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( @lunarxdaydream ) asked:
“I … still can’t believe it.” Eyes continued to glimpse between the men; from the bridge of their nose to the very hue of their hair and eyes, every feature is frightening similar. How could it be? Sebastian, far as she understood, only had two sisters and yet … “and that is your natural color?” (Bella - Sebby & Benedict)
Thread Continuation

Benedict rubs nervously at the back of his neck, still trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. It seemed... impossible. Yet here was this man who looked just like him. Even down the very things that had seemed so unique but moments ago. “Y-yes, actually. Its puzzled even doctors before, they’ve tried to figure out what causes such a mutation but they came up with nothing and I just assumed it was only me.” Sea foam irises gaze over Sebastian from head to toe, “do you know what causes such odd features?”
Sebastian’s lips part, but nothing comes out for a moment. Still shocked by what he was seeing. “I um... well, doctors will never be able to figure it out. It is... not something that needs to be figured out. It’s just a gene, simply put. But one that is not common. Incredibly rare, actually.” Sebastian takes a glance around, eyes landing on an empty booth towards the back. “Can we... sit there to talk about this? I’d rather not where there are so many who can overhear us.”
Benedict shifts to eye the booth before nodding. “Of course.” As they made their way to the booth, Sebastian moves aside to allow Bella to sit first before sitting beside her.

“There is a lot of history to these genetics, one that I can’t easily explain but I must ask... you don’t know where you get this gene from? Your parents or siblings maybe?” Vivid brow raises, still amazed by the sight before him that the prince couldn’t take his eyes off the other.
A hard swallow from Benedict follows Sebastian’s questioning, eyes glimpsing to the side to stare out the window. “Well, I don’t know because I can’t remember. Not long ago, I was found unconscious and when I came to, I had no memories of my life before that moment. Nothing really felt familiar, nothing pulled on a memory, until now. Until you.”
#Sebastian ( inquiries )#Benedict ( Inquiries )#Bella ( lunarxdaydream )#lunarxdaydream#( answered )
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my hand idk ଘ( ິ•ᆺ⃘• )ິଓ
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❝It feels like.. we’re the last people left on Earth.❞ ― ✧ 86; EPISODE 10: “Thank You”
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Tie his hands above his head and use him like he's a dildo you just stuck to the wall
#Solairtum ( interests )#Laguna ( interests )#Cicero ( interests )#Rex ( interests )#Icarus ( interests )#Zale ( interests )#Octavius ( interests )#Queue#( nsfw )
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We dream in our waking moments, and walk in our sleep. - The Scarlet Letter.
Happy birthday @fyodcrs !!! 💕✨
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“Why would …” Words trail off as he takes in every change of her expression. The warmth in glimmering gems are filled with panic. Unease. The very reflection of her soul and as much as it pained him, he couldn’t force the subject. Not if it brought her such discomfort. The natural smile, the way it graced those gentle lips, are nothing more than a distant memory to the woman before him. Who she is … – is it really so traumatic?
– But who is he to prod on a sensitive subject?
“… Selestiana,” Her fingers are cradled; a kiss laid upon them with all the tenderness he could muster. Oh what he wouldn’t give to listen to her laugh again. To be the one to wipe away the fear from those eyes … “We don’t have to talk about it.” Not if it meant she will suffer like this. What sort of man would he be to put her through something her heart wasn’t ready for?
“I just want you to know that my feelings for you … they’re going to be there, whether I know the truth or not. Can you take solace in that at least?”
Tenderness takes form in a curl of pink lips, his soft touch settling the surge of anxiety that had just taken over. How easily he calms her. How easily she believes him. Why wouldn’t she? He’d never given her a reason not to. Always so honest, so kind. “But... I do want to.” Vivid irises stare into the warm pools of his eyes, as if willing herself to go through with it. She knew he’d have to find out eventually. Surely, he already knew something wasn’t normal about her and yet still he accepts her.
Her hand returns his hold. “I want you to know everything there is to know about me. I know you are too kind and you are so wonderful, you could never do something like that yet still I worry. Perhaps it is my fear or losing you that wages war with my heart and wins against what I already know. What I feel.”
She shifts just a bit closer, her free hand raising to cup his cheek. “I am not normal. Nor am I human.” A deep breath is taken, patiently waiting for his reaction. Anything to signal for her to continue.
#Selestiana ( threads )#{ Selestiana & Greyson }#Greyson ( lunarxdaydream )#lunarxdaydream#( threads )
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( @lunarxdaydream ) asked: “Oops” (Corianne)
Send oops for your muse to catch mine in just a towel // Still accepting
Fist tightened around the knot of his towel, eyes landing on Corianne in subtle surprise. “You… are early.” Not that he minded any, in fact he rather appreciated it but he had only just started to get ready. “My apologies, I merely need to dress and I’ll be ready. I hope you do not mind waiting for me.” This was a first for him, really. He was always the first one ready to go, it was a part of his training and honestly, how he preferred it. What he was used to. “You can… help yourself to anything you’d like. I’d get you something myself if I weren’t-…” a hand softly waves to his state of undress.
#Theodore ( inquiries )#Corianne ( lunarxdaydream )#lunarxdaydream#( answered )#{ Theodore & Corianne }
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Do these boys have ANY idea the amount of orbs it took to 10+ them 😭💖🌟
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i honestly don’t like this mb anymore, but it’s got so many notes, i don’t want to delete it
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( @lunarxdaydream ) continued from x
Her touch, so soft and light, nearly startled the general. It was something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Not since he’d become a royal guard. Touch was... reserved. Especially not among his usual company. Though he knew Sebastian never would have minded, it was rule he refused to break. Only touch when it was to protect.
Vivid greens stare down at the hand on him, distracting as it was still he managed to listen as the words she spoke hit home. He knew he wasn’t the... most outgoing person. Easily ignored or overlooked. Easily forgotten to most. His silent ways tended to either bore or intimidate others and while that was a part of being who he was, this was why he had no relationships outside of the royal family. Except for Corianne.

It always surprised him how she was so willing to spend time with him. He barely spoke, was blunt, but perhaps she could still see that he was a person, a man of good intentions even if unable to truly understand how to show them. Though, before he could dwell any further on that train of thought, her next words had all sense of thought grinding to a halt.
‘… I … like you … as you are.’
Unexpected, more so than the touch. But was he... understand her right? Why was there this sudden warmth pooling within his chest? Sensations he’d never felt before swirling around within his stomach? But wait... no, she couldn’t mean like that. Not like... Sebastian and Bella. He tried to think back to all of their interactions, to the countless time they’ve spent together. There was nothing there to suggest... anything like that.
Yet still his heart didn’t pause. The only option he had was to ask. “Like me as I am... as a friend? Or do you mean more than that?” Then again, didn’t they technically go on a date? That was a part of a relationship that was more than friends... or was he still misunderstanding things?
#Theodore ( threads )#{ Theodore & Corianne }#Corianne ( lunarxdaydream )#lunarxdaydream#( threads )
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( @lunarxdaydream ) asked: ❛ what are you so afraid of? ❜ (Greyson)
For the damaged sentence starters // Still Accepting
She hadn’t thought of it that way, but he had a point. She was afraid. Of so many different things but the most... was losing him. “Rejection.” Her voice is soft, lavender irises aimed downward as hands clench within her lap. “Loss.” A sigh is released, how could she put to words all that she felt, all her worries if she told him the truth? Would he outright think she had gone mad? That she was crazy? A truth as outrageous as hers... well, she couldn’t blame him if he were to believe she was or that she was lying.
“Who I am... it’s complicated.” Selestiana’s gaze lifts, eyes meeting his as she leans forward. Palm presses to his cheek as she allows a small smile to appear. “Not that I don’t trust you, that will never be the issue. But... you may not see me the same way once you know. You are the first to see me for me. I don’t want that to change. I don’t want you to change. Not how you see me or the way you treat me. I guess I am also afraid that things won’t be the same. There are so many ways this could go wrong.”
#Selestiana ( inquiries )#Greyson ( lunarxdaydream )#lunarxdaydream#( answered )#{ Selestiana & Greyson }
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