Turbulent Trio
970 posts
(Independent tri-muse blog for Professor Layton, Luke Triton, and Alfendi Layton. Please read rules before interacting!)
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 7 years ago
Alright lads here’s the business
I’m dropping all threads and clearing out my inbox, it’s time for a fresh start. Gonna redo the theme and make a new promo and then I’m gonna play some diabolical box/maybe icon a bit so get some of that Muse back.
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 7 years ago
Idk man, like you ditch and then you come back asking for money? That seems kinda uncool. I'll donate, though. Sorry for your loss.
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You talk like I don’t know how dickish and desperate I sound. But I mean it when I say that my situation is dire. We have no income anymore. And I’m worried and scared.
I haven’t been gone gone. I’ve been over at @magicmirrored mostly. I just haven’t been on this account.
Sorry if I sound like a complete asshole about this and sound like a beggar asking for money. I’m very aware of what I sound like. And I hate it, but I have to do what I can for my family.
Maybe I’ll try to be back here. I might try replaying the games again.
But for the record, anon.
No one particularly asked you for your opinion on this. You can have it, but maybe you shouldn’t tell the person who’s scared for her and her family’s financial situation and just overall really hates life at the moment.
You can have an opinion. But perhaps keep it to yourself next time.
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 7 years ago
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“You are cordially invited…”
You know of Allen Walker. How could you not know of the old billionaire who made his fortune in metal casting? Maybe you work together as business associates. Maybe you work under him as house staff or a company intern. Maybe you’re related to someone who has connections to him or works for him. Maybe you’re distant family of him. Regardless of how, you soon find a handwritten invitation delivered to you, from Walker himself, inviting you to his annual party at his mansion.
You contemplate going–after all, your feelings towards Walker are not the greatest. He’s slighted you in the past, and you haven’t forgotten. No matter how severe or petty it was, you haven’t forgotten. Nor have you forgiven.
But this was an exclusive party, a once in a lifetime experience. Maybe you can look past your past grievances for one night of fun. And, for a few hours, it is fun.
Then someone finds Walker dead.
Keep reading
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 7 years ago
Hey guys. As many of you know by now, my father died unexpectedly last Friday. I’ll be honest and say that we have absolutely no money to spare right now. He worked two jobs and was our only source of stable income. There’s the cremation to pay for, as well as any incoming hospital/ambulance bills. We have essentially nothing to give.
If anyone can spare any amount of money, saying we appreciate it wouldn’t be strong enough to convey our thanks. You can reblog this to spread it around if you can’t spare anything, it would be incredibly appreciated.
Even through all the mistakes he made in his life, my father was a good man and I’m glad that the last few months of his life were happy. I loved him so, so much.
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
(Hey, all.
So I know I haven’t been very active on here at all, and I’m sorry for that. I’ve been finishing up work and reveling in my newfound freedom from commissions. That, and I’ve had no real will to write. However, now my family’s hit a bit of a snag, and I could really use the assistance.
My father lost his job due to reasons I will not divulge, and now things are stressful and hectic. While we can stay afloat for some time until he gets another job, I will be leaving for college very soon. The more commissions I get, the more money I can collect and use not only to make more things but also alleviate the pressure on my family so that I can actually eat in college, along with getting other college supplies (such as books) and paying for transportation.
If you look at my prices and say “that’s a bit too much for my budget, but I still want to help!” then perhaps you could consider buying me a coffee--essentially, you can donate the price of a coffee to me ($3 USD). I may not be able to do much in return if you do that, but I would be incredibly grateful. If you can’t/don’t want to part with any money, just a reblog would be very much appreciated.
Thank you all for your time.)
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
I don’t really know where I stand in people’s lives… One minute they treat me like I’m someone special, then nothing the next
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(Hey, nonnie. I’m sorry that this is rather late--personal things going on.
Those people that treat you like that? They aren’t deserving of you. You are worth far more than what they treat you like. If they play around with your emotions like that, intentionally or unintentionally, talk to them about it. If they express remorse and promise to change, give them a chance. If they don’t make an effort to change, or if they initially get defensive and try to make you seem like the unreasonable one, drop them immediately.
Life’s too short to surround yourself with assholes. You have every right to leave the people who don’t make you happy.)
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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Fear not, London, for the Laytons are on the case!
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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“No I haven’t,” a sigh left her. “But I just can’t give up on Father, you know?” It had been awhile since her father left, but she was determined to keep looking for him.
“He has to be somewhere, it’s just finding out where he could be….I suppose you haven’t found anything out either?” She wasn’t even sure if Alfendi was even looking.
                                          {   ⅀  ?   ���  ?   ∪ }
“I know, Kat...” Alfendi ran a hand through his hair. “Sadly, I don’t have any new information either. The Yard keeps Lucy and I rather busy. It gets difficult to gather information when there’s very little downtime.”
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“I’m sure that wherever he is, he’s engrossed in some puzzle or mystery. You know how he is.”
Truthfully, Alfendi’s efforts to search for their father has lessened with each passing day. It was just like Father, to leave them a mystery of a disappearance--only this time, there wasn’t even a scrap of information to go off of.
“Have you heard anything from Flora?”
                                           {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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   “Not the most hospital? Guess you’re short on patients today, huh.”
                                          {   ⅀  ?   ⍙  ?   ∪ }
“Patches--” It was then that Alfendi shot up just a little too fast, and the back of his head smashed against one of the panels.
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Rest in fucking pieces, Al.
                                           {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
Well, that’s only looking at Placid. Looking at Potty, however, reveals that his hair is more clearly red.
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And Potty technically being the “original” Alfendi, I think it’s safe to say that Alfendi’s a redhead, and that his hair just gets a little more muted when Placid to make it easier on the audience to discern between the personalities.
Al’s hair is like, a weird red-purple kinda color. 
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??? Alfendi, you’re grand, but I can’t quite discern your hair color for the life of me.
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
                                         {   ♜  ?   ♞  ?  ♟ }
Layton couldn’t find it within himself to not be worried out of his head when Claire asked to meet with him.
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Her tone of voice set him off the most; she sounded almost scared. She was nervous and anxious because of what she wanted to tell him. What could possibly be unnerving her so much?
All Layton could think to do was gently take Claire’s free hand in his and give her a warm smile.
“Claire, you know you can tell me anything. And you know that it does not matter what it is; I will love you nonetheless.”
                                          {  ���  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
{Starter for @twotruegentlemen ’s Hershel!} 
“Hershel, thank you, for coming. It… only felt right to discuss this face to face.” Claire bit her thumb when she said this, finding herself unable to look her boyfriend in the eyes. 
She… knew she would eventually have to have this conversation with him; it was an inevitability. But after all of these time years thinking about her words and what she was going to say, it still didn’t calm her nerves. 
…But Claire had to tell him now, rather than later, to save from future grief and disappointment. 
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“There is… something important about myself I have to admit to you. Something that… now that we’ve… we’ve come this far, I-I feel is only right to say.”
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
                                           {   ⅀  ?   ⍙  ?   ∪ }
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Alfendi is very, very proud of his sister. He’s not going to bother to try and hide it.
                                            {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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(also ftr I will be slow for a bit bc I’m trying to complete Lady Layton on mobile
Gotta get all those Secret Deets)
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
                                           {   ⅀  ?   ⍙  ?   ∪ }
“... I presume you have no further clues on Father’s disappearance, Kat?”
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At this stage, Alfendi wasn’t even surprised. It had been quite a while...
                                            {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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Meanwhile the muses are exceedingly confused.
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
                                           {   ⅀  ?   ⍙  ?   ∪ }
It was a difficult day in the Mystery Room.
Poor Lucy was sick, leaving Alfendi short handed. Solving the cases brought to him wasn’t too difficult; it was wading through the vast amount of paperwork. Add that to the Reconstruction Machine choosing to malfunction that particular day, and Alfendi Layton was quickly losing his patience.
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He held himself back from snapping when someone entered the room, but his anger quickly dissolved once he spotted Uendo. From his expression, it seemed that Patches was ‘fronting,’ as it were.
“Ah, hello, Patches.” Alfendi ran a hand through his hair as he readjusted the wires inside the machine. “Forgive me for not exactly being the most hospital, currently. Today happens to be one of those ‘everything will go wrong’ days.”
                                            {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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twotruegentlemen-blog · 8 years ago
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(Alright scrublords like this post for a starter bc I don’t know who’s still active and who isn’t)
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