Act of body love
Take yourself for a walk! On your walk try to think of all the things you’re grateful for.
If you’re in Norther Canada - bundle up!
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When I’m caught in anxious thoughts, sometimes I find it helpful to practice mindfulness. Whenever I get distracted - by anxious thoughts - I simply say “thinking” and try to bring myself back to the present.
Anxiety is our thoughts. Not our being.
You are worthy of love and happiness.
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Spiraling into a rabbit hole of your thoughts?
Take a minute and just remember that you’re a tiny spec on this planet, spinning in the middle of empty space. Then simply remind yourself that you’re not going to get involved in this melodramatic story.
Just be there, and notice what you notice - your heart, mind, shoulders, etc.
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Sometimes we get so caught up in our own melodrama. We’ve created stories within our mind that something is always wrong, that we need more attention, that something could always be better, or that we need to do something more.
We create this drama. And we can stop it.
You’re the observer of your thoughts, so rather than participating in your thoughts, just watch them. Relax your shoulders, relax your heart, and just breathe. When we don’t participate, the thoughts just float on by.
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Sometimes, in order to get shit done, you've just got to put on some lipstick.
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You are not your thoughts. You are the observer of thoughts.
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I've spent so many years playing myself as a victim. I seek out ways in which I can pity myself, or make up things that didn't even happen so that I can play a victim and feel bad for myself.
This showed up in every area of life: assuming people didn't like me, assuming something bad would happen in my relationship, not wanting to get out of bed ... I found it was the strongest in thinking that I wasn't good enough for people to be my friend. I'd waste time telling myself they wouldn't like me, and then I wouldn't have enough time or energy to actually be their friend and develop a relationship.
Check your levels of victimhood. It feels so good, and it's so easy to dive into. How much are you playing into your own victimhood? You'll know - is sucks your energy and drains your happiness.
Sending love.
*the term victimhood chic comes from "T Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck" by Mark Manson. I highly recommend it.
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Compassion feels good. It's feels like home. It's a feeling of relief and kindness, and can lead to happiness and joy. Judgment and anxiety are killers of compassion. Let's interrupt our anxiety and judgment with compassion, for ourselves and others.
Happy Thursday 🦉💕
#compassion#self worth#self improvement#self compassion#uworthy#iamenough#you are loved#love#self love
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Morning! Just a reminder that you are worthy! You're worthy of love and respect - from others, but also from yourself. When you believe you're worthy, feeling love from yourself and others comes more naturally 💕
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Sit with your discomfort
It's okay to feel uncomfortable sometimes. That's totally normal. Sometimes it's easier to accept other people's discomfort than it is to accept our own. We need to at least try to accept it, rather than push it away.
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Life is uncomfortable.
I never knew this, but life is uncomfortable. We’re not supposed to feel perfect, fine, and happy all the time. We can’t. Life is full of problems so it’s only natural that we sometimes feel uncomfortable.
Welp, I didn’t know this, and I definitely never accepted this. So anytime I’ve felt uncomfortable I blame others, try to fix my feelings as fast as possible, fixate on them until they go away, or run away and blow everything up. Yikes. Trust me, this is a recipe for disaster. Do you do the same thing? You’re not alone.
Time to start accepting the truth. Life is uncomfortable sometimes and that’s okay. We can either accept the discomfort and push through it and live, or run, and keep on running.
If you’re wondering what the fuck I’m talking about, or curious in anyway, read this: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*. It’s a good slap in the face.
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Do your values suck? Mine do.
Have you re-evaluated your values lately? I didn’t even know what values meant. My partner tried to tell me, and tried to lovingly explain to me that I had shit values. I didn’t get it. Then I read “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*” and holy shit. Now I get it.
Values are what you base your actions on; values are your inner compass; values determine how you interpret experiences; values determine what you care about, and where all of your attention and emphasis goes. My values are shit, hence I tend to have shitty behaviour.
I’m just cluing in now, after 27 years of life on earth, that my deepest value is: always be the centre of attention - always be the centre of everyone else’s attention, and always be the centre of my attention. Because of this, my life is falling apart, and I’m about to lose the people I love. I have almost successfully driven them away, simply because of my underlying value that I’ve never been consciously aware of. Now I am, and holy shit. Scary.
I encourage you to take a look at your values. I also encourage you to read Mark Manson’s book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*”. If your values are shit, just know you’re not alone. If you feel scared or like a terrible person, it’s okay; message me and we’ll talk about our shit values and how to fix it.
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My favourite Christmas movie of all time. What’s yours?
Watch one that will make you feel happy and bring back good memories. This one does that for me every year.
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Act of Body Love
Morning ya’ll! Here is your act of body love!
10 burpees
10 pushups
20 squats
30 crunches
Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes!
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In trying to always receive validation to ensure my adequacy, I make other people feel inadequate 😫.
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Act of Body Love
Workout of the day!
10 bench step-ups
10 bench push-ups
10 bench dips
10 bench squats
As many reps as possible in 15 minutes!
Love your body, treat it well.
Workout courtesy of Whole Life Fitness Manifesto.
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