unknown--anna · 2 years
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unknown--anna · 2 years
istg why is the anime convention I rlly wanna go to in the middle of my exams
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unknown--anna · 2 years
Soooooo, hello hello
May I request some fluff from thee or is thou too busy
I'm just messing around. I see your suggestions are open so I'm just wondering if I can get some action with a smoll bean female reader who's anxious - separation and social anxiety, with big boy Diluc as a significant other. By smoll, I mean like really short. Like, 4'11 - using my own short height as reference, short. I saw your fic with playing with hands and I was absolutely blessed with this request. Tis okay I'd you cannot fulfill! Have a great day regardless
Hello!! Omfg this is adorabledhsnshsjajhshsh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thankyou for the suggestion 👁️👁️👌 anddd I'm sorry if I get separation anxiety wrong :"D
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Female reader
Genre: fluff
Character: Diluc
You wake up to the feeling of something wrong in the morning. Where's Diluc? Where is he? Last night he was holding you-
He didn't move much from where he was. Instead, you did, so you tried to snuggle back into his embrace whilst doing your best not to wake him up. Well, he isn't the Darknight Hero for nothing, so he easily woke up.
When he realized what you were doing, he helped you and pulled you in with one hand securely around your waist like a safety blanket and the other caressing your hair, which was his way of saying, "I'm here and I'll always be here." An unspoken promise he made. You fit perfectly in his embrace, where your head would rest comfortably on his chest without your feet touching his.
When you two walk together, people are quick to notice the height difference and the fact that you'd always hold onto his much bigger hands sometimes give people the wrong idea, especially when you cling to him tighter. "That's adorable! Is she your niece?" "How old is she?" With some people asking, Diluc always knows how to handle them. He's aware that you're not great in socializing to say the least, especially if it includes many people at a time.
You don't really know how you and Diluc got together, but it just happened. Perhaps because of your similar love languages? Physical touch. Cuddling in comfortable silence or just about anything. As long as you can hold his hand or he can hold you. Of course, you still talk, but find it hard to express yourself verbally. Diluc isn't the best with words either, but he does try his best to help you.
Whenever night fell, you always dreaded whether or not he'd be gone for the night. You needed his presence. Whenever he went out as the Darknight Hero, you couldn't sleep. Toss and turn, flip the pillow, change positions, nothing worked, so you could only nervously wait. You couldn't stop yourself from looking at the clock that seemingly mocked you and slowed down.
Where is he?
Is he okay?
Did something happen?
No... No... No please...
Don't leave me.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice pulled you out of your thoughts. Diluc immediately ran to you breathless and kneeled in front of where you sat. He quickly took off his dirty gloves to hold your face in his warm hands and wiped tears your didn't know you had shed.
"It's okay. You're okay and so am I."
"I will always come home, back to you."
You slowly pulled him into a tight embrace and inhaled his comforting scent. You didn't care that his clothes were dirty. All you cared about was that he was here with you.
A wave of exhaustion crashed onto you as Diluc felt your body slowly become limp. He gently lifted you up with ease whilst rubbing your back in circles to lull you to sleep. It was approaching sunrise, so he knew you'd be in no condition to work, so he made sure to write a letter for your absence and have it sent to your workplace.
He'd gently lay you down on the bed, but as he was about to go get himself cleaned up, he felt your fingers gripping his wrist. You were unconscious, but it seems that didn't affect the fact that you didn't want him to leave you.
"I promise I'll be back, my dear."
He quickly showered and dried himself off, but when he returned, you were sitting on the bed with your legs tucked into your chest. When you heard the door open, you quickly got up to hug him. He kissed your forehead before lifting you up again, and setting in your shared bed with you being the little spoon tonight. Like always, his arms held you close and securely. Before drifting off, you felt him kiss the top of your head.
"Goodnight, my dear."
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unknown--anna · 2 years
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ THANKYOU
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unknown--anna · 2 years
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unknown--anna · 2 years
The Ideal Partner
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Plot: You always wanted to help Childe whenever you could, but you could never keep up with him, which often resulted in him saving you. This time, things nearly went horribly wrong, which caused Childe to snap.
Gender neutral reader
Genre: angst to comfort
Character: Childe
Warning: Childe being an asshole
Today you insisted on helping him clear some treasure hoarders, but despite your efforts, everything was going wrong for you. It happened every time, and Childe would always worry, but this time, his worry turned into anger built up from all the other times.
Covered in blood, Childe turned to your injured form. "You could have gotten hurt! Heck, you could've died!" Childe screamed. "I know- I'm sorry, I just-" "Yeah, yeah, you just wanted to help!" He interrupted you. "Every goddamn time!" "Childe, I'm sorry, but could you please-" "No! You want to help?!" He grabbed your shoulders harshly, bruising them in his grip and causing you to drop your weapon. "Childe stop it! That hurts! Let me go!" At this point, you were trembling and had tears forming in your eyes, but Childe's anger blinded him.
"Never fucking come with me if you're only going to be a burden or get yourself killed! That'll be very fucking helpful, Y/N!" He yelled before roughly letting go of your shoulders and walking away, leaving you holding your now bruised shoulders. Did he mean those things? Are you that much of a burden? Now you couldn't stop the tears. The pain you felt in your chest was worse than the injuries you sustained and the bruises he'd left on you.
You didn't bother waiting for Childe and decided to make your way back to Liyue Harbor yourself and treat your wounds. That night, Childe didn't return either. You assumed he was probably elsewhere doing Fatui related things. Laying in bed, you couldn't get his voice and his face out of your mind. The anger he let out was scary. Terrifying.
For days, he didn't return, and during those days you promised yourself to become stronger so you won't burden him, so you tirelessly trained. Whether it was with dummies or with nearby monsters. You were training non stop, barely sleeping. Your eating habits were also becoming irregular. With the lack of sleep, good eating, and stress, your physical state was getting worse.
Don't stop. Otherwise, you're a useless piece of shit.
Thoughts like these kept you training, but you'd always cry yourself to sleep whenever you did get some rest.
This time, you wanted to challenge yourself to be stronger, so you found some ruin guard. You were able to wipe out the first couple, but fatigue was setting in.
No. Don't stop. Keep fighting.
With more ruin guards approaching and shooting missiles, your tired mortal body could only do so much until it would simply give up. Your head was pounding and dizziness kept setting in. Your vision kept turning black every now and then, until you physically couldn't stand up anymore. You were exhausted.
But hey... You got stronger... But not strong enough.
Guess Childe won't ever be burdened with you.
Thoughts echoed until your consciousness gave up too.
Not long after, you woke up in a bed. You recognized the place. Wangshu Inn. You got up and approached Verr Goldet. "How did I get here?" "Xiao brought you back here, as you were unconscious." She answered. "Y/N, are you alright?" She looked at your tired form. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." You tried to brush it off, but she insisted you stay at the inn until the next morning, and you had no energy to argue, so you complied.
The next morning, everything seemed to be going as per usual at the inn, so you decided to head down. When you arrived down, you froze. You saw the familiar red haired man, who then spotted you too. "Y/N!" He had been gone for days doing who knows what. In reality, he decided to take on a sudden mission to cool off, because he instantly regretted what he did. He felt terrible about what he did the other day and just let his anger take over. As he approached you, your mind flashed back to the other day, which caused you to take a step back and hold your shaking hands up tensely. Childe felt the guilt eat him from the inside out when you did this, and to top it all off, your face matched the fear it had when he lashed out. You were afraid of him, and that broke him.
As he got a closer look at you, he noticed the bandages with dried blood, your dark eyebags, and unhealthy condition. "Hey, Y/N what happened?" He said; keeping his distance. "I've been trying... To get stronger..." Your voice barely came out as a whisper as you failed to meet his eyes. He sighed and stepped closer in order to get you to look him in the eyes. He reached your shoulders, which caused you to flinch, so he stopped himself. He knew that he was the reason for this.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that, I just... Hate the thought of you getting hurt or dying." He said. Now he noticed tears silently dripping from your eyes while looking down. "Look, Y/N, why don't you just rest and-"
"I'm sorry, Childe. I'll get stronger. I promise you, I won't burden you," you said through sobs. His heart shattered. He caused this. "No, no-" He slowly brought his arms around you in order not to scare you. "I'm sorry for saying all those things. You don't need to do all of this."
You were shaking. Was it fear? Was it shame? What was it? All you knew is there was still some comfort in his soft embrace. He didn't dare tighten it, because he wanted you to feel alright with him.
Eventually, you gave in and wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, followed by him doing the same around you. He didn't mind his shoulder getting wet. After all, he caused you this pain. Easing the pain, even just a little was the least he could do.
A/N: HI HELLO it's nearly 2am here and idk man my brain is mush soooooo anyways~
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unknown--anna · 2 years
He may be able to fool people, but he can't fool the cats >:)
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random hc that diluc likes to feed the stray cats of mond & now they threaten to blow his cover every time he goes vigilante 
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unknown--anna · 2 years
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Nothing like some almond tofu after almost getting stuck underground forever
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unknown--anna · 2 years
Their Hands
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Plot: They let you play and fiddle with their hand heheheheee
Gender neutral reader
Genre: fluff FLUFF
Characters: Diluc, Itto, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli, Thoma, Ayato, Ningguang
Warnings: why would there be any lol
A/N: this is really random but djskshshhshsv hands are pretty >:)
Would be flustered for the first few minutes.
He would find you figeting with his hand quite cute.
He would look at you with soft eyes.
His hand was calloused but still had some squishy parts heheee
When you find those squishy parts and play with them, he'd just smile softly and watch.
His hand was also a tad bit bigger than yours with more prominent veins decorating the back of his hands all the way up to his arms.
They were also really warm <33
Even if you played with his hand for a few minutes, he wouldn't really say a thing and just continue to watch you. Though he would eventually say some little things.
He would continue to let you do so whenever he wasn't busy eheeee
When you're done or when he has to work, he'd hold your hands while giving you a quick peck oh the cheek.
"If you'd like to do this another time, feel free," he says while thinking of ways to take care of his hands more <3
"What's up with my hand?" he'd immediately ask when you take his hand.
He'd gasp not even 2 seconds after and ask loudly, "Is it the hand of the best onikabuto trainer?!"
"I'm not really looking for that, but sure," you'd laugh it off and continue playing with his hand.
Being an oni, his hand was much much bigger than yours.
When you aligned your hand to his, your fingers only met the ridges on his fingers :0
Red lines adorned his hand; looking like rings on each of his fingers.
His fingernails were long and a black ombre.
Similar to Diluc, Itto has a good amount of visible veins on his hands to his arms.
Because of his "gloves" his fingers were a little more tanned than the back of his hands lmfaodbnsjsjsh
"H-Hey that tickles!"
The poor Oni was far too ticklish lmao (yes even the palm of his hand)
Though he found your fascination really cute.
"Okay okay! I'll try to sit still," he'd say while trying to keep his hand still while making hilarious faces lmao
"Oh? What's this comrade?" he'd perk up when you took his hand, "Did you come up with another strange way to defeat me?"
"Not everything's about fighting, Ajax," you pouted at him and continued to admire his hand.
He'd find it so cute and tease you by making rather.... Interesting shapes with his hand.
You'd have to slap his hand for him to eventually stay still.
His hand had countless scars; big and small.
His hands were about the size of Diluc's, but a little more on the firmer side.
The scars on his hands created texture and little bumps.
You traced the scars on his hands while looking at the bigger ones along his arms.
He would also try to tell you about some battles and how he got those scars.
He would actually enjoy it and endlessly tease you about it after.
He would also take his gloves off more often; discreetly wanting you to do it again lmao
"I can tell you about this one! I got it while fighting the primo geovishap - but of course I won!" he'd love to tell you stories of his battles he won (cocky bastard lmao)
"Hm? Fascinated are we?" he'd chuckle.
Just like Childe, he'd keep teasing you and making random shapes with his hands and you'd have to slap his hand to stop him lmao
"Alright, alright, no need to be so feisty," he'd pretend surrender.
His hands were quite slender and calloused on his fingertips the most.
They were not the warmest to the touch, but were surprisingly quite soft.
Occasionally he'd purposely flex them to make his veins more prominent (cocky little bastard lmao)
Like Itto, his fingers were a tad bit darker than the back of his hands because of his gloves lmfao
He actually would still occasionally make some interesting shapes with his hands whilst you're playing with them and future occasions.
He would still keep his gloves on as usual, but was a little more.... Touchy.
Lol in private he would purposely take his gloves off and place his hands somewhere you can clearly see or on your leg or something.
When you don't do anything, he'd make his palms a bit colder, giving you a little jolt, because deep down he actually liked you playing with his hands lmaodbjdjdsh
"What's wrong? Can't handle the cold?" bastard would chuckle as you rolled your eyes, but gave in and started to just aimlessly fidget with his hands lmfaodhjdhdj
"My hands? Sure," he says as he places his teacup down and removes his gloves.
His hands are the most slender.
They look delicate, perfect for hand modelling dhjshsjshhsh
His fingers are also slim like those of a pianist.
He would watch patiently as you did your thing and maybe even tell you a few stories if you'd like.
In his human form, his hands look like anyone else's.
If you're with him in private and ask to see his hands in his archon form... Well-
As he shifted into his former archon form, horns sprouted from his head, but you were mostly paying attention to his hands.
Obsidian black shifted to a golden yellow from his shoulder to the tips of his fingers.
Along his arms in place of human veins, golden lines emanated a warm light.
Aside from that, his hands also grew slightly in size (about Itto's or bigger :0)
His fingernails grew to a sharp point which curled ever to slightly down like a dragon.
His arm felt firmer, but his palm was still soft lmfaodbjdhdhs
"I find myself quite liking this - when time permits. I find it very calming. Yes... Just when did this feeling begin...?" he'd say when you two are alone because he found it quite cute sjshahahahhahh
He would first finish his tasks at the Kamisato Estate then finally come to you for your little request.
You didn't specify anything, but just for him to come without his gloves.
He didn't mind though, since he trusted you.
"Hey, Y/N!" he waved when he saw you and jogged over, "So~ what did you need?"
"My hand? Sure!" he placed his hand in yours.
His hands were warm and slightly calloused on some areas. After all, he does lots for the Kamisato Clan.
You began tracing here and there on the lines on his palm.
"Hm? Something there?" he said as he watched you.
You shook your head and continued your thing.
Thoma found it adorable, so whenever he has the time and when you two are together, he (not so secretly lol) holds your hands more often.
Secretly wants you to just fiddle with his hands again but is a little shy asking for such a request dhsjsjshjsjaaa
"Huh? Oh! I guess this is something I picked up," he says as he continues rubbing circles on the back of your hand.
"Hm? My hand?" Ayato questioned you.
"If that's what you'd like," he says as he removes his gloves and places his hand in yours.
His hands were long and slender.
They showed visible marks of how he had to take responsibility at a young age.
They were calloused and had a few nicks.
His hand wasn't very soft, but on the firmer side.
The bones created nice lines on the back of his hands, with a few veins popping up here and there.
Ayato didn't mind as you kept doing your thing. Fiddling with his hand.
He found it to be another peculiar trait of yours, and quite amusing.
He wouldn't show it in public, but he'd take his gloves off more often in private.
"Hm? Why am I taking my gloves off more often? I simply find it comfortable."
Using her usual golden attire, her hands to her upper arms would be covered, so the only way to really get a look at her hands is in private or whenever she wore a different outfit.
In her usual outfit, she adorned the pinky and ring finger of each hand with golden claw-like accessories, resembling the claws of a dragon.
The golden accessories she wore popped out in contrast to her black gloves.
If you were with her in private, she wouldn't mind if you asked her to take her gloves off.
Her hands themselves were very delicate.
Her fingers were long and slender.
Despite her childhood, her hands stayed soft ad smooth to the touch.
She let you take your time, since she is a busy woman, any time she can spend with you is precious, even if it seems a little strange ehe
Regardless, she finds it quite amusing hsjjshshsbs
"You like my hands? Hm," she smiled softly, "That gives me an idea." Oh it was cute, but her mind can't stop itself from wandering.
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unknown--anna · 2 years
Thank you for 200 followers aaaaaaaa(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
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unknown--anna · 2 years
I've been pretty dead lately 👁️👄👁️
My exams are nearly over 👁️👁️👍
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unknown--anna · 2 years
ahh can you make a p.2 of "so soft" :D <3
A/n: Hi hi hello~ I didn't open Tumblr for a while soood abajhahajaaaaaaa my bad if it took a while dhsjshsshh anywayssssss
So Soft
Part 2
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Plot: SOOOOO you're part dog like Gorou yeahhh and they wanted to try petting your ears because they look so soft and fluffy!
Gender neutral reader with flufy ears :0
Genre: FLUFF
Characters: Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Hutao, Ayato, Ayaka
Lol why would there be any warnings
Part 1 with Diluc, Gorou, Itto, and Thoma
OK SO he'd be a cocky asshole about it at first.
Mf just touches them out of nowhere and WELL it felt nice but was unexpected, so he startled you at first.
He'd tease you about it obviously~~
If he's feeling especially like an asshole, he'd purposely make his hands a bit colder to give you a little jolt from the cold feeling on your ears.
You're never really prepared for his "surprise attacks" (╥﹏╥)
If you're fine with it and all, he'd continue to tease you, but he secretly loves touching your ears.
They're so soft~
If you're uncomfortable with his surprises, he'd respect that and tone down the teasing.
When you two are alone, one of his hands is always on your head in between your fluffy ears, ruffling them and your hair.
"My paperwork can wait. I much prefer this instead," he says while his hands continue to scratch and pet your ears. Can't complain lmfao cuz it felt nice.
He always noticed how your ears would reflec your mood.
If you were relaxed, they'd relax and lay down, if you were excited, they'd perk up, etc.
It didn't take long for him to pick up on what your mood was by your ears.
Today you two were sharing some tea in the afternoon.
"Y/N?" he spoke softly. He had a request that had been weighing in his mind. Though it may sound foolish, he decided to indulge.
His eyes darted upwards for a split second, glancing at your ears which perked up at him calling your name.
"Yeah?" you said with your ears still perked up, meaning he had your full attention.
"If I may be so bold, I have a request," when you didn't shake your head or anything, he continued, "If you could allow me to touch your ears."
Your ears stood straighter than before. Zhongli wanted to touch your ears?
He noticed this and said, "If you don't feel comfortable, that's understandable."
"No- no! It's fine," you say while scratching one ear, "Just a little taken aback."
You took his hand and placed in in between your two fluffy ears.
His face didn't give away much, but his hand started to move affectionately.
It felt nice and caused you to lean into his touch when he moved to one ear.
"I must say, it's quite fascinating," he says as he continues to fluff them up, "They are quite pleasant to hold."
He wouldn't even ask lmao
He'd never want to ask of such a foolish request.
Touching your ears? What kind of request is that?
Though that didn't stop his eyes from darting upwards when one of both of your ears twitched at the direction of a sound.
Seriously, like Zhongli, he's come to know what your ears mean to say. Whether you're happy, sad, alert, etc.
After a while you noticed how his eyes always darted to your ears. Did he want to touch them? He could just ask.
Knowing Xiao, you knew the only way to find out was for you to ask him yourself.
"I noticed you often eyeing my ears," you say, interrupting his thoughts.
"If you want to touch them, go ahead," you say as you lower your head a little for him.
His face is so red and flushed with embarrassment.
He wouldn't move, so you'd have to grab his hand and place it on one of your ears or your head.
When his hand touched your ears, it was stiff. He didn't dare move, but he felt how soft they were.
You'd have to tell him to move lmfaodhdjshshhs poor little yaksha would be too flustered.
"Huh? What? I'm simply fulfilling your request to... Pet you," he says as his hand strokes your ears. He secretly really likes it, but he'll never admit it.
"Oya oya? Hehee they're so fluffy~"
She'd make sure to ask first, but when you said yes, she wasted no time.
Her hands instantly flew to your ears.
The cold metal of her rings made your furry ears stand up for a second.
"Oya? They're much softer than I thought!" she still wouldn't stop petting them, even if you two were in public or at her work.
It felt really nice dhsjshsehhehehe
"I wonder if they'll stay soft in a coffin," she whispered to herself, but you heard it, causing your ears to shoot up into alertness.
"I'm kidding! For now-" she continues, "I wanna just enjoy them heeheee~"
"They are quite addicting! I hope you don't mind if I touch them in the future again!" she says with a giggle.
Similar to Zhongli, he would observe first.
He'd memorize how your ears would twitch, stand, or relax in certain situations.
"Y/N?" he says as he places his brush down.
"Yeah?" you say with your ears perked up.
"I've never mentioned it, but you resemble that general of the Watatsumi Army. Your animal features," his eyes dart upwards.
"How does such thing happen?" he asked, which made your ears twitch. You didn't really know how, because your parents are like you with dog-like features.
"I've grown quite curious, but are they soft like an actual dog's ears?" he inquired.
"I guess they are," you said, "Do you want to touch them?"
"If you'll let me indulge in my curiousity, that is," he replied.
You nodded, then his hands both held each of your ears. He started to massage them like when petting Taroumaru, which earned a relaxed sigh from you.
"Thank you for allowing me to satisfy my curiosity," he says as his hands don't leave your ears. A smile formed on his lips looking at your relaxed expression.
Poor little Ayaka would be too shy to ask~
Her eyes would dart up to your ears, but she never dared to ask, fearing that it may be strange or make you uncomfortable.
Since she'd never ask, you'd have to pick up on the signs like the way her eyes darted upwards.
It was during a usual conversation where you interrupted her thoughts whilst she let her eyes wander.
"You can touch them if you want," you said.
"W-What? N-No! It's alright!" she sputtered word after word as her faced heated up.
This caused you to laugh, and knowing Ayaka, you had to be the one to place her hand on your head, so you did.
She was immediately surprised at how soft they were. Softer than they looked.
She kept on rubbing them as a smile creeped up on her cheeks~
"W-What? I can touch them whenever I want? Are you sure?" she says with hope in her blue eyes, contrasting to her red cheeks.
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unknown--anna · 2 years
Istg doing the archon quest and seeing Xiao sacrifice himself just
ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀɴ ɪᴅɪᴏᴛ…
xiao x gn adeptus ! reader
warnings: crying ? lmao i guess, spoilers for 2.7 interlude quest, reader has a mini breakdown, terribly written probably, no pronouns used, slight angst ?
meilin’ s notes: my first time writing a full (kind of) fic ! hopefully i do gender neutral some justice since i’ve never written gn before, only fem ;v; lmk if theres anything i need to fix !
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“why did you let him go?” you asked zhongli, who was gazing into the plains on the balcony of wangshu inn. “surely you know the dangers that lie in the chasm, rex lapis.”
zhongli’s silence irritated you, your heart beating painfully. just the thought of your companion entering unknown and highly dangerous lands made you feel anxious, and sick. of course you knew xiao was capable of holding his own, you knew of his strength. still, he made you worry everyday.
“xiao is more than capable of taking care of himself, [name].” zhongli finally replied.
“thousands of years worth of knowledge does not cancel out the fact that he is still prone to danger, sir” you argued back. “no matter what you tell me, i wont ever stop worrying for that boy-“
“of course you wont,” he said simply. “i wouldnt expect you to. but you must understand this, [name].”
he then turned to face you, amber orbs burning into your [color] irises.
“it all comes down to a matter of trust. have faith in xiao, im sure everything will be fine then.”
and even as he turned to leave, still your heart ached.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
throughout the entire day, you felt an unease in your chest, a terrible ache in your heart. it seemed to be worse than yesterday’s treatment.
your mind was plagued with thoughts of xiao and his safety, the chasm, the lying dangers awaiting him, and the worst possible scenario: his possible death.
the thought still terrified you. although you werent a part of the 5 yakshas, you still harbored a deep fondness for them. bosacius was like the older brother you’d never had, making flower crowns with indarias and menogias, sharing wisdom with menogias, and the peaceful days with xiao.
it was all so simple, but then their karmic debt had gotten the best of them. you’d watched, face screwed with pure terror as your dear friends lost their minds. you watched menogias slaughter bonanus, as indarias succumbed to her debt, xiao suffering screams ringing in your ears.
how useless you were then.
you had sworn to protect xiao after bosacius disappeared, promised to love and care for him. promised to do something because you couldnt before.
useless. useless. useless useless useless useless usele-
you were jerked out of your destructive thoughts when you felt a jerking pain on your hands. looking down, you saw you had bitten your nail down to the skin and hadnt noticed until it split open. you groaned, sticking the finger in your mouth to lick off the blood.
then, your heart lurched painfully. you gasped in pain, clutching your shirt near your heart.
i promised him. i promised to protect him.
another lurch, another gasp of pain. he was in danger. grave danger.
unable to stand idly any longer, you teleported to the chasm. as you did, the pain in your heart grew more intense.
“xiao!” you called out desperately. you could feel him, he was somewhere, why couldnt you see him?
“xiao!” you called again, this time a tear slipped out. then two, three, then a stream. your heart was in so much pain, your lungs felt like they were about to burst.
then a flash, and six figures materialized. hope flared in your chest. but as the figures became clearer, you realized none of them was the face of your beloved adeptus.
scrambling to them, you went to the closest person available.
“where is he, tell me now, where is he!?” you cried, more tears streaming down your face.
yelan examined your face, brow furrowed. biting her lip, she gently took your hand. then, shook her head.
the world stopped for a moment.
yelan held your hand still as shinobu, the traveler, paimon and yanfei looked away in pity.
but then, a familiar presence erupted, golden energy started to swirl, and then a figure slowly started to materialize.
‘fret not child…under my watch will alatus remain alive.’
startled, you lifted your head to see if anyone else had heard the voice, but it seemed you were the only one. then, turning your head to the source, you gasped.
there he was.
the pain in your heart and lungs finally settled, and you breathed easy again. releasing your hand from yelan’s, you quickly made your way to xiao, who was on his knees taking big gulps of air.
sensing your presence, xiao looked up only to yelp in surprise as you threw your body down on him, arms wrapped around his neck in a tight embrace as you pulled his head to your chest.
“you idiot!” you wailed, tears falling down your face as you held xiao tighter. “you big, stupid idiot! what were you thinking!? you almost- you could have…”
“i know…” he whispered softly, hands ghosting your hips, almost afraid to touch you.
“idiot, idiot idiot idiot-“ you cried, pouding your firsts on his back as you wept in his neck.
“i know. im sorry.” he whispered again, this time embracing you back.
yelan’s eyes softened at the scene. she motioned to the others, leading them away from you both.
“we ought to give them some space. im sure they have a few…things to talk about.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
meilin’ s notes: im well aware that while the travele and co. was trapped underneath the chasm, that the theory that time was at a pause in teyvat was made known but since zhongli broke that rule, i made it broken with the mc too. lemme know what you guys think ! i dont think i did too bad, but the first half was definitely not the best lol
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unknown--anna · 2 years
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unknown--anna · 3 years
It's the middle of the night and my heart is aching :"D
Genshin Boys After You’re Gone
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Thoma x gn!reader
Type/genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst
Warnings: Death (you’ve passed away), alcoholism/addiction
A/N: Extremely self indulgent. I’ve been struggling w mental health recently, and writing this was a comfort. No matter what, there will be someone who will miss you when you are gone.
Has a whole garden dedicated to you
You always loved taking walks with him, dragging him away from his desk to touch some grass give him a break from his work
He would always try to make up some sort of excuse, telling you that he had a lot of work to do
If he had known how little time the two of you would have left together, he would have taken every opportunity to walk hand-in-hand with the person he loved
He would make this garden even more beautiful than you could ever have imagined, filling it with exotic and high-maintenance flowers lovingly tended to by the gardener
He would have decorated exactly as he did now, but now is too late
You’re gone, and even the glaze lilies growing in his yard can’t bring you back
“Can you see it up there, love? I hope this is what you wanted.”
Kaeya has been exiled from the Angel’s Share years ago. Not just the Angel’s Share, in fact, but every bar in Mondstadt
New hires at bars are often confused as to why they have to refuse service to the one-eyed cavalry captain, and the older staff tell them in hushed voices of how he nearly drank himself to death after his lover passed away
Kaeya was like an empty shell, trying desperately to fill the void you had left inside him with drink
It took a lot of work, but with the help of his friends and a ban from all bars in Mondstadt, he was able to climb back up from that hole
But on a certain day each year, even Diluc can’t stop himself from sliding a single drink to his brother, eyebrows raised in silent concern
Kaeya would take it gratefully, chuckling that Diluc didn’t have to worry, it’s not for him
Careful not to spill a single drop on the way, he’ll take it behind the church and dump it over your tombstone
“Hey doll…it’s been another year without you, eh?”
After you’re gone, there’s only one thing Childe wants left in the world
Power unparalleled. Power great enough to make even the Gods shake in fear. Power that would bring Celestia to its knees.
Power to bring you back.
He’ll defeat waves and waves of enemies, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. His Foul Legacy form will burn away his life force, but it is all no matter to him
Hunts down every lead that may show any kind of hint as to how to bring you back to life
Scours the libraries of Sumeru, burning them down as punishment for not having the information he needs
For you, Childe would sacrifice the whole world
His humanity is a small price to pay to see your smile again
“Just wait for me…I will bring you back, I swear.”
Has a photo of the two of you that he keeps on his bedside table
Greets it with a fond smile as he tells you good morning each day when he wakes up and good night right before he closes his eyes to sleep
Used to struggle with putting on his tie right after you died, since you were the one who helped him tie it every morning. It took a while, but he was finally able to get it straight. It’s not as smooth or perfect as you used to do, but it gets the job done
Keeps a pocket watch that he carries everywhere with a lock of your hair in it
Sometimes he still has trouble remembering that you’re gone
He’d see a trinket being sold by a peddler that he thinks you would like, and automatically goes to buy it before remembering he has no way to give it to you
Accidently buys too much groceries, only to return to an empty house
“My love, I’ve returned. Darling? ….Ah. That’s right.”
Keeps himself busy
For the Kamisato’s housekeeper, there’s never enough hours in the day. He has to prepare Ayato and Ayaka’s schedules for the day, cook breakfast for the family, wash the linens, put in an order for new weapons…his list of chores are endless, and Thoma fills all of them diligently
If there is even one spare moment though, he’d find himself feeling empty once again, but it’s easy for him to find something to do. The Kamisato household won’t run itself, after all! And there’s always something for him to do in Ritou
At night, however, there’s no stopping the emptiness from creeping up on him
Tries to sleep but has nightmares, seeing your death happen over and over and being helpless to prevent it
Even when he doesn’t dream, he still can’t shake off the feeling that somethings missing
“…Where did you go? Why did you have to leave me behind?”
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unknown--anna · 3 years
So soft
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Plot: SOOOOO you're part dog like Gorou yeahhh and they wanted to try petting your ears because they look so soft and fluffy!
Gender neutral reader with flufy ears :0
Genre: FLUFF
Characters: Gorou, Itto, Thoma, Diluc
Warnings? What warnings?
You two were on the couch with his head resting in your lap, as you scratched his ears.
Having his ears scratched always felt nice, so he was curious how you'd react.
He sat up and said, "Hey, Y/N can I... Try scratching your ears? Because it really feels nice when you scratch mine."
This question threw you off a bit, causing your ears to twitch.
Gorou saw as they did. They looked to soft.
You nodded at his request, and the two of you switched positions.
Now your head was on his lap.
When he started softly scratching your ears, he was surprised at how soft they were; softer than his.
Whilst he admired the softness, you relaxed at the sensation of his fingers running through your hair and ears.
The both of you would continue these little sessions; you scratch his ears, or he scratches yours.
"H-Hey Y/N? Could you tell me how you kept your ears so soft?"
If it hasn't happened already, it would probably happen whilst you two were walking the streets of Inazuma.
The first time he did it out of nowhere, causing you to jump a little at the sudden touch and him having oni strength-- yeah it hurt a bit, since your ears were a bit sensitive.
Would immediately apologize repeatedly, but constantly think about how soft your ears were.
"Hey, uhh, can I touch them again? I promise I'll be gentle!" He pleads with you.
When you allow him, his face would light up, and he'd use both his hands this time.
"They're so soft!" You had to ignore the looks people were giving you when he yelled that.
Literally at any given time, he'd ruffle your hair and ears, but he'd remember to be gentle.
Even though it was a pleasant feeling, it was sometimes annoying when he did it in front of many people unexpectedly.
"Sorry, sorry! I can't handle it, they're so soft!"
At first would only look at them while wondering, "They look so soft. I wonder how they feel."
Eventually his curiosity got the best of him.
"Hey, uh-- this hope this doesn't sound strange, but can I touch your-" He gestures to your ears, now turned upright. "Your ears?"
When he asked, he felt embarrassed. Did he really just ask that?!
His embarrassment caused you to laugh at his request.
He covered his face with his hands lmao-
You took one of his hands and placed it on your head, which pleasantly surprised him.
He started scratching one of your ears, causing you to lean into his touch.
"W-woah.. They really are as soft as they look."
When he met you, your ears were the most distinct features he noticed first.
Every so often he'd steal a glance up, but his eyes would quickly return to yours.
You had noticed the frequent glances and knew it would probably take 5000 years for him to actually ask you if he could touch your ears.
It was one of those usual days at the tavern, where Diluc would steal short glances up your ears.
"If you want to touch them, it's cool." You said, interrupting his thoughts.
His face turned a crimson red and his eyes widened slightly.
Spare the man lmao he's far too embarrassed.
You ended up having to grab his gloved hands yourself and placing them on top of your head.
He was in awe at how soft they were aaaaah
He retracted his hand to remove his gloves and now had both his hands on your ears. Scratching and massaging them, causing you to let out a satisfied sigh.
"They feel much better without my gloves. I do hope you don't mind sparing me a moment... Petting them."
Part 2
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unknown--anna · 3 years
Hello uh aaahhhhh I've been dead for a while but uhm I'm ok
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