transformersrvoid ¡ 1 year
Racing Partner
(Mirage x Reader)
Synopsis: You're a racer and every time you race there is one opponent in particular that never fails to capture your attention- and whoop your ass at the same time. Although nobody knows who the racer is.
Warnings: None, bad writing perhaps
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It was here once again, the only one other person who could give you a run for your money. That same silver-coloured vehicle you’d seen countless times before gradually pulling up to the raceway, dim streetlights barely illuminated the blue stripe down the center of it, window tint a little too dark to view the racer within.
Having rolled the windows of your own vehicle down you gave your opponent a loud whistle, lips curling into an excited smile.
Whoever drove the Porsche Carrera easily reflected your excitement with a loud rev, the darkened windows rolling down only an inch as music loudly blared out from within the vehicle. Year-old American hip-hop tricked out the window as an all too familiar tune from Salt’n Pepa’s shoop played, the song itself having you bobbing your head along to the song for a second.
“Oh, I’m going to wipe the pavement with you this time.” Your smile shifted into a grin upon stating that, the engine of your own vehicle revving in tandem with your opponent.
Returning your attention to the road ahead your fingers curled around the plush-covered steering wheel tightly, eyes watching as a flag was raised- then dropped in the same instance. Your foot slamming down onto the gas sending the car rocketing forward, your opponent doing to same.
So say your heart was hammering against your chest would be an understatement, the thrill of a race was always something that got the adrenaline pumping- that and the addition of your favorite competitor? Even better.
No matter how many times you’d raced the silver Porsche, you’d never met the driver- although that didn’t stop you both from having your fun. The mystery behind the driver seemed like something that kept you entertained, excitement rising quickly each time it showed up despite knowing your chances of talking to them were slim to none.
The mystery is what kept things fun, but you’d be lying if you weren’t desperate to meet the crazy driver.
Glancing towards your side mirror your lips twitched up a bit upon seeing the Porsche’s nose falling back, the headlights nearly coming into view before it’d taken a sharp right. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow as it seemingly took a different route than the designated track.
Returning your attention to the road ahead your foot pressed harder onto the gas, hand pushing and pulling the gear stick in tune with pushing and releasing the clutch.
Continuing on your own route your eyes took in the finish line, the ending of the track having been made in a drained water reserve, curved walls lined the entire perimeter and you never gave it a second thought had a set of headlights not shot out from the top of the reserve.
Unable to hold back the laugh in disbelief you watched your opponent speedily race down the side wall, its tires coming to a screeching halt as it’d passed the finish line before you had.
Stepping on your own breaks once the race was open you’d popped out of your car trailing over towards the Porsche, hands raising to give the driver around of applause. “Damn, that was- fucking sick.”
At your words, the vehicle revved once more.
“Same time next week?” Despite knowing you wouldn’t get a verbal response yet another rev met your ears; a smile quickly making its way onto your lips as you watched it begin pulling out of the crowded area.
A few days after your race, you found yourself pulling into a local grocery store; eyes lighting up at the sight of a familiar blue-striped vehicle parked off to the side. Creeping up your own vehicle to park beside it you popped out of the driver, eyes trailing across the glossy surface confirming with yourself that it was the same car.
“Damn.” Leaning against the side of your own car while still taking in the other your eyes drifted up at the sound of someone approaching, the sight of a man carrying a few bags drew closer till eventually, you realized he’d stopped by the driver's side. “Excuse me?”
Noting that you’d caught his attention you spoke once more, “This your car?”
“Oh uh yeah it is.”
“You go to Rally Point?”
Hearing you ask that he couldn’t help but look confused for a second, a ‘no’ initially wanted to leave his lips before the driverside door opened smacking into him. “Yeah uh that’s where I go,” Holding back a groan at the impact of the metal door he nodded his head trying to play it off. “You go there too- right?”
There was some suspicion you had about the guy, however, some excitement overshadowed that suspicion. “I do, actually- damn it’s good to finally meet the guy who kicks my ass each time.”
Glancing towards the vehicle separating the both of you, he sucked in a breath. “Aha yeah,” Leaning over the hood a bit he held out a hand. “Noah.”
Taking his hand in your own you leaned over the hood as well, the edges of your lips quirking up. “(Y/N).” Giving your own name your hand fell from his, palm pressing against the hood of his car. “Some car you’ve got, what is the horsepower like? 3.8 or 3.9 litre? This is a Porsche, right? I’ve never seen that kind of logo before.” Unable to help yourself from spitting out questions you found yourself rounding the car a bit, fingers still trailing across the hood coming to rest on the crest upfront.
Waiting for an answer you seemed to snap out of whatever strange mood you were in, realizing how rude everything must’ve come across considering he had some groceries sitting at his feet.
“Shit, I’m sorry that’s a little rude of me- I’ll let you be on your way.” Pulling your hand away from the warm hood you spared Noah an apologetic smile.
“Oh no worries, I mean I guess uh I’ll see you next time.”
“Yeah for sure!” Excitedly hopping back into your own vehicle you’d spared him a quick wave, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main stretch.
Waiting for you to fully leave Noah nearly threw his groceries into the backseat, practically slamming the door closed behind him. “The hell was that? Are you street racing now? I thought you were supposed to lay low?”
Without twisting the key, the car rumbled to life, the engine purring loudly as the needle of the radio began moving, another voice filling the interior. “What? I can’t help it- you’re so boring sometimes I gotta find myself some entertainment.”
“And that?” Noah raised a hand motioning towards where the now empty parking spot was. “What was that?”
“She was kinda hot, right?” Upon hearing no response the radio spoke once more. “Aw come on, gotta get the Energon pumping.”
“Mirage-” “Am I not allowed to have a life of my own? I thought you were my man- my compadre, my wingman- come on Noah.”
With a loud groan Noah shook his head, a mixture between a scoff and laugh left him in response.
“Fine. But if we- you get caught, you’re on your own.”
Once again, the crowds of the starting line welcomed you. Today you were merely there as a watcher instead of racer, however, when you’re eyes found the headlights of a familiar silver Porsche. This time around it parked farther away from the finish line and the driverside side door popped open, the man you’d met a day or so ago sparing you a wave.
Giving him a wave back you figured that’d be it for the interaction, but when he’d started approaching your interest grew a little.
“Hey so, I was thinking-” Trying to figure out how to say what he was thinking Noah mentally cussed out his vehicle for a second. “What if you took him for a spin.”
“You’re joking.”
The deadpanned look you gave his suggestion had him stumbling over his words for a minute, quickly trying to recollect himself. “Well we’ve been racing each other for a while, so I thought you’d maybe wanna take it for a spin?”
“And you’re serious?”
“Yeah yeah go and uh do what you’d usually do.”
It was strange for someone you’d just met to insist on you taking their car out for a spin- especially considering you were sure he paid an arm and a leg for it- however from the number of times you’d lost to the pair, you’d be stupid to not take up the offer.
Accepting the keys and trading your own to him you found yourself nestled within the plush leather driver's seat, a part of you feeling nervous about sitting in the vehicle while another part felt giddy- like a little girl getting her first Barbie.
Sucking in a breath you gave the ignition key a twist, the sound of the engine roaring to life right away had you grinning in excitement. The beginning notes of Nirvana’s smells like teen spirit quietly thrummed from the speakers, your hands coming to trace themselves across the leather wrapped tightly around the steering wheel.
“Damn, you’re something.”
The engine practically revved in response.
Putting the car into gear your foot tapped against the gas gradually bringing it towards the starting line. From the way Noah spoke, you assumed he was letting you take his spot in the race for today- which you had absolutely no problem doing.
With the drop of the flag, it had felt like the car started before you’d even pressed down on the gas.
Actually, scratch that- the car was moving, even without you pressing on the gas.
Despite your hands being firmly wrapped around the wheel it seemingly turned on it’s own, the vehicle veering off the main track speedily- however despite the strange circumstances you could only grow a smile in excitement.
The radio belted out K7’s most recent song ‘Come Baby Come’, all the while the windows gingerly rolled down.
Shifting against the seat you could feel the seatbelt tighten a little as the vehicle took a sharp left, the lights of the raceway coming back into view as a familiar slanted wall greeted your gaze. Nearly flying over the edge of it the car's tires screeched against the pavement, windows rolling back up as it came to a full stop.
Taking a moment to let your excitement wear off you unbuckled, fingers lingering across the steering wheel before coming to rest on the open door once you’d stepped out.
Scanning the crowd your eyes right away found Noah, the brunette having been leaning against your own vehicle awaiting your arrival. “Noah,” Calling out you jogged over motioning towards the Porsche. “That was sick- how were you driving that?”
At the mention of that Noah cursed internally, a hand was raised to rub the back of his neck while the other took back his keys. “Oh that, well it can be operated remotely- like an RC car, you know.” He let out a forced laugh adding on once again. “Put it together myself, I am a bit of a mechanic- sort of.”
“Honestly that's impressive.” Taking back your own vehicles keys as they were handed back you flashed him a smile, “Wanna trade cars again sometime?”
He gave an airy laugh at this, sweat trickling down the side of his face. “Maybe.”
Chatting a bit more the two of you inevitably swapped numbers before parting ways, it was exciting on your end not only to meet the driver of the Porsche but be able to ride in it yourself. The experience quite unique in itself and something you’d brought up the next few occasions that you’d decided to invite Noah out.
You thought he was a chill guy, a bit tense here and there but overall it seemed like there was a steady friendship beginning to form.
Inevitably he’d warmed up a bit and you’d taken a few drives together- however, during those drives, you couldn’t help but notice the difference in handling. A part of you began to doubt whether or not Noah was actually the person you raced frequently considering his overly courteous and jerky way of driving, a stark comparison to the smooth and speedy way your opponent drove.
Although maybe you were just overthinking it, it could’ve just been a different mindset on the track is all.
Having been in the garage working on some other projects Noah’s phone rang loudly, the noise halting the conversation he was having with his companion- who in turn questioned who it was nosily. “It’s (Y/N)- just, be quiet.” Holding a hand up to make sure nothing would be said in the background he pressed ‘answer’.
“Hey Noah you at the garage right now?” With a quick confirmation, you continued. “My car has been acting up a bit lately and I need to get it checked- these other mechanics are trying to charge me an arm and a leg for it so I thought I’d just ask you.”
Behind the phone, Noah shook his head towards the nods and waves of his metallic companion, the guy mouthing a few words before answering you. “Yeah sure, I don’t mind taking a look.”
“Really? Ah thanks man, you’re the best- I’ll be there in ten.”
The phone connection cut out after that, Noah let out a loud sigh.
“This- this is my chance!”
Snapping up at the bots chipper voice he gave him a look, “Chance? No no no what do you mean chance?” Asking that loudly as to try and bring the bot back down to earth, blue optics stared down at him.
“Well her cars obviously busted- so,” With metallic digits, the bot motioned towards himself. “Who here is a car? Yours truly, and what other car is there to use while hers is being fixed?” Sensing that Noah would right away object to the idea he pressed his metal palms together in a sort of prayer. “Come on-”
“No, no way.”
“Noah, buddy, come on- I’ve helped you pick up girls? Just help a bot out here.”
Realizing that he was stuck there Noah let out a grumble, hands coming to run down the front of his face before pointing an accusing finger towards the bot. “Fine, but if anything goes wrong it’s on you- not me.”
“Roger that!”
A few minutes after the initial conversation you’d pulled up to the workshop, the tail end of your car emitting stiff grey clouds from the exhaust much to your clear dismay.
Having shared everything that’d been going wrong with the vehicle as of recently you found yourself leaning over its propped open hood, frustration was clearly evident on your face as Noah himself seemed perplexed at the different fixtures your engine had.
“Don’t you know anything about turbo engines? Doesn’t yours have one too?” As question after question flew from your lips Noah seemed more and more flustered at having to keep up this ruse- he knew cars yes, how to fix them- yes. But modifications specific to racing? Barely a clue.
Racking his brain for a way to avoid conflict he cleared his throat breaking you out of your train of thought. “Hey, why don’t you go for a drive or something? Clear your mind?” It was a reach but he’d hoped the prospect of taking his car out for another drive would be tempting.
Which it was.
“Fine. I’ll try not to be long.” Accepting the offer you snatch Noah’s keys and move off towards the silver Porsche you cracked open the door slipping inside. The plush seat much like before seemed to welcome you, an almost unnoticeable hum filling the cabin even before you started the vehicle.
With a twist of the key the engine rumbled to life, music filling the cabin much like before- had you not been fuming at the moment you might’ve asked what kind of mixtape Noah had and if you could swipe it one of these days.
Pulling out of the garage and onto the road your fingers clutched the steering wheel tightly, foot somewhat heavy on the gas as you muttered to yourself. “I just don’t understand how someone like that could know nothing about modifications but drive so- so well,” Beginning with that you scowled. “Must be cheating or something.”
As if those were the magic words, another voice cut in overtop of the music. “Nah nah, that was all me baby- Ain’t nobody a better driver.”
Your grip on the steering wheel slackened, skin paling a bit as your brain struggled to figure out what had just happened. There was no way this was happening.
“Well, the jig is up then,” The wheel was jerked out of your hands sharply, the car speeding up enough so that you’d slid fully back against the backrest. “About time honestly, Noah is such a drag sometimes- I need someone fun in my life.”
“Ya dig?”
Yet again there was no response from you, instead, just that same stunned silence as you tried to take in the situation. So Noah lied about this being a remotely operated car and it can talk- perfect, wow what a great way to start a friendship.
The car seemed to turn a few more times until it seemed to slow down as an empty loading bay came into view, turning to the side a bit the driverside door swung open- the seat practically pushing you out from within as a series of clicks and metal plates clanking into one another sounded.
Stiffly turning your head back to see what’d become of the former car your eyes ended up following the length of a humanoid form. Bits and pieces of the Porsche seemed to have deconstructed and reconstructed onto the vague shake of a person- or rather robot was your guess.
Something that had you both fascinated yet frightened in a perfect cacophony.
Noting the stunned expression on your face the bot gave a grin, metallic hands motioning towards himself. “What? Like what you see? So shocked that you can't speak? I gotcha.”
Sucking in a breath you ran your hands down your face for a second trying to recollect your thoughts and discern what exactly was happening. “I can’t comprehend what I see at the moment actually.”
Seeing the way you began to pace a little the bot crouched down, forearms leaning against the metal that made up his thighs. “It’s all good baby, take it all in- I’ve got all the time in the world.” Starting with that he then added on. “Names Mirage by the way, not that you would’ve found out any other way.”
At the introduction you nodded your head in understanding, your pacing came to a slow and you raised a hand pointing towards Mirage. “So you’re like- a robot? That can turn into a car?”
His expression seemed to brighten a bit at that, the bot folding his arms with a quick wave of his hand. “Sure if you want to be boring,” He’d unfolded them right after moving back to lean down to your height. “I’m an alien- well you’re also technically one to me too but you get the gist.”
Taking in that response you seemed to digest it quicker than the initial scare of things, your mind finally able to put together everything. “So you were the one I was racing this whole time?”
“You’ve got that right babe.”
Allowing everything to fully sink in you couldn’t help but let out a whistle, your gaze meeting with the glowing blue optics of Mirage. “Then you’re one hell of a driver.”
He seemed to thrive off that response, a quick wink being given before he shifted back into that familiar grey Porsche- popping open the driverside door.
“Right, you are again,”
“Now care for a ride hot stuff?”
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