EVOLve Fitness
3 posts
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evolvefit · 6 years ago
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Was sitting here scribbling and came up with this. This is a (horribly drawn) neuron. 😂 The neuron is an electrically excitable cell that receives, processes, and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. Let’s just say that a neural pathway is the deciding factor in all that we do. So on the second picture is the way our neurons fire, our normal way of doing things.
When we decide to make a drastic life change, our neurons have to fire in a different pathway because we are breaking out of our normal, usual causal pathway. So now, instead of stopping for that usual burger and instead reaching for a healthy snack or meal, you change your causal pathway. Make no mistake, for some of us it’s difficult. When you decide to make a healthy lifestyle change, you are literally altering your entire causal pathway down to the physiological level.
What have you been doing that isn’t working? Has your current system produced the results you need to reach your goals?
The ability to have those neurons fire in a completely different direction speaks volumes of the dedication you have to evolve past your current level of fitness and health. Reaching for, obtaining and maintaining your goals in life may sometimes mean that you have to alter the way your neurons fire. Keep swinging, we at @evolve_fitness_official are always here to cheer you on!
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evolvefit · 7 years ago
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Let’s talk about your abs. Six-pack abs are the result of the presence of muscle combined with an absence of fat. What many people don’t realize is that visible abdominal muscles are more the product of what happens in the kitchen and at meals versus what happens in the gym. The rectus abdominis (the anatomical designation of the six-pack area) is crisscrossed by connective tissue, so your torso can move in different directions. This crisscross is responsible for the corrugated rippled look, and without it, the midsection would be difficult to bend, extend and twist. When a well-established diet-and-exercise strategy for fat loss is followed, the amount of fat between the crisscrossed abdominal muscles and the skin decreases until the skin is sitting right on top of this crisscross. This is how six-pack abs are revealed. Of course, training the abdominal muscles makes them more pronounced, so when fat decreases, they are even more visible. Training the abdominal muscles correctly can also help with posture, overall strength and even some aspects of mobility. While good old-fashioned sit-ups and crunches focus directly on the abdominal muscles, progressing knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics has provided some even better exercise options to not only develop the abdominal muscles, but also improve strength and structure. Follow the link in the bio to give these three abdominal exercise variations a try during your next training session, and be sure to support your efforts with good nutrition! #EVOLver #EVOLveFit #fit #fitness
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evolvefit · 7 years ago
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As you have been doing everything you can with your workout/nutrition/diet plan, it seems that we have a tendency to compare our gains and growth with our friends, neighbors, fellow gym goers, and even social media. Before you begin to feel discouraged or frustrated, remember that sometimes comparison can be a source of motivation, a guideline to see where you want to be. Your work is your work, and a negative attitude and self-pressure to match the rest of the world will kill your motivation. Put your IG down for a second, society’s representation of what we should strive to be doesn’t define your individual fitness goals. Comparison also causes you to focus on others rather than yourself, which sets the stage for feeling that you’re not “enough.” When you start worrying that you’re not strong enough or fast enough, you set off an internal dialogue that can spiral downward into anxiety and self-doubt, and throws you completely off your game if left unchecked. Focus on what’s most important to you. Dem Gains ;) #EvolveFit #fitness #evolvefitofficial #wellness #gains #mindset #gratitude #htgs
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