vantaseer · 19 days
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she found a flower for you!
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vantaseer · 19 days
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vantaseer · 20 days
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vantaseer · 20 days
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just realized i can actually be genuine and silly on tumblr since i don't have to fear memes cluttering a stupid media tab, and i can reblog anything i want since it won't cover up and bury my work when people can use handy tags to find things
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vantaseer · 20 days
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GIRL PUT THAT COAT BACK ON WHERE ARE YOUR MUSCLES (the jokes on me for expecting him to be any larger than the models we've seen but alas)
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vantaseer · 20 days
The funniest thing about this situation is that Elon Musk is so pissed off at not getting to do something illegal and get away with it by being a billionaire for once in his life that he has been -and I’m 100% serious here- making photo edits of our Supreme Court minister dressed as fucking Voldemort. Literal little kid taping a picture of someone they don’t like to a dartboard kind of behavior.
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vantaseer · 5 months
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just a couple of pieces i finished today for my vgen comm examples!
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vantaseer · 5 months
yes. i am once again merging layers. yes i know it will have consequences. yes.
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vantaseer · 5 months
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i keep forgetting i need to start back on tumblr. here, have the little guy in one of my latest attempts at mastering rendering
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