ultimate spiderman quotes,memes and headcanons
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 3 months ago
Sorry everyone but I'm going on hiatus for a while
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 5 months ago
Reporter: Who wears the pants in this relationship?
Spider-man,trying to be cool: Me obviously, I'm the original spider and lead three teams
Spiderwoman: If you wear those fat-ass pants then you won't be able to get into mine
Spider-man: :(
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 7 months ago
What do you think about spidey and dagger's friendship?
Peter is tandys wing man.
They like to go through haunted houses together and they scream  like little kids.
Even though I think Tandy is a morning person she sometimes stays up to heal peter after patrol when crime rates rise.
They write a lot of fanfics along side most of the academy students but theirs are by far the most gruesome.  It's kind of not suprising even though they are some of the sweetest teens in the academy.
Triton would probably come with them to the haunted  house one time and one of the workers would think he worked as a monster so he fired him for talking to them.
Even though he had no idea what was happening he wouldn't like the idea of someone not liking his service so he argues to get the job 'back' .
He also easily gets employee of the month.
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 7 months ago
Miles and Cho: *trying to prank Peter by putting tooth paste in oreos*
Peter, takeing a bite: oh, you put tooth paste in these? *continues eating like nothing happened*
Cho: he's a demon
Miles: *faints*
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 8 months ago
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 8 months ago
Random Headcanon
Cloak and Dagger aren't in a romantic relationship, they are more like platonic soulmates.
I also think that Tyrone is aroace and Tandy is lesbian.
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 8 months ago
Could you do a spiderman x clumsy reader fic cuz like peter is carefree but his protective side shows with reader and how he cares with little things 🤗
•Peter would find it quite amusing about how clumsy you are but he will still be concerned about you.
•So like,the two of you would be on a walk together and focused on each other then you walked onto a pole. He would first go and see if you were ok then probably laugh at you (in a friendly way).
•If you were ok then he carried on with the day but kept on making sure you were alright.
•If you weren't then he instantly go to comfort you and fix you up.
•If it wasn't something he could help with he would still be by your side the whole time.
•Once you were up and going again he would be constantly pestering you to make sure you were ok until you would have to tell him to stop.
•But all the poor baby is trying to do is to help you but he just doesn't know when to quit.
•If it's something like constantly cutting yourself with a knife then he'll offer to do it for you but if you deny then he will get a little salty, but that's only because he knows that you would probably hurt yourself and there's something that he can do to stop it.
•But he still understands that you still want to do things for yourself and the truth is that even though he has spider powers, he's still clumsy as shit. So you will both need to patch each other up.
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 8 months ago
How do Ben and Harry get along?
traumatised kid club with daddy issues.
They would get along quite well because Ben is Peter's brother and also they would also bond over having neglectful mad scientist fathers. Harry and Norman are canon but I think that after graduation Ock would realise how badly he treated Ben and try to apologise to him.
I headcanon that Ock and Rosie (Rosie from the Rami verse and comics) were together but after Otto disappeared Rosie moved away. I also think that Rosie and Octavius wanted kids before Otto disappeared, so Otto then only realised too late that all this time he had a kid but he kinda blew it. He would now at least try and make a father\son relationship with Ben(not that Ben would really be in on the idea).  
So Otto and Norman would make some sort of ‘stop being shitty  fathers and stop doing Spider-Man related experiments on your sons ’ club and remake their friendship over trying to get a healthy relationship with their sons while Harry and Ben would help each other process what happened\ happening and how to deal with it ect.
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 9 months ago
Are you taking requests for x reader prompts?
Yes I am!
It doesn't have to be x reader but anyone can request .
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 9 months ago
Harry: Pete doesn't like it when I call him daddy so I call him father
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 9 months ago
Midtown principal before Coulson: I have no choice but to suspend you.
MJ: fine. Here's my badge and gun
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 10 months ago
Reblog this to make the person you reblogged this from Spiderman
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 10 months ago
Miles, walking up besides Ben, speaking overly loud: hmmm.... I need a science fair project
Ben: nuh-uh. He's already as bad as it is *points at Peter* go get your own clone
--- Later ---
Miles, wheeling a glass box into the gymnasium, whips off the cloth from over it to reveal Ben reading a book: Don't let your eyes deceive you, clones really do exist!
Ben rolling his eyes: Your just as bad as Cho and Hydra
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 10 months ago
Fury,holding a whole academy assembly, unawhere of what's about to happen: Let's get down to business
The academy (even Triton,ka-Zar, and Scarlet who have given up on live and just agreed to go along if they heard anyone say it) who have been waiting forever to get this chance: TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 10 months ago
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I just thought of Peter in Black Cat's suit and couldn't let the thought go to waste.
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 10 months ago
Ben: could you do me a favor?
Peter:remember when you tried to kill me?
Ben: you could have just said no
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ultimate-spiderman-stuff · 11 months ago
Random Headcanon pt.2
Since Ben isn't completely alive he can see ghost and likes to go ghost hunting in abandoned buildings at night. He likes to take random people with him, but mostly MJ, Flash, and Miles.
Ben: Morales, are you ready to go?
Miles: umm, where exactly?
Ben,throwing a backpack to him: ghost hunting
Miles, jumping on the back of Ben's motorbike: I knew I wasn't the only one!
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