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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Watchdog Report: Most ISIS Weapons Illegally Supplied by US Government
http://uniteordie-usa.com/watchdog-report-most-isis-weapons-illegally-supplied-by-us-government/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Just-Watering-the-Patsies-600x338.jpg Watchdog Report: Most ISIS Weapons Illegally Supplied by US Government International arms watchdog finds that most ISIS weaponry was purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia before being shipped to opposition forces in Syria and Iraq. BY RORY WOOD ON JANUARY 21, 2018 A damning report by the EU-funded Conflict Armament Research has found that the majority of...
International arms watchdog finds that most ISIS weaponry was purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia before being shipped to opposition forces in Syria and Iraq.
A damning report by the EU-funded Conflict Armament Research has found that the majority of weapons that ended-up in the hands of Daesh/ISIS were purchased from Eastern European stockpiles by the United States or Saudi Arabia and transferred to opposition militias in Syria. In many cases there is clear evidence to suggest that the arms were transferred into ISIS possession in less than a month, as US-backed groups amalgamated into ISIS or the weapons were sold on a thriving black market.
A significant proportion of the weapons examined were unauthorised for retransfer, meaning that they had End User Clauses for US and Saudi military or police use that were quickly violated, not even being shipped to their country of authorised usage in many cases.
One item inspected by CAR in May 2015 was a Bulgarian PG-7T 40 mm rocket. The Government of Bulgaria confirmed that it exported the item to the US Department of the Army through the US company Kiesler Police Supply. The application for the export licence was accompanied by the original EUC issued by the US Department of the Army (with a non-re-export clause) as well as a delivery verification certificate. The rocket ultimately ended up with IS forces near Al Hasakah, before YPG forces liberated the town and sent the rocket to CAR for examination.
Cases like this go on and on with various rocket launchers, explosives and assault rifles of predominantly Bulgarian and Romanian manufacture, but with one US importer coming up every time: Kiesler Police Supply.
According to the report:
Kiesler Police Supply was incorporated in the US state of Indiana in 1975 as Kiesler Hardware & Supply. The company changed its name to Kiesler Police Supply in 1980 in order to begin dealing primarily in firearms and ammunition. On its website, Kiesler Police Supply only advertises itself as providing equipment to US national law enforcement agencies. However, the company has been contracted in the past to supply weapons to Iraq. In 2004, Kiesler Police Supply was awarded a multi-million dollar contract to provide weapons such as AK-pattern assault rifles and ammunition to Iraqi security forces.36 On 4 October 2016, CAR called Kiesler Police Supply to request further information regarding the multiple weapon transfers described in this report. The company declined to comment. On 20 October 2016, CAR emailed and faxed an information request for all the items traced to Kiesler Police Supply. The company has yet to respond to CAR’s request for information.
As CAR beautifully put it, their ‘findings are a stark reminder of the contradictions inherent in supplying weapons into armed conflicts in which multiple competing and overlapping non-state armed groups operate.’ In other words, only a fucking moron would be unable to predict that pumping weapons into the hands of farmers living in ISIS territory would result in anything other than ISIS militants gaining possession of shiny new toys. Or, more conceivably, this wasn’t a strategic error on behalf of the US, and arming ISIS in order to destabilise the regime of the uncooperative Bashar Al-Assad was part of the plan all along.
Read More: https://amityunderground.com/international-arms-watchdog-finds-that-most-isis-weaponry-was-purchased-by-the-united-states-and-saudi-arabia-before-being-shipped-to-opposition-forces-in-syria-and-iraq-isis-arms-kieslerpolicesupply/
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Obama DOJ Gag Order Lifted: Informant Testifies of Clinton's "Pay for Play" Schemes with Russia
http://uniteordie-usa.com/obama-doj-gag-order-lifted-informant-testifies-clintons-pay-play-schemes-russia/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Uranium-One-and-the-Clinton-Foundation-600x338.jpg Obama DOJ Gag Order Lifted: Informant Testifies of Clinton's "Pay for Play" Schemes with Russia FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In “Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy” Undercover FBI informant William Campbell has given written testimony to Congressional investigators after an “iron clad” gag order was lifted in...
FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In “Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy”
Undercover FBI informant William Campbell has given written testimony to Congressional investigators after an “iron clad” gag order was lifted in October
Campbell was a highly valued CIA and FBI asset deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry while Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI
Campbell was required by the Russians, under threat, to launder large sums of money – which allowed the FBI to uncover a massive Russian “nuclear money laundering apparatus“
He collected over 5,000 documents and briefs over a six year period, some of which detail efforts by Moscow to route money to the Clinton Foundation
Campbell claims to have video evidence of bribe money related to the Uranium One deal being stuffed into suitcases.
The Obama FBI knew about the bribery scheme, yet the administration still approved the Uranium One deal.
To thank him for his service, Campbell was paid $51,000 by FBI officials at a 2016 celebration dinner in Chrystal City
When it emerged that Campbell had evidence against the Clinton Foundation, a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (of FISA warrant application fame) slammed Campbell as a “disaster” potential witness
An undercover FBI informant embedded in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an “illegal NDA” by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has finally given his testimony to three Congressional committees.
William D. Campbell became an FBI counterintelligence asset after spending several years as a CIA operative who developed working relationships in the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan and Russia.
“For several years my relationship with the CIA consisted of being debriefed after foreign travel,” Campbell noted in his testimony, which was obtained by this reporter. “Gradually, the relationship evolved into the CIA tasking me to travel to specific countries to obtain specific information. In the 1990’s I developed a working relationship with Kazakhstan and Russia in their nuclear energy industries. When I told the CIA of this development, I was turned over to FBI counterintelligence agents.” –saracarter.com
The FBI embedded Campbell in the Russian nuclear industry for six years, where he gathered extensive evidence of two separate but related “pay for play” schemes related to the United States uranium industry:
First, Campbell discovered that Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm, Transport Logistics International (TLI) in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – which bribed a Russian nuclear official in exchange for a contract transport Russian-mined U.S. uranium, including “yellowcake” uranium secured in the Uranium One deal.
Second, Campbell says that Russian nuclear officials told him of a scheme to route millions of dollars to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) through lobbying firm ARPCO, which was expected to funnel a portion of its annual $3 million lobbying fee to the charity.
“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement.“ –William Campbell
Campbell told Congressional investigators that the Uranium One deal along with billions in other uranium contracts inside the United States during the Obama administration was part of a “Russian uranium dominance strategy” involving Tenex and its American arm Tenem – both subsidiaries of state-owned Russian energy company Rosatom.
“The emails and documents I intercepted during 2010 made clear that Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One – for both its Kazakh and American assets – was part of Russia’s geopolitical strategy to gain leverage in global energy markets,” he testified.  “I obtained documentary proof that Tenex was helping Rosatom win CFIUS approval, including an October 6, 2010 email …  asking me specifically to help overcome opposition to the Uranium One deal.”
“Rosatom/Tenex threw a party to celebrate, which was widely attended by American nuclear industry officials. At the request of the FBI, I attended and recorded video footage of Tenam’s new offices,” he added.
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Yellowcake uranium
Officials with APCO – the lobbying firm accused of funneling the money to the Clinton Global Initiative, told The Hill that its support for CGI and its work for Russia were not connected in any way, and involved different divisions of the firm.
Bribery scheme
While undercover, the Russians forced Campbell to deliver bribes from Maryland transportation company TLI in $50,000 increments to Russian nuclear official Vadim Mikerin of Tenex. Campbell did so under the direction of the FBI in order to maintain his cover, fronting hundreds of thousands of dollars he says he was never reimbursed for.
As a result of Campbell’s work, TLI co-president Mark Lambert was charged in an 11-count indictment in connection with the scheme, while Vadim Mikerin, who resides in Maryland, was prosecuted in 2015 and is halfway through a four-year sentence.
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Mark Lambert
Beginning at least as early as 2009 and continuing until October 2014, Lambert conspired with others at “Transportation Corporation A” to make corrupt and fraudulent bribery and kickback payments to offshore bank accounts associated with shell companies, at the direction of, and for the benefit of, a Russian official, Vadim Mikerin, in order to secure improper business advantages and obtain and retain business with TENEX. –DOJ
Of note, Rod Rosenstein failed to interview Campbell before prosecuting Vadim Mikerin when Rosenstein was Maryland’s chief federal prosectuor, instead relying on the evidence Campbell had gathered. This backfired after prosecutors insisted on sitting down with Campbell to glean more information – forcing prosecutors to recast their entire case against Mikerin.
Campbell got one debriefing after the criminal charges were filed, but was never brought before the grand jury that indicted the Russian figure in November 2014 even though the informer was portrayed as “Victim One” in that indictment, the officials confirmed
When prosecutors finally interviewed Campbell more extensively in early 2015 and reviewed all of the records he had gathered for the FBI, they learned new information about the sequence of transactions he conducted while under the FBI’s supervision, as well as the extensive nature of his counterintelligence work for the U.S. government that went far beyond the Mikerin case and dated to at least 2006, the officials said. –The Hill
Uranium One approval
An extremely important aspect of Campbell’s timeline is that the Obama FBI, headed by Robert Mueller, knew of the bribery scheme with the transportation company before approving the Uranium One deal which would have utilized TLI for transporting the mined uranium.
“The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian officials.” –The Hill
Thus, the Uranium One deal clearly never should have been approved.
Praising Campbell
Campbell testified that the FBI thanked him for his undercover with a check for $51,000 in 2016 – which, according to a November report, was given to him at a 2016 celebration dinner in Chrystal City, VA according to Campbell’s attorney, (former Regan Justice Department Official and former Chief Counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee), Victoria Toensing.
“My FBI handlers praised my work,” testified Campbell. “They told me on various occasions that details from the undercover probe had been briefed directly to FBI top officials. On two occasions my handlers were particularly excited, claiming that my undercover work had been briefed to President Obama as part of his daily presidential briefing,” he testified
Smearing Campbell
Following reports by John Solomon of The Hill and Sara Carter of Circa News revealing that Campbell had gathered evidence implicating the Clinton charity and the Obama administration, Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News wrote an article slamming Campbell – saying he would be a “disaster” as a witness because some of his claims could not be documented, an anonymous source told Isikoff.
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Michael Isikoff, Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo News
And where have we heard Michael Isikoff’s name recently?
Another Yahoo News article written by Isikoff was used by the FBI as supporting evidence in a FISA warrant application by the FBI against one-time Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. Isikoff used information provided by former UK spy Christopher Steele – who assembled the infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier which the FISA application was largely based on.
Isikoff says he was “stunned” to learn that his article was cited in the FISA warrant. We “believe” him.
Sessions and Rosenstein were running Interference
And in a move which can only be interpreted as an effort to protect the FBI, the Obama administration and the Clintons, AG Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein even tried to suggest the nuclear bribery case uncovered by Campbell is not connected to the Uranium One deal.
Via John Solomon of The Hill last November: 
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case. Their argument was that the criminal charges weren’t filed until 2014, while the Committee of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred in October 2010.”
This rubbed several Congressional GOP the wrong way:
“Attorney General Sessions seemed to say that the bribery, racketeering and money laundering offenses involving Tenex’s Vadim Mikerin occurred after the approval of the Uranium One deal by the Obama administration. But we know that the FBI’s confidential informant was actively compiling incriminating evidence as far back as 2009,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, (R-Fla.) told The Hill, adding “It is hard to fathom how such a transaction could have been approved without the existence of the underlying corruption being disclosed”
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a similar rebuke to Rosenstein, saying the deputy attorney general’s first response to the committee “largely missed the point” of the congressional investigations.
“Ask your politics”
When Campbell asked the FBI why all of the illegal schemes he uncovered weren’t being prosecuted, he was explicitly told it was political:
“I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct.  His answer: ‘Ask your politics,’ ” Campbell said.
Since his undercover work in Russia, Campbell has undergone 35 intensive radiation treatments after being diagnosed with brain cancer and leukemia.
Watch John Solomon and Sara Carter discuss the Campbell evidence last November:
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Destroying, suppressing evidence is FBI standard procedure
http://uniteordie-usa.com/destroying-suppressing-evidence-is-fbi-standard-procedure/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/fbi-seal-with-paper-shredder-600x579.png Destroying, suppressing evidence is FBI standard procedure Congressional investigators were rocked this weekend when the FBI notified them that five months of text messages from a top FBI investigator into the Trump campaign’s Russian connections had mysteriously vanished. The FBI-issued cell phone of Peter Strzok, whose previous texts to his mistress (...
Congressional investigators were rocked this weekend when the FBI notified them that five months of text messages from a top FBI investigator into the Trump campaign’s Russian connections had mysteriously vanished.
The FBI-issued cell phone of Peter Strzok, whose previous texts to his mistress (also an FBI employee) showed fierce hostility to Trump, suddenly had problems due to “software upgrades” and other issues — and voila — all the messages between the two from Dec. 14, 2016, to May 17, 2017 vanished. Strzok, who oversaw the Trump investigation from its start in July 2016, was removed from Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation last summer after the Justice Department Inspector General discovered his anti-Trump texts.
Stephen Boyd, the assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, notified a Senate committee that “data that should have been automaticallycollected and retained for long-term storage and retrieval was not collected.” The missing texts could have obliterated the remnants of credibility of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign.
Conservatives are caterwauling about the vanished evidence but this type of tactic has long been standard procedure for the FBI. Acting FBI chief Patrick Gray was forced to resign in 1973 after it was revealed that he had burned incriminating evidence from the White House in his fireplace shortly after the Watergate break-in by Nixon White House “plumbers.” Gray claimed he was resigning to preserve the “reputation and integrity” of the FBI — but that hasn’t worked out so well.
The FBI has a long history of “losing” evidence that would tarnish its halo. And for most of the agency’s history, judges and Congress have let the FBI sweep its dirt under the rug.
In the Ruby Ridge case, when an FBI sniper gunned down an Idaho mother holding her baby in 1992, the chief of the FBI’s Violence Crimes division was sent to prison for destroying evidence. When a Senate committee held hearings three years later, four FBI agents took the Fifth Amendmentrather than tell the incriminating truth about their activities on the Ruby Ridge case. A subsequent Senate report concluded that the five successive FBI reports of internal investigations of the episode “are variously contradictory, inaccurate, and biased. They demonstrate a reluctance on the part of the FBI initially to take the incidents at Ruby Ridge seriously.” Sen. Herbert Kohl (D-Wis.) complained, “I would be asked by the FBI to believe (Ruby Ridge) was almost a model of (good) conduct. The conclusion, is drawn, from … all the people we’ve heard, that no one did anything wrong of significance or consequence.”
The FBI suppressed mounds of evidence regarding its final assault on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993. The FBI had always vehemently denied that it had any blame for a fire that killed nearly 80 people; six years after the attack, investigators found pyrotechnic rounds the FBI fired into the building before the conflagration erupted. Attorney General Janet Reno lashed out at the FBI for destroying her credibility.
Newsweek reported that, according to a senior FBI official, “as many as 100 FBI agents and officials may have known about” the military-style explosive devices used by the FBI at Waco, despite Reno’s and the FBI’s repeated denials that such devices were used. The FBI deceived Congress and a federal judge by withholding information that it had six closed-circuit television cameras monitoring the Davidians’ home throughout the siege. The resulting films could have the key information that could resolve the major issues of Waco but the FBI withheld the tapes for years, until they were impounded by U.S. marshals.
read more: http://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/370122-another-software-upgrade-suppressing-evidence-is-fbi-standard-procedure
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Ron Paul: Memo Proves There's a Deep State + Reps, Dems Don't Care About You
http://uniteordie-usa.com/ron-paul-memo-proves-theres-a-deep-state-reps-dems-dont-care-about-you/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Ron-Paul-and-the-Deep-State-600x380.jpg Ron Paul: Memo Proves There's a Deep State + Reps, Dems Don't Care About You What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was ...
What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government
The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was reckless to allow Americans to see this classified material, they said. Agents in the field could be harmed, sources and methods would be compromised, they claimed.
Republicans who had seen the memo claimed that it was far worse than Watergate. They said that mass firings would begin immediately after it became public. They said that the criminality of US government agencies exposed by the memo would shock Americans.
Then it was released and the world did not end. FBI agents have thus far not been fired. Seeing “classified” material did not terrify us, but rather it demonstrated clearly that information is kept from us by claiming it is “classified.”
In the end, both sides got it wrong. Here’s what the memo really shows us:
First, the memo demonstrates that there is a “deep state” that does not want things like elections to threaten its existence. Candidate Trump’s repeated promises to get along with Russia and to re-assess NATO so many years after the end of the Cold War were threatening to a Washington that depends on creating enemies to sustain the fear needed to justify a trillion dollar yearly military budget.
Imagine if candidate Trump had kept his campaign promises when he became President. Without the “Russia threat” and without the “China threat” and without the need to dump billions into NATO, we might actually have reaped a “peace dividend” more than a quarter century after the end of the Cold War. That would have starved the war-promoting military-industrial complex and its network of pro-war “think tanks” that populate the Washington Beltway area.
Second, the memo shows us that neither Republicans nor Democrats really care that much about surveillance abuse when average Americans are the victims. It is clear that the FISA abuse detailed in the memo was well known to Republicans like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes before the memo was actually released. It was likely also well known by Democrats in the House. But both parties suppressed this evidence of FBI abuse of the FISA process until after the FISA Amendments Act could be re-authorized. They didn’t want Americans to know how corrupt the surveillance system really is and how the US has become far too much like East Germany. That might cause more Americans to call up their Representatives and demand that the FISA mass surveillance amendment be allowed to sunset.
Read More: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/february/05/what-the-fbifisa-memo-really-tells-us-about-our-government/
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Senate Judiciary Memo: Further Proof of Astounding Corruption
http://uniteordie-usa.com/senate-judiciary-memo-proof-astounding-corruption/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Nunes-Intellegence-Memo-Grassley-Judiciary-Memo-600x600.jpg Senate Judiciary Memo: Further Proof of Astounding Corruption Declassified Grassley Document Confirms FISA Memo’s Explosive Claims A declassified document from the Senate Judiciary Committee confirms that the FBI “relied heavily” on an unverified dossier in order to obtain FISA surveillance warrants on one-time Trump advisor Carter Pa...
Declassified Grassley Document Confirms FISA Memo’s Explosive Claims
A declassified document from the Senate Judiciary Committee confirms that the FBI “relied heavily” on an unverified dossier in order to obtain FISA surveillance warrants on one-time Trump advisor Carter Page
Unredacted portions of the document reveal the FBI’s extensive involvement with the creator of the dossier, former UK spy Christopher Steele
Despite Steele lying to the FBI which led to the agency ending their relationship, they still used his unverified memo and vouched for his reputation to obtain the FISA warrants
The unredacted memo clarifies that the FBI notified the FISA court of the dossier’s political origins “to a vaguely limited extent”
The FBI has withheld the notes from their meetings with Steele
Steele received information for an unpublished second dossier from the Obama State Department led by John Kerry at the time
Much of the information in this “Grassley Memo” matches with the contents of the “Nunes Memo” released by the House Intelligence Committee last Friday.
A largely unredacted version of a criminal referral made against Fusion GPS operative Christopher Steele reveals several new bombshells, and confirms that the FBI heavily relied on an unverified dossier created by the former UK spy – along with a Yahoo News article which used Steele’s information, to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant on one-time Trump advisor Carter Page.
The previously redacted sections of the document notably covered up the FBI’s extensive working relationship with Steele – who was paid $168,000 to create the dossier used in the FISA applications. The fact that he was considered reliable was used as an argument to the FISA court to make up for the fact that the underlying dossier was unverified.
Read More: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-07/declassified-grassley-document-confirms-fisa-memos-explosive-claims
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Direct Indication of Obama's Involvement in Illegal FISA Spying
http://uniteordie-usa.com/direct-indication-of-obamas-involvement-in-illegal-fisa-spying/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/SpiedOnUs-596x600.jpg Direct Indication of Obama's Involvement in Illegal FISA Spying FBI ‘Lovers’ New Texts Expose Obama Complicity: He “Wants To Know Everything We’re Doing” New text messages between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have now been made public, and, as The Duran’s Alex Christoforou notes, the big reveal is that then-POTUS ...
FBI ‘Lovers’ New Texts Expose Obama Complicity: He “Wants To Know Everything We’re Doing”
New text messages between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have now been made public, and, as The Duran’s Alex Christoforou notes, the big reveal is that then-POTUS Barack Obama appears to be in the loop, on the whole ‘destroy Trump’ insurance plan hatched by upper management at the FBI.
The messages include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”
Fox News reports:
Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a “f—ing idiot,” among other insults.
Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s wife for a state Senate seat “ignorant hillbillys.” (sic)
That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, “Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it’s still largely ignorant hillbilliys. Good for her for running, but curious if she’s energized or never again.”
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI’s Investigation of it.”
The newly uncovered texts reveal a bit more about the timing of the discovery of “hundreds of thousands” of emails on former congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop, ultimately leading to Comey’s infamous letter to Congress just days before the 2016 presidential election.
On Sept. 28, 2016 Strzok wrote to Page, “Got called up to Andy’s [McCabe] earlier.. hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner’s atty to sdny [Southern District of New York], includes a ton of material from spouse [Huma Abedin]. Sending team up tomorrow to review… this will never end.” Senate investigators told Fox News this text message raises questions about when FBI officials learned of emails relevant to the Hillary Clinton email investigation on the laptop belonging to Weiner, the husband to Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
It was a full month later, on Oct. 28, 2016 when Comey informed Congress that, “Due to recent developments,” the FBI was reopening its Clinton email investigation.
“In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday…” Comey said at the time.
The question becomes why Comey was only informed by his investigative team on Oct.  27, if the Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop were discovered by Sept. 28, at the latest.
The latest batch of text messages between Strzok and Page show more examples of the Deep State opposition to Donald Trump, including a text sent on Election Day 2016 where Page wrote…
Strzok replied to Page with a text saying…“Omg, I am so depressed.” Later that month, on November 13, 2016 Page wrote…
“I bought all the president’s men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate.”  
The next day on November 14, 2016, Page wrote…
“God, being here makes me angry. Lots of high fallutin’ national security talk. Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us.”
According to Fox News, Page’s meaning here is unclear, but Senate investigators say, coupled with Strzok’s August 15 text about an “insurance policy,” further investigation is warranted to find out what actions the two may have taken.
The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017 when she wrote, “Please don’t ever text me again.”
It’s unclear whether she was mad at her friend, or if she suddenly became aware that they, and their thousands of texts, had been discovered.
Of course, none of this is surprising, but we are sure the new Democrat memo will clear up any misunderstandings.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Jeremy Grantham Exposes The Corporatocracy: America's "Run By Those Guys For Their Own Interests"
http://uniteordie-usa.com/jeremy-grantham-exposes-the-corporatocracy-americas-run-by-those-guys-for-their-own-interests/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/america-the-corporatocracy-600x314.jpg Jeremy Grantham Exposes The Corporatocracy: America's "Run By Those Guys For Their Own Interests" Have profit margins risen to a permanently higher plateau? Are average Americans better off than they were a generation ago? I had the opportunity to discuss those questions, which are centrally important to investing and economic policy, with Jeremy Grantham a couple of weeks ago. The...
Have profit margins risen to a permanently higher plateau? Are average Americans better off than they were a generation ago? I had the opportunity to discuss those questions, which are centrally important to investing and economic policy, with Jeremy Grantham a couple of weeks ago.
The discussion took place as part of a larger interview about climate-change investing. Grantham is the co-founder and chief investment strategist of Boston-based Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo (GMO).
It’s been widely reported that over the last 20 years the number of publicly traded companies has decreased by about 50%. The common explanations center on the fact that the number of de-listings, mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcies have outstripped the initial public offerings (IPOs).
But I wanted to know if there was a deeper explanation related to the fact that corporate profit margins are at historical highs. Over the last dozen years, with the exception of the financial crisis, profit margins have been between 9% and 11% of GDP. Prior to that, the last time they were above 9% was in 1951.
The U.S. economy has become more concentrated in the service and technology sectors, which are inherently more profitable than the manufacturing businesses that dominated 50 years ago. Those business, like Amazon, Apple and Google have built incredibly strong, near-monopolistic franchises that should translate to higher margins.
If the market has become dominated with highly profitable, monopolistic franchises, then maybe that is why there are fewer companies and profit markets are no longer “the most mean-reverting series in finance,” as Grantham once claimed.
GMO has looked at this issue extensively. As Grantham noted, “profit margins and return on sales will vary much depending on whether you are in the supermarket business or whether you are in some software company. There is no average to which it moves.”
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that returns for equities will be greater going forward. As Grantham explained, higher margins will attract more capital and reduce the returns relative to other asset classes. “If your capital is returning more in this area than the other area then capital will flow and balance it out,” he said.
Higher margins have been offered as an explanation, by Grantham and others, for why the cyclically adjusted price-earnings (CAPE) ratio is higher than its historical average. But CAPE ratios depend on other factors, such as real interest rates, so margins only tell part of the story.
Grantham said that the monopoly factor has increased margins “a bit.” “Corporate power as exercised through Congress, particularly in the U.S., has clearly increased the total domination of regulatory boards by the industries. Regulations have gone from being concerning to laughable, and totally run by those guys for their own interests,” he said.
Grantham is far more concerned about the societal impacts of unchecked capitalism than he is with its effect on margins. “We are seeing a flowering of corporatism where government is designed to maximize the opportunities of giant influential companies and industries that spend a lot of money lobbying,” he said. “We continue down that primrose path today with yet another cycle of deregulating designed to help corporations.”
Grantham spoke about the “punishing consequences” that tax cuts and deregulation will have on the general public. He said that “maximizing the returns and the share of the pie going to corporations and the superrich is deplorable and has terrible effects on the economy in the long run. The average person in the street doesn’t have the buying power increments that they used to have.”
American prosperity
But is the average American really losing buying power? On this point, Grantham and I disagreed. Whether you go back 10, 20 or 40 years, I contend the standard of living for Americans has increased enormously.
Grantham, however, said that in terms of general well-being and happiness, Americans are worse off.`
“If you do your best to control for everything and measure happiness, this is not a particularly happy country,” Grantham said. “It is not entirely dependent on income by any means, and we have not improved.”
He acknowledged a couple areas where Americans are better off – entertainment, such as high-tech computer games, and medicine, where he said progress in drugs and technology are keeping people alive longer. To those I would add food, in light of the advances in the quality and variety of choices in cuisine, and transportation, considering the speed and safety at which we can travel by car, plane and other means.
But Grantham said that the average worker has not been paid more since 1974 for an hour’s work. “Does he feel more content, or does he feel extremely frustrated by his relative lack of progress compared to others?” he asked, rhetorically. “There is no doubt that he is more frustrated. The suicide rate in that group has gone way up. The drug addiction has gone way up.”
Indeed, he said there are all the indications of a “thoroughly miserable middle America.”
Read More: https://www.advisorperspectives.com/articles/2018/01/08/jeremy-grantham-on-profit-margins-and-american-prosperity
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Stone Shoots-to-Kill BBC Propaganda Talking Points as Fast as They can Set Em Up
http://uniteordie-usa.com/stone-shoots-to-kill-bbc-propaganda-talking-points-as-fast-as-they-can-set-em-up/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/NFXfgklrjtc/0.jpg Stone Shoots-to-Kill BBC Propaganda Talking Points as Fast as They can Set Em Up Haven’t listened to Roger Stone much but it’s refreshing to hear someone destroy obvious propaganda. The interviewer is just shocked and outraged that someone would question the “establishment” or the intelligence community’s “authority.” I’m...
Haven’t listened to Roger Stone much but it’s refreshing to hear someone destroy obvious propaganda.
The interviewer is just shocked and outraged that someone would question the “establishment” or the intelligence community’s “authority.”
I’m shocked that after setting up so many foreign wars, puppet dictatorships and rigged market crashes, that anyone would be asking us to trust the intelligence community.
And we know that the intelligence community’s mouthpiece is the mainstream media, the same ones who’ve actually been dividing Americans and driving people to derangement.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014
http://uniteordie-usa.com/geoengineering-whistleblower-ex-military-kristen-meghan-hauppauge-ny-january-18th-2014/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/jHm0XhtDyZA/0.jpg Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014 Kristen Meghan, Ex-Military, former Air Force Sr. Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Specialist. Her job was Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was 4BOX1, Bio-environmental Engineer. I AM WHO I SAY I AM ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x-u7… Kristen gave a ground breaking presentation of...
Kristen Meghan, Ex-Military, former Air Force Sr. Industrial Hygienist/Environmental Specialist. Her job was Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was 4BOX1, Bio-environmental Engineer.
I AM WHO I SAY I AM ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x-u7…
Kristen gave a ground breaking presentation of what she had discovered about Geoengineering / Chemtrails while serving her Country. This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for us. This presentation was produced, filmed and edited by John F. King https://www.youtube.com/user/johnfking00
David Keith Discussing *Weather Modification* on Colbert Report ~ Dec. 2013 http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=22F…
THE FATE OF AN ENGINEERED PLANET David W Keith and Andy Parker, Scientific American, Jan2013, Vol. 308, p34-36. http://keith.seas.harvard.edu/papers/…
Geoengineering Watch http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ex…
GeoEngineering and the Global Assault — A Round Table Discussion with Dane Wigington, George Barnes and Dr. Doug Levine http://radio.consciouslifenews.com/ge…
Kristen Meghan YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/IamKrist…
Kristen Meghan Facebook Account https://www.facebook.com/Sugarfreesanity
Kristen Meghan Twitter Account https://twitter.com/KristenMeghan
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History
http://uniteordie-usa.com/operation-indigo-skyfold-the-most-secret-covert-black-operation-in-world-history/ http://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Screen-Shot-2015-02-04-at-4.12.50-PM.png OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History State of the Nation Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so d...
State of the Nation
Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.
For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military.  The following link provides an excellent overview of the geoengineering/chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc.  After all, only seeing is believing … for most people!
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)
No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY.
You’ll notice that NATIONAL SECURITY appears crooked because the whole intention behind geoengineering is as dangerously misguided as it is deceptively false. The indiscriminate, wide-area and systematic spraying of toxic aerosols throughout the skies of the world couldn’t possibly have anything to do with ‘national security’.  Those that buy into such a ridiculous notion have obviously been either brainwashed or bribed into believing such an absurd and nonsensical agenda.
That’s precisely why this unprecedented exposé is so important.  Never before has anyone directly involved with the piloting of chemtrail airliners ever gone public.  Not only does “Blue Jay 1”, as he is known, go public, he completely blows the lid off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD.  This single act of identifying the name of what is perhaps the most destructive government program in recorded history is extremely critical.
Because it now gives the worldwide anti-geoengineering advocacy groups a target to hit within their own nations and governments. How, after all, could government officials and political leaders at every level — federal, state, county and city — be so clueless about a massive aerosol spraying program that is going on in the skies right above them?!  Can any responsible representative continue to plead such ignorance or indifference and get away with it?
That’s why this critical development is so huge!  Really HUGE!  It is what we have all been waiting for, yet so few in the movement really get it.  Which is why this particular message has to be taken to the wider public.  Because at the end of the day — every day — every human being on every continent will REALLY abhor two things about the now ubiquitous chemtrails.
I.  Chemtrails routinely transform warm sunny days into cool cloudy ones.  No one likes to see their clear sunny days stolen after a couple of hours of chemtrailing.  Day after day of overcast skies have profoundly changed many a locale which have traditionally experienced clear skies.  Is there anyone who prefers damp cloudy days to dry sunny ones?  Certainly the people of Florida and California want their fun in the sun!  So does the rest of the USA.
II. Chemtrails contain a mix of toxic chemicals and poisonous compoundssuch as barium salts, aluminum oxide, strontium, mercury among many others, which eventually end up falling to Earth.  The chemtrail mix of toxins inevitably leaves its residues on farm fields and forests, lakes and ponds, and lawns and gardens.  How does one possibly stop the noxious chemicals from entering one’s home and automobiles, office building and shopping malls?  Who ever wants a toxic chemtrail brew dropped on them every other day?!
Geoengineering has proven — unequivocally — to be extremely detrimental to both human health and the greater planetary environment.  As for the many adverse health effects, the link below gives an excellent summary.
CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014
Posted by: The HAARP Report
For those who did not watch the video shown above, the most important text is provided below.
Information below was received by the cousin of an actual pilot who flies chemtrail jets and is working on the inside.  The operation is known to pilots and aviation crew alike as ‘Indigo Skyfold’.
Pilots are told to fly specific routes, while satellites control aerosol dispersal patterns.  The pilots make course corrections from time to time, and perform landings and takeoffs.  Pilot navigation and maintenance crews are rotated constantly, and only spend about 18 months at one given base, to keep pilots and their families from making too many friends, and ending up with “loose lips”.  They also rotate between day and night flights, one base for daytime flights, and one for night.  Each base covers a 250-mile zone, and each fleet (squadron) of planes covers three states, or an even larger swath of ocean.
They’re told to simply do their job and “Shut the F*ck Up!” Their superiors tell them it’s a matter of National Security. and Quote: “Without these flights our enemy’s newest technological weapons of war could easily penetrate America’s airspace, at will.  We are dedicated and committed to keeping our allies safe from the same skyward threats, so we extend the arm of protection to those countries that support our efforts.  Hostile nations are also building atmospheric shields, while at the same time trying to explore weaknesses in our ever-developing air and space based technologies.”
Sounds more like a PR statement to me. I think this pilot, either believes what he is told.  Or, he is simply trying to sugar coat their Genocide Project.
.     .     .     .     .
December 08, 2014 My firewall detected multiple intrusion attempts when I googled the Indigo code as well.  Zero info to be found on the internet for this operation.  That is unique.
I received a rather lengthy reply from the chemtrail pilot. Here is text from their email:
December 08, 2014 “First of all I would like to say that I do not agree with my mission assignments, but what soldier ever truly does?  Several of us have considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really spraying. Should they discover that we or our families are actively enquiring about the so-called ‘chemtrails’ term, then automatic and swift disciplinary action would be taken.
HAARP and radar are two other non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are learning about these in base schools, we cannot educate ourselves or our children through any public education system. I would not intentionally spray my children or family with toxic aerosols, but as you must know, perhaps 80% of the pilots do not have any family or children.
Indigo pilots are chosen from top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. Most of the pilots are ‘hardened to humanity’ and could care less killing off unwanted or leaching aspects of America and the world.  I swear to you, the majority of the pilots are like machines, I call them “Tanker Terminators”.
I should not be telling you this, but nearly 1/3 of all flights are being orchestrated from small unnamed islands, where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8 per year.  On these extremely remote islands there are HAARP rays of every possible design, with many arrays surrounding these islands within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot submersibles to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these massive underwater arrays as they progress across the open sea floor.
Every time that you see or hear about military exercises at sea, they’re basically there to give support and resupply their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that. You will never be able to Google Earth or Search any of this. Other than an occasional error in blurring some island bases, or smudged images of underwater arrays, it is impossible to locate all these advanced technological devices. They even paint fake clouds over some of our island installations to keep prying eyes away.
I have been shown some of these images by civilian friends. That is the reason I know this. I completely understand your concern for human safety, and here is the kicker. We are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by very sophisticated weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we don’t fly. Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept in a dark, secret world for their own protection. They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any public rhetoric. We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as it is known within the veteran community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from any ground, water surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God. They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our minds, we’re pretty sure this is a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public, private, or civilian authorities.
Have you ever seen any member of the crew survive the few crashes that have occurred? Every plane that has gone down was completely destroyed … for good reason, I am sure. We risk our lives in more ways than one, every single time we fly, especially during night flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We feel like a massive “Dark Force Empire”of crop dusters, and know that one night Bubba, or Billy Joel, will fire there long rifles at us when we spray their moonshine-making operation, or pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.
I know for a fact that some planes have been shot at, and subsequently brought down by mostly Russian, Chinese, and Korean weaponry, but the media will never cover these events as they are not allowed to report on our flights either. That must be true, for I have yet to see a detailed or in lengthy report of our missions on any public venue other than conspiracy shows and anti-government websites.
I risk everything for disclosing so much information and you will find very few like me. Even my own flight crew would have me arrested and court martialed if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you directly, but from what your cousin tells me you are also risking everything just to get this information out to your colleagues.
I salute you sir, for standing up to the establishment and Big Brother.  I would love to go home tomorrow and not rack up one more single minute of flight time, except for a sweet little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer.  I miss those beautiful blue skies from my youth, and I am ashamed for hazing over that dream.
More importantly, maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.  I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, as they compartmentalize everything.  Should I become aware of any new significant developments I will email your cousin.
The man I have contact with says he senses a wavering within the ranks, and that a kind of mutiny is beginning to boil to the surface of this whole geoengineering global whitewashing, if you catch my drift.  My cousin still has friends in high places too, so he is helping to protect the pilot.
.     .     .     .     .
This came December 11.
Last word from the pilot and I quote. “All pilots on leave are required to report to their CO by Dec 15th for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2 flights, expected to be initiated by January 21.”
Those were his words, not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California and Texas, in order to advance the drought further into the heartland; plus, he feels that a very new and extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be sprayed, using new technology that makes these special chemtrails completely invisible. “Atmosphere shield of protection”, he doesn’t believe that either. So that is the end of the message from this chemtrail pilot.
From my own experience I’ve had a lot of contact with this guy for six months via the Internet, and basically everything he told me has turned out to be true, so I have no reason to doubt any of this, and hope you forward it.
This also points out how difficult it is to fight this program because people inside the program are not subject to public opinion or exposed to public information sources.  Therefore, we need to brainstorm and come up with the way to shut down this program, as it is actually heating the planet, and killing everything with elevated UV rays, and toxic metals.
Thank you for listening.
An active chemtrail pilot has quite courageously stepped out of the shadows at great risk to his career and his life.  Such a sacrifice ought to compel the fast-growing community of anti-chemtrail advocates to disseminate his much needed message.  Raising the worldwide awareness around this pilot’s unprecedented disclosures seems essential toward shutting down the current form of global geoengineering.
Operation Indigo Skyfold has been OUTED.  We now know its name.  We now know how it works.  We have been informed that it is being expanded in 2015 and is now more dangerous than ever.
In closing there should now be no question that:
Chemtrails must be stopped BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! & Geoengineering must be terminated BY EVERY MEANS POSSIBLE!
State of the Nation February 4, 2015
Author’s Note
Question:  Have you noticed that 2015 has seen more spraying than ever — EVERYWHERE?    It’s true, the chemtrailing is now totally out of control.
It has never been so important to post information like this on health blogs, environmental websites, social networks, alternative news sites, videos, and everywhere chemtrails are mentioned in order to broaden as many peoples’ awareness as possible!  The ongoing global  environmental disaster and health catastrophe caused by chemtrails both present a great opportunity for people of all races and religions, nationalities and societies to unite, and cooperate, around the protection of humanity and the preservation of the Biosphere.
CHEMTRAILS: There is NO Debate!
Chemtrails Explained; HAARP Exposed; Geoengineering Expounded
CHEMTRAILS : The Biggest Coverup of All Time
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)
CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
Geoengineered Weather Patterns Wreaking Havoc Across Planet
The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated
The US Government Commits Chemical Assault Against Its Citizens
Photos shown below were taken from the YouTube video posted above.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Morgellons & Smart Dust Infect Individuals to be Tracked via Satellite
http://uniteordie-usa.com/morgellons-smart-dust-infect-individuals-to-be-tracked-via-satellite/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/RvNDk2t8TGk/0.jpg Morgellons & Smart Dust Infect Individuals to be Tracked via Satellite Excerpt of Bases Lecture given by Harald Kautz Vella regarding the latest findings of what the Chemtrail program is delivering to the people of this Earth. Morgellons fungus infecting most (if not all) on the planet to serve as an antennae array to transmit individual’s DNA to be tracked...
Excerpt of Bases Lecture given by Harald Kautz Vella regarding the latest findings of what the Chemtrail program is delivering to the people of this Earth. Morgellons fungus infecting most (if not all) on the planet to serve as an antennae array to transmit individual’s DNA to be tracked by satellite. Implemented through dissemination of Smart Dust, testing done in the Iraq War.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
SHASTA, CA Hearing on Covert Chemtrail Operation
http://uniteordie-usa.com/shasta-ca-hearing-on-covert-chemtrail-operation/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/IR4jawnS8Ss/0.jpg SHASTA, CA Hearing on Covert Chemtrail Operation Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board Discussing GEOENGINEERING CHEMTRAILS R-7 Expert Testimony Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist Francis...
Public hearing July 15th, 2014 Shasta County Air Quality Management Board Discussing GEOENGINEERING CHEMTRAILS R-7 Expert Testimony Dane Wigington opens the argument with the destructive chemtrails overall view., USAF Weatherman/Wildlife Biologist Alan Buckman,Biologists-scientist Francis Mangels, Airline Pilot Jeff Nelson discusses the contrail VS Chemtrail, Neurologists, Russ Lazuka USAF Vet talks about Evergreen Aviation, Planes with no passengers on board, no squack codes (more formally transponder code), a four-digit number sent out by an aircraft’s , and over a mile long chemtrails Dr.Frank Lavosse also a pilot (steps in for Fred Meyers) talks about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, Mass. talks about those employees who load these planes are in Hazmat outfits, 25% increase in lung problems because of micronized aluminum, Mark MacCandlish, secret clearance in USAF, consultant to Aerospace Companies, worked on classified systems discusses the size of NANO and what it means. MacCandlish states: ” When you look up at the sun and you see a white haze, that is aluminum floating in the air right now, and it’s coming from the aircraft.” He also discussed how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air. NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems. ,Dr. Steve Davis resident of 30 years of Shasta speaks of the contaminants. “People that are loading their planes with the chemical are dressed in complete hazmat outfits,” one man said at the meeting, according to KCRC. “So if this is not harmful, why are they in a complete hazmat outfit?” The Shasta County board voted to send information from the meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board, as well as legislators. They plan to see if a local national park has access to equipment that can measure nanoparticles in the environment to measure the potential for chemicals. “They say they have a lot of science, they presented us a lot of information and I think it’s important for us to have that public discussion,” Supervisor Pam Giacomoni said of the group that spoke at the meeting, according to the Record Searchlight.http://www.theblaze.com/ Other discussions: The ultimate issue goes beyond the board of Supervisors Federal and States codes, regulations,& limitations and policies were discussed. Air Quality Management issues rules, development, maintenance of monitoring equipment etc. The district feels that this is beyond there local capacity regarding the complaints filed today. He stated that aluminum is monitored. Other items Discussed were reduction of diesel vehicle emissions through grant programs ( retrofitting or replacing engines) and he stated that the expert testimonies today may very well be attributed to diesel emissions as well. Conclusion: Air Quality Management District took a vote and it was unanimous to further look into the matter of nano aluminum environmental disaster caused by chemtrails, and a DEMAND for a response.
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Chemtrails are LEGAL Under Patriot Act
http://uniteordie-usa.com/chemtrails-are-legal-under-patriot-act/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/E4Ys5DTGssE/0.jpg Chemtrails are LEGAL Under Patriot Act I tried to at least add a few points not often discussed in typical chemtrail videos so as not to be redundant, and maybe you can use this information to wake others up to the fact of their purpose and reality. In order to understand what is really happening behind the curtain of the deep...
I tried to at least add a few points not often discussed in typical chemtrail videos so as not to be redundant, and maybe you can use this information to wake others up to the fact of their purpose and reality. In order to understand what is really happening behind the curtain of the deep state, or shadow government, chemtrails are the easiest to see with your own eyes and at least start asking questions. *SHASTA, CA Hearing on Covert Chemtrail Operation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR4ja…
*Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR6KV…
*Ted Gunderson – Former FBI Head – Stop The “Death Dumps” (Chemtrails) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9v9U…
*Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/te…
*Morgellons & Smart Dust Infect Individuals to be Tracked via Satellite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvNDk…
*Lookoutfa Charlie YouTube channel (chemtrail cures) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QI…
*My CHEMTRAILS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
*GeoEngineering Watch http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
*Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health http://www.globalresearch.ca/chemtrai…
*Stop Spraying California: Chemtrails – What Are They Spraying? http://stopsprayingcalifornia.com/Wha…
*If You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again: Here’s What They Really Are http://www.collective-evolution.com/2…
*The Eight Major Chemtrail Types http://globalskywatch.com/stories/my-…
*Create Anything You Want With Programmable Matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN7BU…
*(Search) Experiments on Public by Government https://www.google.com/search?q=exper…
*Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Cover Off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=10890
*Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=5778
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
The Cooking of Humanity ~ Deborah Tavares Interviews Scientist Barrie Trower
http://uniteordie-usa.com/the-cooking-of-humanity-deborah-tavares-interviews-scientist-barrie-trower/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/JfR1TXYqPSg/0.jpg The Cooking of Humanity ~ Deborah Tavares Interviews Scientist Barrie Trower Scientist Barrie Trower – StopTheCrime.net www.stopthecrime.net/trower.html
Scientist Barrie Trower – StopTheCrime.net www.stopthecrime.net/trower.html
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
ALERT: Climate Engineering out of control
http://uniteordie-usa.com/alert-climate-engineering-out-of-control/ http://uniteordie-usa.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Water-Vapor-2017-09-12-600x335.png ALERT: Climate Engineering out of control If you live in USA you may have noticed recently the weather is really weird.  As this is not being widely reported in the ALT media, we felt an obligation to start a conversation.  So let’s lead into this with a bombastic statement – Raytheon (RTN) controls the weather.  How is this...
If you live in USA you may have noticed recently the weather is really weird.  As this is not being widely reported in the ALT media, we felt an obligation to start a conversation.  So let’s lead into this with a bombastic statement – Raytheon (RTN) controls the weather.  How is this possible you say?  Let’s start with a background on GeoEngineering / Climate Modifcation whatever you call it.  There’s basically one site, well documented, that has a list of information and documents including but not limited to laws passed by the US Senate, Patents filed on climate modification technology, and related issues, start with the documents section here.
This recent ZH article outlines the latest info bits from the winter freeze.
So why do ‘they’ do this you ask?  There are several clear answers to this.  Like anything, follow the money.  America, Inc. has commercialized everything from child care to even the weather.
Weather Wars are one of many new next generation military tactics used against US enemies.  Imagine the plausible deniability!  If you look at US enemies, for example North Korea, it hasn’t rained there in years.  The famine, blamed on the nut job leader, is really a result of the lack of rain.  Farms have not been able to grow crops in 12 years.  It was successful, to the point that it accomplished what it set out to. You can see a similar theme in Iraq, Cuba, and other enemies high on the list.  We’re not criticizing US Military strategy here, actually it’s extremely intelligent.  We’re just pointing out that for Military applications, manipulating the weather has obvious benefits.  (See this published report – “Owning the Weather”)
Commerce.  Under the military economic thinking, destruction is creation.  It’s a paradoxical doctrine but yet it persists in the culture of the Army which by the way is 60% private.  Yes that’s right, the majority of the military are corporations, public and private, like Raytheon (RTN), Lockheed (LMT), and many others.  This is a big category so we’re going to have to break this down into:
Environmental cleanup.  Here’s how it works, big industry pollutes the environment.  Real capitalism involves the creation of toxic waste.  The civil rights movement and labor laws have prevented most abuses of employees at least in the USA (compared to what it was 100 years ago) however big corporations just mostly moved offshore.  However it did little for the environment.  Factories, automobiles, overcrowded cow pastures, poorly maintained nuclear facilities, and hundreds of other hazards are slowly destroying the planet.  One purpose of climate engineering programs is to reverse some of these effects, the topic for another article.  By creating an artificial haze in the air, with various metals, it would create an additional layer of protection and potentially ‘cool’ the planet to counterbalance an overall warming trend (or something to that affect).  Practically there is not enough public data to make proper analysis so we’re not going to bother searching.  This is all done on a private basis.
Destroy/Rebuild.  South Florida and Houston and Southern California have been severely damaged.  With the exception of the insurance industry, contractors and companies like Bechtel are going to make a fortune.  Emergencies get Federal funds too, and it’s not something that someone can have a problem with as far as releasing the budget – it’s always approved.  Who wants to deny some poor family FEMA funds to rebuild their house after a major storm?  It’s just a way to get money for rebuilding something that should have been built properly in the first place.  People who live in South Florida in wood houses on the beach should not be surprised if a Hurricane destroys it.
Weather dependent commodities.  When the last Hurricane pummeled South Florida the price of FCOJ went through the roof.  Now, as this recent storm freezes the Northeast, it’s NatGas that’s exploding.  There’s no telling how this information can be used to gain an edge in markets, or to influence some business one way or another (either by destroying the competition, or by helping the repair companies gain business).  There’s a number of strategies afoot here.  We don’t have access to their operations manuals, obviously, so we can only guess.  But we can put our bets that whoever stands to gain, whoever is profiting, is somehow involved (even if indirectly) with this deal.  You can note that when there’s a big storm Raytheon (RTN) stock gets a little boost.
Unknown Goals.  There can be PsyOps at play here, or a number of political goals, or something like how Howard Hughes bought up property along the San Andreas fault line waiting for ‘the big one’ to break off California into the sea, leaving him with beachfront property.  The weather is a powerful force and there can be vast power and riches for those who control it.  This is probably why this is such a secret!
Possibly, a whistle-blower will come forward with some evidence.  Everything presented here logically is based on circumstantial and anecdotal evidence.  The 1996 paper published by the Air Force was a research paper, and the Air Force has come out publicly multiple times stating this is not policy and this was just ‘theoretical.’  We haven’t had an Edward Snowden event for geo engineering, but perhaps we will.
The most compelling evidence is right above us.  Look up in the sky.  For those over 30 years old and especially for those 60 and older, that cannot recall ‘contrails’ from the 70s (If ‘chemtrails’ are just jet ‘contrails’ why didn’t they exist in the 70s and 80s and early 90s?)
Why has the weather in USA been so GOOD and so BAD particularly in US enemies?  They are not ‘clients’ of the program?
This global map is revealing:
Here’s two well researched articles for further reading:
So in conclusion, is this really a ‘bad’ thing?  Not necessarily, just like with any black project, the ultimate conflict exists, and will persist, as long as such programs remain in the dark.  Until they come out in public, it’s probably a good idea to add the following stocks to your retirement portfolio:  RTN, GD, BA (LON), COL, LLL …
The chance that these businesses will ‘cannibalize’ due to a Bitcoin paradigm shift or any other are slim to none.  They have an artificial self-created business engine that practically guarantees that as long as the current US government exists in its current form, which it will likely for hundreds of years – there will be ‘enemies’ and ‘weather’ and many other problems only these companies can solve.  And if there is peace, and good weather, they will create wars, and storms.  Hey – they need to put food on the table.
For a good look at how the world really works, checkout Splitting Pennies www.splittingpennies.com (and Splitting Bits, the sequel)
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
The Simulation Hypothesis — Why Quantum Physics, AI, and Eastern Mystics Agree We Are In A Video Game
http://uniteordie-usa.com/the-simulation-hypothesis%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8awhy-quantum-physics-ai-and-eastern-mystics-agree-we-are-in-a-video-game/ https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*xVvAoqo4H_5sPJ3QtKGFLA.png The Simulation Hypothesis — Why Quantum Physics, AI, and Eastern Mystics Agree We Are In A Video Game An MIT trained computer scientist and Silicon Valley video game designer gives 10 reasons for the “Simulation Hypothesis”: that our reality is a simulated, pixelated 3d world where we all have individual xp, levels, and quests run by some giant Artificial Intelligence Recently, the idea that we m...
An MIT trained computer scientist and Silicon Valley video game designer gives 10 reasons for the “Simulation Hypothesis”: that our reality is a simulated, pixelated 3d world where we all have individual xp, levels, and quests run by some giant Artificial Intelligence
Recently, the idea that we may be living in a giant video game, or as it’s sometimes called, the Simulation Hypothesis, has gotten a lot of attention because of prominent figures like Elon Musk who have openly discussed the idea. As Virtual Reality technology has gotten more sophisticated, we are starting to contemplate virtual worlds like that of the omni-present Oasis in Ready Player One, soon to be a blockbuster movie directed by Stephen Spielberg.
Some like sci fi writer Philip K. Dick, believed strongly that we were living in a kind of simulation. Others, like futurist Ray Kurzweil, have popularized the idea of downloading our consciousness into a silicon based device, which would mean we are just digital information after all. Some, like Oxford lecturer Nick Bostrom, goes further and thinks we may in fact be artificially simulated consciousness inside such a simulation already!
Science Fiction Or Mysticism?
Like my first exposure to most great ideas, I discovered the Simulation Hypothesis through watching and reading too much science fiction.
The first time was during an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, where a holo-deck character realized that he was in a simulation and that some of the people in the simulation existed “out there” (in this case, out there was the rest of the Enterprise) and he wanted to go there, too! Was it possible that we were in a “holo-deck-like” space and that there was another world “out there”, I wondered?
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A Star Trek character in the Holodeck realizes that he is in a simulation
Although this was only a passing thought at the time, it wasn’t until the movie the Matrix was released in 1999 that the idea grew in the popular consciousness. It occurred to me then that this kind of simulation could exist with or without the overlords that make this a nightmare scenario (in both the Matrix and Elon Musk’s version of the giant video game, there are super-intelligent overlords behind the simulation, in one case evolved machines and in another aliens!).
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The Matrix planted the idea in the popular consciousness that we are in a simulated reality
As a computer scientist and video game designer, I have to admit that this idea is not really that crazy. A civilization that implemented an advanced simulation like ours might be many thousands (even millions) of years ahead of us; it’s not that hard to imagine such a civilization creating much more sophisticated games than we are capable of building today.
As I started to study Quantum Physics and its startling revelations about the nature of “objective” vs. “subjective” reality, I started to wonder again about the idea of a giant multi-player video game. Moreover, as I delved more into the Eastern traditions, particularly Yogic and Buddhist philosophy, I found that their ideas about the nature of the world were actually pretty consistent with the idea that we are living in a simulation.
Why Might This Be A Video Game After All
Let’s delve into the top reasons why we may be living in a simulation after all:
1. Pixels, Resolution, Virtual and Augmented Reality
One of the main arguments that Musk makes is that a more advanced civilization will have games that are of very high resolution — so high that we would be unable to distinguish between the “real” world and a “simulated one”.
Today we are already seeing with Virtual Reality that “full immersion” is possible. Anyone who has played a convincing VR game will realize that it’s possible to forget about the real world and “believe” the world you are seeing is real.
As a great example, I was playing a prototype of a Ping Pong VR game last year (built by Free Range Games), and even though it wasn’t realistic resolution, I lost myself and thought I was playing ping pong for real. So much so that I set the paddle on the ping pong “table” and leaned against the table. Of course it was a VR table so it didn’t really exist — I ended up dropping the paddle (actually the Vive controller) onto the floor. As I leaned into the “table” I almost fell over before realizing that there was no table. In other words, to quote from the Matrix, there is no spoon.
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In Ready Player One, a realistic immersive virtual reality world, Oasis, becomes the ultimate escape
Imaging what kind of pixel resolution we might have in a hundred years, let alone in a thousand years! It could be pretty convincing. Also, as AR technology evolves to project onto the retina without needing external glasses, we could be seeing things around us that aren’t really there in a resolution that’s indistinguishable from the physical world. This brings up the idea that the world “out there” could really be just a projection in our minds.
read more: https://hackernoon.com/the-great-simulation-why-quantum-physics-artificial-intelligence-and-eastern-mystics-all-agree-b6c185213a18
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years ago
Meet the Southern Poverty Law Center
http://uniteordie-usa.com/meet-the-southern-poverty-law-center/ http://img.youtube.com/vi/WRaC1IYpJPw/0.jpg Meet the Southern Poverty Law Center SHOW NOTES: Latest top trend: #merrychristmas, also trending: #christmas HateTracker.io Hate is a Racket: SPLC Caught Funneling Millions Overseas Read More: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-132-meet-the-southern-poverty-law-center
SHOW NOTES: Latest top trend: #merrychristmas, also trending: #christmas
Hate is a Racket: SPLC Caught Funneling Millions Overseas
Read More: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-132-meet-the-southern-poverty-law-center
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