vcutchips · 10 months
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it's a lot of stuff...
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vcutchips · 10 months
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Loki becomes the God of stories.
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vcutchips · 1 year
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denizoncu53 🏆🥇Yeeessssssss ❤️
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vcutchips · 1 year
Are they mixing Red Bull with the fuel in Öncü’s bike? Or it’s an illegal mix? Because he is flying
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vcutchips · 1 year
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vcutchips · 2 years
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must be the season
of the witch
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vcutchips · 2 years
Yes, I’m alive
hello world! I’m alive again. I haven’t been on tumblr in awhile and it’s great to see notifications saying that there are new people that followed me these past months and thank you!! also, I’m writing again... yeeey. I’m writing a story about my journey around love, something that I never thought I’d write about. I guess this is good for me cause then I get to say the things I wasn’t able to say in the past. I’ll be on Tumblr more, I miss writing on here. I think I like the thought of a stranger knowing little bits and pieces about me.
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vcutchips · 2 years
haven’t been on tumblr for awhile, this is the first thing that came on my screen ❤️
Dear self, I know you have so many reasons to be angry, to shut down, to disappear. But I miss your smile. Build a life that is constructed around possibilities for happiness rather than reasons for sorrow.
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vcutchips · 2 years
One day, I'll wake up in the morning. I won't be alone, I won't text you or call you, I won't miss you or feel unsafe about you. Because one day, when I wake up in the morning, you'll be lying next to me and not miles away.
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vcutchips · 2 years
Dwell on the beauty of life, watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
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vcutchips · 2 years
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vcutchips · 2 years
gosh maybe i should write something
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vcutchips · 2 years
thinking about my finished book sitting on someones bookshelf...... my book being held in someones hands as they read about the little world i created..... someone excitedly gushing about my book...... fanart...... thats the dream babey
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vcutchips · 3 years
can’t believe its March and im not dead yet
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vcutchips · 3 years
I’ve always wanted to be an author, whether it be a book with pictures on it or not, I just wanted to write something. Thriller, mystery or horror has always been my path to writing a novel or short story but I can’t seem to deliver. I was always scared with delivering too little or too much with what I want to happen. I start with my first chapter, but the more I read it the more I lose interest so I end up doing another draft then another... then another. I rewrote my chapter 1 for like 6-8 times before I went on with the second. The same happened with my second chapter as well as the third and the fourth. That’s when I realized, this is MY standards, MY book. I was always worried with what my future readers would think when they read my little novel. I thought, what if my first draft was, ok? So, I gathered all my courage and let my father read the first draft before letting him read the final one. He compared the two and said the first one was much simpler but better because I was overthinking the last draft and the story ended up falling apart. My father said I shouldn’t obsess over the happiness of other people and think of what I want first or else I’ll start to overthink and end up doing less. I apply this everywhere, with my baking, with social media, with school. Every time I feel like falling apart, I take a step back and see if this is what I want. It's not being selfish, because if you can’t take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of others? If you’re reading, I hope you’re taking care of yourself. Set aside what others think and put yourself as the priority because despite of what people might say, you’re doing great if you say you’re doing great. I love you, stay safe.
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vcutchips · 3 years
“Everybody deserves to have something good in their life at least once.”
Once, by Morris Gleitzman
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vcutchips · 3 years
I've been working on a mystery/thriller book and I shared it with like 2 to 3 people only cause sharing something I wrote is something really big. I know other writers feel this way cause the books we write are our babies, especially when we're doubting that it's good. Out of the 3 people, only one read it and said it was good. So I'll build up all my courage before posting the first 4 chapters of what I'm writing. Thank you so much, besties hope everyone stays safe. And also, this is your book with your expectations. If you're satisfied then it's good.
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