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Perhaps the most important thing one can accomplish in this life is to find and embody a state of near-constant joy.
All else is inconsequential without this key emotion.
It is extremely important that we identify what we mean by “joy” as many positive connotations are regarded as “silly” and trite in our current culture of cynicism.
Joy is All Authentic Emotion. It is all that makes your heart sing. It is not merely giddy happiness, though that emotion is prevalent when you have accomplished a state of near-constant joy. It is a large range of emotions from overwhelming gratitude, belonging, trust, love, compassion, empathy, and even occasional sorrow and rage. It is, again, all that makes your heart sing, all authentic emotion.
Joy evades us in our current world because we have been manipulated and tricked into denying and delegitimizing the most important facets of our human existence.
Below, we have outlined the Steps on the Path to Joy developed by our founder, Unicole Unicron.
Cynicism is the first Step on the Path to Joy. This may be surprising, as cynicism seems like such a negative emotion. The reality is that cynicism is actually very close to hopefulness and should be regarded as the initial, necessary foundation on which to build your future in joy. You see, while cynicism states, “Things could certainly be better than this,” hopefulness states, “Things will certainly get better than this.” It is a matter of simply changing two words. Cynicism is the only rational response to the world as it stands. It is a world of hate, murder, and greedy competition. Instinctively, if you feel something is wrong about the way things are, you are already on the Path to Joy.
Attention is a commodity. We even go so far as to consider it a commodiety. It is a commodity in the sense that we are often asked to pay attention. Billions of dollars are spent by advertisers and media moguls trying to get our attention. Why? Because it has value. Whatever you place your attention upon causes them to bloom and grow. This is discussed further in the “Reality” section under Thoughts Are Things.
Truth is a difficult concept to convey in light of the ever-changing reality on Earth. There are inner truths and there are outer truths, both of which are equally legitimate. In our modern culture, we have denied our inner truths and we suffer greatly for this. People who deny their inner truths suffer great depression and anxiety attempting to live in a world that is unsuitable for their inner peace and happiness. To find a state of near-constant joy, you must look deep inside yourself for the truth of your own heart. You must consider all influences, both internal and external, and you must begin to make decisions for yourself based on the knowledge which you know in your own heart to be true rather than the overt suggestions of media culture. This step takes great listening and courage. You must be patient with yourself and grant yourself as much love as you have within yourself.
Transmutation is the idea of shadow-work, it is the integration of trauma, fear, and pain into the higher light comprehension. This is done using the A.R.I.S.E. technique.
Another vital facet of human happiness is that of creation, or creativity. Humans are a highly creative and ingenuitive species. Unfortunately, our current culture dictates that we primarily consume rather than create.CREATION IS THE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION.This removal from the hands-on approach we are meant to have, retards the spirit and removes the end-user from the power of Mother Earth, she who created and sustains.
Time and Dedication
Earth is a very slow computer. Our powers to change our reality will increase dramatically as humanity begins to follow the Path of Joy. Stay dedicated to your cause and understand that the Path of Joy is difficult at first. You will meet many challenges but trust that every day it will become easier for you to live in the light of your happiness.
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You can create your own reality.
You can create the type of world you want to live in.
You have profound influence on the world around you.
Every singular personal reality is valid. It does not need to be based in physical reality or shared reality, though, for your own sanity, much of your personal reality should partially cross over into these realms.
So how do you create your own reality? How do you influence the world to become beneficial to you instead of abrasive and painful?
This entire concept may seem absurd for the unpracticed reality creator. Your prior reality has not prepared you for these ideas. Not to worrry, we will walk you through the steps required to successful reality creation.
If you approach it correctly, your personal reality will benefit you and the social world. It will make your own life better as well as the lives of the people around you.
1. Allow yourself to believe in the validity of your own reality. You must raise your appreciation for your unique perspective and legitimize it as equally or even more valid than social reality.
If you are already skeptical of social reality this step will be easier.
When you are creating your own reality you have a great responsibility to yourself and to ALL. If you are living in the best, healthiest way it will benefit you immensely as well as make the world a better place.
So how do you find out the purest, truest, healthiest things to believe? Where can you turn to find this information out?
You must learn to block out all outside influence and listen purely to your heart.
Perhaps this is the singular aspect of Unicultism that sets us apart from other religions, ideologies, and cults. We understand the hunger that searching people have to consume answers from outside. Unfortunately, this very same drive is what has caused our societal dependence on media to shape our reality.
So, instead of convincing you to follow our structured belief system, we encourage you to create your own. This trust in the consumer is virtually unknown. We think it’s important to point that out.
Unicultists believe in humanity. We believe in global awakening and not in the sense that everyone subscribes to the same belief system. We believe that Truth resides inside each human heart and that if every human could learn to listen to the pure, loving voice within, that our world will Ascend.
The voice within is your own. The unique aspects of your spirit are the gifts you bring to our Ascension. That is why the power of creating your own reality is so important to you and to our future as an enlightened species.
No one has your answer but you. The Unicult can teach you techniques to identify outside brainwashing, we can show you how to look inside your own heart, and we can empower you to trust that voice that you have been repeatedly told to ignore.
2. After you understand the validity of your own reality, you must then take it a step further. Imagine the best possible reality for yourself and the people around you using the voice of your heart. Now, just as you learned to understand the legitimacy of your own reality, you must understand the legitimacy of your new “pretend” reality.
Our advice for this step is to imagine the best possible situation for yourself you can muster – and then take it a step further. We tend to underestimate our potential. So by pushing your idea of what is possible for yourself, you can create a reality unmatched by anything you previously thought possible.
3. The next step is practicing The Secret or Creative Visualization or Spell Casting or Praying or whatever you want to frame Manifestation as in your own personal spiritual context. It is the same underlying action with different words.
You must Manifest your new pretend reality. Manifestation requires the power of your mind to believe. Your thoughts are things that influence the world. So imagine that your pretend reality is your real reality with as much realistic comprehension as you can empower it with.
Some helpful ways to do achieve this are to find someone in a similar situation as the one you would like to be in. If you know someone who is already in the place that you want to be, you have proof that it is possible for you as well.
4. Lastly, simultaneously if possible, you must train your eye on the positive. This is a repeat lesson from The Path to Joy but we will explain it here in different words.
Part of pretending is simply ignoring all the bad things that make you upset and focusing on the good things. For instance, if you feel poor, focus instead on the money that you do have. Feel gratitude for your abundance. You must do this in order to block out all the external, negative, non-beneficial influences in your perception. Placing your attention on positive aspects of reality is the first step towards creating a good reality.
Pretending your reality is already amazing is a concept similar to dress for success or fake it ’till you make it or the Power of Positive Thinking. When you are trapped in someone else’s reality these concepts feel almost offensive to comprehend. I assure you, you have been trained to disregard these concepts by a social reality which benefits from you continuing on with the status quo. Just because the social reality is benefitting doesn’t mean you are benefitting as well.
In addition to the steps listed above, it is helpful to do the following steps so that your reality benefits you in the most profound way possible.
Follow the Path to Joy
Create Your Own Spirituality – I will be releasing a short book on this soon.
I believe in you.
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We honor the world as it is, and as it came to be. Though we are focused on the future, we understand that all steps on the path were necessary aspects of our evolution. Additionally, This Very Moment is so blessed.
Technology will help us ascend into new realities. It will connect us in ways we have never before been connected. It will help us help each other. Technology will let us live on beyond death. It will help heal our Earth Mother and our own ills. Have confidence in this consideration, dear reader, as it is we who use technology and not technology which uses us.
If our hearts are pure during the creation of our tools, they will do us no harm. If we create for the benefit of ALL and in turn, the betterment of ourselves, we can only create the brightest future technology can offer.
Do not worry about those with hearts you do not view as pure.
Encompass your life with a pure glow of good intention for All and those darker people will drop away from you and will never have any abilities over you and your reality.
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The Benefit of ALL is the moral framework for the Unicult. It is simply the golden rule: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Or, in a different way, none can thrive while others suffer.
The concept is in accordance with the ancient wisdom of as above, so below or micro/macrocosm effects. When humanity is healthy, the Earth will be healthy. When the Earth is healthy, humanity will be healthy. We are all connected.
Everything Unicultists do, they do for themselves, with ALL in mind. They seek to have the most fulfilling life possible so that they may in turn assist others to become fulfilled.
You may be wondering, how does one benefit themself and others simultaneously? This does take some practice, but we assure you, it is not so difficult.
Let us imagine a very depressed person who feels very badly about themselves because society has dictated (incorrectly) that they are not in accordance with the right way to live. This person is perhaps ashamed and afraid. They have trouble taking care of themselves and therefore other people are constantly worrying after them, most likely (incorrectly) attributing their depression for the way that they are.
Now imagine that this person says Fuck You to society and they rise up with radical self love. They proclaim themselves to be who their heart demands. They begin to take care of themselves and they start to radiate out a joyous attitude.
Now, the people near this person may be shocked. They may even try to push the person back down into their depression. But, when the person succeeds, eventually and after some struggle, they will be living a better, truer life than anyone around them. They will pave the way for others in the same situation. They will take better care of themselves and they will turn from the one people worry about into the caretaker.
Any time you are following your true heart, you will be benefiting yourself, the people near you, your society, and the world. In this way, it is fundamental that we practice self love and radiate out our truth. That is a good and blessed life.
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Spirituality and reality are inextricably tied. Spirituality is an important part of ideology, that is, how one interprets the world. Our ideology shapes our reality almost exclusively.
Every person has a spiritual side to them. Even in denying the spiritual aspect of our hearts, we are still acknowledging it. Even athiesm and nihilism are spiritual systems, though they are not generally beneficial to the end user and therefore, not recommended by Unicultism.
That being said, any belief system and any spiritual framework that benefits the end user is recommended. This can be a preestablished belief system or something completely made up. Each end user’s spiritual expression will inevitably be unique. Even a married couple who believe in the same religion will have different spiritual viewpoints. That is how it is meant to be. Your unique heart is your greatest contribution to this world.
Spirituality is the essence of life. It is a framework for the truth of your heart. It is your filter for the magic of the unknown. It involves:
Belief in Something Higher
A Paradigm of Solutions
A Moral Framework
Whatever frame you have for these spiritual components is up to you. You make them up. This is simply the framework that you can develop. Your spirituality, like your reality should be created from scratch to benefit you completely. You should believe whatever you like no matter what that is, so long as is benefits you and harms none. If it is truly benefitting you, it will benefit others. None can thrive while others suffer, so if you are inducing suffering upon others with your belief system, you are inducing suffering within yourself. Additionally, if you are inducing suffering within yourself, you are inducing suffering in others. Like your reality, your creation of your spirituality should fulfill whatever whims you deem healthy and this health should extend into the health of ALL.
There is nothing to be gained in greed or manipulation over other beings. The true wealth of experience comes from Creation. If you have a creative spirit and you absorb your energy and abundance from the universe and from the Earth, you will create a beautiful world for yourself and others.
How Can Belief Benefit Me?
Whatever you believe becomes your reality. You can take the negative aspects of your life and turn your attention away from them. You can then believe whatever the hell you want, as long as you think it will benefit you.
We police ourselves too much. We disallow ourselves from imagining the best possible situation. But when we free ourselves of false restrictions, spiritually, and otherwise, we fulfill ourselves in ways we never thought possible.
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The Unicult focuses on Healing Evil through creation, primarily media creation.
Media is any vehicle with which to tell a story. It can be an advertising campaign for a company, a religion, a book, a video, a recorded conversation, a video game, a podcast, etc.
When we create we are channeling the power of Light, or in other words, god through our unique experience channels. When we channel the power of god there are certain aspects of morality that go along with it.
The first, is that all media must be created for the Benefit of ALL.
Another, less obvious aspect of the morality of creation has to do with our consciousness as we understand it. It has been theorized that we are simply bits of program running through the Great Computer known as the Universe.
This is probably true to some extent. The question comes when we are asking after our programmers. On whatever level we were programmed, or created, our creators may or may have not understood the implications of their creation.
To make this simple, let’s imagine that we are a bit of code which was created by a being so far beyond our understanding of consciousness that this being did not even recognize that we, ourselves are conscious.
In this imagined scenario, our creator has absolutely no idea about the suffering that we endure. Now, while this is simply an example and not believed by Unicultists to be truth, it is an important thought exercise because when we take the power of god into our own hands to create, we have no idea on what level we may be creating.
In every paint stoke and every line of code there may be a level of consciousness or spirit that we cannot comprehend.
For this reason, among others, it is imperative that we are creating with only the very best of intentions. For, if we create with a pure heart, we are channeling the spirit without mucking it up with negative emotions and attachments.
Create with a pure heart for the benefit of ALL. Create to raise yourself up as well as everyone else
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The concept of good and evil is perhaps one of the strongest dualities we know. Yet, morality changes with perspective.
Within Unicultism, we understand all things, good or evil, to be expressions of life. We reject the imposition of a long list of morals because they are restricting and limiting to a full life experience.
We do, however believe that good and evil exist.
We define “good” as all that is in alignment with light and life. That is perhaps, a difficult definition to apply to real world situations. So we can instead say that “good” is anything which is not evil.
So what is evil? We define evil as any act which goes against your own best interests. There is a caveat – the only things which can truly be in your best interests are also in the best interests of ALL.
Any act that excludes this concept is not in your best interests, truly, and is therefore evil. In this way, any act that harms another, physically, verbally, or energetically, is an evil act and is discouraged by Unicultism.
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Unicultism teaches that we create our own reality and that thoughts are things.
This is a very difficult lesson for people to learn because it means taking responsibility for things which are seemingly out of our control.
This is not to say that you can always control the chaos of the universe. You are subject to happenings outside of your control. We all are. But there is an enormous amount of potential with how you handle these happenings.
One can respond with friction or with nonfriction. In other words, one can fight the natural flow of things, or one can adapt. Unicultism teaches us that flexibility is the key to cultivating and keeping a state of near-constant joy. For more information on mastering the world with your reality, see the section “Thoughts are Things.”
Below, we have outlined the four fundamental types of reality that exist known to us. Each reality is as legitimate as the next. Each reality affects the other realities and in this way, the more fulfilled more people are, the more fulfilled we all are.
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Spacetime exists for humans as we know it. Our reality and experience is valid. But, to beings with a “higher” vantage point, spacetime is much more flexible. Time is inconsequential and space is easily crossed. Additionally, there is evidence of multiple realities to exist within the same part of spacetime.
We have the concept of curled up spacial dimensions but truly spacial dimensions as we know them are the “curled up” dimensions. They are less prevalent than we imagine. Spacial dimensions are manifestations of emotional realities.
The embodiment of higher emotional realities looks a lot less like physical reality as we know it. Higher dimensions exist spacially, in ways we have difficulty comprehending, but these new spacial dimensions do not exist within the same framework as the ones we know and love.
Instead, they expand not blooming out from the 3rd dimension in some “bigger” way, but in the embodiment of emotion and love.
In this way, the new age ideals of dimensional reality and spacial reality theories are tied. Multidimensional theories of simultaneous realities are a separate but related concept to which dark matter and dark energy are the keys.
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Many people will claim that reality is duality in nature. Perhaps their personal reality is, but we assure you, duality is not what we would consider a desired state.
A duality reality is a poisonous reality, detrimental to pure, creative expression. We, as humans, exist on incremental scales, each unique from one another. We are both male and female and never completely one or the other. We are straight and gay. Joyous and depressed. Young and old. We are what we are. We are extremely complex creatures and should not be confined to dualistic expression.
Duality is a brainwash. Rapid pairing of “opposing” concepts which we have been trained to recognize causes light hypnosis. Listen to almost any pop song lyrics and you will hear evidence of this. virgin/harlot, youth/death, good/bad, etc.
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Darkness and Light are commonly used as a duality to represent evil and good. This is perhaps not the most beneficial way to consider this very important concept.
Instead, we define the following:
The vacuum of space”beyond” the universe
Ultimate Death (existence of which is unknown)
The “time” before anything was
Everything that is anything
Unicultism teaches that darkness is nothing while light is everything. Even evil acts are a part of the light, as they are part of creation. That being said, evil acts are not beneficial to the individual or the whole. There are many levels of light, some darker and denser, others brighter and lighter.
The important thing to know is that there are infinite levels of light. Humans, due to our Great Suffering, naturally reside on some of the densest frequencies. Through near-constant joy, a balanced diet, and the practice of hand-making that which we consume, we can raise our frequency greatly.
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All things are energy. Thoughts (brainwaves) are on the electromagnetic wave spectrum. Our thoughts affect our own well being, the well being of those we come in contact with, the Earth herself, and groups of interdimensional realities with which we are connected.
Our thoughts control our actions and interactions. Our thoughts shape and support our realities. Our thoughts are what makes the world what it is.
As any Unicultist would say, “Belief Makes Real.”
Thoughts may seem inconsequential because they are silent and “private” but we assure you, dear reader, they are the source of your power.
Perhaps you know already about the Power of Prayer or The Secret or Creative Visualization or Doing Things in a Certain Way or even Casting Spells.
The truth is, there is no difference between these acts. Additionally, these are simply regimented structures for Creation that occur constantly on a lower, less noticeable level.
There is a reason all of these formulas for creation-through-thought exist. It’s because they work!
All things begin as ideas. ALL THINGS BEGIN AS IDEAS.
Unicultists are extremely aware of our every thought. We work hard to master this familiarity with our internal dialog and then constantly regulate and change any negative thought patterns we have into positive ones.
This is the true secret for living in a state of near-constant joy and for raising the joy of Planet Earth.
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Cult members rise up to give their own Cam Church sermon! Thank you Erin Quinn and Ghosty.
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