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A project dedicated to identifying internet sex workers, models, and personalities who are transgender or transitioning.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
Natalia Hart is an online model.
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Natalia is actually very open about her trans status throughout her social medias; so it really wasn’t all that hard to confirm her status as transgender.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
SUSPECTED CIS- PARIS HERMS (Real Barbie of Berlin)
Paris is a popular online model.
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Some people may see Paris’ over-the-top appearance and immediately assume she is transgender or some type of drag queen. But there simply isn’t any evidence to support any of those theories. There also isn’t any evidence I have found that confirms her status as a cis woman either; so for now she must stay as suspected cis.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
CONFIRMED TRANS- Suzi (The Sphere Hunter)
Suzi is a YouTube personality, cosplayer, and artist.
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In 2016 Suzi made a very damning reply to a now deleted tweet speculating on her motives for cosplaying. As far as I can tell this is the only time she has publicly addressed the matter; although there is other evidence that could support her status as transgender.
For instance the unconventional spelling of her name as well as only being known as said name is a very common trend found among trans people.
Although what I believe to be the more conclusive piece of evidence is her NSFW art. She exclusively draws what she refers to on her NSFW Twitter page as “soft boi” subjects. Now although the majority of people who may enjoy this genre of erotica may not be trans or even queer by any means, the vast majority of trans people do consume this type of art.
This combined with her Tweet acknowledging her trans status, her unconventional name, only being known as said name, and her general androgynous appearance is enough for me to confirm her trans status.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
SUSPECTED CIS- Jessica Weaver
Jessica Weaver is a popular Instagram model.
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There isn’t much reason to think Jessica is anything but cis, but there isn’t any solid evidence I could find that confirms it. So for now her status must stay as suspected cis.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
Krissy Krave is an amateur instagram model.
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Krissy Krave is very active in the Breast Expansion/Size community, but specifically the Official Breast Expansion discord. She has mentioned previously being on hormones and growing breasts on several occasions but never anything definitively concluding she is transgender. She has claimed to be intersex although this could mean a variety of things which still puts her trans status into question. Until some definitive evidence comes to light her status will stay as suspected trans, although I suspect this will change in the future.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
CONFIRMED CIS- Karla Villagomez
Karla Villagomez is an amateur Instagram model.
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Karla posted a picture of her as an infant and addressed her cis status in response to a question about her biological sex in a Q and A on her story on her Instagram page; confirming her cis status.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
Nikita Dragun is a popular online beauty personality.
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Nikita Dragun posted a video on her instagram displaying her transition throughout the years, confirming her transition and trans status.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
How It Works
So this is how it’ll work:
There are 4 different levels of trans identification-
Confirmed Cis- This person is proven to be cis.
Suspected Cis- Thought to be cis but has not been proven.
Suspected Trans- Thought to be trans but has not been proven.
Confirmed Trans- This person is proven to be trans.
Any evidence of a subject’s status will be posted in the subject’s post. But how can such a thing be proven?
How Evidence works-
Well there are many things that can rise suspicion of a person being trans or not. But are are only a select few ways to confirm these things:
Pregnancy- If there is evidence of a subject having a womb this confirms their cis status. This can include evidence of the subject previously being or currently being pregnant. This also may include any evidence of taking any type of birth control.
Menstruation- Any evidence of menstruation or effects from menstruation confirms a subject’s cis status.
Genitalia- Evidence of a subject having or have had male genitalia confirms their trans status.
Pre-transition- Any evidence of a subject in pre-transition confirms their trans status.
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transdetector-blog · 6 years ago
  I believe in being as efficient as possible in all aspects of life, including the pornography/erotica you consume. So what better time and place than the beginning of Pride Month on Tumblr to launch THE TRANS DETECTOR, a project dedicated to identifying internet sex workers, models, or personalities who are transgender or in the process of transitioning.
  The biggest question people may have for this project is why. Why is there a need to identify trans people? Well there really isn’t; although when it comes to erotica or outright pornography people tend to be very picky about what they want to consume. Many people (including myself) simply aren’t into trans or what is commonly referred to TS/TG models, it’s an instant turnoff. Although some people are, for them it could be an instant turn on. This tool could benefit both of this people.
  So if this sounds like the type of project that would benefit you, please enjoy and feel free participate, this is a group effort after all. If you find some misinformation on this page or you have some new information of your own don’t hesitate to contact me at this account or at [email protected] with said information/evidence.
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