valessacat · 11 months
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valessacat · 11 months
Taters. T_T
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half way through my Karlastarioctober :3
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valessacat · 11 months
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Astarion and Karlach's hot date. They're such a pretty couple.
More screenshots below the jump.
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valessacat · 11 months
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Gale is a Disney Prince.
I think the approval bug early on turned a lot of people off to the Gale romance. I gave it a try and I loved it.
Spoilers for Gale x Tav romance below the break.
Now that they've fixed Gale's approval so he's not in love with you after five minutes into the game, I decided to give the romance a try
He's the kind of nerdy, awkward guy I would totally go for IRL. I played a fellow wizard because I feel like Gale loves to bond over shared interests. It certainly makes passing the checks easier. He gets adorkably happy showing you cool magic things. It's like dating someone who wants to show you their Magic Cards or favorite TV shows. He wants to include you in on the things that make him happy.
My initial gut reaction was to tell him, "no, I don't need any grand gestures. I just want the real you." Because that's what I would say to an actual partner. But this is a fantasy game and Gale wants to be Aladdin and show you "A Whole New World."
During the cut scene where he takes you into his illusory world, if you say yes to letting him show you more, he'll start by showing you his home in Waterdeep.
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Look at how happy he looks! Also, this is the cleanest bachelor pad I have ever seen.
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He seduces you with his magic sex book. Because of course he does.
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Then you proceed to do Kama Sutra moves in Spaaaaaaaaaaaace.
Fast forward to after the encounters at Sorcerous Sundries and meeting up with Mystra, he goes from being Aladdin to being Prince Eric for a magic boat ride.
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Kiss da girl~
The ending I got has Gale pledging to find and reforge the crown, but then hand it over to Mystra. He asks us to marry him and meet his family. He also gushes about how excited he is to cook you dinner and properly meet Tara.
I think with this ending, he realizes that his whole thing with Mystra wasn't good for him. He decides to drop the moniker "Gale of Waterdeep" and just be Gale Dekarios again. He has a shot at a normal, healthy relationship.
Also, fuck Mystra. Even assuming Gale was fully an adult when that relationship began, the power imbalance made that whole situation very toxic. Even before she asked him to unalive himself.
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valessacat · 1 year
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Third playthrough. I decided to give Origin Astarion a go. They are gorgeous together. BOY HOWDEE I was not prepared for that ending.
We had to choose saving the spawn because, of course, Karlach helps him realize he can be the better person. But therein lies the crux of the problem. Without the tadpole or being an ascendant, Astarion is forced to hide from the sun while Karlach dies alone.
Look, I'm down for a tragic ending now and then, but I wish Astarion would have stayed with her until the very end, skin burning, hair catching fire, clinging to each other as they both go up in flames.
Or you could let us fix her engine already.
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valessacat · 1 year
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"I would like to assume!"
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valessacat · 1 year
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valessacat · 1 year
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I am both of these people
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valessacat · 1 year
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It's a small detail, but I can't resist unleashing my inner 15-year-old on Vlaakith.
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valessacat · 1 year
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Via Alexander Glass at Twitter.
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valessacat · 2 years
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valessacat · 2 years
I was diagnosed with ADHD at 41.
And it pisses me off.
Throughout my entire life, I never slept well. I struggled with insomnia because my brain would just not turn off at night. I was restless. Even when I laid there, exhausted, my mind and body just refused to relax. I spent a lot of time in bed, on the couch, in front of a computer. My parents and teachers said I was lazy.
My grades were either As or Ds. Very little in between. I devoured history text books and wrote loooong papers and book reports, struggling to stay under word count. I nearly failed every math class I took because none of the information stuck in my brain. Trying to do my math homework was literally painful and I’d have rather touched a hot stove than muddle through long division. My parents grounded and spanked me for being lazy, but all it did was motivate me to find ways to cheat.
I went to a psychiatrist when I was 20. He was an older man who saw me for about 15 minutes, told me I had anxiety, and wrote me a script for Celexa. I told him I wasn’t worried at night, my head was filled with too many things. He didn’t listen and I stopped taking the meds after a week because he never explained how SSRIs work so I have no idea if it would have helped me or not.
When I got into the workforce, the problems persisted. I excelled at the tasks that tickled my brain and dragged my feet on the tedious tasks. I got passed over for promotions and even written up a few times for poor performance. I was convinced I was a lazy piece of shit and helpless to change.
After being denied an annual raise in 2017, I finally went to a psychiatrist again. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Moderate Depression. I was given Effexor, which made my insomnia worse and made me sweat like a pig. Switched to Lexapro. Since my doctor explained that I needed to wait 2-4 weeks for results, I followed her instructions. It helped a little and made me feel much more even-keeled. But I didn’t see a breakthrough until I started on the Welbutrin.
Now, Welbutrin is often prescribed off-label for milder cases of ADHD because it is an upper and it’s not as tightly regulated as other options. My sleep improved almost immediately. I didn’t have to drink an *entire* pot of coffee to feel semi-normal and it got me through my workday. This was the first time a drug actually did something really significant for me, so I started to do some googling.
The Welbutrin didn’t seem to be working as well after six months or so I asked my doctor “are you sure it’s not ADHD?” She said that GAD and ADHD can present similarly in adult women and offered to let me try Ritalin since there was a long-ass wait list for psych testing.
It was like seeing a rainbow after years of clouds and rain. I woke up feeling refreshed. I fell asleep at night. I could perform tasks I needed to get through without feeling paralyzed. She switched me to the Concerta after I told her I wanted an extended release since the crash after the Ritalin wore off was super annoying.
Life is beautiful, but I’m angry. I’m angry at all the life I didn’t get to live. At all the missed opportunities. Doctors who didn’t listen. My mom who thought ADD (what it was called when I was a kid) was a made-up illness. I’m angry that AMAB individuals get diagnosed as kids but AFAB folks just “worry too much.”
My beautiful friends: find a doctor who listens to you and is willing to walk you through your medication and diagnosis. Whether it’s ADHD or something else, you deserve to live your best life. Some of us just need a little extra help to get there.
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valessacat · 2 years
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I am OBSESSED with this episode.
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valessacat · 2 years
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valessacat · 2 years
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A reunion and reconciliation in the Dragon Isles. 👑✨🐉
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valessacat · 2 years
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No, I’m not crying after finishing the questline where a literal underdog saves the day. You’re crying.
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valessacat · 9 years
Nice! I’m the Sera (second pic, red shirt) cosplayer. Reblogging because that pic turned out pretty nice. :D
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convergence day 3 part 1! unfortunately i don’t know any of these people’s tumblrs if they have them but if anyone sees themself let me know!
edit: bucky is scoobert0!
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