Consumer UV Guide
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uvguide · 4 years ago
UV Sanitizing Wands provide effective protection from viruses and bacteria on objects/surfaces by simply waving the wand over the specific areas you'd like to sanitize. As it is smaller in size compared to other products, it's convenient to carry.
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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UV-C Sterilizer Bag: The Best Way to Disinfect Your Phone
Keep your mobile phone as germ-free as possible to reduce your risk of infections with a UV Sanitizer Bag.
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uvguide · 4 years ago
With these sanitizing tips, you and your office will be healthier. Your mind would be at peace, knowing that you are in a safe environment.
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uvguide · 4 years ago
Hygienic Living You Can Bring Anywhere
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Are you traveling, but you are so unsure of the cleanliness of the place that you fear the germs hiding in plain sight? With UV-C Sanitizing Wands, you can get the kind of high-end cleaning you have in your house, but outdoors.
How can you do so? Read on to find out!
Traveling Can Get The Germ-Related Stress High
Everybody travels at some point, whether it is just to the local supermarket or another city or even another country. If you have enough money, you can usually do it more often than once a year; if your job requires it, you can travel to the most exotic, luxurious locations, or the most downtrodden, impoverished places, and help progress society locally and internationally in a way that would have been unimaginable centuries ago.
But with the perks of traveling comes the stress that traveling can give, a lot of which is found in germs. Whether it is in the crowded airplane (in first class or economy, it is all the same), or the hotel room that you got, or the local establishments that you go to, the germs are just in the air, percolating and stewing.
In this situation, UV-C light wands sanitize the place and the things around it. But how does it do that?
Let UV-C Light Guide Your Way
A UV-C Sterilizer utilizes UV-C light technology, a kind of high-tech marvel that is derived from the raw, powerful radiation of ultraviolet light, located right next to visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum. The power of ultraviolet light is such that it can cause permanent damage to the body if there is too much exposure, and up until the 1900s, not much was known about this electromagnetic radiation.
That all changed in 1903 when Niels Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research on how ultraviolet light can actually help with curing diseases. Since then, the potential of ultraviolet light has been explored, with UV-C light as its most recent development. Called “germicidal” by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration, UV-C light is focused enough to kill germs and bacteria quickly and effectively while still being easy to control for its human users.
And with its focused beam, companies like Sanitech have created a UV wand that applies the powers of UV-C light to the best of its abilities.
UV Sanitech™ UV Sanitizing Wand
The UV Sanitech™ UV Sanitizing Wand is a travel-ready, focused-beam, UV-C light sanitizing wand that can kill any and all germs within the focus point of the beam. It is designed to pop up quickly like the Neuralyzer in the Men in Black movies — but it erases germs instead of memories. In five to ten seconds, the area with the focus is now clean, and you can move on to the next part.
The device is handy, especially when you are traveling. It also comes in three whimsical colors that you can enjoy as you go on to your trips: winter white, flamingo pink, and seabreeze green.
Everywhere and Anywhere with UV-C Light
UV-C Sanitizing Wands like this never go out of style, and their effectiveness lasts longer than you can ever imagine. But you can imagine that through this, you can travel to a cleaner world where you never have to worry about germs ever again. Thanks to UV-C light and Sanitech, your sleep can be peaceful and safe from germs wherever you are.
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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Is UV-C sanitization safe and effective?
UV-C devices can only cause irritation to people if exposed directly to the skin or eyes for excessive, long-term exposure.
Read more here Consumer UV Guide
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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uvguide · 4 years ago
Compare leading UV-C brands, view lab reports, watch product videos, and read real customer reviews. Consumer UV Guide is here to help you make an informed decision on your next UV-C purchase.
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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What are the different UV wavelengths?
Not all UV wavelengths are created equal. Only UV-C, a short wave UV frequency has been proven to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses.
Read more https://shopuvguide.com/
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uvguide · 4 years ago
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