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mp - 18 - here for the ships tbh
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upfrontdw-blog · 6 years ago
Chapter One
The love for the smell of flowers had always confused Lexa. She didn't quite understand why people enjoyed the scent of a dead plant. But, here she was anyways - standing in line at the corner store on 5th and Gerald, the one that sold her girlfriend's favorite brand of coffee - buying flowers. She taps her foot, praying that the elderly man in front of her would hurry and put the change in his pocket so she could just get out of here already.
Laying the bouquet on the counter next to a cool bottle of french vanilla iced coffee, Lexa pulls out her wallet and lays a 20 on the counter. She takes one item in either hand and nods at the man working the register.
"Keep the change."
Walking out, she lifts the arm holding the bottle and wipes her forehead with her sleeve. It was pretty hot out today, something she would have known if she would have checked the weather app. But she didn't, so here she was still dressed in long sleeves and pants. She was just so eager to get home that she didn't even think about changing before leaving the airport. Picking up her pace, Lexa quickly makes her way to her apartment building. Readjusting the large bag on her shoulder, she smiles up at the reddish-brown brick, automatically picking out the window that looks into her and her girlfriend's shared apartment. She immediately forgoes the elevator, knowing that the landlord had still yet to fix it. So, she makes her way to the stairs, taking them two at a time so she could reach her floor quicker.
A few moments later, she finds herself at her front door. Smiling wide, she lifts the key and slides it into the lock. Turning it with a practiced ease, she eases open the door. Lexa can’t help but pause when she walks inside. Smiling widely, she takes in the worn red sofa and the painting on the wall her girlfriend had painted for their anniversary two years ago. It all finally felt real. And she had missed it.
Dropping the bag from her shoulder, Lexa closed the door behind her and made her way further inside. Placing her keys onto the coffee table as she passed it, she hid the flowers behind her back as she entered the hallway. Pushing the bedroom door open with a grin, Lexa stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes grew wide and the flowers dropped to her side, dangling by her fingertips loosely. She hears a gasp, but Lexa doesn’t know who it came from: her girlfriend or the man currently laying on top of her.
The blonde in the bed immediately jumps up, pushing the man off her and wrapping a sheet around herself. “Lexa?” she exclaims, walking forward slightly. “When did you get home?”
The brunette clenches her jaw and blinks back the tears that were trying to escape. She clears her throat, “This morning. I was going to surprise you, but looks like you’re the one doing the surprising.” Lexa drops the flowers onto the floor and the throws the bottle of coffee at the man on her bed’s face. He just barely stops it from breaking his nose. “Happy Anniversary, Costia,” Lexa says, “I’ll see myself out.” The blonde is freely crying now as Lexa turns around and begins walking out. Her, soon to be ex, girlfriend follows her and attempts to make her stay, but Lexa won’t hear it. “Just stop!” Lexa yells, holding up a hand. She opens up the front door and begins to walk out. “I’ll send Anya over to collect my things. We’re done, Costia. I hope it was worth it.”
"Lexa, just wait! Can we talk about this, please!"
Her words are cut off as Lexa slams the door in her face.
Twenty minutes later, Lexa steps out of the cab that drove her to her cousin's place in the suburbs. She looks up at the nice, two-story home that Anya shared with her wife Raven and their daughter. She could have went to Lincoln's place that was in the city, but she did not want to walk in on any honeymoon activities that might be going down between her cousin and his new bride. Waving a hand at the cab driver in thanks, she makes her way up the few steps to their front door. She rings the doorbell and then steps back to wait for an answer.
It takes about a minute for Lexa to hear the hurried footsteps. She can hear Raven's voice yelling over a baby's cry through the door.
"Anya, honestly! You couldn't have gotten up-" Raven opens the door and stops in the middle of her sentence. "Anya! You have a visitor!" Raven sets the baby down and pulls Lexa into a tight hug, picking her daughter back up when she finally pulls away.
"Lexa, I didn't know you were coming home! Does Anya know?"
"Uh, no."
"Lexa?" The brunette looks past Raven to see her cousin standing there in shock. Lexa can't help but grin a little.
"Hey, cuzzo," Lexa greets. "Oof!" Anya barrels into her, squeezing her a little too tight. The couple's daughter had stopped crying, looking over the new visitor with interest. Lexa pulls back and looks back at Raven who was still holding the little girl.
"So this is her, huh? The famous Charlotte Woods?" The little girl turns shy at that, hiding her face in her mother's shoulder. Lexa chuckles when Raven bounces Charlotte, causing the little girl to come out of hiding so she could glare at her mother. Anya takes her daughter from her wife.
"Char, this is Lexa. The superhero we were telling you about." Lexa crinkles her brow at that, giving her cousin a confused look, but she doesn't have time to question it as the little girl perks up and throws herself into Lexa's arms.
"Lexie!" the girl shrieks, wrapping her arms around the brunette's neck. Lexa can't help but widen her eyes in shock.
"Hey, kiddo," she says, amused. Anya takes the bag from her shoulder while Raven shepherds her further into the house. On the way to the living room, Charlotte has apparently already lost interest, and demands to be put down so she can play with the toys littering the floor.
"Sorry that it's such a mess, we've been letting Char run wild while we were getting some work done."
The couple worked together in an architecture firm. Anya ran the legal side of it while Raven was the main engineer employed with the firm. If this deal went smoothly, there was talk of them both making partner.
Lexa waved her off. "Don't worry about it, trust me. It looks a lot better in here than where I've been staying this past year," she chuckles. Raven disappears into the kitchen.
Anya snorts. "Yeah, I bet. They're not doing a lot of interior decorating in the desert, huh?" Lexa huffs out a laugh.
"You got that right." Raven comes back, handing the other two women a glass of water. Lexa takes it with a nod of thanks.
Anya takes a sip. "Hey, so have you seen Costia yet?" She sets her glass down. Lexa stills, clearing her throat before taking a sip of her own so she has time to center herself. She leans forward to set her cup down and then leans back in her chair.
"Yeah, I just came from there. Saw something I didn't like." Raven takes a seat on the couch next to her wife, raising an eyebrow at the mention of her friend in that tone.
"And what was that?"
Lexa crosses her arms over her chest. "Her cheating on me." She says simply, avoiding the eyes of the other two women in the room. Anya sits up suddenly.
"What?" the blonde exclaims in shock.
Raven pulls on her arm to calm her before turning back to Lexa. "Are you sure that is what you saw?"
Lexa thinks back to one of the worst memories currently haunting her thoughts. And she's been to war. Although it has already been an hour since it happened, the brunette could still feel the sting of the knife in her back.
"If catching your girlfriend of five years in your bed with a naked man on top of her, is cheating. Then yes, I am sure that is what I saw." Raven's mouth drops open in shock. A look of anger quickly crosses over her face before she schools her expression, clearing her throat she stands up. Anya hasn't been able to hide her anger yet, she sits glaring at the wall. Most likely plotting revenge in her head.
"Well, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need. How about I show you to the guest room, you probably need some sleep." Lexa nods slightly. Raven looks at her pityingly. The Latina motions towards the hallway. "Come on, Lex."
Her cousin's wife leads her to the only bedroom on the first floor that acted as their main guest room. After showing her where everything was, Raven closes the door behind her, leaving Lexa alone with her thoughts.
Lexa makes her way to the attached bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror.
She doesn't really understand. But, it's likely that no one in her position really ever understands. Lexa has known Costia for eight years, dated her for more than half of those years, and yet never would have thought that she would be capable of this. Yeah, it probably was stressful for Costia these past few months as Lexa had been on her first combat deployment. But it's not like it wasn't stressful for Lexa. And she never fucked anyone else! She was the one getting shot at, for God's sake!
Lexa pinches the bridge of her nose, blowing out a breath. She strips herself of her uniform and turns on the shower to a temperature that is surely too hot, jumping under the stream. After 9 months of half lukewarm, half cool showers, her muscles were singing at the feeling of the hot water on her skin. Lexa just stands under the stream for a few minutes, internally apologizing to Anya for her next water bill, before she quickly washes up and jumps right back out. Putting on some leggings and her army t-shirt, she crawls into the unfamiliar bed and surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, depending on how you look at it - falls right to sleep.
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upfrontdw-blog · 6 years ago
in hot water
Lena opens her eyes, a small smile spreading across her face. Although it is early, and it feels like the entire sun is shining right into the room, she can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. Last night had not only been the best night of her life for those reasons, but her best and only friend (other than a superhero, but that doesn’t count) had actually returned her feelings. The Luthor is actually starting to believe that she deserves a little happiness in this life. I mean, Kara Danvers - National City’s sweetheart - likes her.
As she stretches her limbs out across the queen sized bed, she finds that Kara must have already gotten up. Taking a second to bask in the comfort of the blonde’s bed, she finally hears the sound of water hitting tile. Kara must be in the shower. Lena smirks slightly and moves to stand up. Yeah, maybe it is a little early to be showering together, but no one said anything about doing other things IN the shower.
The bathroom door is slightly cracked, so she tiptoes in. It is really steamy, she notices, but she chalks it up to poor ventilation and keeps going. The brunette smiles at the voice of the blonde drifting over the curtain. The dork is singing in the shower. Kara is so goofy and lovable, but Lena’s mouth practically salivates at the though of the body behind that curtain just waiting for her.
Quickly taking off the NCU hoodie of Kara’s that had been her only nightwear, Lena cautiously shifts the curtain back and steps inside the-
Kara yelps and whirls around, falling backwards slightly into the shower caddy. Lena can hear the bottles of soap and shampoo hit the floor with a bang as she hurriedly scurries away from the stream - almost taking the shower curtain with her as she goes.
"Oh, my God!" Kara exclaims, jumping out of the tub - still naked - to literally lift Lena off the floor. Lena hisses, and lifts the arm that had been hit with the blistering stream. The blonde crinkles her brow at the redness she finds there. "What the-," she starts, but she is cut off.
"How do you not have third degree burns all over your body right now, Kara?" the brunette asks. Kara opens her mouth to reply, lifting her eyes to the ceiling for a way to answer that question. She pauses, moves around Lena to grab the fluffy robe off the door, and wraps it loosely around Lena's shoulders - careful not to irritate the burn on her arm. Kara grabs the towel that had been hanging up and wraps it around herself before leading Lena to take a seat on the closed toilet lid. She kneels in front of her. The other woman hisses as the air stings at her arm and Kara hates to see the pain on her girlfriend's face. The blonde takes a deep breath before looking up to meet Lena's eye. "I promise I'll explain this later, okay?" She looks confused before the brunette's arm is met with a cool, refreshing breeze. Lena sighs in relief before her eyes go wide. Kara just...
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upfrontdw-blog · 6 years ago
Nice to meet you!
Hi, all! I’m a new fanfic writer who has finally decided to start posting. Woo! I’ve been writing for a while, but have been a little too spooked to post anything until now. If you want to visit me on AO3 my username is the same on there. Don’t get too excited, though, I only have one small post so far lol. 
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