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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 month ago
They faceplanted with, "but any tasks that don't provide financial benefit are categorically inferior."
They really went off with "Get married so you can divide all the important tasks of staying alive with another person."
They really tripped up with, "but we're going to assign all those tasks by gender instead of skill."
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onlydragonsmaychange · 6 months ago
Pls reblog for sample size
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onlydragonsmaychange · 6 months ago
Pls reblog for sample size
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onlydragonsmaychange · 6 months ago
HEARTBREAKING: coworker you had normal casual conversations with reveals their rancid political views one day and you can never look at them the same
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onlydragonsmaychange · 6 months ago
the thing is like. i get that it's scary and makes people who do desire to get pregnant uncomfortable when we talk about the brutality and violence of pregnancy and the damage that pregnancy can do to your body
but you deserve to give informed consent to that process.
the lies around pregnancy - that it's inherently safe, that it doesn't do you permanent damage, that it's only extremely rare for people to die of pregnancy complications, etc like
all of these are lies constructed so that more people will get pregnant w/o knowing all that
there needs to be more talk about the impact of miscarriages and how common they are, how different abortion processes are and how accessible they are
but also like. talking about how pregnancy fucks your body up should not be taboo
this is a process that permanently changes most people's bodies, and that's even if the pregnancy doesn't do them like. severe illness or injury
and i just think everybody should have a right to KNOW that
bc to live in a society that intentionally obscures and hides facts about a completely optional and dangerous process does so for a reason, and that reason is based in a very sinister ideology that does not value bodily autonomy or informed consent
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onlydragonsmaychange · 7 months ago
ngl I read this as orcs.
no hate op, orcs need love too
ocs are so cool. i love ocs. u guys ever heard of this
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onlydragonsmaychange · 7 months ago
44 million people watched all eight seasons of Game of Thrones and somehow still don't understand that politics is not about moral purity.
Y'all saw what happened to Ned Stark, right?
Not to be a debbie downer but Tim Walz was in the military for 24 years, including during the Iraq war. He called the national guard on protestors following the George Floyd murder. He supports Israel. He's approved an oil pipeline across indigenous lands that break treaties.
It's weird to celebrate a man who goes against all leftist values
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onlydragonsmaychange · 7 months ago
To be honest THIS is why the internet and The Algorithm is scary. Insulation is a breeding ground for radicalization - everyone thinks they're right. They always do.
Why are major cities almost universally liberal?
You need exposure. You need ideas you don't like and unsavory people in your worldview. I'm not saying you have to like them, or agree with them, but SEE them.
People keep searching for ways to argue that JK Rowling has always been a horrible person deep down as a way of explaining her recent behaviour.
But here’s the thing: that’s probably not true at all.
Pretending it is discounts the harsher, scarier truth: that even decent, well-meaning people can be radicalised by dangerous, hateful, predatory groups, and given enough time they can become truly hideous versions of their former selves.
It can happen to me. It can happen to you. It can happen to any of us, given the right mix of circumstances. And over the past few years, we’ve seen it happen to one of the most famous children’s authors of our age.
Nobody is immune.
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onlydragonsmaychange · 11 months ago
Sure sex is great but have you ever read a fanfic by an incredible author and then realized they have 30+ other fics in the tag?
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onlydragonsmaychange · 11 months ago
Falling asleep is a lot like having an orgasm in that both are a lot easier when you're not thinking about them.
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
I'm sorry I'm an awkward female engineer and I don't know how to socialize normally.
'Technical stuff' is my primary social language.
I SWEAR I'M NOT HITTING ON YOUR PARTNER I JUST FEEL WILDLY UNCOMFORTABLE TRYING TO SOCIALIZE and I don't know how to to talk to you but I just wanna be friends.
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
I think one thing we need to address in the US if we want to de-stigmatize multi-generational households that include ADULTS from multiple generations, is that parents need to learn how to have adult relationships with their offspring.
Should my daughter deign to live with me when she's an adult she will not be my some vassal that has to obey my household rules. She graduates into being a peer in setting and managing the boundaries, cleanliness and appearance of our home.
Too many parents want to have relationships with grown ass adults in which the parents maintain control and authority, and in which they leverage money and history to get their way from an adult who, very reasonably, wants to be able to make choices and have influence. And then those parents wonder why their kids keep their distance!
But then people act like I've lost it because I let my 5 year old pick the color of paint in her room- a room I seldom spend time in except to take care of her, and a room in which I want her to be comfortable and happy.
I'm not gonna let her choose a paint color for the kitchen right now, because she's capricious and bad at negotiating so we can pick a color we all like. But when she's an adult, if she's still living here? Why shouldn't she get to influence her environment?
People like to have agency. We limit the agency of children because they make choices without the full ability to understand the results (sorry baby, you are gonna get vaccinated for pollio even if you don't like it. You don't understand pollio).
But limiting an adults choices in their own home, just because you don't think that home should be a real home for them because it's just for you, is kind of an asshole move, to me.
No need to argue with me if you disagree. You can have your own opinion.
But I couldn't treat my kid that way, and I have seen enough to know that not every parent treats their adult children like permanently incompetent interlopers.
I didn't just buy this house for ME. I bought it for MY FAMILY. My baby is my family.
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
Every time I see another ibuprofen post on this site I'm like STOP
Take that after a meal. Take it with a big glass of water. Don't take it on an empty stomach EVER. Don't take it with alcohol. You will destroy your stomach. You will end up with an ulcer. You will vomit blood. I'm not exaggerating.
Yes, you. Yes, it will happen to cute little you. With your cute little bottle of miracles. Ibuprofen really does that to your body.
Love, an adult person over 35 who can't take NSAIDs anymore
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
Shout out to my amoebic people pleasing homies who know that vampires are hotter because you can't reflect them.
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
It's not the phone call that's scary, it's the call amnesia.
Exhibit A:
Me: "Hi X, how's it going?"
X: "Good, good - you?"
Me: "Good. How are you?"
Exhibit B:
Person: "Hi I'm *ssszztt* from *!&$@* and [major thing]. Can you let X know?"
Me: "Hey, X, someone called and said there's a thing."
X: "Who called?"
Me: "Um."
X: "Did they say which department?"
Me: "Uh...🤷‍♀️"
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
Buying menstruation products...
At 15: *cowering in mortification* m-mom will you go to the store for me?
At 30: *struts into the pharmacy for a pack of tampons like I'm an outlaw on a dusty afternoon in the wild west, stopping into a saloon for a drink before I ride out with the tumbleweeds on my half tamed stallion*
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onlydragonsmaychange · 1 year ago
Wait a second.
Is this why I never managed to retain anything after a hardcore cram session?
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