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+ Shou Tsukino +Moon sprite -2C Luna Dorm +Student at IA +Tracking: tsukinoshouia, tsukinoshou-ia +ROLEPLAY BLOG +Mun is of age (+18) Shou's eggs!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The moonsprite was glad that he remembered to check the weather before leaving for the Insolitus’ rooftop. According to the weatherman, the temperatures dropped considerably since night fell and several inches of snow covered the ground. So instead of going outside to reach the main building, he opted to take the underground passage. Of course, Shou still bundled himself up in three layers of clothing with a hat and gloves just to be safe. He did not want to risk losing any limbs to frostbite after all.
When he opened the door to the rooftop, a cold breeze of wind hit his face and he wished that he had thought to wear a scarf. He quickly made his way to the edge of the roof, lowering his head in a feeble attempt to avoid cold air from attacking his unprotected face. Then he heard a voice. Confused by the command, he raised his head to see that someone stood next to the ledge. However, this person was looking up at the sky instead of facing Shou. Who or what were they talking to? Who is the person that they wanted back?
Blankets were wrapped around the stranger, but it was obvious that they provided very little warmth. Did this person have zero sense of temperature or did they want to become a popsicle? “Uhm, excuse me, but you really shouldn’t be out here in just a blanket.” He quickly removed his gloves, hat, and jacket then held them out to the stranger. “Here, you can borrow these since you need them more than I do.”
Wishing upon a Star
Orion was as shining as bright as ever where it hung high up on the ebony canvas called sky and the young boy sat staring at the three stars creating the warrior’s belt while wrapping the blanket he had brought with him even tighter around himself. Winter was holding the area in a firm grip with several inches of snow covering the ground and everything being covered in a thick layer of crystal clear ice making the whole garden below glittering in the moonlight. Sighing soundlessly the dark being shivered as a gust of cold wind caressed his already pale skin and he huddled deeper into the corner where he was hiding from the world to escape his loneliness. The one leaving a mark on his neck had yet to return causing Ren to have serious doubt about whether or not he would ever see his lover again and it was starting to affect his body as well as his mind. Unable to do much other than wait and long wore him out the same way not feeding did so that he had lost his appetite only made things worse with the boy ending up in a state of sleepwalking with his eyes open though no one seemed to notice. It was the only good thing about being almost anti-social but he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep the façade up for much longer and to protect himself he had started to avoid the other students but also his teachers.
The roof had become his second home like Manato’s room once been and in one of the more protected corners furthest to the North he kept a pillow tucked away there for those nights when he would find no rest in bed. Freezing temperatures did very little to him normally with a fire burning inside but it too was beginning to dwindle and the blankets he now had to wear not to lose feeling in his fingers were also stashed away underneath one of the roofing tiles when he didn’t use them. Ren was taking all precautions to make sure his actions weren’t picked up on by the wrong people that would either pick on him for it or send him to that mindless nurse who would simply tell him not to worry. If that had been a working method he wouldn’t end up alone on top of the school building and still he did so obviously the man had no idea what he was talking about. Sighing once more the young demon ignored the anger raising inside him to instead focus on something that actually gave him some kind of relief or maybe just took his mind off reality and ended up looking longingly at the Eagle spreading its wings.
Those eight bright stars high above him formed a mighty bird strong enough to carry all those minor stars and novas even deeper into the endless darkness gave the boy yet another thing to dream about and watching the constellation for a while he started to dream. Fully awake his eyes never closed as his heart began to come up with a story about how powerful wings had the animal come down to earth to bring him away from his misery and a weak smile formed on his lips at the thought. The idea of having thousands of feathers wrapped around him in a protective wall of warmth before he was swept away into a world where no pain could reach him and he would always be safe eased his worries. It was such a beautiful utopia Ren wanted to stay in it until his marker returned but of course reality had a way to nestle its way into his consciousness and the howling sound of the winds forced him back. The grasping claws of winter dug into his thin being making him shiver with cold even with the blankets still tightly wrapped around his body and it hit him hard that he wouldn’t survive the night out there. At some point soon he would have to go back inside or find eternal sleep out there which as tempting as it sounded wasn’t a good idea if the undead returned and found him. Stiffly getting to his feet he stopped close to the edge to stare once more at the stars only gasp in shock as he saw one of the bright lights fall across the sky childishly he wished upon it. “Bring him back to me.”
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The moon sprite expected Gackt to be confused by the extremely late gift and he let out a nervous chuckle. “Yes, yes it is. But there is a completely reasonable explanation for why I’m giving it to you so late and you’ll have to open the box first!” Just then, his dark blue eyes saw the kotatsu table in the middle of the shadow’s living room and he couldn’t help but let out a gasp of both surprise and excitement. “Gaku-nii! You have a kotatsu table and didn’t tell me?!” And to think that he went through so much hard work to make him a warm sweater!
Seeing the kotatsu table compelled him to shed his jacket and sit underneath it. But then he remembered that his own Christmas sweater was strategically covered by his jacket and taking it off would ruin the surprise. “Open your present, Gaku-nii!” He urged the shadow with a bright smile. The moon sprite couldn’t wait to see the look on the shadow’s face.
Their sweaters were practically identical, the only difference being the respective male’s large red initial on the front. Everything else was exactly the same. Same green sweater with a winter wonderland-like scene embroidered on the back. There was a smiling snowman holding a present surrounded by lots of snowflakes! And of course, Luna was sewed in there to complete the design.
Meri Kurisumasu! ; Gackt + Shou
The season for Christmas festivities was certainly still around - the nippy winter air still pressed hard against warm skin - but the event itself had long passed. That’s why any sort of decor in his room that hinted at the holiday had been removed already. It was past the new year’s celebrations, even. Now, it was just winter. Just bitter cold and just a matter of time before his beloved pure white snowfall melted away into the first blooms of spring.
A knock at his door had the shadow rise from his seat on the floor beneath the kotatsu table and push it open. And who else would be standing on the other side than his little energetic, albeit unwilling for the shadow, friend? “Kurisumasu?” Gackt repeated with native pronunciation, an eyebrow lifting as he inspected the box being held out to him. “Shou-kun, was Christmas not a week or so ago?”
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“Eh, that sounds like a messy process! Does it take a lot of blood to make a zombie?” The idea of spilling blood was rather unhygienic to the moon sprite and he couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be for the teacher to get out the bloodstains. “What sort of reasons do you usually raise zombies for?” As Shou learned more about necromancers, he began to understand why Jiyong was hesitant in stating his race. “Mm, it must be very tough for you, sensei. No one likes to be assumed for something they’re not.” Seeing the teacher smile made him smile as well, happy to know that there was another person that felt the same way he did when it came to something as subjective as religion. “I like being special! I wouldn’t mind meeting another moon sprite though since Luna deserves all the love in the galaxy! Plus it would be nice to have a brother or sister.” He was absolutely sure that there were others like him in the world; he just hasn’t meet them yet. “Are you sure you don’t want at least one, sensei? You can give it to the best student in your class as a reward!” Five balloons are four more balloons than what Shou needed anyways. If the necromancer declined, he was likely to save one balloon for himself and find random strangers to give the remaining four to. Because c’mon, who doesn’t like receiving balloons?
5 Pink Balloons ~Jiyong & Shou
“Well raising zombies does take spilling blood. Preferably it is better when it’s your own, though a chicken would work well naturally.” Speaking about bloodletting was so simple and natural for Jiyong, he sometimes forgot that it could be a rather offensive subjects for others, if not disgusting. “And yes, I raise zombies from time to time, depends on the reasons.” The necromancer had actually animated one not too long ago and the memory still ate at him in a rather uncomfortable way. “I think that’s why people assume we are all Satanist. Having to use blood in a ritualistic setting and some snooping kids is all it takes to cause all sorts of gossip.” Of course there were real Satanists, but still he could imagine outsiders getting the wrong idea. Flashing a smile, he pushed the hair that had fallen into his face back. “Well it seems we both carry that burden. I’ve never met another person quite like myself. It can be troublesome, but also then you wouldn’t be as special.” Footsteps echoed down the hallway and glancing over briefly he waited, but nothing appeared. “Well surely you can keep them if you want. No one will know and I’m surely not going to say anything.”
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Para replies will be posted tomorrow. I’m terribly sorry for the long wait. I won’t give excuses for why because it’s a long story.
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Meri Kurisumasu! ; Gackt + Shou
As far as the moon sprite knew, not many Japanese people celebrated Christmas. Rather than being a religious celebration, it was similar to Valentine’s Day where couples spent a romantic evening together and exchanged presents. Shou remembered receiving many gifts from his customers the previous year (most of them were sweets or homemade food) and not giving anything in return. But this year was going to be different!
He worked really hard on creating a festive Christmas sweater, using what knowledge he gained from his fashion and sewing class. And of course he had to make two of them so that he and Gaku-nii could match! Making two of the same sweater took him days which explained why he was knocking on the shadow’s door days after the winter holiday already passed. Once the door swung open, he held the oddly wrapped box towards Gackt and shouted, “Meri Kurisumasu, Gaku-nii!”
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Was he laughing? The moon sprite stopped waving his hands, initially confused by Jiyong’s reaction. He let out a sigh of relief then smiled, glad that the professor was not offended or angry. As Shou listened to the necromancer’s explanation, he noticed that his gums were visible along with his upper teeth. It was a unique smile that made he look even younger than twenty-seven and further reinforced why he is easily mistaken for a student. “Ah, I see. Is it difficult to create zombies? Like have you done it before?” He readjusted the balloon strings around his hand then nodded in understanding. “Mm. I pray and worship Luna, but I don’t think there is a name for that like other religions. I could be wrong though, I’ve never met anyone else like me and had the opportunity to ask what they thought.” Thinking that he heard the sound of someone approaching, he turned his head to look down the hallway. He waited for a person to appear but no one showed up. “I wonder what we should do if no one comes looking for these balloons.” Should they leave them there or was it more of “finders keepers, losers weepers” situation?
5 Pink Balloons ~Jiyong & Shou
“I don’t mind it, I’m barely twenty-seven, so I can understand why someone way older than me would think I’m a student.” If anything it was just embarrassing to be considered a student and then to see the disbelief when he had to counter their words. It had been flustering, but he was alright with it now. Jiyong found himself laughing at the student rambling and well he definitely didn’t worship Satan. “Calm down, I’m not going to get all angry Professor on you for asking.” Carding his fingers through his red hair, he couldn’t wipe the gummy smile off his face. “Yeah zombies can be interesting and no I don’t teach that in class. Just simple things really and while I can’t speak for all Necromancers, I do not worship Satan. I don’t really follow any religion, just my own morals so to speak.” Religion was not a subject he liked to talk about lightly. “Religion tends to be too stark in what is wrong and right and frankly I think everything tends to be circumstantial depending on the situation.”
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“Well, yes…and no. I remembered there was someone living in this dormitory that I wanted to hang out with, but I couldn’t remember your name or your room number…” Wow, that sentence sounded so bad out loud compared to in his head. “But that’s okay! Even though I’m very forgetful, I remembered you somewhere deep in my subconscious. I knew that I was looking for your face.” Hopefully Shou didn’t offend him too much to make him not want to be friends anymore. “No, it’s a racing video game. It’s a bit old, but still really fun!”
The moon sprite was too caught up in his own excitement to notice that the other male was practically holding himself up against the wall. “I wasn’t very good at first either, but I eventually beat the old man that sold the game and console to me. He even gave me extra controllers for free! The only thing I paid for was the TV, which is what I was looking for in the first place. I’m sure that you’ll get the hang of it after we play a few rounds!” He was speaking so fast that he nearly forgot to pause and breathe. “Ah, sorry! I’m just really excited now that I’ve found you. I’m doing great, how about you?”
After calming down a bit, he noticed the gloved hand against the wall and tilted his head. “Are you okay? Do you usually wear gloves?” Shou’s face scrunched up in thought, trying to remember their first meeting. But it was useless since he could not remember if he wore gloves that day. First he forgot his name, now he could not recall if he wore gloves. The moon sprite felt guilty for not remembering things about the person he called his friend. He’ll definitely have to make up for this one day! But for now, it was time for some fun (and hopefully re-learning information with retention)!
“So are you in for playing the video game? I promise it’ll be fun!” Although the execution of his invitation was rather awkward, it was still genuine and he hoped the Shardian understood that. But just in case, maybe it was better to re-introduce himself. “Just as a refresher for both of us though, I’m Shou Tsukino and I live in room -2C and you are...”
Welcome to Mario Kart ; Shou + Rival
Was it fair to say he did not know what he was doing anymore? He had his hands tapping on scrawled homework, the hangul akin to odd lines pushed together that he wasn’t all too proud of, but… He had to get up. “Levantar-se.” Carefully, he stood, an exhale dragged out of him like bleeding iron. Portuguese seemed more alien on his tongue and less like he was talking to himself– normally he didn’t, but there were so few ways to get himself to acknowledge that something had to be done. Now, there was momentum. Gloved fingers wrapped around the doorknob, his actions punctuated by pauses, he breathed before leaving. The dorm was not good for him, or rather, staying in one place was not good for him. The hallways were dark as pitch, the carpets just about the same as the one’s in Lee Chanhee’s house, where a certain woman had fallen like everyone seemed to in every vision.
He breathed deeply, the air punctuated by smells of spice and autumn, and acknowledging once again that this. This is why he shouldn’t be alone, even if it was nearly worse to be in the company of someone else. He was too unstable to be either of the two. On the one hand, if he spent one more moment recalling terrors and taking in cyclic air he would never move again. On the other, he would bring others down, so what if he just… wandered aimlessly for the rest of his life? Kept his eyes forward and focused on the movement of his muscles. In this, he was far more vulnerable to abrupt interruptions, and was wholly unprepared for excited verbal assault as his elevator just opened.
Forcefully, he eased himself into a more relaxed stand and said, delicately, because his words were like rice paper at the moment, “You were looking for me?” Or had he been looking for anyone? Smile, god damn it. Rival managed a chuckle, and only God knew other than the moon sprite if it was convincing or not. “Are we talking a board game, or?” But he was not averse to any option, only wary for no evident reason at all. But he hoped the smile was evidence enough that he was willing as he stepped out of the elevator, fingers tugging at his gloved and then grasping at the wall with to keep himself from swaying. “Is it discouraging that I fully believe that you will beat me?” And with another breath, he said, “How are you, by the way?”
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The sheet of paper was soon covered in scribbles and he flipped it to other side, continuing to make random lines. But this time, he moved his pen slowly as he concentrated on the scary guy’s whispered responses. There was an intimidating factor to his voice, making Shou all the more terrified. He did not sound very happy, more like frustrated and annoyed. And as the moon sprite registered the hushed words, his pen stopped moving and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He thought Luna was his girlfriend? The idea was absolutely preposterous because Luna is Luna! She is his mother, not his girlfriend. And what does sex have anything to do with this?
Maybe this was a trick! Yeah, that makes sense. He was acting like he didn’t know whom Shou was talking about. Feigning innocence was just a step in his plan to destroy Luna and the moon sprite was not going to fall for it! Wait...was he really shaking that much though? Dark blue eyes looked down at the paper and saw that his scribbles overlapped and intersected one another instead of following the blue lines. He felt ashamed of himself as this cowardice was unacceptable! If he was to save Luna, he must face the scheming villain and show no fear!
...which he will do after class was over. And according to the clock, there was still forty-five minutes left before the hour was up. “I won’t fall for your tricks and I won’t believe your lies. They don’t really make sense in the first place because you can’t possibly have sex with Luna.” Were they really going to whisper back and forth during this lecture? Shou was honestly feeling a little silly despite the fact that Luna’s fate rests in hands. How did their sensei not notice they weren’t paying attention? “We will settle this once and for all after class is over.”
Oh, the horror! ; Shou + Changjo
After what seemed like forever, Changjo finally managed to grab the other’s attention. He locked eyes with the other and raised an eyebrow, almost as if challenging the other male to tell him to knock it off. Of course, Changjo already knew that the other wouldn’t do that. Not when he was too busy trembling in his seat at the mere presence of Changjo. He had to admit, he was slightly irked when the boy didn’t respond right away, but as the whisper came floating into his ears, both eyebrows arched upwards in surprise.
It’s not what you’ve done to me, it’s what you could do to Luna that scares me.
Now, what the hell did that mean? The fallen angel racked his brain, searching for any memories related to a Luna. He didn’t know a Luna… did he? Luna sounded like a girl’s name… Had he slept with a girl named Luna sometime in the past? He didn’t think so… It wasn’t a familiar name, after all… Or maybe he did, and the sex wasn’t memorable enough for him to remember–
Instead of racking his brain unsuccessfully, Changjo decided to whisper a response to the boy in front of him. “Who the hell is Luna? Is she your girlfriend or something? If so, I can tell you that I didn’t have sex with her, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” It wasn’t exactly the way to greet strangers, but Changjo did have a reputation of being a playboy. It had died down as of recent, which he was more than grateful for, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t still some whispers of his escapades in the bedroom floating around.
“In any case, I think you can lay off your worrying about Luna or whatever your girl’s name is. I promise I won’t touch her or seduce her or whatever you’re concerned about. Better? Can you stop shaking like a scared little puppy now?”
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“Ah, it must be tough especially if people are not taking you seriously. I guess it’s a good thing I found you with these balloons first rather than someone else.” If he was in Jiyong’s shoes, he’d become quite frustrated to not be treated with respect as a sensei. “It’s good that you’re teaching something you love though, it sounds very rewarding.” Perhaps Shou should consider becoming a teacher one day too. He could possibly try to apply at Insolitus if they were interested in having a drum teacher. “Oh...that does sound very scary since you can basically make zombies and zombies can be scary. You don’t teach that in class, do you? Do necromancers worship Satan? Do YOU worship Satan?” Uh oh, maybe he went a little too far with that question. “I mean, it’s okay if you do! Your religion is not something I should be judgmental about! I wouldn’t try to burn you at the stake or anything!” He waved his hands back and forth as if to brush away any accusatory air, the balloon strings loosening around his hand in the process.
5 Pink Balloons ~Jiyong & Shou
“I get that a lot, people don’t believe I’m a professor, so it can cause quite the scene.” It wasn’t something he enjoyed, definitely not when he had other staff trying to reprimand him, but thankfully it hadn’t happened in a long time since he had been here long enough that most knew who he was by now. Shrugging, he tried to keep the huge grin off his face, because really he loved his class and thought he was doing a pretty good job at it. “Well, I just love the subject that helps a lot.” It really did, because instead of hating what he did, he rather liked being able to watch his students flourish. A sigh was leaving his lips, and he leaned back on the balls of his toes as he thought of a way to explain the race. “Well necromancers are a human race that have the ability to perform necromancy. Basically we can raise the dead and with that ability and many others, such as flesh rotting, we get a very….bad reputation for being Satan worshippers. Many were burned at the stake in the old witch hunt days.”
#*para#*para;memory#*p;fpb#necrojiyongia#ooc - i'm not sure if you still want to continue this but here is my reply to it
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“Oh, I definitely will! The food and overall atmosphere of this place is worth the trip!” It was like someone took elements of the forest and brought it inside the building where a complementary mix of nature and the modern world was formed. Their decorator did such a wonderful job in finding the perfect balance between two very different worlds. He wondered if the bakery felt reminiscent to woodland creatures that were far away from what they call home.
He mirrored the faun and leaned in closer to hear her whisper, making sure to avoid getting poked by her antlers. She was really persistent on wanting to talk to him and to anyone else but Shou, her actions could be considered bribery. But the moon sprite wholeheartedly welcomed the invitation of company. Besides, food tastes better when you eat it with friends! “It’s nice to meet you too, Jas!” He replied, pleased that she grabbed his hand to perform the handshake. As she left momentarily, he grabbed his box of cake and sat back down in his seat. A minute later, she re-joined him at the table, a steaming cup in her hands. “So what would you like to talk about, Jas?”
Sweet Cake for the Sweet Tooth ; *Shou + Jas*
This boy was just her favorite type of customers. Fully enjoying the cakes and not fearing to admit the love for what he ate. It was such a pleasant to watch him and that’s why she didn’t want him to leave just yet. “Maybe you should come here more often then. The door is always open for you, honey”, a bright smile was cast upon her coral lips.
“We better not let the manager know about this nor i might get fired”, Jasmine leaned over the table and whispered, acting along the line. Lies, lies, lies. She would hardly scold at herself nor fire herself from her establishment but it was fun to fool around a little at first. The best part about this was the moment people figured out that no one else but she was the owner of Sweet Kiss. Her hand reached out to take his in her gentle hold, giving it a brief squeeze, “My name is Jasmine. You can call me Jas. It’s nice to meet you. Wait a minute” Jasmine stood up and got herself a cup of tea before returning to Shou’s table to enjoy the cookies with him.
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“Metal pencil case it is, you’d be less likely to lose it and if it gets stepped on, no big deal.” The guy seemed to put an awful lot of thought into when and where to put a sticker, but it was sort of endearing in a way. Maybe people that were more careful with their things were just more fascinating, considering how people could be so careless sometimes. The amount of times he’d had to replace lost library cards spoke of that much, but maybe people only kept up with things they actually cared about and library cards were never a thing they really put much thought toward unless they were particularly studious. “Don’t you have cases for your drums though? If you don’t want to put the sticker on the drum just put it on the case, no one ever sees the case but you. If you were worried about losing a pencil bag that’s a decent alternative, but I think I have something that might help you out. They make some with rings that you can clip into a binder or something so you’re less likely to lose it I think I have a couple in the back. You can have it if you want, I’m not doing a damn thing with it.”
“Yes, metal pencil case is definitely the way to go!” He declared, balling up his right hand into a fist and placing it in the open palm of his left hand. Oh wait, but his drum cases were also possible places to put them. The moon sprite currently had those in a place he couldn’t really remember at the moment though. Shou shook his head at the idea. “I do, but I doubt I’ll want to find them every time I get a new sticker. The pencill case will be more convenient since I can easily carry it around with me.” He just needed to make sure not to lose it. But Sun Woo had thought ahead of him, offering to give him a something with rings attached that would lessen the possibility of losing his case. “Oh yes, I’d like one please! You’re very generous, Sun Woo. Thank you so much!”
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The excited moon sprite barely registered the words Gackt mumbled as he was too busy thinking about what decorations to buy. Things like party-themed paper plates and plastic silverware weren’t needed since it was only the two of them. But a birthday banner would be a very nice touch to go along with some streamers and balloons! His decoration planning train of thought was broken by the shadow’s question and Shou couldn’t help but to let out a chuckle. “Yep! It’s a party for both of us, so I can’t buy things with only myself in mind. Plus I’ll need your help with carrying everything back here. Are you sure you don’t want to bring the mochi?” It would be a waste to leave them behind. Thinking of food, another birthday necessity popped up into his head. “Oh Gaku-nii, what type of cake do you like?”
Birthday Party of 2; 070415; Gaku-nii + Shou
“You can be the party, is a more appropriate expression.” the shadow mumbled, his deep voice even deeper this time around, making it almost impossible to actually catch the sentence. Gackt was highly hesitant that this sudden intrusion on his birthday plans would result in any actual fun, but he simply sighed and pushed his cup of tea away from him on the polished wooden table. “Are you insinuating that I must also accompany you to buy those things?” Even though he asked it, it was obvious what the answer would be, so he got to his feet warily and adjusted the collar on his fine-silk shirt.
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“To be honest, sensei, you look young and could probably get away with saying that you’re a student.” Shou honestly would have thought Jiyong was a fellow student if he didn’t mention that he taught a class. Everyone at Insolitus looks so young that they either had really good genetics or there was something in the water they were drinking. “Ah, that sounds really helpful!” Maybe he should consider taking the class since it sounded interesting. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden nervousness of the teacher, his head tilting in curiosity when hearing Jiyong’s race. “Eh, what’s a necromancer and why are they scary? What kind of abilities do you have?”
5 Pink Balloons ~Jiyong & Shou
“Ahh no you can keep them, I think being a professor and carrying around pink balloons is kind of silly looking.” Plus pink was definitely not his color and he didn’t think a student would look strange holding such balloons. “No apologies needed really.” Smiling at him, he let out a rather forced laugh. He was quite young and being in a higher position still was foreign to him. “Yeah it had its darker side, but its still very fun to teach, besides I make sure to make it a very well-rounded class in that you learn how to use herbs and oils for their correct purpose and no I’m not a wizard…” Pausing, he nervously played with the hem of his shirt knowing that his race was very looked down upon. “I’m a necromancer, scary right? However, I was turned into a reaper when I was ten so I have very interesting abilities.”
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