undyingserpula · 27 days
well of course darling.. it turns me on so fucking much....
i would give all my money to hurt such a tender body as yours. ♥️
You're.. just trying to flatter me aren't you?
...I'm not supposed to deny any paid requests.. I don't think he would let you hurt me but... It's something...
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undyingserpula · 27 days
your body is so weak, it makes me want to rip you apart ♥️
That's so romantic...
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undyingserpula · 1 month
Bee keeping anon again. You should keep at minimum 5 bees. You could try a like 40 gallon tank with some cardboard to simulate honey comb boxes. Bee time! :)
Oh. Thank you. But I couldn't take care of 5 whole bees...
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undyingserpula · 1 month
I hate these stupid video streams
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undyingserpula · 1 month
The medicine. Do you mean the stuff you administer... or were you put on something?
- 🐝
I am often put on my own mixtures. It keeps me calm.
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undyingserpula · 1 month
i likethe medicine
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undyingserpula · 1 month
Sorry I just saw your bee keeping comment and I thought you'd like to know: you can keep bees! Bees actually are awesome little creatures who do very well under human supervision. They're one of the few animals that actually consent to giving us their products because if they don't like their location or current living situation, they'll move a different location. They also make honey en mass, enough so that it becomes detrimental to the hive if they produce too much. If there's too much honey then the bees will store it to the point that they don't have any space in the combs for brood pods or worker bee space. Bees are very intelligent insects, and one of the few producers of a largely consumed human product that is arguably more ethical with human intervention. Beekeepers help ramp up bee populations through ethical farming and while yes, some beekeepers use unethical means to producing honey, most local honey producers are very serious about the proper treatment of the bees they help. Bees are provided safe warm enclosures and a free honey removal service of excess honey (similar to excess wool on a sheep), in exchange for a substance they produce plenty of.
So I think you should keep bees :)
Oh. I.. I guess I could keep a bee... Just one though. Or are bees like guinea pigs and they need company? Should I have two if any at all?..
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undyingserpula · 1 month
[Donats 500 usd]
Ben over?
...I.. Guess..
[Lawrence sighs while gazing upon the generous donation. His cheeks are bright red from embarrassment, a hand awkwardly rubbing up and down his arm as a stall. He's done humiliating things on camera before, Lord knows he has, but doing it himself, without instruction, was.. It was a lot harder. He thought about refunding it, but knowing Ren Fox reads through everything he does online, that would surely lead to a punishment. He turned on his laptops camera and began to record, seeing something sad, and sickly, and disgusting on screen, before his weak knees lifted him farther from the computer- more for the camera to see. He stared at himself for a very long time. It felt like forever, analyzing each and every bit of himself. He let his bathrobe slip and fall off his shoulder, taking the rest of its weight with it, exposing himself. He had no choice but to work on autopilot. Shaking limbs carried him backwards, a nausea guided him downwards, and his knees spread apart. He didn't think about it. He just thought about how good he's being for Fox. How much love he will gain, for such a simple request. He couldn't force himself to appreciate it.]
[Lawrence allowed the camera to soak him up in several different ways. Whatever angle exposes the most. Whatever shot shows the most of his wrinkles, and his sags, and his skin. He still didn't think about it, instead gathering his robe and tying it tightly to his body, coming back to the computer to review the small video and rip the best shot for this single, disgusting donation. He sat and stared at it. He was paralyzed, watching himself act so.. Crude. Willingly hanging over, exposing his genitals and anus with not a single hint of cover- all because someone paid for it. Through shakes, Lawrence's nose fell into his hand, beginning to weep, bringing the fabric of his robe up to cover his face for some kind of emotional shielding. He spent 17 minutes rocking himself before he was able to upload the photo. Gasping in a watery mess of tears, the man dragged himself away from his computer and crawled into bed, sending his keeper friend text after text after text, asking for comfort and validation.]
'I will not praise you for doing your job.'
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undyingserpula · 1 month
Are you still allowed to make your art?
Yes. I hardly do it on my own anymore though... I do it mostly for the camera now. The viewers like it.. He calls it.. Art therapy.. For the stream... It's an occasional after-show program.
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undyingserpula · 1 month
happy birthday precious 🎈🎂 i hope your day is filled with joy and peace 😌
Thank you..
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undyingserpula · 1 month
Would you like anything for your special day today? Any specific kind of cake you’ve been craving lately, doe?
Oh. I don't.. Know.. I'm.. I don't know about cake. I take only what I am given.
Lemon... I want lemon...
I want.. You.. Too.. You've been so busy.. I miss you..
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undyingserpula · 1 month
see? what a big happy smile from mr vintage
[bunnynusting donated 100]
buy yourself a bday cake my special lil man
...Thank you.
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undyingserpula · 1 month
*bunnybusty donated 100 usd*
Smile for me mr vintange
Tumblr media
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undyingserpula · 1 month
It's my special day.
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undyingserpula · 1 month
i’m not glorifying… just a bit curious about you is all? you’re a precious old man to me
also not trying to worry but you really do pique my interest, i’ll buy the subscription just because you said so ^_^
He will appreciate that very much. Thank you..
That's a lot of money are you sure?
Thank you..
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undyingserpula · 1 month
do you and fox have a lot of soft time together?
- 🐝
Oh yes! All the time. Not as much as we used to but I can tell he's still trying. That's all I need. No one tried before him and no one will try after him. I am loved only by him.
He likes to take me to bed to cuddle... I'm not allowed to cut my hair because it makes me softer...
I love him.
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undyingserpula · 1 month
Hey I need to ask? Why do you like poppy's so much??
Oh... An ask about poppies... I love them. I love what they can provide me. I love using them. I love how they look and how they smell.. They look deceased but continue to live. I've loved them for a very long time so they just feel like a part of me now. I love them... The red ones mainly...
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