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62 posts
An inclusive feedback blog about EVERY episode of Andi Mack! We go into depth, joke around, rate, and sometimes rant about specific scenes from the episodes
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
TyrusChat Episode 3 (One Girl’s Trash) is up!
The new podcast for last episode is up! Spend these last few hours before the episode drop listening to a recap with fun commentary instead of stressing over spoiler leaks!
Featuring @ramenbyler is my guest, we cover Andi’s battle with racism, bexie’s relationship drama, jonah’s commitment issues, and the missing side plot!
Listen to the full episode on anchor here
Or on Spotify here
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
TyrusChat: The Podcast
Just a quick update on the podcast if anyone was wondering where episode 3 was! 
We’ve decided to publish new episodes the night before(of if you watch early) the new episodes! That way the podcast is like a recap/refresher of last week before the new one drops. The new episodes will drop about an hour before the episode is released on Directv, that was you have something to distract you while you wait for the drop (or spoilers). 
So look for the new episode, TyrusChat Episode 3: One Girl’s Trash, Thursday night at 8pm PST!
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
TyrusChat: The Podcast, episode 2 is up!
Listen on Anchor, the host website: here
Or on Spotify: here!
This episode covers 3x15 “Unloading Zone” and features guest, @davidsflorenzi (spoilers included!) 
As always, any feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Give it a listen when you have a moment :)
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
TyrusChat: The Podcast
The first episode is up! This is the test podcast so if you wanna listen, feedback is greatly appreciated! 
We’re on Spotify
And based on Anchor.fm 
Hope you guys enjoy and this adds some extra content to your Andi Mack Weekend :) (SPOILERS! obviously)
Normal episodes will be posted right after the new episode premieres live, so 315 will be up then!
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
I’ve actually never been more confused in my LIFE
3x17 - Arts and Inhumanities: Andi learns about a life-changing opportunity; Cyrus counsels Amber about her relationship with Jonah; Buffy has an awkward meeting with Marty’s ex.
3x18 - Something to Talk A-Boot: Andi makes a big decision about her future; T.J.’s act of kindness toward Buffy lands him in trouble; Amber asks Jonah for some space.
3x19 - A Moving Day: Andi and her family take a road trip; while helping Jonah move, Buffy and Cyrus are surprised to learn the identity of his famous mom.
3x20 - We Were Here: When Celia leaves town, Andi and Bex throw another party; Buffy and Cyrus share relationship woes; Andi shares a secret.
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
would others in the fandom be able to join a podcast?
I’m trying to figure it out due to the fact that we really only have 7 episodes left. If I did 2 people an episode I think it could create more fun discussion and then obviously we could have room for more people but then that’s more logistics and figuring things out.
Due to the fact that we would be trying to get the episodes out immediately after the live premiere on TV, i would need to trust that the people on the podcast that week will be able to efficiently do everything properly and create a good discussion. so for now I’m not going to put anything out about signing up... 
BUT if you are REALLY interested and think you would be able to hold a good conversation and efficiently connect to hold the podcast on a Friday morning/afternoon and have a means (and are comfortable) to record your voice and send the file to me: reach out to this account off anonymous (or dm tjswings) SOON and I’ll add you to the discord to discuss further :)
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
just so you know this tumblr has been marked sensitive cause tumblr is dumb
Christ, okay thanks for letting us know!
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
I’ve been thinking of what to do with TyrusChat for the final 7 episodes and I think it would be fun (and honestly less work) to make it a podcast!
There’s no way to do polls on here so maybe just give this a like/reblog/reply if you would find that interesting and give it a listen.
It would be basically a recap of the episode with me and a guest or two right after it premieres online (posted right after TV premiere) that would include reactions and banter, etc. and then have commentary on the end/predictions/hopes etc.
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
may I ask what you mean by lack of participation?
Basically the blog and posts are a contribution of a lot of people who add to a certain frame work I build. Multiple people contribute what they want to lots of different sections and then I got through with Admins and pick the best/funniest things to go on the actual post and I make it look all nice and neat with the colours and categories and everything you saw. 
But in order to do that people needed to get on and add those things, and most of the people that were on the blog weren’t able to do so every week due to other commitments/not waiting to be involved anymore. 
If no one contributes to the blog then there’s nothing really for me to post on here. I might as well just post on my own blog if I have something to say, since the whole point of TC was to have different opinions and comments on an episode all in one place.
That being said, there were still people wanting to help and contribute, but it just really didn’t seem worth it with only 3-4 people on the blog, it was supposed to be a big group thing so it’s fun to read and see all the different voices. It was just kinda sad and unmotivating to go through and only see one or two comments every couple of paragraphs
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Why did you decided to stop making content for Tyruschat?
We had a lack of participation toward the last couple of episodes so doing everything just wasn’t really possible :(  but maybe it can start back up again when episodes return!
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
is tyruschat still active? and/or are you guys still looking for people?
tyruschat is dead but we do have a server where we just talk! https://discord.gg/XBQeJ45
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Join the Tyrus Chat discord server! No contribution to the blog necessary, we are now just a fun server for memes and discussion with people in the fandom! Discord is like a big, free groupchat. There’s a desktop and mobile version so pretty much  anyone can join! :D come meet new friends in the fandom
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
tyruschat would like to announce that jonah’s hair is brown !
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Who is this Sarah person that ppl are saying had an inappropriate interaction with Luke? And where did this rumor start?
Haha, Sarah is me, the TC admin and tbh i literally have no idea where it came from, people are just messing around if it wasn’t clear. They know i think vore is dumb so they’re friendly bullying me. 
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Tyrus Chat is recruiting again!
Hey guys! We’ve had a couple people drop out of the blog and so there are some open spots i’d love to fill ASAP! If you’ve enjoyed the blog so far and feel like you could commit some time to it (and make it better) please consider filling out this interest form! 
Thanks everyone for your patience while we deal with maintenance issues! The next episode should be up soon!
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
Is it Tru that Sarah vored Luke Mullen😡😡
yes thats why hes not filming anymore :(
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tyruschat · 6 years ago
um tea but you are @tyruschat
Um tea @tyruschat are bullies.
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