trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Hey, your writing is really good! Please keep up the awesome work! 👏
Thank you so much!
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
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Dylan Klebold’s cross.
Someone wrote “How can anyone forgive you?”, to which someone else replied “Through Jesus Christ that’s how!” before the writing was covered with a poster saying “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
The woman in the last picture was writing “evil bastard” on his cross and was begged to stop and to leave by students. She also defaced Eric’s cross.
Other things written on his cross:
“Jesus will forgive”
“May God bless + keep your family”
“Forgive but never forget!!!!”
“Shame on you DYLAN”
“A face of innocence-a heart taken by Satan…”
“Prayers for your family-their child is lost”
“May God have mercy on your soul”
“I forgive you”
“Sorry we all failed you”
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Lennart Persson, The Vampire
Responsible for murdering and drinking blood from his two foster sisters Camilla (34) and Anna (19). Also ate pieces of Anna’s body.
Gävle Sweden, March 30th & October 25th 2005.
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Something was wrong with Lennart’s legs when he was a kid and therefor he had to spend a lot of his childhood at the hospital. There are no specific details of what exactly had happened or what treatment he was receiving etc. There’s also no public explanation as to why he lived with a foster family.
People described Lennart as being different from a very young age, for example when kids would draw their snowmen with carrots for noses, Lennart colored his black and drew fangs. An old classmate said that most kids thought his family was weird and didn’t want to come over or even hang out with him. Lennart couldn’t make any friends so he spent most of his time with his family and siblings. He wasn’t social at all until he became a teenager, which is when he gained an interest for circuses, talked about how he loved country and told people he wanted to visit Nashville.
Around this time, his family became increasingly perceived as different. The school contacted the local health and environmental protection department to report that all of Lennart’s clothes would stink of cat urine every day. According to notes from the department, the stench of cat urine was terribly strong in the family house. There were piles of fecal matter and dried urine on all floors. They had over 60 starving cats with diseases, injuries and lumps of said feces in their fur.
When Lennart turned 18 years old his foster parents got him an apartment in Skutskär. He isolated himself and began to have thoughts of killing people.
In the police hearings Lennart mentioned that he was harassed by kids after moving out, for being introverted. They would pound and knock on his door, so one day he opened the door, grabbed two of the kids and threw them outside. He said he wanted to kill them, but grabbed a baseball bat and hit their parents front door until it broke instead. He said that if anyone had been around he would’ve beaten them to death. The parents decided not to report this incident to the police.
During that time, Lennart wasn’t seeing his two foster sisters Camilla and Anna very much, but they were often in his thoughts. He has always claimed that he never thought of them sexually, but during the investigation they found an anonymous letter with pornographic content that had been sent to Camilla. Whether it was proven to be written by Lennart is unclear. Either way, Lennart’s colleagues from a resturant that he had been working in claimed that Lennart had told them he got a 14 year old girl pregnant, but that he and his girlfriend would adopt the baby because the girlfriend was sterile. He told his colleagues that he lived with both of them and then showed them a picture of the two. Later, they were able to identify one of the two girls from the picture as Anna.
Lennart’s desire to kill kept increasing and he started to become scared of people. He said he couldn’t trust anyone and felt paranoid, and that he would always carry a knife in his pocket. At one point he started thinking he’d get worse if he stayed in the apartment, so he stopped paying rent until he was kicked out by the landlord so that he could move back to his foster parents. He lived in their shed and would only come inside the house to eat, shower and take care of a dog. He would often buy movies, and sometimes he’d sit and burn them up right outside the shed. No one in the family knew why, but they didn’t ask either.
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Anna & Camilla
30th of March 2005, Lennart took two buses to Sätra early in the morning to visit his sister Anna. He claims he had no bad intentions and went there to meet her newborn son. After coming inside, he and Anna went to the kitchen where she started talking about her life. Suddenly Lennart pulled out his knife and started stabbing her, ‘’I couldn’t stop. I just kept stabbing her’’. Tommie, Anna’s boyfriend, came to see what was going on. When he saw Anna on the floor and Lennart with a knife in his hand he got scared and fled the scene, ‘’He should’ve done something. He’s a coward. But I would’ve killed him too’’ Lennart said, ‘’Then I did the worst part of it all. I bent over her and started drinking her blood. Then I cut pieces of her’’. When he realized Anna was on the brink of dying, he grabbed her and hugged her. After some time had passed he lay her down and started looking for Anna’s baby with the intentions of killing him as well, but couldn’t find him. He got on the next bus, and as he sat down he heard the ambulance driving by and towards Anna’s place. When he got to the stop where he would switch to another bus, he ran towards a restroom at a library where he would wash his bloody hands. He was surprised that no one was reacting to his bloody clothes. When he got home, he kept a piece of his jacket to smell at the blood but got rid of the rest. The first night he stayed up all night, waiting for the cops, but they never came. Lennart claimed that there was no reason why he chose Anna, and had she not opened the door he would’ve picked someone else.
When he found out that Tommie had been arrested for the murder of Anna, he felt relieved and started making new plans. He made his own calendar and circled the date that he killed Anna and the day that would mark a year after. He had also marked 30th of October, planning to kill someone on halloween.
He attended Anna’s funeral and left flowers for her.
Tommie was held in custody under immense pressure from the police for two months before being released.
On the 25th of October 2005, Lennart felt that the urge to kill was unbearable. He had gotten close to hurting his family members and kids in the area many times. ‘’The day that it happened, I was driving around in Skutskär and looking for someone I could kill and drink blood from. I looked for children first but there was always a parent around which I’m glad for. Then I remembered Camilla’’.
Lennart then went over to Camilla’s place. She was doing the dishes when he came, and her daughter was at school. She had been surprised when Lennart came inside, asking why he came so suddenly. He took his newly bought knife and started stabbing her multiple times. Camilla begged him to stop, but when he did it was only to wash off the knife and his hands because the handle had become slippery. After that, he killed her before looking for her daughter. When he couldn’t find her he ran back to Camilla,’’I drank her blood. Then I went back to the bathroom to clean myself up’’. After a while he got on his bike and returned to his shed feeling happy, ‘’I’ve done it, I’ve consumed blood, I’ve satisfied myself and the demons have left me alone’’. When he’s back he burns his clothes, and at night he’s convinced that the cops are going to come and arrest him. But they don’t. ‘’I was scared I’d feel the urge again. In pure desperation to not kill again, to not harm a child, I tried to kill myself’’.
Lennart tried to commit suicide by drinking detergent and cutting his wrists. When he felt weak and dizzy, he went outside and saw police officers that were on their way to see him. 
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During interrogation Lennart confessed to drinking both of his foster sisters’s blood and eating pieces from Anna’s body. When he was asked why he never reached out for help, he responded that he had always been afraid to do so and thought he would get better if he kept himself away from others, isolating himself.
Lennart went through psychiatric investigation after being arrested and was considered to be a seriously psychologically disturbed person.
Lennart was sentenced to involuntary psychiatric care without possibility of being released without approval from court. There’s a reassessment every six months.
Three months after the verdict Lennart had asked for permission to visit his family, but it was denied. He hasn’t asked to leave the hospital since.
In 2009 he was still considered as psychologically disturbed as when he was committed four years earlier.
‘‘Naturally I hope I’ll get better, but it’s going to take a long time before I get out of here. I think I have to stay at least 14-15 more years’‘ he told a news source (also in 2009). He also says he doesn’t feel like he’s gotten any better yet, ‘‘I think and dream a lot about blood and murder. It’s very vampire-y. There’s not a single day that I don’t feel the thirst for blood. I may think it’s gross, but I can’t do anything about it’’. He claims he thinks about Anna and Camilla frequently, ‘‘I feel a little regretful sometimes. My dark side led me to a path there was no return from. I can understand what I’ve done and why. They were easy targets, it’s that simple’‘. During the interview they noticed that Lennart was talking fast and smoothly. He wasn’t hiding anything and even sounded proud when he said ‘‘I’m a vampire and a cannibal, I realize that. Sometimes I do think that it’s an awful thing to feel thirst for blood’‘.
‘‘I have it good here. Nowadays I’m allowed to be around the other patients. During the first year I was locked in my room and isolated’‘ he said, ‘‘I also have daily telephone contact with my family, and sometimes they come to visit me. The doctors say it’s good that I’m not thirsty for blood constantly. But if you’re a vampire then you’re a vampire, there’s nothing to do about it’‘.
In 2013 Lennart’s condition had been stabilized through medication, but was still considered to have a high risk of committing violent crimes if released. The compulsory psychiatric care was to be continued.
There are no recent public news about what or how Lennart is doing now.
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Guide to Surviving a School Shooting
(Taken from sources online and survivors of such tragic events!)
- First sign of an active shooter and you’re in a classroom: lock the door, turn off the lights, get as far away from the door as possible, use any object available to cover your body/head. Turn the desks sideways and use them as a barricade. Books. Filing cabinets. Shelves.
- If you’re hiding in a classroom and you hear someone say “POLICE! OPEN UP.” Do not open that door! Shooters often impersonate the police in order to get people to open the door.
- If you find yourself outside when the shooting takes place: run to the nearest road/shop/establishment while calling authorities.
- If you’ve found a hiding place, turn your phone on silent/‘do not disturb’
- Avoid videoing the shooting. This gives you tunnel-vision and may take you out of survival mode!
- Know your exit strategy: Make sure you know where your exits are and RUN.
- FIGHT. If unable to run or hide, and you come face to face with the shooter. Fight! John Bruner, a 20-year law-enforcement veteran who is the former Chief County Detective with the Greene County (Pa.) District Attorney’s Office.. “you have to fight for your life,” Scissors, hot coffee, the coffee carafe, other glass objects from an office pantry, for example. Fire extinguishers, either engaged or as a weapon to inflict blunt force trauma, are good. Books, Chairs, Shoes, FISTS.
- He also states, ”Most people who are shot by a gun survive. So understand that and cling to that. Just keep fighting. … You want to buy time. You want to distract this person, because it’s going to take police three or four minutes to get there.“
- If you’re running away from the shooter, run in a Zig-Zag!! This lessens the chances of getting shot in areas that may be fatal. The fatal areas are the torso, head and back: if you can, use your hands to cover these areas.
- If you find yourself in the hallway and the shooter is firing their gun (if you can’t run), play dead! Make sure your body is facing down so you can breathe/blink without fear of doing so. It is more likely than not that they won’t shoot you as they want to preserve their bullets.
- If you see/ hear anything, report it! Action is key in a school shooting, time is precious. The first sign of something “not quite right” report it and call authorities.
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* these are obviously tips and some guidance. In the actual moment of a shooting, trauma and fear set in and actions become unpredictable *
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
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Anthony Borges on the cover of New York magazine, he was shot 5 times by Nikolas Cruz with an AR-15 at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting in Parkland, Florida on the 14th of February, 2018 at just 15 while protecting other 20 students by holding the door.
He is currently being homeschooled and is uncertain about when he’ll go back to school, “I don’t want to, I don’t feel safe” he said.
This cover aims to show the reality of school shooting victims, RIP to those who are no longer with us! 💓👼🏼
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Jonna Henningsson
responsible for the murder and dismemberment of her ex boyfriend’s girlfriend.
Askersund Sweden, June 18th 2014.
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Nothing was off about Jonna, she was described as a very happy, outgoing and even slightly childish but fun friend by people who knew her. Her teacher was sure Jonna would be doing really well because she was a motivated student with perfect grades. She also has an older sister whom she idolizes, however during her childhood their parents got divorced and Jonna has revealed that growing up she was told that being visibly sad was a sign of weakness.   Some backstory:
Late summer of 2013, Jonna fell in love with Peter. She had never been as in love with anyone else, but things got complicated quickly when she found out that he was seeing another girl. At some point she got pregnant, but Peter didn’t want the baby so Jonna lied about getting an abortion. A few weeks later she had a miscarriage, and she and Peter were talking less. Jonna was coping by going out to bars and used dating apps to meet new guys, but no one was like Peter.  During the late spring of 2014, Jonna was so jealous and desperate for Peter’s attention that she cut her lower belly and stitched it back up and lied to Peter saying she had some sort of ovarian surgery. Jonna thought he’d feel sorry for her and take care of her, but instead Peter asked her to leave him alone. From June 14th to the 17th Jonna starts to search disturbing things on google, such as ways to kill someone, injecting poison and suicide autopsies to name a few. She also looks up information on Emma, the girl Peter was dating.
In the early morning of 18th of June 2014, Jonna was outside Peter’s apartment with a plan to stage Emma’s suicide. She was going to knock her out with a single blow to Emma’s head with a hammer, inject alcohol and sleeping aid, place her body on a train track and leave a bottle of vodka nearby. But when Jonna strikes the back of Emma’s head with her hammer, Emma doesn’t pass out but starts screaming instead. They start fighting until Emma falls. Jonna then drags her into the bathroom. The doorbell starts to ring, and Emma is still screaming for her life. Jonna takes her knife and stabs Emma 17 times, but she keeps fighting. Jonna then gets up and grabs a new knife from the kitchen, which kills Emma with a single last thrust. By that point the doorbell had gone quiet. Jonna quickly realizes that it’s impossible for her to carry Emma’s body by herself due to the weight, and this is when she decides that she’s going to dismember Emma’s body. She drives the 3 miles back to her place, picks up a saw and large ikea bags. On her way back to Peter’s apartment she gets pulled over for driving too fast, but is soon back on the road with a fine.  Back in the apartment, Jonna dismembers Emma’s body into four parts with her saw. She places the body parts in the ikea bags and leaves them in the trunk of her car. Then she cleans the apartment, and before she leaves she makes sure to knock at the neighbors door to inform them that everything is alright and that she just had a fight with another girl. After that, Jonna drives to work. Peter calls her during her shift and wonders if she has heard anything from Emma, Jonna get’s panicky and leaves work early. She drives north and into a forest. By this point Jonna is too exhausted both mentally and physically to dig holes for the bags, so she places them by a tree and covers them up with leaves and twigs. When she’s back home, she calls her sister and tells her she went to Peter’s place to pick her stuff up, but had to stab Emma in self defense when she started attacking Jonna. She says she left but later went back to check up on her, only to find the apartment empty. Jonna’s sister says ’’Call the cops. They’ll find her, it’ll be alright’’ and so she does. Dejan (cop) arrives around 9pm and starts interrogating Jonna. At first she feeds him the same lie, but when Dejan questions how Jonna had gotten inside the apartment to check on Emma and she becomes really tense, he starts to shout at her that she has to be honest. Jonna puts her head in her hands and confesses to murdering and dismembering Emma.  At 12.36am a police dog locates the bags in the forest. The cop sees a hand sticking out of the pile of leaves. The injuries Emma suffered include: Six wounds on the back of the head with underlying soft tissue bleeding. Fracture to the roof and base of the skull. Cerebral bleeding and bruising of frontal and temporal lobe. Seventeen different areas with sharp edged wounds on the neck, lower face, throat and the back of the right hand with underlying soft tissue wounds. Injured air pipe, one knocked out tooth and wounded right carotid artery. During the investigation it was determined that it took a long time for Emma to die and that she must’ve suffered and experienced agony. The neighbor testifies hearing screaming for approximately 20 minutes.
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Now: Jonna is currently serving life in prison for the murder of Emma in Sweden’s highest security facility for women. She’s been causing trouble by refusing to take provided drug tests, setting off alarms and even fell in love with a friendly inmate who got so uncomfortable she had to ask to get away from Jonna. Jonna then started sending a lot of letters, declaring her love in one but threatening to send contacts to hurt the inmate’s little brother in the next. The inmate was granted a restraining order and hasn’t heard from her since. Jonna reads a lot about Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, and when asked why, her only answer is ’’History’’.
Emma and Peter are not real names, fake ones were used in all of the reports to protect their identities. Jonna was 24 years old at the time of the crime. Emma was 22. - sorry for any grammar or spelling errors. It was particularly hard to translate the injuries, so if something is described incorrectly please let me know.
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Vladislav Roslyakov (Short bio)
Name: Vladislav Roslyakov
Born: 2 May 2000
Parents: Galina Roslyakova (mother) & Igor Roslyakov (father)
Died: 17 October 2018 (Age: 18)
Cause of Death: Self inflicted gunshot to the head
Famous for: On the 17th October 2018, Vladislav Roslyakov walked in Kerch Polytechnic college in Crimea, Russia armed with a 12-gauge shotgun of which he used to shoot and kill many individuals at his college after a large bomb of which he had placed in the cafeteria exploded, injuring many.
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Extra information:
. Vladislav was not very popular at school due to him being fairly unsociable and not coming from a background as wealthy as many other students.
. His attack at Kerch Polytechnic College was heavily inspired by the massacre of which happened at Columbine High School in 1999.
. Vladislav’s mother is a nurse, she was treating many victims of the attack before she knew that her son was the shooter.
. Vladislav’s childhood was highly centered around religion, as his mother was a Jehovah’s witness. In fact, Vladislav was not able to get a computer until he was much older due to the fact that his father thought that they had something to do with the devil.
. Vladislav stole money from his grandmother to help pay for his ammunition for the attack.
. Not long before the attack, Vladislav burned almost all of his things, nobody is exactly sure why.
. Although he has not been diagnosed with any mental disorders yet, Vladislav showed signs of abnormal behavior at a young age, as he would reportedly be cruel to animals.
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Las Vegas, One Year On.
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Today marks exactly one year since the Las Vegas Mass Shooting. 58 were killed and over 500 were injured. It is to date the worst mass shooting in United States history. This is the entire victim list. May they all rest in peace.
Hannah Lassette Ahlers, 34
Heather Lorraine Alvarado, 35
Dorene Anderson, 49
Carrie Rae Barnette, 34
Jack Reginald Beaton, 54
Stephen Richard Berger, 44
Candice Ryan Bowers, 40
Denise Burditus, 50
Sandra Casey, 34
Andrea Lee Anna Castilla, 28
Denise Cohen, 58
Austin William Davis, 29
Thomas Day, Jr., 54
Christiana Duarte, 22
Stacee Ann Etcheber, 50
Brian S Fraser, 39
Keri Galvan, 31
Dana Leann Gardner, 52
Angela C Gomez, 20
Rocio Guillen, 40
Charleston Hartfield, 34,
Christopher Hazencomb, 44
Jennifer Topaz Irvine, 42
Teresa Nicol Kimura, 38
Jessica Klymchuk, 34
Carly Anne Kreibaum, 34
Rhonda M LeRocque, 42
Victor L Link, 55
Jordan McIldoon, 24
Kelsey Breanne Meadows, 28
Calla-Marie Medig, 28
James Melton, 29
Patricia Mestas, 67
Austin Cooper Meyer, 24
Adrian Allan Murfitt, 35
Rachael Kathleen Parker, 33
Jennifer Parks, 36
Carolyn Lee Parsons, 31
Lisa Marie Patterson, 46
John Joseph Phippen, 56
Melissa V Ramirez, 26
Jordyn N Rivera, 21
Quinton Robbins, 20
Cameron Robinson, 28
Tara Ann Roe, 34
Lisa Romero-Muniz, 48
Christopher Louis Roybal, 28
Brett Schwanbeck, 61
Bailey Schweitzer, 20
Laura Anne Shipp, 50
Erick Silva, 21
Susan Smith, 53
Brennan Lee Stewart, 30
Derrick Dean Taylor, 56
Neysa C Tonks, 46
Michelle Vo, 32
Kurt Allen Von Tillow, 55
William W Wolfe, Jr., 42
Rest in peace angels, this has gone on far too long. 
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