, either over time or suddenly, this is magic of course. This ability could also affect people on a wider scale, as killing off plants could affect the stores of food people have for winter, once again causing famine and instability.
With the instability of winter, comes fear, and like the other seasonal courts, I think winter would have the ability to cause fear and dread in people, like Autumn. It can bring a lack of energy and exhaustion, different to Summer's rejuvenation. It could also bring along tiredness, as a lot of animals hibernate throughout the winter. This could allow for Winter to be able to have minimal control over sleep.
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first and foremost i would like to thank my sister cause we had a 15 minute long discussion about the wider powers that are associated with the seasons (and the solar courts but that's the next post).
she also brought up the super cool idea of people's associations with the seasons affecting how they're treated. people are immediately fearful of winter because of the instability it brings, making them more on edge around them. in comparison to people being at ease in summer making the court more dangerous and the people open to attack because they're so relaxed.
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veenvss · 5 months ago
what if i made a pjo fanfic where camp half-blood is in greece and the story is just percy's journey to get there from new york cause he's not allowed to fly. just him and grover on a world wide trip to get to camp.
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veenvss · 5 months ago
I did love you
. : Tamlin x Rhysand
.. : angsty ?? ig..
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Autumn was coming to Spring. Or it was coming as much as it could, before it was deterred by the ancient magic that ran through the court. Sometimes Tamlin wished the seasons would change. He used to wish that the leaves would turn orange and fall off the trees, creating piles that children would play in. He used to wish to see the variety of plants that he couldn't get in the warm air of Spring. Most of all, he wished the seasons would change so the air would feel as cold and lonely as he felt.
It had been a month since he was at the foot of his father's throne. His back was healing already, the blood drying on his skin. The soldier came into the room, holding a bloody sword and nodding his head.
"It is done, my lord."
It was just a few hours after then that Tamlin heard a loud crash from the rooms down the hall. He was struggling to sleep, his back still aching despite the healed scars. He wished that he could have felt the bedsheets underneath him damp from blood but instead, they were dry and clean.
It was after the crash that he started to hear shouting. He didn't bother moving. Most likely, his father had found out that something had gone wrong during the mission earlier and was throwing a tantrum about it. Or one of his brothers was frustrated that their most recent favourite prostitute had been hired out by another lord and was also throwing a tantrum. Or both. The amount of shouting would've been accounted for if so.
It was only when he heard his mother screaming did he feel that something was wrong. No matter the situation, his mother never screamed. Sure, his father was never the nicest husband. He was violent and cruel, Tamlin could give you enough stories to prove it, but he never physically hurt his wife. He might shout at her, call her useless or a hag, but she was never physically harmed.
He rose from his bed, swinging his feet over the side. He stepped as lightly on the floor as he could to avoid creaking. He wasn't sure what he was going to do yet, but if his mother was hurt, he would rather kill himself than just lie in bed and let it happen. He heard thumps hit the floor, thick and heavy. People?
He crept forward, grasping a measly dagger that he had on the side. His hand turned the doorknob as he pulled it open, listening for any noise. Everything was silent. The corridor was barely lit, most of the candles had been blown out by whatever had happened. Two at either end, too high up to be affected by the draft of movement were left, shrouding the hallway in shadows. At the end, down at the corner before the main hallway to the rest of the manor, stood two silhouettes, barely lit by the flickering candle.
The smell hit his nose before anything else. Metallic. Blood.
They must have sensed movement, as they turned. He could see in their hand, swords. They were long and they shone gold in the light of the candles. He heard the dripping, blood dripping from their swords. His mother was screaming. Was. It was silent now, and the stench of blood was hanging thick in the air. Whoever was stood in front of him, they had killed his mother.
Within a second, Tamlin had moved. His small dagger, only used for cutting ropes and branches held tightly in his hand. Maybe if he moved fast enough, he could kill the murderers, whoever they were, and save his mother. She could still be alive, trying to save her energy, or hiding her breathing from the people who had managed to sneak into the Royal Manor without a single guard noticing.
It felt weird, his dagger plunged into the soft skin. He assumed stabbing someone would be tougher, especially with muscle. The man in front of him gargled, his back turned to Tamlin. He hadn't even sensed him coming. All this devastation, and he hadn't even known Tamlin was there.
"Stop it."
That voice. It was like velvet, smooth and dark. He knew that voice. He knew it well.
Tamlin's victim let out another gargle as the dagger pressed further into his neck.
"My mother is dead."
"My mother is dead."
Tamlin said nothing but he held the dagger in place.
Tamlin was pushed into the wall. His head smacked against his doorframe and whatever left of his vision went blurry. The sharp point was now pressing into his back.
"Turn around."
Immediately, he did so. His head ached, his vision was swimming and his chest was sticky with the drying blood. He could see, not well due to his head collision, but better than before. Someone was gargling on the floor in front of him, whoever he had stabbed. Gruffudd, the High Lord of the Night Court.
Rhysand was stood in front of him, one sword hanging from his hand, the other pressed against Tamlin's chest. Both were dripping with blood, and a small trail of it led down the hallway. Tamlin followed it, down past the portraits of his mother and brothers. At the end of the hall, by his brothers' rooms, their bodies lay on the floor. They were both shirtless, Ruaidhri was completely naked. Blood pooled around them, dark and clotted. The door to his parents' room was off its hinges, lying on the floor in between his brothers. He didn't dare look inside. His mother was in there.
Rhysand spat in his face, landing directly in his eye. Tamlin didn't dare move to wipe it away, not with the sword inches from his heart.
"Your family were a foul stain on this land."
Tamlin nodded.
"You are no better."
He didn't dare move.
"If we had not just come from a war, you would be on the floor beside them."
He raised his eyes, looking at his friend.
Rhysand was breathing heavily. His swords were hanging loosely, and his leathers were clean. He had let his father do the murders. He looked up. His muscled arms were tight, even for the skin-tight clothing he had on. His Illyrian tattoo was peeking out from over the top. His hair was messy, like he had just woken up. His violet eyes were dark though, darker than usual. There was no love in them, not like before.
"This land owes us blood. Tonight was not enough."
The gargling slowed and a shuddering breath was echoing through the hall. Rhysand didn't pay his dying father any attention. He placed his swords back in their sheaths, not even bothering to wipe them. He acted so calmly, despite everything.
"I did ask for your mother to be saved."
Tamlin didn't say anything, he was breathing heavily, blood trickling down his chest from where Rhysand's sword had just been pressed into his skin. There was nothing in Rhysand's eyes, they were blank. Not even hatred, even as he was looking at his father and the bodies that lay in the corridor.
"For it's worth, Kinnaird, I did love you."
I did love you.
Tamlin stared at the sun that was setting over the trees of the forest. The sky was red, fading into a muted purple as the sun slowly sunk beneath the leaves. Those words had plagued his mind for a month.
I love you
Rhysand had said those words only a month before the slaughter. Tamlin was stood in the same garden as he was now, amongst his mother's carefully pruned roses. He was resting his head against the chinrest as he flicked through the sheet music. There was one passage, there was always one particular passage in a song that was never quite as perfect as the rest.
Birds were lining the side of the fountain, staring at him as he used their bath as a makeshift stand. The actual stave itself was almost unreadable due to the amount of annotations Tamlin had written. The beats written above the endless amount of demi-semi quavers that the composer had decided to throw into the piece. He was muttering the beats as he fingered them on the strings, as a twig snapped behind him.
Tamlin turned, almost throwing the fiddle down on the gravelled path. He was expecting the intruder to be Ruaidrhi, or Niven, his brothers, creeping up to humiliate Tamlin for his "useless" interests. Instead, in a soft tunic and flowing trousers, Rhysand was stood, grinning at him.
"Nice song, Music Boy."
Tamlin rolled his eyes, turning back to the sheet music.
"Not even going to say hello?"
"Hi, Rhys."
Rhys started walking over, looming his head over Tamlin's shoulder to read the bars of music. He was muttering under his breath as his eyes scanned the paper. Then he leaned back on his feet, grinning again.
"Yeah, I got nothing. Looks as if you're reading a book from the Far East or something."
Tamlin tried not to shiver as he felt Rhys' breath on his shoulder.
"Muir was an incredible composer, it wouldn't hurt you to listen in on the concerts."
"It most definitely would."
Rhys sat down on the bench, spreading his arms out either side of him and resting them on the back.
"Go on then, play it for me. I don't have all day, you know."
The two boys stared at each other. Rhys' eyes were full of amusement as he smiled. His fingers drummed along the wooden bench. Tamlin turned back to the sheet music, his fingers still mimicking the singular notes.
"I'm not facing you."
"Whatever makes you comfy, Tam."
He sighed, resting his head on the chinrest and perfecting his posture. He knew the first part of the song from memory. It was the easiest part, and the amount of times that Tamlin had practised this piece, it was like he could do it second nature. His fingers worked together to create the singular notes and then the chords. His bow was arching perfectly to create the right tones. If you asked him to do this blindfolded hanging upside down over a pit filled with Naga, he could probably do it with enough pizzazz to convince the Naga to let him go.
He squeezed his eyes shut as he reached that passage. He had been stood in the rose garden for at least 4 hours now, and all he had been doing was pressing his fingers against the strings in the exact same pattern over and over. And it still didn't work.
He faltered, his finger slipping. The chord sounded weak. Then his bow slipped and the tone sounded different to what it should've been. He tried to continue on as if nothing happened, but as if to stop him from any further embarrassment, Rhys started clapping.
"Beautiful enough to stop a war," he said. Tamlin turned, dropping the fiddle to his side.
"I messed up. I didn't press down hard enough and then my bow slipped-"
"I didn't hear any of it."
He had. Rhys hated sitting in on concerts, or really any sort of fancy music at all, but he still knew the basics. Even for something as "poor" as a fiddle. He stood up, walking over to Tamlin. He picked up the fiddle, bringing his fingers down the strings, and stopping them when he heard the gentle noises they made.
"I loved it," he said, looking at him. His usual grin was gone, instead, he looked more serious, but that gleam in his eye was still there. He leaned into Tamlin's ear, breathing so gently that Tamlin could barely feel it.
"I love you."
The red sky was almost gone, instead leaving a dark purple. There was a chill to the breeze and yet, the leaves were still green. Flowers were still blooming and animals still crawled around through the trees. Tamlin knew that despite his integral connection to this court, it would never fully reflect him, even if he was the High Lord.
His mother was gone, just a body in a coffin in the ground. He had lost his best friend, his closest companion. He knew that now, Rhysand would be five courts away, in the court of endless night. Would he be watching the same sky? Looking for the same moon? The very one that gave him his endless power?
Tamlin ran his hand across the roses that his mother had planted once she became the Lady of Spring. The thorns pricked at his fingers but it wasn't anything that he hadn't felt, practicing the fiddle for hours on end felt worse.
His mother's grave was placed in a secret corner of the garden, in the family tomb that held Tamlin's ancestors. She had always longed to be free, up on the surface where she had spent so long working on her gardens and flowers. Even now in death, her wishes were still left unanswered and forgotten.
Tamlin turned and walked inside. The guards shut the doors behind him, bolting them shut for the night. He walked past the dining hall, where servants were cleaning the table. At the end of the table, closest to him, lay his fiddle and the same sheet music he was working on the day Rhys had paid him a visit. Tamlin wandered through the halls of the empty manor. Portraits still hung on the walls. His mother's face, smiling as she stood getting married, and as she stood holding each of her sons.
He walked past the windows looking over the same garden she had tended to for years. She used to bring Tamlin in, showing him the plants that were safe and the ones that weren't. She had taught him how to plant a bulb and care for it till it grew.
Tamlin wandered around the manor, the only person living inside the walls. The same ones that he ran through, trying to find his mother and escape his brothers' torment. The same ones he sneaked through at night time, to find Rhys out in the garden somewhere for their nightly walks.
And as he wandered through the halls again, his heart cold, yet full of all the words he desperately wanted to say, he realised that he had no one to say them to. There was no one in the manor who loved him. The servants and guards worked for him. They said sweet words but that was only to keep themselves employed. The birds sang but they couldn't say anything as sweet as their melody sounded.
Tamlin had loved his entire life, his mother, his friend. Yet in the end, there was no one who loved him. Despite the people around him, there was no one to say "I love you". Not like how it had been said before.
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i don't really like this but it is also midnight and i am exhausted. this is not edited, as you can probably tell and it probably will never be
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veenvss · 6 months ago
rick riordan
14/9/24 - 15/9/24
notes :
i finally found this book after almost two years of searching yet looking back at it, i could've just bought it online :((
some thoughts :
nico looked back at will when they went down the door of orpheus ...
i wish tartarus was more horrific. i understand that this is a children's book which is why this is toned down and maybe it's my fault for going from the poppy war to percy jackson. i would've LOVED this to be a horror book and it could've so easily been. im so used to dark percy fics that i do forget that this is a children's book series.
i like how they didnt actually defeat the big bad evil and instead were helped and escaped. obviously, because nyx is a protogenos and theres no way that nico and will (especially will) couldve defeated her, realistically.
and small bob is such a cutie i want one
next i just have to find the senior year adventures
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veenvss · 9 months ago
google's celebrating the accordion today so i would just like to take a little time to imagine eris playing the accordion while walking around his grounds of his secret house in autumn while his dogs follow him with their little tails wagging like the piper and his rats.
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veenvss · 9 months ago
winter court
geography 7/7
The west of the court is covered by tundra forests. The trees and the ground are covered in moss and lichen and deer and moose wander about mostly undisturbed.
The east is a vast taiga forest, a combination of larch, fir and pine trees. Fox holes line the ground and the rivers are filled with fish during the warmer seasons.
In the mountains on the south, nea the border with Autumn, great lakes are almost always covered in ice, running deep to the bed. Glaciers and ice caverns make the mountains dangerous, and uninhabitable.
The days are short lives, with dark empty night taking over most of the hours.
geography is finished but i might revisit the last few of these once my exams are over to maybe make them more .. extensive
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veenvss · 9 months ago
summer court
geography 6/7
The Summer Court, the land of water, has minimal land on Prythian. Most of it's landmass is spread out across islands.
The larger islands contain narrow, coastal plains with volcanic mountains in the centre, the creation of all life. The mountains are rocky and rugged and covered in bright greenery.
The smaller islands, scattered across the coasts, are old defunct volcanoes. The home of luscious coral reefs and colourful fish and all sorts of marine life.
The days are long and bright. The sun is constantly warm and the sky is almost always cloudless, until the wet season starts.
6 posts in one day but i feel like the quality is getting worse just i'm like majorly focused on the sound of the keyboard when i type instead of making this actually read nice
spring 5/7 winter 7/7
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veenvss · 9 months ago
spring court
geography 5/7
The south of the Spring Court is covered in thick dense forests, filled with stumpy roots and badger holes. Rivers and pools run throughout, creating a soft ambience.
The western edge of the court is covered in tall hills and deep valleys that used to hold rivers that have long since dried out. Farms run across the hills, and sheep spend their days grazing along the hedges.
The eastern court contains the fertile lowlands and the crops. This is where the majority of fae live, in their small villages across the fields.
The days are just the right edge of warm and the breeze is gentle. The days are just slightly longer than the clear nights.
the things that procrastination does to me. this is like the 5th post I've made and posted today instead of revising for english language tomorrow
night, 4/7 summer, 6/7
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veenvss · 9 months ago
night court
geography 4/7
Four-fifths of the Night Court is mountainous, the most out of every court in Prythian.
The northern section of the court is the Illyrian homeland, ninety percent of the land it once used to be before fae colonisation. they are geographically blocked off by the Amacus Mountains, harsh and tall, a natural boundary between the two groups.
The most dangerous mountains in Prythian, the Petsiri Mountains, create a natural divide between the Night Court and the rest of Prythian. Known as the Myrmydions inside the court, no one knows what happens inside those boundaries and no one wants to find out. Despite being a border between the Night and the Day Court, the mountains themselves are courtless, as no one wants to claim anything that lives inside.
On the headland in the southwest, there is a vast expanse of plains and forests, mostly inhabited by farming communities.
The coastline is vast and dangerous. The rivers are winding and rushing and require expert navigation.
The Night Court spends its days in a state of midnight. Sunrises and sunsets don't show the sun, only a lighter shade of blue than usual, and sometimes an orange glow along the horizon. New moons in the Night Court create complete darkness, even during the day, but it's like the residents seem to have night vision.
"the illyrian steppes" they're not steppes if they're mountainous sarah it's a basic google search you're rich you can easily do it.
scotland forever !! (im from the west midlands)
day, 3/7 spring , 5/7
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