trickshim · 4 years
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trickshim · 4 years
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trickshim · 4 years
    Goro throws out any valentine’s chocolate he is inevitably given-- the only kinds he doesn’t throw away are those that are more of actual food + dark chocolate sweets. the 14th is often a day spent at home because of his popularity.
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trickshim · 4 years
ryoji best boy
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trickshim · 5 years
all of shido’s blood money goes directly to goro’s beauty routine
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trickshim · 5 years
all of shido’s blood money goes directly to goro’s beauty routine
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trickshim · 5 years
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     despite being dead, &. virtually nobody in the public light, that didn’t keep the ( ex ) detective from spending a good hour fixing up his face. everyday, he thought about cutting his hair. everyday, he watched his hair stay the same. his appearance was important, yes, but relatively less so, as justice never was stopped for a quick selfie anymore. he hated himself for missing the fickle feeling of fake love.
    unable to focus on the strangling weight of his emotions &. the noose along each one, goro let himself be carried to work. letting his face contort back into a smile, to please the faces of those that came in came as second nature, similar to a second skin. 
    it was more calming than detective work, working under a florist. less time to think too, mind full of arrangements &. being perfect on each order. it was similar to detective work in the way his bones ached &. that he could barely keep his likable self together. so much, that he was sure stumbling down old roads he never dare visit was a dream, one fueled by an itch two years old. after all, if this is a dream, it wouldn’t hurt to go in, would it?
    goro akechi was an idiot, he deduced as the moment his foot entered, he felt a blade stab his heart. memories threatened to break him, as he stood up straight. “ it hasn’t changed much, has it? “ please hate me, the former detective thought. i won’t make it if you don’t.
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Another day at Leblanc, handling the late-night shifts so that Sojiro could go eat dinner with Futaba at a reasonable time for once. He didn’t mind in the slightest. The place relaxed him. It felt like home. Yet, at the same time, painful memories seemed to seep in every nook and cranny of the room. The chess set, the booths, the counter he now leaned on…. all of them carried memories of the one person he couldn’t quite save. 
All the same, he didn’t fully believe Akechi was dead. If Akechi was truly his rival, and his equal, whatever was behind that door wasn’t enough to kill him. Ren believed that sincerely, and waited for Akechi to one day visit. To one day come home. 
But it had been two years now. He had almost given up. If Akechi wanted to see him, he could have done any number of things by now. He could have texted him. He could have used his detective skills to hunt down his address and meet him. He could have simply shown up to Leblanc asking about him. But… nothing. He had to wonder if Akechi simply didn’t want to be found. 
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Ring ring, the bell attached to Leblanc’s door dragged him out of his mind. He gave the door a quick glance, expecting it to be another late-night customer. But the figure he briefly saw out of the corner of his eye made his heart nearly stop in his chest. He did a double-take. That was… 
Ren grabbed the countertop for support. This… this could not be happening. Not now. He wasn’t prepared for this. He’d been imagining what he’d say for years, but now that the man was right in front of him, his mind drew a complete blank.
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After a silence that seemed unbearably long, he finally said, “….Welcome home.” 
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trickshim · 5 years
In my dreams I am kissing your mouth and you’re whispering ‘where have you been?’ I say, ‘I’ve been lost but I’m here now. You’re the only person who has ever been able to find me.’
Sue Zhao (via blossomfully)
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trickshim · 5 years
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   ( Akechi has always struggled with his identity of romantic &. sexual feelings. he has had numerous relationships with various carefully picked guys, but still struggles with accurately identifying with being homosexual, much less a part of the lgbt community.
his first exposure to homophobia was his mother, &. though her small comments were born of ignorance, it still effected the impressionable mind as his mother was never bad or wrong.
the next few times were in various foster homes &. school. he has never been overly masculine, &. was bullied &. teased over it; some took to calling him gay or homophobic slurs. goro knew he liked boys, but never reacted to them aside from the first time in a foster home.
his first boyfriend was the only one that really left an imprint upon him. goro was eleven at the time &. his closest friend wasn’t really homosexual, but merely experimenting. this ended with goro being heartbroken, &. even more guarded than before.
even with therapy, goro takes awhile to comes to term of his identity of being gay. )
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trickshim · 5 years
Akechi: Booty shorts that read, "Do not resuscitate".
Ryuji: That only works if they find you ass up but I guess you have plans, huh?
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trickshim · 5 years
    In many ways, loki was goro’s ultimate persona.
no persona could fit his personality more-- someone bent on revenge, filled with fire and hate, yet putting on a facade able to even fool the smartest. goro is both robin hood ( / enkidu ) & loki, however he undoubtedly uses loki more, as that is his more predominant side.
in terms of having an actual ultimate persona though, that honor would go to fenrir, one of loki’s sons. both have various amount of parental issues ( goro’s mother’s suicide / fenrir’s mother’s inability to care enough to fight for him / shido being himself / loki being himself ), trust issues, being hurt & betrayed, as well as having an unhealthy obsession over revenge, even more so than loki. undoubtedly, the wolf of ragnarok is the best mythological figure to suit him.
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trickshim · 5 years
goro, snorting any attention he can get:
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trickshim · 5 years
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        an inquiry, if you will. what is your worst sin? not action, no no. in your professional, personal opinion, what are you?   greed?   gold and jewels always sparkle that certain way. but perhaps not– maybe   envy.   very, very close to greed, but more of a cowardice turn. no no, not that i’m calling you a coward, simply curious. then again, so many other things are enticing. perhaps your worst sin is   lust?   the desire for companionship, borderline murderous. oh, that’s a thought;   wrath   does suit your eyes well, burning with a different desire, though still primal by nature. speaking of primal, nothing is more primal than hunger– some even addicted to the sin of gluttony. or none of these– maybe your sin is the inability to do any of them.   sloth   is always enticing, the desire to lay down forever and sleep. but that doesn’t suit you. no, none of them do. i can see it, from your eyes to your fingertips. you are dripping with pride.
multimuse blog featuring sienna khan, crowned by skoll.
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trickshim · 5 years
my akechi’s confidants are currently: two fools ( protag + @tricksher ), one justice ( sae ), one lovers ( ann ), one judgement ( haru ), & one death ( futaba ).
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trickshim · 5 years
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    akechi’s muse has been all over recently but like this for an inbox invasion of one of his three personas ( enkidu, loki, medusa ) !
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trickshim · 5 years
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     > hello , i am skoll , bringing you a multi - muse blog , based in the rwby universe , with the blog only partly w i p ! characters currently include raven branwen , sienna khan , winter schnee , & velvet scarlatina ! if you’d be interested in interacting, i’d love if you could like / reblog this ! ty !!
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trickshim · 5 years
oh god oh fuck *falls in love with you the second you smile at me*
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