tsppals · 2 years
just saw a post complaining about how hard it is to find adhd resources for adults and one of the comments said “tiktok has a lot of adhd tips” as if telling someone with adhd to enter the algorithmic quicksand of perpetual dopamine hits isn’t the most insane thing you could suggest for someone with adhd
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tsppals · 2 years
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tsppals · 2 years
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#079 Slowperl II #080 Slowtail
Randomized PokeFusion Dex:
This is a drawing challenge where two Pokemon evolution lines will be fused.
I‘ll go chronologically through the dex, which means some Pokemon from one line may appear later (like the Pikachu line where Pichu is in a different generation).
The fusion will be randomly picked through a number generator and the rules may shift for certain Pokemon.
Please don‘t repost!
Bonus sketch:
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Yes, it doesn‘t have a shell like Slowbro but a long tail that it curls up to make it look like one.
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tsppals · 2 years
there are QR code posters here in Melbourne for reporting graffiti to the council - and someone has been printing their own and carefully placing them over the official ones
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they lead to a documentary on hip-hop/graffiti culture
it's perfect because the QR posters are uglier than any bit of street art
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tsppals · 2 years
In the Event of Kickstarter Failure
Hello Marshmallows!
Today I'm here to discuss the plans in the unfortunate event that Kickstarter is not successful in being funded.
So I have 24 days left to get the last $3,794 aud. I Imagine we might not reach that goal, but I'm here to tell you to not give up hope! There are plans for that event and I'm not going to give up this dream! Once we hit January, I have plans to go insane with advertisement and being as productive as I can. I'm waiting until January so people can get past the Holiday Spendings. I know it's difficult to try financially contribute to things during the Holidays.
I'm going to set up a financial goal on my website to upgrade it to allow sales. This goal is $384.10 AUD. This will upgrade the site which will allow sales, give me a custom domain, get me a $600 google advertisement voucher and i'll have abandoned cart recovery. If I hit this goal, I'll be able to open up sales for Plush merch and other products in which the money from it would go towards the productions of the plushies.
I'll also be able to then open pre-orders through the site for the Nonbinary Bear plushie. At 250 sales, I can then order in the plushies and send them off to you. Once I've sold that first 250 plushies, there will be plushies available to order regularly. I understand it sounds scary to pre-order something without a release date but I'd like to give each person the opportunity to cancel their pre-orders at anytime if they wish. Full refund. I will not be touching any of the pre-order money for anything but ordering the plushies and shipping.
I plan to also provide the deal "Double Trouble Bear Pals" at the site for people who advertise the "TSP Pals" website. Advertise the site once and show evidence and you'll be eligible to buy two plushies for $55au. (approx 37usd)
With that all out of the way, I want to once again thank you all for your support. If you have any product merch you'd like me to draw to sell, comment below and I'll consider (no charge).
I hope you all have a lovely day. Remember you can contact me here or on Twitter if you want to discuss TSP Pals or even just look at any updates. Currently the site URL for TSP Pals is https://tsppals.wixsite.com/tsp-pals
Toodles Noodles!~
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tsppals · 2 years
do u have any prototype for the plushies? i want to support but i want to see what they look like when theyre made first. sorry for bad english)
Completely fair, I'm working with the manufacture at the moment but I plan to order the prototype in January. At that time I should have my online shop properly setup for pre-orders.
You're welcome to take a look at other items in my shop while you wait. (but you can't order anything yet)
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tsppals · 2 years
wait, if your plushes are for LGBT people, why isnt there a Bi pride one? Bi erasure is a weird move for a pride theme
Definitely not bi erasure! There's plans to be a bi one and many others! I'm still working on them all with plans for many kinds to be released. I was trying to stick with the current plans for now before I released the other future plans. The bi one should be revealed mid next year after I've gotten everything else set up. :)
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tsppals · 2 years
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Hello! I'm Tanith and I'm in the process of trying to start up an adult plushie brand for Neurodivergent LGBT adults. Designed to be similar in appearance to children's plushies except less eyesore in colour, bigger and specifically for adults.
The business is called "TannyFox Sensory Plushie Pals", or TSP Pals for short. Worded like that as a nod to the Spoon Theory. These little guys are the extra spoon for when you have none.
I'm creating weighted sensory plushies that are meant to be soft, cuddly and a positive experience. A plushie that someone can hug when they get home from work. With weighted limbs, soft stuffing and embroidery details, I hope for it to be each adults "safe space."
The first plushie has a Kickstarter right now which needs to be successful for me to start looking into the other plushies. This is a nonbinary bear who is so cute and just friendly looking.
Supporting me is supporting a member of the Disabled LGBT community! I'm starting this business because DSP just isn't enough and I want to be able to do something meaningful with my life. ❤ ... and you'd also support my cat and dog and get them cool stuff.
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tsppals · 2 years
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Hello! I'm Tanith and I'm in the process of trying to start up an adult plushie brand for Neurodivergent LGBT adults. Designed to be similar in appearance to children's plushies except less eyesore in colour, bigger and specifically for adults.
The business is called "TannyFox Sensory Plushie Pals", or TSP Pals for short. Worded like that as a nod to the Spoon Theory. These little guys are the extra spoon for when you have none.
I'm creating weighted sensory plushies that are meant to be soft, cuddly and a positive experience. A plushie that someone can hug when they get home from work. With weighted limbs, soft stuffing and embroidery details, I hope for it to be each adults "safe space."
The first plushie has a Kickstarter right now which needs to be successful for me to start looking into the other plushies. This is a nonbinary bear who is so cute and just friendly looking.
Supporting me is supporting a member of the Disabled LGBT community! I'm starting this business because DSP just isn't enough and I want to be able to do something meaningful with my life. ❤ ... and you'd also support my cat and dog and get them cool stuff.
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tsppals · 2 years
Thanks for answering. But from your other social medias, you've been saying for multiple months now, that you've been low on money/can't afford basic food or even vet bills for your animals. I'm not sure how you're going to get 4k when you've been asking for money/commissions just to feed your household? Can you elaborate how you plan to do this? I don't want this to be a scam but a lot of things aren't adding up.
Completely understand the concern. I’ve been low on money, yes. But I haven’t struggled with finances enough that I couldn’t feed the household. It hasn’t been that bad.
It’s just been a larger electricity bill coming in at the same time as a 1.2k vet bill, $500 worth of medical bills and a bin yearly renewal all at the same time. I have that stuff all under control as of the last fortnight.  I’ve been trying to rehome a cat of mine for 6 months now due to her having constant vet bills so high that I couldn’t afford much else. She’s got some mystery illness that was impossible to diagnose and was making her aggression out of control. I’ve done everything I financially can for her but I recognised she needed to be in a home that can afford the more expensive diagnosis/treatments such as spinal surgery or tail removal, etc.  I actually as of today officially surrendered her to the RSPCA (as a last resort) who are going to try and see why she’s in so much pain. I’ve been low on money for the last year and a half trying to get her diagnosed with no success. RSPCA have promised me that they’ll do everything in their power to help her and if not, they’ll call me to discuss the next steps.  I strongly believe that now all the bills are paid off, that I'll be financially more stable and comfortable from here on out. The reason I wanted to start this plush company is so I can finally do something with my life in which I can more comfortably financially support the people around me and bring a product to people who I believe will love. It’ll be a bit of a sacrifice in the beginning to get the other 4k but once the first lot of 500 plushies are in, the profits from selling them are accounted for to be able to keep the company running and be able to do things the right way. I have a friend who’s an accountant who is willing to help me do things in a way that I don’t go bankrupt.  The reason I started the Kickstarter was so I could get majority of the funds for the first step and also gauge interest in the product. I believe that it’ll be easier to sell plushies once I have that prototype plushie in.  Now a few weeks later after all the work I’ve put in, I strongly believe this is a product that quite a few people are interested in. Which means that if the Kickstarter hits the goal, I’m ready to commit and ensure it goes well. If not, I plan to try again in January after more advertisement. I’m currently in the process of creating a proper website to the brand and include all product information, safety standards, etc. I have another friend who has IT education who will help me with making sure the site looks as professional as it can be. I completely understand all the worries about whether or not I am financially stable to do this. But the bills are cleared now, my aggressive cat is in proper care and I have the ability to save up funds now. I plan to get a 4k loan to cover the rest of the plushies, assuming that I hit the goals intended. Because I know once I have sold the first batch of 500, it’ll be easy to pay off that loan.  Thank you for reaching out, sorry for the mass text. There’s just a lot of information to cover. TLDR : Bills paid off, financial strain gone. I can do this. 
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tsppals · 2 years
Your kickstarter states in one of the updates that you need 10k usd to order the minimum amount of toys. What are you going to do to get the rest of the money?
I actually had a different company plan then, to what I ended up deciding in the end. The math now is more like 9k AUD total.
If I hit this 5k goal, I plan to order the prototype as soon as possible. Once that's done, I'll have a physical toy I can advertise with and I have no doubt I can open my online store and pre-order/sell the rest of the plushies.
I also plan to use my own money soon to pay for a week or so of advertisements.
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tsppals · 2 years
Online Store!
I’m in the process of creating an online store for the merchandise! For now you won’t be able to buy anything until I officially get stock in, BUT... You will be able to use it to gain information, share around and such. :)
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tsppals · 2 years
Kickstarter Update!
I've updated the main description/story for my Kickstarter. It's now more informative and a little more professional looking. Thank you all for the support! We're 16% funded and I'm just so excited to hopefully reach this goal and make it a reality!
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tsppals · 2 years
Hello Marshmallows!
I'm trying to start a plushie business called "TannyFox Sensory Plushie Pals", or TSP Pals for short. Worded like that as a nod to the Spoon Theory. These little guys are the extra spoon for when you have none.
I want this business to be for Neurodivergent LGBT Adults (and their allies!). This plush brand is designed to have no sharp or hard edges like glass eyes. All details are created with embroidery. They will have a soft and comfortable material on the outside and have Polyester fibre on the inside. The limbs and bottom are weighted and floppy so that this adorable plush can give you a weighted hug. Designed to be 15inches sitting height, he's the perfect sized Teaspoon Pal!
Assuming this business works and and is a success, I want to be able to one day open a bright and colourful store (but not too bright) that's quiet, has nice music, no beeping from purchases and is a safe place for Neurodivergent LGBT adults to visit or work. I intend to have a large sticker on the front window recommending the shop for audiences 13 and over. The plushies are for adults, not kids. I'd also like there to be an area in the store that has a coffee table and comfortable chairs for people to book and be able to hang out with store specific plushies so they can get a feel for them before purchase. :)
Anyway, now that you've heard about the product and future plans, maybe you'd like to buy yourself or a friend the Nonbinary Bear? If so, they're available to pre-order on my Kickstarter: http://kck.st/3DlWutB
The other plushies in the provided picture are future designs I'd like to create if this is at all successful.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate all the love and support.
I also have a twitter (TSPPals) where I post updates and eventually polls. I'm doing a name reveal for the bear plush at 50 followers. Have a lovely day!
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