Jasmine Lawrence
621 posts
Hey, it's me! I'm a tabletop gaming enthusiast, former English major, choir geek, and certified queer. Ask me about D&D 3.5e! She/her pronouns.My fanfiction: Patreon:
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troacctid · 19 hours ago
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for a minute i definitely forgot that kanye west had changed his name to ye and was wondering why this accusatory headline was written in shakespearean language
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troacctid · 19 hours ago
I think most players don't know about this, but every main set release since Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth has had a Commander Party event with a freely downloadable alternative game mode! Here's how to access them.
Go to
Type "commander party" into this search bar right here.
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3. Click on the dropdown for your favorite set.* 4. Download the file with the Commander Party Materials. 5. Print it out.
Congratulations, @jdrawer01, you're ready to play! Personally, my favorite so far is Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
* I'm actually just now noticing that Duskmourn is missing from the list (it has a tile-flipping exploration mechanic inspired by Betrayal at House on the Hill), which seems to be an oversight, but that's okay, you can still find the Duskmourn Commander Party materials here. (Scroll way down.)
Good morning, Mark! I just found out about the Duskmourn Trick-or-Treat event. Is there a good resource you or the Question Marks can give for a list of events with alternative rules?
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troacctid · 1 day ago
fuck my stupid gay life i drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was DRY 😭😭😭
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troacctid · 1 day ago
All my haters become aligators when I activate my gatorinator.
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troacctid · 3 days ago
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troacctid · 4 days ago
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March 2025
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troacctid · 4 days ago
did anyone else see that seal that just ended up on the street in connecticut
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troacctid · 4 days ago
people misunderstand what ‘gifted kid’ actually means but it’s ok it’s fine it’s cool it’s good
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troacctid · 4 days ago
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troacctid · 6 days ago
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we’re the same
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troacctid · 6 days ago
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What is this thing
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troacctid · 6 days ago
@flaetsbnort, if you're interested in something similar to the MKM story, I'd recommend the October Daye series, which is also about a depressed and traumatized magical woman who gets roped into solving mysteries. If you're interested in something similar to the DSK main story, I recommend Into the Drowning Deep, which is also about a group of characters who really ought to know better deciding to walk into a horror story and then making Shocked Pikachu Faces when horror ensues. If you like the DSK side stories, I recommend the Wayward Children series, which is also a collection of darkly atmospheric stories about ominous doors and, occasionally, gruesome deaths. If you're interested in something similar to the ONE story, I recommend the Newsflesh trilogy, which is also about a team of plucky heroes trying very hard to do their jobs without getting bitten by zombies and...well, I won't spoil how many of them end up getting bitten by zombies, but it miiight be more than zero. And if you like how Magic Story regularly shifts the spotlight onto new protagonists after the current one's arc is finished, I recommend InCryptid, which is about a family of cryptozoologists that used to be monster hunters but has now pivoted to monster conservation instead (this one is my personal favorite series of hers!).
Hello Seanan, how you doing? I found out about you last year, from the stories you published for Magic: The Gathering, and I was curious to read more from you. Then I realized that, since you have Tumblr, I can just ask you directly for recommendations. Which of your books do you reckon I should read first?
This is a question I genuinely cannot answer without knowing what you like to read. So. What do you like to read?
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troacctid · 8 days ago
This website is too mobile focused these days. Reblog and tell me what your desktop/laptop background is.
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troacctid · 9 days ago
Spot-on list! Is it alright if I suggest characters for the Frozen 2 soundtrack?
1. "All is Found": Jaxlim
It's about a mother passing down the lore of magic to her daughters, and warning them not to delve too deeply, lest they be consumed by it. That lines up pretty cleanly with Jaxlim teaching the songs of the Listeners to Venli and Eshonai.
2. "Some Things Never Change": Preservation
This song is an optimistic ode to the status quo, a love letter to what the singer believes to be the ultimate constants in life. It's also deeply ironic because things, naturally, proceed to change just about immediately afterwards. Perfect for Leras.
3. "Into the Unknown": Vin
This song would represent Vin feeling the call of the Well of Ascension. Like Elsa, she's had her adventure in the first book, and she's settled down with Elend, but she can't resist pulling at the new thread when it presents itself to her.
3. "When I Am Older": Szeth
Szeth, like Olaf, is all too ready to blindly trust that if things are bad, surely it's for some important reason that he simply does not have the wisdom to see yet. "I was so sure I was right, but the elders named me Truthless, and they wouldn't do that for no reason, would they? Well, it's not my place to question!"
4. "Reindeers are Better Than People (Cont.)": Adolin
You can just imagine Adolin early in the series commiserating with his horse and his shardblade over how badly he fumbled his latest doomed relationship.
5. "Lost in the Woods": Sazed
In the movie, this song is about Kristoff's relationship anxiety, but I think it would also be a great ballad for Sazed when he's struggling with losing his faith. All his life, he's had his stories and his religions as the rock he could lean on, the guiding star he could follow home. But when that bedrock starts to feel like it's crumbling beneath him, it's easy to imagine him singing a song like this one.
6. "Show Yourself": Yumi
This is a song about self-discovery. For the whole movie, Elsa thinks she's looking for some external truth, only to realize that the source of the call was within her all along. This could map to several Cosmere characters, but I think none of them fit better than Yumi. She spends most of the book searching for the approval of the spirits, suppressing her own desires—but when she finally lets loose, she discovers that, oh, hey, I'm actually one of the most Invested beings in the Cosmere! Maybe I should start throwing my weight around!
7. "The Next Right Thing": Tress
You could certainly get cute here and say Nohadon, because what is the most important step a man can take? The next step! But I actually think this song is perfect for Tress, who spends pretty much the entirety of the book not having any real long-term plan for how she's going to rescue Charlie, but taking one step at a time towards her goal anyway—because what else can you do?
Cosmere Characters as Songs from the Frozen Soundtrack
"It's winter," said my brain. "You should do something winter-themed, like matching up Cosmere characters to songs from the Frozen soundtrack even though everyone in the notes will yet at you for getting 'Let It Go' stuck in their head."
How could I refuse?
1. "Let It Go": Moash
I mean, what is "unchained" but another way of saying that Moash wants to let it go?
2. "For The First time In Forever": Shallan
This is song about a girl who is finally able to leave her oppressive home which mostly contains bad memories and oh her parents are dead too. So basically Shallan in Way of Kings, although Anna is a bit more excited and optimistic than Shallan was. There is a secondary melody from Elsa about how anxious she is that she's going to mess up and kill everyone. That's also sung by Shallan.
3. "Love Is An Open Door": Wax and Lessie
This is a about being in love with someone who just gets you--although in this case the dude is totally lying out of his ass and is secretly the villain. So it's kinda gender-reversed with Wax and Lessie, who really connected immediately...which was partly because Lessie had been sent to Wax to spy on him and later she became a serial killer, so.
4. "Fixer Upper": Wayne
A singularly creepy song where a bunch of trolls try to convince a woman who is already engaged to marry their kid instead. And no offense to Wayne, but remember when he kept trying to break up Steris and Wax so that Wax and Marasi could get together instead? Yeah. And no, that didn't work whereas the song does ultimately work but that's okay. I think the song should not have worked. It was so creepy.
5. "Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People": Parlin
Poor Parlin. I always have to look up his name. But this song feels very right for this hunter from Warbreaker, whose wiki entry literally says "prefers forests and animals to cities and people." That's what the song is about!
6. "In Summer": Vivenna
A song sung by the snowman Olaf about how excited he is for summer. So basically a song about someone who wants something real bad not knowing that it would doom him. I'm imagining Vivenna singing about how excited she is to stop the war, along with an upbeat montage of her doing things that are totally making the war worse.
7. "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?": Nightblood
This is a song about looking for connection, about wanting to make friends. Also, "Do You Want To Kill Some Evil?" is the same number of syllables. Coincidence? I think not!
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troacctid · 9 days ago
Ok so here's me, just MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS, whiffling through the tulgey wood, and maybe burbling a little because, yanno, why not?
So out of fucking nowhere there's this motherfucker by the Tumtum tree, just fucking standing there in uffish thought with this vorpal blade!
So here he is galumphing back with my fucking HEAD and I'm just left there dead.
What. The. Fuck.
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troacctid · 10 days ago
me, watching my mutuals post ceaselessly about a fandom i’m not in:
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troacctid · 13 days ago
adhd is fun bc everything I got taught is backwards
a good day makes good sleep
starting with a lil treat gets the work done
More things to do is less overwhelming
don’t make a plan just get in there
you’ll never take good care of what you don’t like so throw it out (this one is my favorite bc it’s easy to see what you don’t like)
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