marie on tumblr
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usernamef · 5 years ago
You hate capitalism yet use capitalist products like phones and computers bruh
Gugu gaga, peepee poo poo.
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usernamef · 5 years ago
i am back and also a leftcom now
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usernamef · 5 years ago
multiple semen stains found on the mountaintops
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usernamef · 5 years ago
wish jamie saft and merzbow did another collab. merzdub rocked
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usernamef · 5 years ago
anyone got any music blogs i should follow?
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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New instagram filter has so much potential
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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Politicians love to talk a big game when it comes to democracy. Why is it they’re so comfortable with the complete lack of democracy in our places of work?
Industrial Democracy Wanted!
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usernamef · 5 years ago
they don't call me israel because i'm not an ethnostate
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usernamef · 5 years ago
pukicho of Tumblr, what is your wisdom?
anon of the infinite abyssal plane, I don’t know shit
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usernamef · 5 years ago
why was 6 afraid of 7?
6 sees things sometimes. Things that aren’t really there. Things he thought he riddled with bullets back in Vietnam, when the sky was set alight by the napalm and the plants cried, for the world had fallen apart. He sees the child in the trench that his platoon had to execute under the malevolent and unforgiving shaded canopy of the jungle. Sometimes Six wakes up in a cold sweat, while the jungle and rotting planks of the house they burned down disintegrate as he snaps back into reality. He sees the village his platoon overwhelmed and when they entered they did- he prefers not to think of those things anymore. His horrific war crimes damnable even by his standards. That’s what his therapist tells him. But when Six sees his fellow soldier Seven he is sent into a panic of blood and pain and senses he will be punished for his sins. He remembers that horrible night when he lay not six meters away from the enemy camp with only two bullets in his hard metallic Browning, one to kill their leader and one to kill himself. And as he stares, Seven’s face rots away and transforms into the faces of the citizens he massacred. Six falls to his knees, begging for mercy and sobbing, his tears coalescing with blood. The ghosts of the ones he killed surround Six from all sides, tearing at his flesh and forcing Six to beg for a death that will never come. Then Six wakes up, crying. The ghosts are gone and merely illusions, but the pain is all too real.
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usernamef · 5 years ago
Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?"
Contestant: "The penis"
SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter
Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself
laughter gets even louder
SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard
the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself
SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says...
the board shows 100 for "penis"
Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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If an alien race were the same size as these octopi, the females would be 6.6ft (2m) in height, and their males would only be 2.4cm tall.
Imagine seeing what you think is your alien comrade sitting alone with dinner, only to see a tiny figure dart across the table like a bug. It scurries up her arm and seems to plant a little kiss on her cheek. 
Surprise, she’s having dinner with her husband!
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usernamef · 5 years ago
front end javascript gives you power over windows so i guess you can piss someone off that way
how has it taken me this long to discover that you can run for loops in lists
list1 = ['1','2','3','4','5'] list1 = [int (x) for x in list1]
this should be easy how did i not know this
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usernamef · 5 years ago
gen z culture is wanting to make a change but not being able to do it because you’re either
1. too young
2. too poor
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usernamef · 5 years ago
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