42 posts
Life’s all about rainbows, unicorns and glitter ✨
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twilightconfetti · 3 years ago
I’ve been feeling myself get worse
Taking 5 steps back than forward
I’m being too hard on myself
For I know I can do better
I’m trying to do the soul work
So I can heal my heart
But it’s been hard
Cuz I feel so scarred
I feel the devil on my shoulder
Screaming louder than ever
To make me go back to my old patterns
To undo all my healing
My mind is in a constant battle with my heart
Should I do what’s right or what’s wrong
Even though wrong feels so good
I feel like I’m losing myself again
There are knots in my stomach
A stone on my heart
My mind feels numb
And my eyes are holding back tears
I hate feeling this way
Like I have no control
Filled with anxieties and insecurities
As I bite away at my lip
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twilightconfetti · 4 years ago
It’s 2am
And I’m standing by the window
I can taste the crisp cold air
As I exhale all my sorrow
My head’s been a mess
My life chaotic
Oh dear god, no!
It’s time to let go
Making room to grow
Filling the spaces in my heart
That were hollow
It’s now my turn at happiness
To feel peace once more
It’s time now
To let go.
-Midnight revelation
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twilightconfetti · 4 years ago
"If you see a bottomless pit make gravity your wings and let go of yourself from the edge, afterall falling is same as flying if it never ends."
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twilightconfetti · 4 years ago
“Stories of past lives are continuously used to counter assumptions of another story. It reminds us that our story is part of a grand jigsaw puzzle. We are part of a larger narrative. Stories of the past impact stories of the present that impact stories of the future. We may not know these stories, but we have played roles in them. We must not assume that the story we encounter, experience or remember is the only story in the world. Our lives are the outcomes of roles performed in other stories. Even if we don’t remember those stories or those roles, we cannot escape their consequences.” -My Gita, Devdutt Pattanaik
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twilightconfetti · 4 years ago
Love in my heart
Fire in my soul
Body finer than a piece of art
Intellect bigger than the black hole
I know how to find joy
When given a rose
Even when your smile wrinkles your nose
Did not learn
How to be someone’s subordinate
My strength can not be ascribed
To an ordinate
Will powerful enough
To move mountains
Judgment right enough
To know they’re beautiful right where they are
Don’t undermine my value
For I can shine brighter than any star.
-Being woman
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twilightconfetti · 5 years ago
An outsider in my home
They look at me like I’m lost
But they don’t know
Never have I been
So grounded in my own zone.
I tiptoe
Around everyone’s feelings
But nobody cares
About what’s in my head
And what I’m seeing.
Caging me
With expensive gifts
And smiley pictures
For Christmas
Only to make me stay
With guilt
Alien to my tears.
I want to fly
And soar high
But they want to control
The color of my wings
And the destination to where I’m going.
I keep waiting
To find a new home
And hoping
That my time will come
But I’m running out of sand
And the fear of disappointing them
Is greater than ever.
Side note: Abuse mentally, physically and/or in any other form is damaging to health. Quarantine times are especially vulnerable for the same and I hope you are keeping yourself safe. Report to the authorities if you feel unsafe in any way or form and don’t be ashamed of talking to a therapist.
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twilightconfetti · 5 years ago
It is not in your hands who you fall in love with, much as it is not in their hands to reciprocate that love. Yes, it’s going to hurt at first but to love them like that, unconditionally, is the most selfless and beautiful forms of love. To want the best for them, to want them to be happy whether it’s with or without you. And it is the most comforting feeling to believe that all this love that you’re putting out in the world will somehow find it’s way back to you. And you need to hope for your dear life that someone someday will love you how you love and it’s going to be the most amazing feeling ever.
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twilightconfetti · 5 years ago
Midnight revelation
It’s 2am
And I’m standing by the window
I can taste the crisp cold air
As I exhale all my sorrow
My head’s been a mess
My life chaotic
Oh dear god, no!
It’s time to let go
Making room to grow
Filling the spaces in my heart
That were hollow
It’s now my turn at happiness
To feel peace once more
It’s time now
To let go.
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
Maybe you’ll be okay, maybe you won’t
But you’ll miss me once I’m gone.
-A letter to the lover who never cared
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
A million buzzing questions
Isn’t it ironic how we keep saying “focus on the present” yet we dwell on the future or past if we’re hurting in the “present”? Why are we so afraid of pain that we go miles and beyond to escape it? Why are we so afraid of breaking and not of moulding into someone we’re not? Why are we so afraid of losing ourselves when we’ve not yet found ourselves? Why do we keep hoping for a better future and not a better version of ourselves? Why do we keep wishing for a happy life without having found inner peace first? Why? Why do we keep running when we don’t know where we’re going yet?
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
“i have finally stopped picking my world apart for you, at least i think i have, at least i am trying my best what is mot disappointing is that underneath all the love i coated you with in my mind, you are a bitter bitter pill a pill i don’t have to swallow anymore”
— i am letting ‘love’ go // justscribbledwords
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
They asked me to spell poison and the only letters that came to my mind were the ones that formed your name.
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
“I feel alone but it’s a little too late to let people in. Maybe not too late, but still, where do you begin? I don’t know where else to go except for this 15 inch screen and the pages of my journal. I don’t even know what I’m feeling when I feel about a million things and nothing at all. The world keeps turning even when your whole universe stood still. The world doesn’t care about you and it hurts to function when it’s marked so deep you can feel it in your chest. Maybe that’s exactly what I’m feeling. Like everyone’s world continues to turn and fall into place whereas mine is stuck and dark and it’ll be all my own fault.”
— excerpt of my journal (via a-quietsoul)
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
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twilightconfetti · 6 years ago
I’m just a passenger in my own thought train.
-riding lost
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twilightconfetti · 7 years ago
blame me for everything — go ahead. it changes nothing.
it won’t change what we’ve done and what we’ve said. it won’t bring water under the bridge. it is time to begin to accept that.
i am no one but me and you are no one but you. this is how the world turns. i know you wish i was a better person, but i am only a human. i am not as forgiving or as patient as you wish i am. i am no one but me. i am sour and acidic and bitter — there is nothing glorious about this. it is time to begin to accept that.
what happened has happened. it is gone, it is done. we are made of different things, you and i — it is time to begin to accept that.
you cannot mend shattered glass. you can put it together, but there will still be cracks left. we have done too much damage to repair things completely. put an end to this foolishness, put an end to this game. we are walking in circles around an all-consuming truth. we are dancing away from what we must accept.
the bridge between us is tattered, nothing left there but a rope, and under this torn rope is poison. we are standing on tiptoes upon a bridge that will fall someday or another. the air is cold and it is foggy and mist is wafting through the sky; this place is dismal and it is toxic. we should leave. i am turning my back, ready to walk away. i take a step, but i keep hearing you call out. i wonder, should i whirl around to face you? (no, i shouldn’t, because the rope is precarious territory and i am barely hanging on and too much movement will rock me down into the abyss of poison below. i know this and yet i stop as i hear your voice.)
the wind whips at my skin and carries your voice here. i want to stay here and respond. i want to say something. i want to tell you it isn’t worth it. but i know i shouldn’t, because it will spark a conversation, which is just more time atop this dreaded rope, more time above these dreaded fumes with green whorls of venom swirling underneath us. the smell is making me dizzy and it takes effort to keep standing here — it is putting strain upon my feet.
i take a step. i hear your voice. i don’t stop. it is easier, now, that i am moving my feet. my other foot moves. i am closer to the end of the rope than ever before. land stands before me, flat ground with nothing under it. it motivates me. there are only a few more steps left — one, then another, and another, and i am one step away when i hear your call again.
but it is vague in the distance. we are far away now. i can only hear your voice, but i cannot decipher the words. my foot moves of its own accord — i take my first step back on steady ground. the other foot follows.
the poison is rushing beneath me, but it is distant now. the wind brings goosebumps to my flesh, but this is another distant trouble. i turn around for the first time since i had taken my step away. you are still standing there. alone on a bridge that’s soon to fall.
my journey here has ended. i refuse to stand here, i refuse to stay here. i look at you and i know you cannot hear me, but i whisper, “it’s your turn now.” your turn to turn around. your turn to take the fateful steps away. your turn to end this pointless stance.
maybe you can see my lips moving. maybe you can’t. but it doesn’t matter, because i know that this is the place where i will begin to let go. it is a quiet step, more powerful than the heaviest stomp.
i watch you. i hear my heartbeat rushing in the silence. then, once more, i turn away and walk, back toward home.
— i will stand on poison no longer // victoria
@eloquencenet event: new beginnings // @eloquencenet challenge: old endings
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twilightconfetti · 7 years ago
feeling inside out
and upside down
and wrong
and right
and inbetween
and anything
and everything
and nothing
at the same time
while the time
doesn’t exist at all
a confusion
of confusion
and a mix of
every color
while each
is still clearly
with this description
of my mind
and of my heart
i should have been named
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